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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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XM-02 Den'an Gei never gets any love, probably because of its god awful to remember name, I always have to look this thing up.


Crossbones Vanguard had some awesome MSes. It's a shame we're probably never going to get Late UC HGUC kits.
Aren't Marasais actually Federation suits? Specifically Titans? They're pretty awesome though, yeah. I prefer Hizacks from that era though.

As for Origin, I just finished reading it. Quite a bit of changes to the narrative, but I actually found them to be surprisingly effective.

Job John in a Guncannon Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
In your defense, you posted the green one, which was piloted by one of the Zeon remnants in Unicorn IIRC. Titan ones were red, which kinda rubbed me the wrong way because they were so evocative of Char's Zaku.

I think the whole mono-eye = Zeon was what got me. Funny, I could have sworn seeing a green variant in the Zeta series or movies.
Cause manga is cheap in Japan. Color pages would make the costs jump a ton.

And we'd probably be about halfway done with the series in Japan, because those pages must take a lot longer to complete. They are very pretty, though.

And Japanese blu-rays/dvds should try and catch some of that cheapness.

edit: Oh, also just picked up Extreme Vs. Never played any other vs. I'm fucking terrible. No idea what the fuck I'm doing. Youtube tutorial time, I suppose?
And we'd probably be about halfway done with the series in Japan, because those pages must take a lot longer to complete. They are very pretty, though.

And Japanese blu-rays/dvds should try and catch some of that cheapness.

edit: Oh, also just picked up Extreme Vs. Never played any other vs. I'm fucking terrible. No idea what the fuck I'm doing. Youtube tutorial time, I suppose?
Here you go. Taken from the pseudo OT.

Gameplay Tutorials

For those of you who haven't played a Gundam VS game before and are new to the mechanics, here are some English tutorials by Brett to help ease your way in. :)

Hop in the OT when you get a chance as well. http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=453197

A bunch of us still play a lot throughout the week and we can help you out if you want. :)


Those units were fucking OP for a grunt status MS. Especially in the SRW games.

The Leos? I mean, Virgo, yeah, but it was a grunt based off of two pseudo Gundams combined. Piloted by super computers. It was meant to be OP. But the Leo was supposed to be out-classed by the Taurus units.

Unless we count the pilot of the Fawn Farsia, Fram Nara, then Yurin was easily best female character in Age, and memorable, she wasnt even forgotten throughout the ages and did well to serve as inspiration for Flit. The female captain of the Diva, Natora Einus, felt a bit incompetent towards her duties and paled vastly in comparison to Sumeragi and Ramius. So Yurin is the best of the available options.

None of the female characters in AGE are good. They all exist for one of 3 purposes: To be killed by an Asuno, to be fucked by an Asuno, or to make an Asuno look better.

There's a grand total of one woman in the entire series who pilots a mobile suit and isn't a villain killed by an Asuno. There is also a grand total of two women who are the main character's age who don't wind up bearing his babies. One of them is the same mobile suit pilot from the prior statement.

And Yurin is a terrible, awful, horrible, shitty, awful, horrible, shitty, terrible character. She's in the show for FOUR episodes, two of which she's got mystic powers and shiz, one of which she's dicking around in a lake, and the last of which she's a glorified rag doll. Yurin fucking sucks and it was unbelievable bullshit of the highest degree that
Somehow she stops Flit from his genocidal tendencies, when his own son and grandson could not.

Like everything else in Gundam AGE, Yurin was horrid through and through.

Guys what's your favorite grunt MS? I love the Taurus from Wing and you can't go wrong with a Zaku II.

My favorite Grunt is the Virgo, because it's more like an army of mini-bosses than grunts. Barring that, it's Goufs, because every time a Gouf is in an episode of anything, stuff gets intense.
Here you go. Taken from the pseudo OT.

Hop in the OT when you get a chance as well. http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=453197

A bunch of us still play a lot throughout the week and we can help you out if you want. :)

Thanks. I've seen the other thread, and I'm watching the videos in like five minute chunks. Because long.

I'm just playing with my PS3 pad, and it sounds like he is using an arcade stick. Hopefully that doesn't hamper me too much as I'm not planning to invest in one.


None of the female characters in AGE are good. They all exist for one of 3 purposes: To be killed by an Asuno, to be fucked by an Asuno, or to make an Asuno look better.

There's a grand total of one woman in the entire series who pilots a mobile suit and isn't a villain killed by an Asuno. There is also a grand total of two women who are the main character's age who don't wind up bearing his babies. One of them is the same mobile suit pilot from the prior statement.

