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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Old Viz Origin covers.


Just finished reading The Origin vol 1, loved it.

I'm not sure how I feel about the translation though, a lot of it seemed very direct, like they didn't think about how some of the dialogue would read in English, just that it was grammatically correct.


I'm not sure how I feel about the translation though, a lot of it seemed very direct, like they didn't think about how some of the dialogue would read in English, just that it was grammatically correct.

Yeah. When I got Volume 1, I flipped through a few pages and read a few random lines and posted that I thought the translation was a bit rough. I hope they do a better job with the rest of the series.
Gundam Seed HD Remaster 34 (bd) - Crush that unwanted destiny, Gundam!

Hope we get gundam fights and all of that soon though this two or so episode break has been alright and quite shocking especially here.
That total character change for Lacus, huge improvement there even if it felt like she became someone completely new. What are and were her objectives (well other than trying to arrange for Ahtrun and Kira to make up and what not)). Fugitive, treason, giving the Gundam away, and giving Kira a mission where hes aligned with neither Earth nor ZAFT, and worst, now everyone on Archangel could face execution if they return? Shes causing so much, and then within Zaft whats going on, multiple people pulling strings?

Hyped to see what happens in Panama, and what Justice can do.
Lacus' character turn was one of the worst things in the series. Nay, in the franchise. It is annoying how self-righteous she is now. And not only that, but she is portrayed as the most "morally correct" person in the show, which is quite alarming that there is even a character who can even be considered "morally correct"


Lacus' character turn was one of the worst things in the series. Nay, in the franchise. It is annoying how self-righteous she is now. And not only that, but she is portrayed as the most "morally correct" person in the show, which is quite alarming that there is even a character who can even be considered "morally correct"

Bright's always morally correct in my book.

(Don't disagree... you'll know what will happen if you do.)
Bright's always morally correct in my book.

(Don't disagree... you'll know what will happen if you do.)


You coulda fooled me with that Char avatar, Tookay. I feel like sporting a Noa Bright avatar one of these days, to show my appreciation for the character.

My favourite character from the entire U.C. series. Best Gundam captain ever.

Lacus' character turn was one of the worst things in the series. Nay, in the franchise. It is annoying how self-righteous she is now. And not only that, but she is portrayed as the most "morally correct" person in the show, which is quite alarming that there is even a character who can even be considered "morally correct"

SEED definitely took a turn for the worse when they made Kira and Lacus the in-series avatars of the showrunners lol. As the "idealized" representations, they could do no wrong after that point, which made it absolutely unreal.
I don't disagree that Bright is an upstanding dude, but he's never been portrayed as "perfect" like Lacus is. In First, he's portrayed as somewhat elitist hotheaded and quick to panic. Mirai and Sayla have to keep him in check often times.

His famous "Bright Slap" is something that is exaggerated. He wasn't trying to make Amuro man up. He was straight up terrified. Besides it wasn't even the slaps that made Amuro sortie. It was Bright saying he was wrong about Amuro being able to grow to be a better pilot than Char, as well as Frau Bow chiding him.

Not to mention the fact he has wandering eyes (though he never acts on them).

Don't get me wrong, Bright is one of my favorite characters. He's a great dude. but he's flawed and that is part of what makes him great.
Don't get me wrong, Bright is one of my favorite characters. He's a great dude. but he's flawed and that is part of what makes him great.

Which part of the reason why I admire the character a lot. They nailed his characterization perfectly in all his appearances; the writing never faltered, even across 4 Gundam productions!


I don't disagree that Bright is an upstanding dude, but he's never been portrayed as "perfect" like Lacus is. In First, he's portrayed as somewhat elitist hotheaded and quick to pani-



Actually I pretty much completely agree with what you said. Good analysis.

You coulda fooled me with that Char avatar, Tookay. I feel like sporting a Noa Bright avatar one of these days, to show my appreciation for the character.

Even a Char's gotta appreciate him.
Even a Char's gotta appreciate him.

One of the most surreal moments in Zeta, in my opinion, was when they both met face to face, in person and on screen for the first time.

Of course it was under the Quattro Bajeena moniker, but I seriously felt the chills during my first viewing of that episode.
While we're on the topic of Bright, what do you guys think of each of his 5 voice actors?

I think Suzuoki did a fantastic job with the role. Probably the perfect Bright. Narita did a good job with the role in Unicorn.

Wheat St. James... I really didn't like his take on the role at all. Alot of people liked it, but eh.

Christopher Smith did an acceptable job with the role in Unicorn but he seemed a little stuffy.

