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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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The god awful manga sequel to Fujoshi-Bait Wing revealed a new mech on the cover of the latest issue:


Snow White

Apparently cloaked gundams are a thing. It was kind of cool in Crossbones, but overall I'm not a fan of the idea. Style over substance isn't my thing.

BTW, if you ever want a good laugh, read a synopsis of Frozen Teardrop.

So Wing is getting yet another continuation of some kind? GodGundamnit.
Frozen Teardrop has been coming out for some time, at least since 2010.

I'm hoping they don't try to make it into the next "Gundam Unicorn" and adapt it after its finished. FTD is absolutely dreadful.


Frozen Teardrop has been coming out for some time, at least since 2010.

I'm hoping they don't try to make it into the next "Gundam Unicorn" and adapt it after its finished. FTD is absolutely dreadful.

That's why I said yet another. Wing keeps continuing and not even Crossbone got an anime! I long for the day where G gets a sequel.


Wing shouldn't continue anyway because at the end of Endless Waltz they all became gigantic morons and
blew up their Gundams anyway.
I mean, they spend HALF THE MOVIE seeing EXACTLY why that's a BAD idea, and do it ANYWAY.

Nevermind that some characters were undergoing serious motive decay in that movie. You know you're struggling when the best fight you have is against arrogant kung fu guy Wu Fei. And the final boss was
There is some seriously stupid stuff in Frozen Tear Drop. The worst is the fact there are three different Zechs, as well as the fact there is a guy who looks like Trowa and is named Trowa, but isn't Trowa and not even related to him, and his love interest is the sister/genetically engineered female clone of Quatre.

It's really hard to believe this was written by the head writer of Wing


There is some seriously stupid stuff in Frozen Tear Drop. The worst is the fact there are three different Zechs, as well as the fact there is a guy who looks like Trowa and is named Trowa, but isn't Trowa and not even related to him, and his love interest is the sister/genetically engineered female clone of Quatre.

It's really hard to believe this was written by the head writer of Wing

If it isn't Trowa is it at least Trowa Barton, the man whose name Trowa stole?

Also, I just watched the first episode of Gundam Unicorn.

No, it's a person who has no name. He just took on the name Trowa just because.

Bare in mind, the manga takes place some time in the future. Heero I guess goes into stasis shortly after Endless Waltz, and then everyone goes to Mars. Milliardo is the president of Mars.

Also, Heero's stasis pod is his cockpit for the Snow White.

Also, enjoy Unicorn. Dat soundtrack.


No, it's a person who has no name. He just took on the name Trowa just because.

Bare in mind, the manga takes place some time in the future. Heero I guess goes into stasis shortly after Endless Waltz, and then everyone goes to Mars. Milliardo is the president of Mars.

Also, Heero's stasis pod is his cockpit for the Snow White.

Also, enjoy Unicorn. Dat soundtrack.

Nothing you're saying makes any sense at all. Except enjoy Unicorn, which I shall.

I hope this manga never gets made into a show, 'cuz it sounds like a trainwreck.


Nothing you're saying makes any sense at all. Except enjoy Unicorn, which I shall.

I hope this manga never gets made into a show, 'cuz it sounds like a trainwreck.

Which is why it should get made into a show, I need the ridiculousness of it animated.

And do enjoy Unicorn. If you enjoyed ep 1 your in for a real treat with the rest.


Which is why it should get made into a show, I need the ridiculousness of it animated.

And do enjoy Unicorn. If you enjoyed ep 1 your in for a real treat with the rest.

I'd rather they took the time to make something good than another colorful trainwreck. They need to do something to redeem themselves after AGE.


Frozen Teardrop isn't a manga actually, it's a light novel.

There IS a "new" Wing manga though, that started at the same time as Frozen Teardrop. It's called Glory of Losers and is a remake of the original series illustrated by the original character design and with delicious, delicious mecha design from Katoki (not just the old Katoki designs, there's also new stuff including new equipment for the Gundams).
I really like it overall, despite not being the biggest Wing fan (euphemism), but be warned that it tries to link the old plot to the new sequel.


Frozen Teardrop isn't a manga actually, it's a light novel.

