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The Official GTA: Chinatown Wars thread


I was really on the fence about this game, but after reading reviews and watching videos, this game might be way better than I expected. I also just realized I had $100 in Best Buy gift cards left. GTA + Suikoden = I forget to eat for the next week.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
You guys are really tempting me with your positive impressions. I was completely unsure of this until that one trailer with the car jumping off a ramp and through a billboard was released. I'm impressed and pleased that someone is taking mature gaming on a Nintendo console this seriously.


I just picked a random pedestrian and started shooting at him and he opened up with a Micro SMG! :lol

Now I have a machine gun. Ho Ho Ho.


I think the other thing thats really interesting to me is the point of view from the Triad and the Chinese in Liberty City. Should be cool.


Subete no aware
Flib said:
It's set up in the beginning that the main character is rich, so he would know English.

He would speak with a British accent, which you couldn't tell from the text anway.

See, he's still a Triad though. It's very possible that he went to a British run private school - assuming they still even exist after 97 anyway, but it's stretching the limits of believability. I mean, I look at the children of big HK movie stars now - who themselves would be rich - I'm pretty sure anyone wouldn't confuse their English with that of someone born and raised in NYC.

MattNY said:
I don't see it as a problem. I am just sitting back and enjoying it. Like you mentioned earlier, they were kind of damned either way they went with it and chose to take the illogical path over the offensive one. I think it was the right choice.

Yeah, I mean, I don't want to turn this into an "N'Gai" incident and I'm not trying to make it more of an issue than it is.
It's just interesting on an "academic" level, because we sort of went through this before with GTA: San Andreas when they decided to try to reproduce blackness and hip hop culture.
They went to the effort of making Niko and Roman "ethnic" characters... so why not these Chinese characters? They took the "illogical path" and even that choice is interesting to me.


billy.sea said:
I am fine with the PSP games, but they feel like a water-down version of console games.
The plots weren't as epic or interesting, but gameplay-wise, the PSP games were generally better than the originals. I mean, Vice City with swimming? That's crazy talk.


firehawk12 said:
Yeah, I mean, I don't want to turn this into an "N'Gai" incident and I'm not trying to make it more of an issue than it is.
It's just interesting on an "academic" level, because we sort of went through this before with GTA: San Andreas when they decided to try to reproduce blackness and hip hop culture.
They went to the effort of making Niko and Roman "ethnic" characters... so why not these Chinese characters? They took the "illogical path" and even that choice is interesting to me.
But those were all voiced, the console iterations. This is text. So much can be misconstrued.


Survives without air, food, or water
Got it a few hours ago, loving it so far. I can foresee many lost hours murdering innocents from the comfort of my DS. The style is great as well.


Subete no aware
hulot said:
But those were all voiced, the console iterations. This is text. So much can be misconstrued.

Yeah, totally, and I acknowledge that it's a concession they were forced to make because of the platform that the game is on.

I'm just in beard stroking mode at this point. :lol
I mean, if I were a "games journalist" I'd love to ask the Hausers about it, but all I can really do is just raise the issue since there aren't any answers forthcoming.
How exactly is the unlockable content thing supposed to work? I went onto the website, logged in and entered the code, then it says it's unlocked - wtf? does it, like, just show up when I log in playing the game or something?


firehawk12 said:
Yeah, I mean, I don't want to turn this into an "N'Gai" incident and I'm not trying to make it more of an issue than it is.
It's just interesting on an "academic" level, because we sort of went through this before with GTA: San Andreas when they decided to try to reproduce blackness and hip hop culture.
They went to the effort of making Niko and Roman "ethnic" characters... so why not these Chinese characters? They took the "illogical path" and even that choice is interesting to me.

Are you saying the logical path is to make him a non-descript Asian person? I can't tell.

