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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 18

Not in actual HD this week. I moved out of the student dorm I was living in for the last year and I'm crashing at a friend place for two weeks before I (temporarily) move to a guest house. For some reason, my friend doesn't have the card you need to receive digital terrestrial TV in Japan, so I'm stuck with watching analog TV on a 40 inch Bravia lol.

One of the actual good episodes of the series IMO. I liked the whole "international rescue team!" feeling of the second cour, despite the poor execution and battles. At the end of this episode you see some cuts of locals shooting/executing helpless Alliance soldiers and shit, it's kind of unsettling actually.
The operation here is kind of interesting too. It's a strategic battle between ZAFT and the Alliance, that goes into ZAFT favor thanks to a rather sound tactic: a tactical attack from a specialized unit that comes from a place no one knew about. Last point is convenient, but okay.

It still FAILS in many places though. Arthur is still incompetent as a first officer. I may have already said that before, but the contrast between the crew of the Archangel and the Minerva is that the Archangel was amateurs (well, civilians) who did the job like pros while the Minerva is the exact opposite, save for Talia. At some point during the briefing, Arthur goes all "oh yeah I didn't thought about asking Athrun to do this mission obviously not doable in the Saviour!" Herp derp.

By the way, Shinn acts as such a shithead during most of the episode, oh my god. It's really hard to rewatch the actual series after seeing him in SRW, especially UX where he was the cool big bro dude >_>
Here, there's really nothing to save. He should end up in the fucking brig.
It was pretty funny seeing Luna trashtalking Shinn in front of Athrun too, considering she's the one who ends up in his bed lol
Not to mention she ends up being shot down by Athrun.

Next week is pink Zaku's entrance >_> Not a bad episode overall IIRC.
The hell? Odelo is a boss. Suzy is a boss. All the kids are boss.

You're making Karlman cry

They're fucking bosses for surviving far more episodes than the average BESPA mook and LM folk, with no combat abilities in particular.

The K-mann in particular has an aura of invincibility that he bestows to whomever he chooses.

Seriously, those kids and Shakti should've been toast during that episode when Shakti got a bout of temporary insanity and decided to plant seeds in the ground.

Fucking M.S. weapon fire all around (explosions right to next them!) and not a scratch on her, the kids and K-mann.


There's your problem, you're lumping Karlman in with the B-squad. I would never do that to the little tyke (and anyone that posts that Newtype scan gets Bright-slapped. You know the one I mean). And as far as I'm concerned, Odelo, Suzy and Warren's contributions are nullified by how much trouble they seem to cause, so at this point in the series they're neutral - stupid, but neutral.

So I heard that Daisuki.net started streaming ZZ Gundam yesterday. How does that site handle its shows? Does it do staggered releases or something?
It's Wednesday, the middle of the week. Pure gravy from here on out. Not for the players in V Gundam though.

No pics on Monday, so I've got a bazzlion of them for today!

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 14 DVD

"Offense and Defense at Gilbraltar"
"Jiburarutaru Kōbō" (ジブラルタル攻防)

The episode starts off rather interestingly this time around. Do not skip the pre-episode title sequence.

While the events of the previous episode were happening, the LM and EFSF forces in space are taking on the ZE battleship fleet. Man, I cannot wait for the series to reach that scale again, V Gundam has beem mainly focused on Earth for too long.

A change of scenery (space and the state of the colonies) would be really nice.


We now head back to boring ol' earth.

News of the space attack is being relayed to Cmdr. Fualla and Asher by Lt. Pippiniden.

Apparently the Feddies have officially declared war on the Zanscare Empire (Z.E.) by aiding the LM fleet against the Z.E's Keilas Guilie (KG) space battlefleet.

We get to add another name to our meaningless list of ZE officials we've yet to meet. (Capt. Tassilo Vago, head honcho of the KG group.)