There IS a "new" Wing manga though, that started at the same time as Frozen Teardrop. It's called Glory of Losers and is a remake of the original series illustrated by the original character design and with delicious, delicious mecha design from Katoki (not just the old Katoki designs, there's also new stuff including new equipment for the Gundams).
I really like it overall, despite not being the biggest Wing fan (euphemism), but be warned that it tries to link the old plot to the new sequel.

UUuuuuugh. It should've ended at Endless Waltz. Three Zechs' is just weird.
Well, to elaborate on that:

You have the original Zechs, then you have Noin's brother, who for some reason looks exactly like Milliardo Peacecraft and serves as his body double. Then you have a robot version of Zechs that had Zechs' memories programmed into it.


So I watched Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster episode 11 the other day. Yes I know. I'm still doing this.

It's starting to get in "huuuuuuh" territory, but right now the biggest problems are "only" Shinn being the biggest asshole ever (something that unfortunately never ever changes in the original story :/) and Cagalli being completely irrelevant as the head of her government. The whole idea of putting her up there was of course a bad idea, but hey, it's an anime so whatever right? Except that as you all know, this completely destroyed her character.

And some scenes are purely stupidly awkward. In this episode, the other ORB councilmen are pressuring her to sign this treaty with the OMNI (a terrible idea, and considering they're not far from Australia and assured to get protection from ZAFT should it come to that, why the hell would they do that?) and she can't think about anything. At some point, Unato tells her they need to protect the country and yadda yadda, and she retorts with a "But...!" Cue awkard 3 seconds pause in the dialog.

On the other hand, Athrun's visit to PLANT is really nice (for now, yes I know how it goes down after). I always liked the scenery and overall feel of PLANTs, a shame we barely see any of it. And like with SEED, there are some breathtaking tracks on the OST (in this episode Shinrareba Koso, used when the trio goes to the graveyard).
The fact that there's absolutely no purpose to this trip except for "powerless Cagalli's bodyguard is going there to have a secret chat with the fucking chairman of PLANT" takes a lot out of it unfortunately. And the whole thing about Athrun not being in contact with Orb and not knowing about their alliance with OMNI or Cagalli's marriage until much later is pretty incredibly stupid. But hey, even the radio in their Mobile Suits don't function correctly in this series, so what am I hoping for exactly?

Next episode is Shinn against OMNI fleet battle, I'm looking forward to it! The one after that, however, is fucking Jesus Yamato return to the battlefield and I'm already having chills just thinking about it. Not the right kind of chills.

Why am I doing that to myself, I'm not sure. Because it's still entertaining, I guess.
The god awful manga sequel to Fujoshi-Bait Wing revealed a new mech on the cover of the latest issue:


Snow White

Apparently cloaked gundams are a thing. It was kind of cool in Crossbones, but overall I'm not a fan of the idea. Style over substance isn't my thing.

BTW, if you ever want a good laugh, read a synopsis of Frozen Teardrop.

But, but I want this in my life though : (

Anyway Bandai announced a Blu ray set for Gundam Wing TV show link

I'm paying damn good money for it when it comes stateside.


I hate the whole cape thing in Frozen Teardrop, it's fucking stupid. MS were supposed to have disappeared forever (cf. Endless Waltz narrator) but they're back, yes we know, christ.


napkin dispenser
Has Frozen Teardrop been made available translated anywhere? Despite your reactions to it, I'd love to read it.


Well, to elaborate on that:

You have the original Zechs, then you have Noin's brother, who for some reason looks exactly like Milliardo Peacecraft and serves as his body double. Then you have a robot version of Zechs that had Zechs' memories programmed into it.

Oh great so they managed to make Noin's relationship with Zechs into a creepy brother sister thing. Is nothing sacred anymore?


So I'm really digging Unicorn, guys. The soundtrack in particular is awesome. Although, the Unicorn Gundam still doesn't top the Zeta for coolest Gundam in UC to me. And I've decided that Judau Ashta is definitely my favorite Not-Domon protagonist in the series.
Unicorn's soundtrack is utterly brilliant and probably 90% of why I love the show as much as I do. I'm not a fan of the Unicorn's design to be honest. No vents... Plus it looks kind of plain in Unicorn mode.