I thought it was annoying that Niko and Roman were never explicitly identified, mostly because I'm not sure why they did that. I'm not sure if this is why they did that, but I don't think character development should be sold short for political correctness.
This game is so fuck awesome. Didn't even realize I could look in dumpsters for guns, drugs, and food. Hailing a taxi by whistling into the mic... That is awesome. I suggest everyone to turn on the top screen GPS. It draws small arrows on the road so you don't have to look down at the main GPS. Also you might want to turn the vehicle viewing distance while driving up +2. This will allow you to see more of the road while driving. I am loving this game. Job well done R* job well done


The 'H' stands for hentai.
This game is so fuck awesome. Didn't even realize I could look in dumpsters for guns, drugs, and food. Hailing a taxi by whistling into the mic... That is awesome. I suggest everyone to turn on the top screen GPS. It draws small arrows on the road so you don't have to look down at the main GPS. Also you might want to turn the vehicle viewing distance while driving up +2. This will allow you to see more of the road while driving. I am loving this game. Job well done R* job well done

Hot damn, this game sounds so awesome.


Death Prophet
Developers take notes. This is how you make an established franchise work on the DS.

I seriously may buy this now. I had no real interest in this until the reviews/impressions came in. Sounds awesome.


Subete no aware
Mamesj said:
Are you saying the logical path is to make him a non-descript Asian person? I can't tell.

I thought it was annoying that Niko and Roman were never explicitly identified, mostly because I'm not sure why they did that. I'm not sure if this is why they did that, but I don't think character development should be sold short for political correctness.

See, I'm not sure. I suppose ideally they'd just hire a Chinese American living in NYC to help them with the dialog - but then you get into the whole "FOB" vs "ABC" debate and you get more problems. I mean, one of the opening lines is "The last time I was in Liberty City, I had sex with a Swiss tourist and got crabs". Now I don't know if that's a sentence someone from HK would say, but to me it just sounds inauthentic. Not that their aren't "crabs" in China, I'm just not sure that Chinese people where would call them "crabs".

I guess if the character ends up essentially sounding like Dan Hauser pretending to be Chinese, why bother with the Chinatown setting or have a Chinese protagonist? Just make it a generic Italian American mobster story and leave it at that.

I'm going to finish the game before making any more judgments, but I'm already tired of cop shows where Chinese gangsters smuggle in Asian sex slaves to work in massage parlors... I really don't need to see that kind of story in video game form.

Eteric Rice

You guys are going to make me buy this, aren't you?

I can't believe it actually turned out well... Western developers take note!


Stoney Mason said:
Damn. I don't buy many ds games anymore but the impressions here are making me want this.

You really should. I am seriously enjoying myself. My favorite stuff so far:

  • Dumpster diving for weapons
  • The Go-Kart track minigames
  • Buying scratch off lotto tickets at the convenience store
  • Whistling for a cab by actually whistling
  • Rampage missions are back!!!!!
  • Safehouses with garages are back, and you get to purchase them
  • You can pop wheelies on motorcycles!(I was shocked when I tried this and it worked)
So awesome.
I played about the first three or four missions and it is pretty awesome.

Only thing that sucks is that I can't whistle to hail cabs!

Also, don't quite have the lock-on shooting mastered. Can't seem to ever shoot at the person I want to. Can I switch targets with the right bumper held down, or should I release and re-select?


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Wow, this game is freakin awesome.

Question- how do cars in garages work? If I take it out of the garage and blow it up/lose it in the city, is it gone for good?


MaizeRage25 said:
I played about the first three or four missions and it is pretty awesome.

Only thing that sucks is that I can't whistle to hail cabs!

Also, don't quite have the lock-on shooting mastered. Can't seem to ever shoot at the person I want to. Can I switch targets with the right bumper held down, or should I release and re-select?
Hold L plus the direction you want the lockon to snap to.

I like to game so far, but sometimes the controls just feel a little too cramped. I'm playing on a Phat, maybe that's why?