And Yurin is a terrible, awful, horrible, shitty, awful, horrible, shitty, terrible character. She's in the show for FOUR episodes, two of which she's got mystic powers and shiz, one of which she's dicking around in a lake, and the last of which she's a glorified rag doll. Yurin fucking sucks and it was unbelievable bullshit of the highest degree that
Somehow she stops Flit from his genocidal tendencies, when his own son and grandson could not.

Like everything else in Gundam AGE, Yurin was horrid through and through.

That character, sadly, basically defines the show. Whatever wasn't copy and pasted (Yurin/Lalah, a few of the battles), wasn't pushed far enough to be anything more than half-decent.

The very few things with potential (Asemu/Zeheart) never really go anywhere or just end up being stupid (
Ezelcant's plan, throwaway-two-episode-arc characters, war "tactics"
) and there isn't a whole lot that's memorable about the show.

You could pretty much see the
Yurin/Flit reunion finale
coming waaaay before it happened, which shows the predictability and shittiness of the show in general.
AGE sounds like a trainwreck. I'm still gonna watch it. And I don't have a problem liking it even if others don't. I don't think I will, though, based on what I've heard. Still a ways off. I need to finish Zeta, ZZ, Char's Counterattack, F91, and maybe Unicorn/Victory before I do. Probably Turn A, and maybe even Seed first as well. And I imagine I'll probably take a break from Gundam before all of that happens, anyways.

Is MS Igloo worth tracking down for anything other than completeness?


AGE sounds like a trainwreck. I'm still gonna watch it. And I don't have a problem liking it even if others don't. I don't think I will, though, based on what I've heard. Still a ways off. I need to finish Zeta, ZZ, Char's Counterattack, F91, and maybe Unicorn/Victory before I do. Probably Turn A, and maybe even Seed first as well. And I imagine I'll probably take a break from Gundam before all of that happens, anyways.

Is MS Igloo worth tracking down for anything other than completeness?

AGE is legit bad. Just really all around truly the worst Gundam show I ever watched. There are three points where things COULD have turned around and redeemed the show, and each of these arcs is aborted for the sake of protecting Flit because the show's writer can't stand the idea of his perfect creation ever being wrong ever.

These points of redemption and their subsequent derailing are:

Arc 2, Zeheart vs Asemu. Even though Zeheart's entire friendship with Asemu is built up in ONE montage, it could've been acceptable if things had ended as they did in the end of Arc 2. How was it ruined? Zeheart somehow loses all of his character and character development in Arc 3, becoming some dorky chump who knowingly carries out the mustache twirling plan. Asemu becoming a Super Pilot instead of an X-Rounder was the highlight of the entire series.

Arc 3, when the Vegans are finally met, and humanized. Ezelcant is turning out to be an upstanding guy whose people are suffering and want to go to the comparative paradise that is Earth. How is it ruined? Hino realizes that his perfect hero Flit is looking like quite the ass compared to Ezelcant, so now Ezelcant's plan isn't "Take my people to the promised land" but "build a perfect humanity or something" for the sake of making Ezelcant look more villainous than Flit. It's so ridiculously stupid that you can't help but feel it was thought up last second.

Flit's villainy. If the show had had the balls to let Flit ACTUALLY be the villain, much would have been forgiven. Kio calling Flit out for all his bull and saying to his face "You're no Savior!" was one of the better moments of the show. Flit flying out there with a goddamn Nuke needed only for his sons to cut him down to really make it. If Flit had been the villain, and not the hero the whole way, it would've changed and redeemed so much of the show. But instead, Flit has a magical vision of a dead girl and somehow that makes it all okay.
AGE sounds like a trainwreck. I'm still gonna watch it. And I don't have a problem liking it even if others don't. I don't think I will, though, based on what I've heard. Still a ways off. I need to finish Zeta, ZZ, Char's Counterattack, F91, and maybe Unicorn/Victory before I do. Probably Turn A, and maybe even Seed first as well. And I imagine I'll probably take a break from Gundam before all of that happens, anyways.

Is MS Igloo worth tracking down for anything other than completeness?

I didn't care for the Igloos at all.

Every Igloo 1 plot follows the same pattern

1- Zeon prototype is introduced along with test pilot
2 - Test pilot takes the prototype out and despite early success, ultimately gets themself killed
3 - Failure of the project and/or Zeon bureaucracy shuts down the project, leading to the main character whining.

The only episode I liked was the Zudah episode, mostly due to the propaganda trolling from the Earth Fenderation.