Pippeniden suggests that Fualla could get off the hook (from her sentence, you may recall that she's in big trouble for employing the Guillotine casually against the Count and her countless other failures in dealing with the LM) by taking out the LM in Arti Gibraltar. Asher's still all for a diplomatic/political solution, and is curtly brushed off by Fualla. Undeterred, Asher decides to take matters into his own hands, and we're introduced to another ugly ass named ZE mobile suit known as the Memedorza. Before that, he decides to phone up his "captive" Katejina (good lord has it been awhile) and she's glad to hear him on the line. (Do I need to mention that Victory Gundam was sorely lacking in the fanservice deparment until this sequence?)

We then shift back to Usso and gang. The deceased are being accounted for. Mahalia gets prepped for her burial by her Shrike Team sisters. It's nice to see the continuity on display here for Mahalia, Helen didn't get quite the same treatment earlier on, granted those were rather different circumstances. Usso heads on up to have a closer view and to help out; he's hoisted into position by one of the Shrike Team. He's actually pretty damn mature about the whole thing in this episode. Shakti also does the same. The whole scene is handled really well for its grimness.


Meanwhile, Asher's flown out into A.G. territory in a BESPA Tomliat once again to pick up his 'beloved' Katejina (lol). He intends to send her to Space, in advance of the attacks that're about to happen in A.G. He's already in the "mamoru" phase with her, and she seems to enjoy the attention too. It does seem that the dynamics of their relationship have been altered radically in their unseen chapters. He hands her the ticket, then leaves once again in the Tomliat, only to head to the main government building. Where the rest of the LM members are (a.k.a Usso and gang)

A storm's abrewin'.

Or not.

Asher is whisked in right into the presence of Mandella, Usso and the others. He's here to reclaim the bodies. Flanders the dog greets him happily. Mandella's rather displeased (with the previous altercation) and shows it; he storms off. Usso gets yet another denial from Asher as to Katejina's whereabouts. Asher fleds the scene again.

Shakti FINALLY shows usso the letter Katejina wrote to him around... I don't know... 6-7 episodes ago?

(I'm gonna help you out by being a spy. In the process I'll try not to fall under the whims and fancies of Asher and the ideals of the Zanscare Empire. Oops, too late. - Katejina Loos)


The reaction on his face is somewhat measured, which surprised me. He doesn't get mad at Shakti for hiding it away from him all this time. I guess he's a better man than most.

He continues reading it. while the EFSF capt. (the pilot of the transport ship) and the other old men of the LM discuss the current tactical sitution in space. They've come to the conclusion that ZE intends to attack A.G. with the aid of their space fleet for orbital support/bombardment(?).

Usso then heads to the spaceport to (presumably) look for Katejina. He invites Shakti and baby K-mann along with him for the ride. Haro and Flanders the dog tag along too.


He catches her right in the nick of time, as she was about to board the shuttle to space. He tries to talk her out of it. She rationalizes that neither earth nor space is safe for her. A desperate Usso (seriously he is simping his ass off right now, making a fool out of himself in front her, Shakti, the dog and the baby), asks whether he can come along. Katejina actually makes some very good points, and shoots him down; he's gotta protect Shakti, amongst other things. Shakti's also rather hesitant in heading to space.

While this is happening, the ZE YJs have entered the scene. Katejina uses the opportunity to slip away; Usso's attention having been diverted. She actually imparts some useful advice to him, and tells him to use his powers for the good of humanity. Usso tries to reach her again, but fails, when out of nowhere.

An explosion occurs in the vicinity of the terminal building.

And another, nearly shattering the glass window near Shakti and the baby.

Fualla makes a request from the safety (of her now repaired and retrofited) M.A. demanding the A.G. government surrender to the ZE. She is accompanied by a few Tomliats and that aforementioned hideous looking Memedorza.

Halftime intermission (Dog's getting the hang of it now, heh)

Back to action. Asher's still employing delaying tactics with Fualla (politics pls), and gets smacked down yet again.

2 Top Fighters (Olie and Marbet presumably) are en route to help deal with the ZE menace. Asher orders the Memedorza to handle the situation. It's actually packing some serious beam based firepower.


The Shrike Team also makes its debut once again.