Flunkie said:
Hold L plus the direction you want the lockon to snap to.

I like to game so far, but sometimes the controls just feel a little too cramped. I'm playing on a Phat, maybe that's why?

Probably. The controls are nice on my DSL. I just wish my DSi were here already. ;)


firehawk12 said:
See, I'm not sure. I suppose ideally they'd just hire a Chinese American living in NYC to help them with the dialog - but then you get into the whole "FOB" vs "ABC" debate and you get more problems. I mean, one of the opening lines is "The last time I was in Liberty City, I had sex with a Swiss tourist and got crabs". Now I don't know if that's a sentence someone from HK would say, but to me it just sounds inauthentic. Not that their aren't "crabs" in China, I'm just not sure that Chinese people where would call them "crabs".

I guess if the character ends up essentially sounding like Dan Hauser pretending to be Chinese, why bother with the Chinatown setting or have a Chinese protagonist? Just make it a generic Italian American mobster story and leave it at that.

I'm going to finish the game before making any more judgments, but I'm already tired of cop shows where Chinese gangsters smuggle in Asian sex slaves to work in massage parlors... I really don't need to see that kind of story in video game form.

You're making a lot of generalizations about what a chinese guy would/wouldn't sound like and would/wouldn't/should/shouldn't do. you're doing what you don't want the game to do :lol On top of that, this guy starts out as a victim of his circumstances, he's not some lackey who's smuggling prostitutes. It seems like you're picking and choosing things you want to notice about him.

The game tells you that he's from a rich family, been to the country before, probably well educated and cultured in the first 10 minutes of the game. Sure he'll end up being a guy doing various jobs for various gangsters soon enough-- wouldn't be GTA without that happening, eh?


This game is so fuck awesome. Didn't even realize I could look in dumpsters for guns, drugs, and food. Hailing a taxi by whistling into the mic... That is awesome. I suggest everyone to turn on the top screen GPS. It draws small arrows on the road so you don't have to look down at the main GPS. Also you might want to turn the vehicle viewing distance while driving up +2. This will allow you to see more of the road while driving. I am loving this game. Job well done R* job well done

You just solved my main gripe with this game - viewing distance. Cheers guy.

edit: The game is great.
For those that have it- how's the sandbox compared to the console versions? A lot of the fun of GTA is that you could just boot it up and do absolutely nothing for an hour or two, just go on killing sprees and drive around, how does that hold up on the DS?


Getting busted with a satchel full of cheap acid suckkkkks. :lol

After all the gripes about the lack of stuff to do with your money in GTA4, they definitely figured out how to make money matter again.

BuddhaRockstar said:
For those that have it- how's the sandbox compared to the console versions? A lot of the fun of GTA is that you could just boot it up and do absolutely nothing for an hour or two, just go on killing sprees and drive around, how does that hold up on the DS?

There is tons of stuff to do.
Tobor said:
You really should. I am seriously enjoying myself. My favorite stuff so far:

  • Dumpster diving for weapons
  • The Go-Kart track minigames
  • Buying scratch off lotto tickets at the convenience store
  • Whistling for a cab by actually whistling
  • Rampage missions are back!!!!!
  • Safehouses with garages are back, and you get to purchase them
  • You can pop wheelies on motorcycles!(I was shocked when I tried this and it worked)
So awesome.


I'll pick it up once I stop playing RE5.


How ironic that I posted in this thread that I was unsure about the game, and now I have it. I've only played a few missions, but I am LOVING it so far. This is GTA on the DS, and it does a lot of really interesting things. I really enjoy the setting, as I have been clamoring for a GTA game to take place in Tokyo or China. It's not the same, but it's still a unique perspective. BREAKDOWN:

Dialogue: Classic GTA black humor. Making the main character a slacker is a nice touch and it really relates to the DS audience who is far too lazy to get up and turn on a console.