Igloo 2 is pretty worse in a lot of regards. It has some weird shinigami motif that would have been fine if it had been a metaphor, but I'm pretty sure they intended there to be a literal Shinigami, which doesn't fit UC at all.

Oh and the CGI is just unbearable.


Finally got my copy of Origin today. I haven't really started reading it yet, but I've flipped through a few pages of it. I don't really like the translation. It seems like it's pretty rough. I hope they have a different editor for the next volume.
I dunno, I didn't have a problem with it. It seemed natural enough for me, with the exception of "I feel like I'm made to War" and "I take them".
On Gundam the Origin Sales.

Looks like they won't know how good they are until next week.

But they say they have 800 in warehous stock, and they won't reprint unless those sell out almost immediately. I'm pretty sure they said there would not be reprints, but I'm certainly not going to tell a small publisher how to run their business when there is money to potentially be made. Would be cool if they did a softcover or a different hardcover to distinguish, though. Might actually get extra sales from completionists that way, too.

They also said a reprint wouldn't make sense unless they printed off 5,000, so I'm going to have to guess the first print run would be at least the same.

Hopefully the news is at least good enough to justify finishing up the rest of the series, if not a reprint.
So, one of the leg fins of my Epyon figure sort of broke in the little curve part where it connects to the knee area. Luckily, I still have the broken off part but it's really small. Anyone have any idea how I can re-attach something so small? The fin can still be attached, BTW, but it'll fall off as soon as I move the leg for posing.
I'm not taking any chances with regards to the Origin. I'd much rather play ~20 now then 3x more later on. Even if it does get a reprint, who knows when that will be
Thanks. I've seen the other thread, and I'm watching the videos in like five minute chunks. Because long.

I'm just playing with my PS3 pad, and it sounds like he is using an arcade stick. Hopefully that doesn't hamper me too much as I'm not planning to invest in one.
Nah, whatever you feel is easier for you. I mean, the previous home releases were on the PSP, so there are a lot of pad players out there too.
Watch VOTOMs if you want realism. Specifically the Kummen arc. To me, that was what 08th should have been.

Fang of the Sun Dougram is pretty realistic too. It places higher emphasis on squadron based tactics. You have one mech and like 5 men on foot as support most of the show. It places more emphasis on politics than mech combat though.

Lecoque is one of my favorite villains. Whoever his voice actor was did an amazing job.
Woops. Yea I watched almost all of Votoms except for the last arc. I'll check out Fang of the Sun Dougram. And is Unicorn worth watching? I stopped caring about new Gundams after SEED and 00.


And one last question. Is there any recent mecha/Gundam in the vein of 0080 and MS 08th? Or I'm just better off watching old shows like Dougram and Votoms.

Your better off watching the old shows, nothing else in gundam really compares to those. You could give Stargazer a shot since it is only like half an hour.

EDIT: Yea sorry didn't saw you tried SEED.


Some interesting news: http://animeanime.jp/article/2013/03/31/13504.html

The Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster Blu-ray box sets will each come with a brand new Drama CD written by the original write of SEED and SEED Destiny - Chiaki Morosawa. This is noteworthy news because the Gundam SEED movie was originally shelved because she was suffering from some severe illness, which prevented production from moving forward (she is also married to the director Mitsuo Fukuda).

Now that she seems to have recovered from her illness and is back working with the original staff on extras for the SEED Destiny HD releases, it seems to indicate the chance for an actual new SEED production is very possible. Come on, Gundam SEED movie!!!
Sarcastic? Or is there hope that a movie would fix the perceived problems of seed destiny? Or focus on better areas I suppose.

I say perceived not because I liked it, but because I haven't seen it yet.
Sarcastic? Or is there hope that a movie would fix the perceived problems of seed destiny? Or focus on better areas I suppose.

I say perceived not because I liked it, but because I haven't seen it yet.

Leave it till the end mate. Enjoy your UC odyssey first :D

Oh wait, I just recalled you're going through Zeta at the moment right? Yep, you don't have to watch it lol, Zeta is what Destiny wanted to be but couldn't lol.


Some interesting news: http://animeanime.jp/article/2013/03/31/13504.html

The Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster Blu-ray box sets will each come with a brand new Drama CD written by the original write of SEED and SEED Destiny - Chiaki Morosawa. This is noteworthy news because the Gundam SEED movie was originally shelved because she was suffering from some severe illness, which prevented production from moving forward (she is also married to the director Mitsuo Fukuda).