Nu is the best UC Gundam btw.
Unicorn's soundtrack is utterly brilliant and probably 90% of why I love the show as much as I do. I'm not a fan of the Unicorn's design to be honest. No vents... Plus it looks kind of plain in Unicorn mode.

Nu is the best UC Gundam btw.

An easy and non-controversial choice to make, Megalosaro.

But then you get to the nitty gritty.

Nu or Hi-Nu? Sazabi or Nightingale?

The only answer for me is Zeta lol


Nu colour scheme >>>> *

but Zeta is still the best.

Or maybe V2

or the X1

actually im not sure anymore

but Nu >>>> Hi-Nu and Sazabi >>>>> Nightingale
I personally prefer the Double Fin Funnel version of the Nu to the Hi Nu. Hi Nu is okay, but I prefer the custom version in Gunpla Builders to the MSV version. Not a fan of the blue.

As for Sazabi vs Nightingale. Sazabi ALL THE WAY. Nightingale looks weird as hell to me. Way too bulky. Doesn't seem like it'd match Char's fast paced preferences at all. Hell, neither does the Sazabi for that manner, but I love it's funnel cannisters.


Nu colour scheme >>>> *

but Zeta is still the best.

Or maybe V2

or the X1

actually im not sure anymore

but Nu >>>> Hi-Nu and Sazabi >>>>> Nighttingale

I did like the Nu's black and gold color scheme, but Zeta's got the crest and that white goatee, man. The Double Zeta ruined that goin' back to red 'tee and gold toothpick crest.

I'm gonna play the safe card, though, and say that the best not UC Gundam design is the Wing Zero Custom followed by the Epyon and Heavy Arms Custom.

Andrew J.

I did like the Nu's black and gold color scheme, but Zeta's got the crest and that white goatee, man. The Double Zeta ruined that goin' back to red 'tee and gold toothpick crest.

I'm gonna play the safe card, though, and say that the best not UC Gundam design is the Wing Zero Custom followed by the Epyon and Heavy Arms Custom.

You like the EW redesigns, right? For the most part I prefer them over the originals, but not the Wing Zero. That it has actual feathers is just too much, even before taking into consideration the fact that they're constantly molting.
Did I read that right when it said on two discs? So they aren't going to remaster it or anything?

You read that right except than you suddenly had a stroke and stopped reading half way through the sentence. Here try reading this again "Bandai Visual will release two Blu-ray disc sets" and see if you can manage to make it to the end without blacking out or being impeded in some other way.
You read that right except than you suddenly had a stroke and stopped reading half way through the sentence. Here try reading this again "Bandai Visual will release two Blu-ray disc sets" and see if you can manage to make it to the end without blacking out or being impeded in some other way.

HAHA! For some reason my mind combined "disc sets" into "discs". Last time I read GAF in bed right when I wake up.


My favorite Gundam is still either Spiegel or Maxter from G. They just look so awesome.

Is it bad that I enjoy the "tackier" Gundam designs? Mainly Epyon, Master Gundam, Wing Zero from EW (I know, I know).

Nu Gundam really is top tier though. I'm also not a big fan of the Unicorn's design either.
Is it bad that I enjoy the "tackier" Gundam designs? Mainly Epyon, Master Gundam, Wing Zero from EW (I know, I know).

Those aren't even that tacky. Nether Gundam is tacky.

My favorites include Zeta, Nu (with one set of Fin Funnels), Aile Strike and Exia. Sinanju and Sinanju Stein are hot shit as well.

Zeta for me took a while to grow on. Didn't think much of it when watching the series except that it was quite blocky and big but having the RG on my shelf sure helps. One of the true standouts of the entire metaseries.

Sazabi has a silly buttskirt.


Master Gundam is pretty dope but it's diminishing returns from there (Epyon, Virsago).

Well, Epyon had a cool design philosophy (though the Exia did it better, I think) but the "turn into a dragon" thing is eye-rolling.
An NG Epyon kit was my very first gundam model kit. I still have somewhat of an attachment to it. Since then though, my tastes have changed and it's a bit more elaborate than what I prefer. Not as bad as the CE MSes though
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