Graphics: The early screens of the game were less than flattering, but it looks a lot better now. The people look a bit goofy as they're almost the same size of the cars, but that's the only hangup I have with the graphics. It looks great in motion and the buildings are nicely detailed.

Touch screen controls: So far I've only used them for minigames, but the touch screen controls were immensely well. The minigames are creative, ranging from hotwiring cars to scratching off lotto tickets. The first time you get to use them is also a pretty cool moment that really sets up the game well.

New features: I never liked how you had to avoid cops in GTA. The game allows you to be more aggressive by reducing your wanted level if you cause a cop to crash his car. It's way more fun than just running and hiding. Another awesome addition is trip skip. This allows you to warp directly to the mission point if you fail a mission. This was available in some missions for GTA SA but I think it's for all missions in this game. It needs to be MANDATORY for other installments. Another great feature is the ability to replay missions you already beat, which makes up for the lack of save spots.

Dynamic world: Many people praised GTA IV for making a realistic city that seemed alive. CW follows suit with a really awe-inspiring world where you will constantly see new things. So far I've seen a cop kill a guy, a firetruck trying to douse the flames of a truck that just exploded with cop cars surrounding the area, people break out umbrellas during rain, the ambulance racing to save someone who was run over by a truck with pedestrians looking on etc. You never know what you'll run into.

Not Awesome:
View is constantly blocked: Signs and train tracks frequently pop up and block my view. This can get really annoying during cop chases. It looks cool in cutscenes, but it's a pain when you're driving around.

Also I was dumpster diving, and instead of a gun I found a used condom. That sucked.

The game has been awesome so far, and I haven't even seen most of the weapons nor have I started the drug trade. GTA WII BELIEVE.


...hate me...
GAF's impressions are too good, hype through the roof etc. This is so fucking pre-ordered (heh, tbh it is already shipped). First DS game I buy in ages. I feel kinda proud because I think it will bomb. BUT IT BETTER SHOW UP ON THE MAILBOX BY FRIDAY. And the same for Madworld.

I'ma gonna cry the whole weekend if it doesn't.


im digging this except:

busted controls, not sure if its the game or dpad but i have to keep zigzagging sort of to get anywhere. i find it hard to walk in a straight line except for in the 4 main directions. i found the mission near the start where you chase the guy over walls then have to do a car chase very hard because of the controls.

too many cops and its too easy to piss them off when you are doing taxi missions and the like.


There are an insane amount of cops, but it's not too bad given the new method of lowering your wanted level. They throw more cops at you so it's easier for you to take one out and thus get away scot free. I love this mechanic and it should be in the following GTA games.


Wow at the reviews. I was going to give it a chance anyway but now I need to try it.


Did someone try the multiplayer btw ?
So if I understand correctly this GTA is a very good game... So Nintendo was a little bit right when they said that GTA on DS would be for "hardcore gamers" (I don't like this term but whatever).

I guess I was wrong to laugh at them... maybe I'll buy this game. DS games are the only games I could really take time to play (2 hours of metro per day to go to work)

Yes Boss!

Chû Totoro said:
So if I understand correctly this GTA is a very good game... So Nintendo was a little bit right when they said that GTA on DS would be for "hardcore gamers" (I don't like this term but whatever).

I guess I was wrong to laugh at them... maybe I'll buy this game. DS games are the only games I could really take time to play (2 hours of metro per day to go to work)

It is pretty hardcore...there is a lot to learn in the first hour or so, especially if you are new to the franchise.

Pretty amazing what Rockstar has put into the little DS cartridge. Wonder what the file size is?
Yes Boss! said:
It is pretty hardcore...there is a lot to learn in the first hour or so, especially if you are new to the franchise.

Pretty amazing what Rockstar has put into the little DS cartridge. Wonder what the file size is?
I know it's not the subject here but does someone know if they have plans for a Wii version of GTA. Hearing all your opinions here it seems that they could do wonders with the wiimote capabilities.
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