The Memedorza almost takes out one of the Shrike Team with its body mounted internal beam weaponry.


Back at LM makeshift HQ, the Capt. is arguing that the EFSF should send some battleships their way. The LM Old man states forbodingly that the Keilas Guilie is capable of Orbital Bombarment from Space which means that they'd all be screwed if they didn't head to space.

We snap back to the civvie shuttle carrying Katejina that's on the rails of the mass driver. She already rationalizing that the LM can't win this fight, as if to make sense of her own decision to support the ZE instead.

Usso and Shakti finally reach the hangar containing a fully formed V Gundam and heads out to battle, vowing to keep everyone alive. Let's how long he can hold on to that promise.

The Memedorza is proving to be more than a match for any of the Shrike Teams M.S.

Usso heads right for Fualla's M.A. AGAIN. Let's see whether he has the ballz to do to the right thing again.

She's well prepared this time around, hiding 2 Tomliats in the shadow of her M.A., who unload right at him the moment he comes within range.


Usso does bloody well as usual, even taking out two other who've sneaked up right behind him. He goes looking for the other pair.

The Shrike Team is engaging that ZE Lt. who's survived two head on encounters with Usso already. She proves to be an able adversary to the other women.


She ejects right in the nick of time as Connie brilliantly uses her thrusters to make it blindingly bright before her pal comes in for the kill. (That's the 3rd time she's escaped death already in as many encounters with the LM. Damn lol.)


Meanwhile, we finally get to see Asher in melee combat after a long time. He's dealing with the leader of the Shrike Team in his own Tomliat and doing well.

The remaining member of the Shrike Team (Kate) is not faring well against the Memedorza. She evades his attacks well enough, but as a result, a part of the mass driver's rail got decimated.

She goes in herself with her M.S. to keep it afloat and becoming a sitting duck in the process.



The Memedorza's pilot does what any enemy pilot would do in that situation.


Fuck. There goes another one. They're really dropping like flies.

Usso actually gets his FIRST Newtype potential event from this, and he immediately knows something's wrong with Kate.


He rushes back to the mass rail, away from Fualla's M.A (Recarl). Her sub cautions her that attacking recklessly would take out the Mass Rail. Usso dodges every attack, heading up the cliff face to find Kate's M.S. Or rather, the remains of it.

Usso goes absolutely berserk, taking out the Memedorza's shoulder beams, and then smacking it around ruthlessly.


The Recarl gets hit. Fualla is asked to head to the escape pod, but she declines. She's forced into it anyway by Melchett, who launches it right into Asher's Tomliat.

Having battered the Memedorza into submission. Usso notices the presence of a ZE M.S. on top of the civillian shuttle. He correctly summarizes that is the one that contains Katejina, and is about to stop it from leaving, when he's interrupted by "Kate's lingering spirit"(?).

The shuttle (accompanied by Asher in the attached Tomliat, and Fualla, in the escape pod) escapes into space. It still has to avoid the debris produced by the earlier space battles. A feddie battlleship falls into earth's orbit and attempts to make a re-entry into its atmosphere, but gets burned up in the process and explodes.


Usso once again blames himself for causing yet another death of the Shrike Team. Junko absolutely shoots the notion down.

They both breakdown into tears, ending the episode.

Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 24 (Yet another member of the Shrike Team goes down (Kate Bush))




Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Final

Man, where to begin? That finale was AWESOME. I mean Kincaido CATCHES a knife with his Gundam's teeth. Then that glorious reentry battle between Crux and Tobia. Them final speeches and explosions and Kincaido
only having a rad scar on his face and a sweet robot arm and nothing more serious than that.

The final fights in this series were AWESOME. I really enjoyed Crossbone Gundam. I assume at this point it is time to pick up Victory Gundam, though. I'll be what, 10 episodes behind everyone and watching it for the first time? Ah, well, time to see how this rolls.

I'm probably still gonna watch G-Saviour after Victory.
I'm of the camp that thinks G-Saviour isn't that bad, to be honesty.