Chris Calhoon I have mixed feelings on. On one hand, I really liked the way his voice sounded and he gave a pretty good performance over all. On the other hand, he sounds too old for the role. Sometimes his delivery can come across as stilted as well, but for the most part I am rather fond of his performance.
While we're on the topic of Bright, what do you guys think of each of his 5 voice actors?

I think Suzuoki did a fantastic job with the role. Probably the perfect Bright. Narita did a good job with the role in Unicorn.

Right there. A pity he couldn't come back for Unicorn, R.I.P. good sir.

Narita's alright, he captured the essence of the character well enough with the material he was given.

I can only comment on the two of them lol, being the weaboo Japanese dub only snob that I am. :D
For the most part you're not missing much. The quality of the english dubs range wildly. I haven't seen all the dubs, but I guess I'll comment.

First Gundam TV Series: Very good dub. Michael Kopsa is fantastic as Char. Brad Swaille gives a very solid take on Amuro. The rest of the main cast fits their roles pretty well. Characters who get like 1 line tend to be pretty bad, though, as if they're voiced by a random intern. However, since there aren't too many characters like that it's only apparent in a few scenes.

First Gundam Movies: Stilted dialogue with stilted delivery. Gundamn. Shaa. Not a single well acted scene in the trilogy IMHO. Even Steve Blum, who is usually a very good voice actor IMHO, gives a bad performance.

Zeta Gundam: Mediocre at best. It's okay I guess but really, it sounds kind of awkward. It could have and should have been better.

Char's Counterattack: Reuses the cast from the first series dub, but the performances are even better. Kopsa fucking knocks his role out of the god damn park here and Brad Swaille gives the performance of his career as well. Only weak link is Quess, who has the most god awful annoying voice I've ever heard. Kopsa also pronounces "Titans" as "Tee tawns", which sounds incredibly awkward here, but I blame the director.

F91: Steve Staley does an "okay" job as Seabook. I don't really like Michelle Ruff as Cecily. Everyone else is pretty decent. It's not bad.

0080: The Japanese dub is fucking legendary. Ian Hawk falls flat as Alfred, failing to capture the childhood innocence that Daisuke Namikawa captured so perfectly. It's amusing to hear David Hayter play a character that isn't Solid Snake, though his performance isn't the best to be honest. He just doesn't come across as earnest like Bernie should be. And as for Chris, it's impossible to replace Megumi Hayashibara in one of her best roles.

G Gundam: Hilariously bad, which I guess is what it should be. When it's not being overacted it feels incredibly stilted. I guess it works. This is the one series I haven't watched in Japanese, so I can't compare it, but Mark Gatha pours his heart into the role. Still, its awkward, wooden and totally misdirected. But at the same time incredibly endearing at the same time.

Wing: Mediocre/bad. Duo is the only stand out, everyone else sounds pretty bad. The worst is Zechs, whos actor Briam Drummond, plays the role so flat that the character has no personality (not that Zechs really has much of one anyway).

I haven't watched the dubs for 0083, 00 or 08th MS Team and I refuse to watch Seed and Destiny ever again, so I can't really comment on those.
^Thanks for that post.

0080: The Japanese dub is fucking legendary. Ian Hawk falls flat as Alfred, failing to capture the childhood innocence that Daisuke Namikawa captured so perfectly. It's amusing to hear David Hayter play a character that isn't Solid Snake, though his performance isn't the best to be honest. He just come across as earnest like Bernie should be. And as for Chris, it's impossible to replace Megumi Hayashibara in one of her best roles.

Dayid Hayter in mah Gundamz? This calls for a rewatch of 0080 in English!

When I'm done with AGE.




I've got that proverbial gun ready and loaded.
Those last 12 episodes are absolutely brutal. For me, that is when the show just completely gave up. I didn't hate the series until that point. I thought it was lackluster, but man. Those last 12 episodes.

That said, I rather like AGE's OPs. Particularly the second and third one. The first one, Asu He, is pretty good, but I don't care for the 4th one.


Watch out for the Zeheart character, who makes one of the most inexplicable decisions in all of Gundam by the end.

And that's fucking saying something.


While we're on the topic of Bright, what do you guys think of each of his 5 voice actors?

I think Kalhoon did a good job, all things considered.

As for the dubs as a whole.

MSG Movie Trilogy: Horrible. Everyone puts in a terrible job, including Steve Blum who's usually game for everything.

MSG TV (and Char's Counterattack): For the most part, great. Especially Kopsa as Char, though Swaille gets some props as well for nailing the right amount of idealism, youthful arrogance, whining, and hope, at least better than he did with Quatre in Wing.