Now that she seems to have recovered from her illness and is back working with the original staff on extras for the SEED Destiny HD releases, it seems to indicate the chance for an actual new SEED production is very possible. Come on, Gundam SEED movie!!!


I kind of hope the SEED movie has Shinn as a supporting role and basis him off the Super Robot Wars version that he's become over the last 5 years. SRW took away his angst and idiocy and made him into a smart, war-hardened realist teacher whose out to stop young pilots from being like Destiny-Shinn. Sort of Athrun's role in Destiny but done much better as Shinn can still be kind of a fun guy.

Plus it'd be nice to FINALLY REDESIGN DESTINY GUNDAM since it's a cool design but a mess in implementation. A Strike Freedom style redesign of Destiny into something sleeker could be pretty sweet. Plus if Kira is still in it they can finally ditch the crappy Strike Freedom and give him something decent looking.
Around episode 33 of Zeta.

Char's Reveal.

"It is you"

Persons 1-4 Shock and Awe!

Kamille: Worst secret ever.


I have a feeling the show is gonna get good with the Axis coming in. It had kind of been settling into a going places and doing things, like when they were traveling across the earth prior to Odessa in First Gundam.

edit: And Bright really likes hamburgers.
Some interesting news: http://animeanime.jp/article/2013/03/31/13504.html

The Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster Blu-ray box sets will each come with a brand new Drama CD written by the original write of SEED and SEED Destiny - Chiaki Morosawa. This is noteworthy news because the Gundam SEED movie was originally shelved because she was suffering from some severe illness, which prevented production from moving forward (she is also married to the director Mitsuo Fukuda).

Now that she seems to have recovered from her illness and is back working with the original staff on extras for the SEED Destiny HD releases, it seems to indicate the chance for an actual new SEED production is very possible. Come on, Gundam SEED movie!!!

Hype rising. Last Remaster box set of Destiny will have the announcement of the movie /believe
I'm currently watching ZZ Gundam. Just finished watching Zeta. Over the past few months I've watched 00 + Movie, Seed, Seed Destiny as well.

Personal ranking so far

Gundam Seed > 008th MS Team > Zeta > 00 > MSG > G Gundam/Wing > Seed Destiny.

I would love to see MSG redrawn and more episodes of it, but I suppose SEED is kind of a modernization of MSG. I think Char is my favorite pilot so far and Freedom my favorite gundam design. Trying to watch all of the UC material currently, I want to dive into Char's Counterattack but my friend told me to watch ZZ to see how it ties into the movie.

Zeta spoilers:

Katz is by far the dumbest character in the entire gundam universe(s), perhaps only matched by Sarah.

I really wish that bright was more like he was in MSG. Dude gave no fucks and threw everyone in the brig every chance he got, also threw tons of punches.
I'm currently watching ZZ Gundam. Just finished watching Zeta. Over the past few months I've watched 00 + Movie, Seed, Seed Destiny as well.

Personal ranking so far

Gundam Seed > 008th MS Team > Zeta > 00 > MSG > G Gundam/Wing > Seed Destiny.

I would love to see MSG redrawn and more episodes of it

You are in Luck! Apparently The Origin is next. Not sure if we will ever get it, they will go the Unicorn route and release really expensive blu rays with English subs, or if we will have to get fan translations, though.

As for your rankings. I liked MSG better than 08th MS Team and what I have seen (about 65%) of Zeta thus far. I liked 00 pretty well, especially season 1. G Gundam was awesome after I learned to just enjoy the ride. And I liked Wing well enough, but it felt a bit clumsy in storytelling, especially around the middle. I don't want to actually rank them, though, as I can't even agree with myself.
Katz hatred is so overblown. People act like he's a terrible character. He does dumb stuff from time to time. But his entire point as a character was to show how much Kamille has grown. Besides, he's a White Base kid.

He's my ranking of the franchise in picture form.

I really wish that bright was more like he was in MSG. Dude gave no fucks and threw everyone in the brig every chance he got, also threw tons of punches.

Yeah.. he kinda got mellower with age. I reckon he was at his fist-throwing, professional best in Zeta; he was pretty physical with Kamille lol, even more so than with Amuro, giving him a shitton of corrections. Unlike Amuro, Kamille stood up to his "corrections" (love that translation), and gave back as good as he got lol. Kamille really didn't take shit from any of his superior officers lol, even Mr Wong, one of the AEUG's benefactors.

As for the UC series (imo):-

Char's Counterattack
Ms 08th Team

I'm not gonna bother with the A.Us as it's pretty much a wash for me. G Gundam is waayyy up there for me, together with the 1st SEED.
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