I should really clarify that though. What I mean is that it's definitely not Hollywood blockbuster level or anywhere near it. I'd say it's about the same quality as a SyFy channel movie. And in that context, it's pretty enjoyable. Is it the Gundam movie that we deserve? No. Should we consider it canon? No. But it's kind of fun in its own right if you don't take it seriously at all.

I can't believe it got an HG kit



Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Final

Man, where to begin? That finale was AWESOME. I mean Kincaido CATCHES a knife with his Gundam's teeth. Then that glorious reentry battle between Crux and Tobia. Them final speeches and explosions and Kincaido
only having a rad scar on his face and a sweet robot arm and nothing more serious than that.

The final fights in this series were AWESOME. I really enjoyed Crossbone Gundam. I assume at this point it is time to pick up Victory Gundam, though. I'll be what, 10 episodes behind everyone and watching it for the first time? Ah, well, time to see how this rolls.]

"If there's really a God... Please don't intervene and let us settle this among humans!"
"I'm human and already too effing busy with that!"

Love all of this. I had a lot of nostalgia when I played Super Robot Wars @2 last year (where Crossbone is the "new full series" main Gundam entry) and they had all these lines and more actually voiced :D

I'm really glad you liked it!
I'm of the camp that thinks G-Saviour isn't that bad, to be honesty.

I should really clarify that though. What I mean is that it's definitely not Hollywood blockbuster level or anywhere near it. I'd say it's about the same quality as a SyFy channel movie. And in that context, it's pretty enjoyable. Is it the Gundam movie that we deserve? No. Should we consider it canon? No. But it's kind of fun in its own right if you don't take it seriously at all.

I can't believe it got an HG kit


I've got the G-Saviour PS2 game, really not all that bad.

Beth Cyra

I'm of the camp that thinks G-Saviour isn't that bad, to be honesty.

I should really clarify that though. What I mean is that it's definitely not Hollywood blockbuster level or anywhere near it. I'd say it's about the same quality as a SyFy channel movie. And in that context, it's pretty enjoyable. Is it the Gundam movie that we deserve? No. Should we consider it canon? No. But it's kind of fun in its own right if you don't take it seriously at all.

I can't believe it got an HG kit


Dear god, every time I see that thing I can't believe how big of a train wreck it's lower body is.


"If there's really a God... Please don't intervene and let us settle this among humans!"
"I'm human and already too effing busy with that!"

Love all of this. I had a lot of nostalgia when I played Super Robot Wars @2 last year (where Crossbone is the "new full series" main Gundam entry) and they had all these lines and more actually voiced :D

I'm really glad you liked it!

I think my absolute favorite part of the series really was that. Tobia out and out rejecting all this space talk of evolving people and new types and aliens and just being like "Everyone shut the fuck up, you're all just human!" And then kicking their asses. And like, Crux Dogatie's total break down at the end was nice, too.

One of the most badass moments of the finale, though, is Kincaido going
"Even if it is just a hallucination, Crux Dogatie, I cannot allow you to see this." The dude is burning, thinks the world is burning, and Kincaido's like "You stupid douche I'm not going to let you die thinking you won, even if you've lost your mind." Then he crushes him with his Gundam's whip.

That whole ending was so awesome.
GundamGAF Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 14


Another Shrike Team pilot down. I hope they don't plan to kill off one every episode now because that would be kind of lame. They were a great addition to a cast consisting of old men growling at Uso and old men shooting at Uso.

Did Uso manage to kill the pilot who killed Kate? What a piece of shit that guy was.

Beth Cyra

Ugh, I once heard a famous Youtube builder say that Impulse purchases are the most dangerous part of being into Gunpla.

Well I know what he means now.

I hate RX-78-2, and yet I just bought the Titanium Finish 2.0, the 58$ USD for a Titanium was to good to pass up. Well I guess it will be a good lead into the 3.0. Just need to finish Turn A before digging into it.


Ugh, I once heard a famous Youtube builder say that Impulse purchases are the most dangerous part of being into Gunpla.

Well I know what he means now.