Wing: They're pretty stilted initially, but then they really grow into their characters by the end. Watch the first couple episodes and compare it to the last several or Endless Waltz: there's a marked difference. I think the five main pilots do a good job carving out identities for themselves. I get why you might call Zechs "flat," but I kinda like what he was going for personally.

G: Cheesy, stupid, awesome.

SEED/Destiny: Don't really love the Kira/Lacus VA, but Athrun's pretty good as far as the main characters go. Mu's good too. This is the series where Ocean Group's limited pool of actors started getting really noticeable though. Durandil for example really suffered.


Being French, I'm not really familiar with the English dubs... Except for some games that forced the English voices, like Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 and Gundam vs Zeta. Never thought any of that was offensively bad, but that's simply not my Gundam.

Watched Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 2 two days ago BTW. And the memories, the horror, everything is coming back to me. Like the fucking nonsense that is Impulse, which is basically the same thing as the Victory 1, except they somehow forgot to make other Core Splendors.

It's really strange and jarring to see all of this again after my vision of Destiny has been completely twisted (in a good way) by side materials like SRW.

At least it's kind of pretty... For now. Next episode: Rey using the Freedom animation from SEED's last episode!
Dayid Hayter in mah Gundamz? This calls for a rewatch of 0080 in English!

Thought this was common knowledge on Gundam-GAF?

I don't think he thought too highly of the role though. I remember reading in an interview he gave for a magazine he actually forgot the name of his character.

Koji Tsujitani was excellent in his role as Bernie. I felt he delivered a sense of naivety as a rookie Zeon pilot that goes well with Al. He'd later voice Seabook in F91. Garcia's Japanese VA is Bin Shimada, who also voiced Paptimus Scirocco in Zeta. What else can you say about Megumi Hayashibara?

I've only seen bits of the Zeta dub but for me I felt Kamille's VA was pretty good, maybe even spot on. Quattro's VA was a watered-down version of Michael Kopsa. Everyone else was unmemorable.

The best thing about 0083 is Gato. He's the Japanese VA for Snake. Highlight of the entire series. The English dub doesn't do his character justice.

Akio Otsuka's and Shuichi Ikeda's voices are just so distinctive and memorable. I'd post more about how I feel about them but I might end up with a ridiculous tag.
Thought this was common knowledge on Gundam-GAF?

As I've mentioned earlier on, I've got next to zero knowledge on the individuals involved with the English dubs for most, if all of the Gundam shows/productions. I'm a sub person through and through.

This page alone has been quite an educational read for me. Thanks Gundam-GAF!

(Shout outs to Megalosaro and Tookay in particular.)
It's a shame they couldn't pop out a dub a Turn A before Bandai Entertainment closed down. Came soooooooooooo close to a Western release


I think Suzuoki did a fantastic job with the role. Probably the perfect Bright. Narita did a good job with the role in Unicorn.

Right there. A pity he couldn't come back for Unicorn, R.I.P. good sir.

*salutes* An awesome VA, his barking orders to his crewmembers will probably never be topped for me. What with Goroo Naya (Zenigata from Lupin III) dying earlier this year it feels like I'm losing all my favoruite seiyuu! Although speaking of Lupin...

The best thing about 0083 is Gato. He's the Japanese VA for Snake. Highlight of the entire series.

Gato is indeed the best thing to come out of 0083. It's good to see skilled non-Newtype pilots in Gundam occasionally! For me, the other thing memorable about 0083 is Delaz but that's only because everytime he talks all I can see is;

It's a shame they couldn't pop out a dub a Turn A before Bandai Entertainment closed down. Came soooooooooooo close to a Western release

The biggest issue I have with this is that it was finished.

I don't understand how another branch of Bandai didn't just release it, or license it out to FUNi.
Thanks to a free VPN service being offered by the University of Tsukaba, I decided to sign up Mobile Suit Gundam Online.

It seems like a better version of SD Gundam Capsule Fighters, except just OYW. Pretty fun. of course I'm playing as Zeon because Zakus are awesome while GMs suck


Thanks to a free VPN service being offered by the University of Tsukaba, I decided to sign up Mobile Suit Gundam Online.

It seems like a better version of SD Gundam Capsule Fighters, except just OYW. Pretty fun. of course I'm playing as Zeon because Zakus are awesome while GMs suck

Are you on Francesca server perchance? That's where I made my Zeon character.


Nope, Shangri-la. I'm not that far into it though and could hop servers I guess.

If I get the chance this weekend, I'll see if making a new character brings anything with it but I'm guessing not. Not that I've got that far myself either! I've got my Zaku II and Zaku I Worker up to lvl 10 but to be fair, that's only 3-4 upgrades each!