I hate RX-78-2, and yet I just bought the Titanium Finish 2.0, the 58$ USD for a Titanium was to good to pass up. Well I guess it will be a good lead into the 3.0. Just need to finish Turn A before digging into it.

I'm definitely guilty of impulse Gunpla buys (just picked up new HG Doven Wolf yesterday!) The nice thing about Gunpla though is you can just snap kits together in a day and leave them like that until the time comes to pull them apart and paint them (if you want). That can't be said for all of my car, aircraft, ship and tank kits!

Two more days till 3.0 hits the streets. Though some shops may get it in tomorrow. I'll wait till I can find it at Bic Camera or Yamada Denki so I can grab it 30% off.
Most of my Gunpla purchases were impulse buys. I'm fortunate to have a very good brick and mortar Gundam Model store called Robot 4 Less (I'm sure most of you have heard of their online store). So I can just go in there and look at the different kits. Most of my purchases were based on "I like this suit and this suit. They have them in stock. Time to buy".

Beth Cyra

I'm definitely guilty of impulse Gunpla buys (just picked up new HG Doven Wolf yesterday!) The nice thing about Gunpla though is you can just snap kits together in a day and leave them like that until the time comes to pull them apart and paint them (if you want). That can't be said for all of my car, aircraft, ship and tank kits!

Two more days till 3.0 hits the streets. Though some shops may get it in tomorrow. I'll wait till I can find it at Bic Camera or Yamada Denki so I can grab it 30% off.

While true, this is the first time I've let myself do it on a suit I dislike. Usually I can hold back the impusle to stuff I at least have some interest in haha.

Right now I'm itching to buy the Strike Freedom Full Burst and Exia Trans Am, thankfully most shops are out of the second and I don't like buying single MG's so I can dodge the bullet for SF.
GundamGAF Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 14

I'm glad I stuck around for the opening sequence like ambientmystic suggested. The first scene of this episode gives a much better sense of the scale of space combat than the standard bit does; it seems like a glimpse of the long-range tactics that F91 and Crossbone Gundam hinted would become the standard.

The funeral scene was pretty somber - I suppose that's how it is when those close to the deceased are the ones burying the remains, outside of the battlefield. That comment from one of the Shrike members about Uso and Shakti being the type of people to stick together, even in death, is easily the most unnervingly foreboding thing I've seen in this show so far. And what kind of adult says that to a pair of kids at a funeral? With all due respect to the dead, the Shrike Team is kind of tactless.

Katejina shows up after being absent from the screen for a while. Chronicle continues to show some class around Kate, and tries to set his affairs in order as she plans to leave. 'Mamoru' phase indeed.

Uso has a decent circle throw, considering that he probably never practices it. It's better than Kamille's, at any rate.

Shakti finally shows Uso that letter she's been keeping from him, and he takes it surprisingly well. He tries to catch up to her and tag along as she leaves, but she shoots him down, stating matter-of-factly that his duty is to protect Shakti. Apparently the mamoru phase is contagious. The YJs start a bombing run, creating bedlam in the surrounding area and knocking most people off their feet; seeing Shakti and Karlman stumble makes Uso realize that it is his duty to protect her holy shit it IS contageous! I guess Odelo's got it bad too, since he and the other kids have spent almost as much time as Uso has bailing Shakti out.

I propose that we categorize this set of symptoms as Asbel syndrome.

This leads into another skirmish, and I'm once again impressed by the flow of the action. I dunno, I guess I'm just easily impressed. The mechs have a nice sense of weight in these scenes; watching them shift and hang as the pilots use the verniers to pivot and dive is a treat, and I found Uso's flips and freefalls in the Victory to be particularly clever.

Kate is the next Shrike Team member to be killed off in a grisly fashion - the senselessness of her death, while protecting a ramp that's been abused by both sides, isn't lost on her, which makes her death even more pitiful. And her sacrifice only allows the YJs to escape - doubly pitiful.

The falling debris from the battles in space only seems to dwarf the fallout of the skirmishes that the YJs and the League Militaire have had on Earth.