I've had my best success with the Zaku I Worker so far, the front line always need repairs! Not the most glamorous of roles... but necessary I guess. Char the Red Comet. Ramba Ral the Blue Giant. Droog the Yellow Repairman. Hmm... :p

Not sure if it's just the games I've been in so far but fights tend to devolve into a lot of jumping and shooting rockets. Need to give it more time really.
I've tried playing as a Zaku I Sniper, but so far that's not going well at all. The fact he has the crouch in order to fire his sniper rifle means you're pretty much always a still target.

Any idea how to get the text to not display ???????????????????. I wanted to download a language pack, but apparently Windows 7 doesn't let you unless you have Ultimate.


Any idea how to get the text to not display ???????????????????. I wanted to download a language pack, but apparently Windows 7 doesn't let you unless you have Ultimate.

Another thing I need to try and fix on my side also. I'm running Win8 Pro with language pack installed and System Locale set to Japanese (Are you able to change this? Might be worth a try if you can. On Win8 it's Control Panel > Clock, Language, Region > Region > Administrative. Hopefully Win7 is similar, I can't check right now) and I still get some garbage text but it's not 100% consistent what renders and what doesn't. Most text is fine but the subtitles for some spoken text (Char, Aina, etc.) is sometimes garbled.
Gato is indeed the best thing to come out of 0083. It's good to see skilled non-Newtype pilots in Gundam occasionally! For me, the other thing memorable about 0083 is Delaz but that's only because everytime he talks all I can see is;


Yup, Akio Otsuka is basically unstoppable. I have never been disappointed in his roles.

He plays my two favorite characters in Conan.

He's the motherfucking Nightmare of Solomon

Somehow kicks even more ass as Batou.

He plays my brother's and my favorite character in Trigun, Rai Dei the Blade.

And he's the coolest speaking character in Sword of the Stranger(cuz no one beats Tobimaru)

Plus random shit like the narrator from Endless Waltz! (only the theatrical version I believe?)
Tried this to similar results. I can now read stuff like my MS's names, but dialogue and chat is still garbled.

In a side note, I played my first 50v50 match. Now that was awesome.
Yeah. When I got Volume 1, I flipped through a few pages and read a few random lines and posted that I thought the translation was a bit rough. I hope they do a better job with the rest of the series.

Just finished reading The Origin vol 1, loved it.

I'm not sure how I feel about the translation though, a lot of it seemed very direct, like they didn't think about how some of the dialogue would read in English, just that it was grammatically correct.
The book is BEAUTIFUL, and I really love the translation. It's nice. Maybe that's just my bias after reading another volume of the godawful new sailor moon translation, though... Ugh.

I'd pin any potential awkwardness on the original text... I've never read Origin in Japanese, but I sat through all of First Gundam and DAMN those people are awkward. I might change a bit of punctuation or a few articles, but it reads fine to me. The only real issue I had was with Amuro (sarcastically?) calling Bright "captain". I didn't really get it.

They changed Char's iconic line from "mistakes" to "folly". I kind of like it.

I'd appreciate any counter-examples!

There are still a few typos, though. Why are there ALWAYS typos? I live right near your office, Vertical, gimme your books and I'll proofread them for free. ;__;
Tried this to similar results. I can now read stuff like my MS's names, but dialogue and chat is still garbled.

In a side note, I played my first 50v50 match. Now that was awesome.
Can you open the program with MS applocale? (I think that's what it was called, I can't remember!) it's an xp program, so I think it'll work without Ultimate. You just download it, make a shortcut to the program with it, and it fixes a lot of the ???? problems by spoofing Japanese-language mode.

Edit: if you can't see any Japanese characters on your computer at all, you can still download the Asian language packs from MS for free.


I don't disagree that Bright is an upstanding dude, but he's never been portrayed as "perfect" like Lacus is. In First, he's portrayed as somewhat elitist hotheaded and quick to panic. Mirai and Sayla have to keep him in check often times.

His famous "Bright Slap" is something that is exaggerated. He wasn't trying to make Amuro man up. He was straight up terrified. Besides it wasn't even the slaps that made Amuro sortie. It was Bright saying he was wrong about Amuro being able to grow to be a better pilot than Char, as well as Frau Bow chiding him.

Not to mention the fact he has wandering eyes (though he never acts on them).

Don't get me wrong, Bright is one of my favorite characters. He's a great dude. but he's flawed and that is part of what makes him great.

I'm watching Zeta and Bright literally punched out the entire bridge crew of the Argama. You just cannot fight the guy.
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