Did Uso manage to kill the pilot who killed Kate? What a piece of shit that guy was.

It seems that way - Uso stomped his cockpit in, and he didn't eject.
Most of my Gunpla purchases were impulse buys. I'm fortunate to have a very good brick and mortar Gundam Model store called Robot 4 Less (I'm sure most of you have heard of their online store). So I can just go in there and look at the different kits. Most of my purchases were based on "I like this suit and this suit. They have them in stock. Time to buy".

I've bought a lot of kits from them online. Just put together my first MG recently (Wing Gundam Zero). My cat knocked it off the shelf and it fell to pieces. I'll post a pic when I put it back together, looks sweet.


When looking for Crossbone Gundam characters' voice samples from Extreme Versus, I found one I had never heard before; it's Tobia saying "C-C'mon, I'll give you a banana..." when he fights the Zaku-II custom

Incredible lol
It's a "Skull Heart" reference for those wondering.
Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Final

Man, where to begin? That finale was AWESOME. I mean Kincaido CATCHES a knife with his Gundam's teeth. Then that glorious reentry battle between Crux and Tobia. Them final speeches and explosions and Kincaido
only having a rad scar on his face and a sweet robot arm and nothing more serious than that.

The final fights in this series were AWESOME. I really enjoyed Crossbone Gundam. I assume at this point it is time to pick up Victory Gundam, though. I'll be what, 10 episodes behind everyone and watching it for the first time? Ah, well, time to see how this rolls.

I'm probably still gonna watch G-Saviour after Victory.

First read Skull Heart then Steel Seven. :D

When looking for Crossbone Gundam characters' voice samples from Extreme Versus, I found one I had never heard before; it's Tobia saying "C-C'mon, I'll give you a banana..." when he fights the Zaku-II custom

Incredible lol
It's a "Skull Heart" reference for those wondering.
Haha, amazing. One of the best chapters in Skull Heart. xD

Crossbone also has one of the best Gundam themes ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO7iznv3Wxs

Beth Cyra

Just a heads up for anyone who ordered RX-78-2 3.0 from HLJ, they are already sending out payment requests so it should be shipping out in the next few days.

Edit: To go along with that, yesterday Gentei Kits started shipping out Unicorn 03 Fenix. I just went with SAL on both given my over 20 kits in my backlog, so anyone else who got them will likely do so way before me.
Gundam Age: Memory of Eden

Whoever penned the story to this must have looked into my mind for that which I desired from Gundam series to be. This proved that Gundam would work pretty well when in a school setting as it gave tons of awesome moments (more beach scenes in future series, please). Even better the friendship levels were extremely high. This ended up making the story way more emotional than it was during the tv airing.
After seeing Zehearto be all friendly and such for all those months, it was painful and heart wrenching when he had to go and do the attack on graduation day after having so many good times and bad times, fighting and laughing, and bonding with Asemu and co. He looked in pain and it seemed like it was some decision that just ended up haunting him for the rest of his life, especially the many other run ins and the meaning of friendship and etc. He just felt so much pain there in the final arc when he had the internal struggles about it, and his own beliefs, Asemu, and etc. He needed a hug. Ultimately, it was really well done

1st part was strong, second part was a bit on the weak end at times (knowing the outcomes of the events and sometimes with scenes that were just clearly taken from the tv with limited modification (did they actually make double bullet bigger though?) did make it dull. They also breezed over a few details that I thought were necessary
Kio barely had any speaking lines and they could have had him go all FX burst mode
. However, the final fight was probably the best fight in the whole thing and quite memorable.

Entertaining overall and condensing it to 2 and a half hours worked well for the emotional aspect and etc. Even Fram Nara's moments (due to the epic nature of Fawn Farsia), Liels, too felt a bit more powerful
though did we really need her to actually kiss Zehearto, I mean he was all obsessed with Asemu before and after her death so it was just plain weird and awkward


Just a heads up for anyone who ordered RX-78-2 3.0 from HLJ, they are already sending out payment requests so it should be shipping out in the next few days.

Yup it's here!

Also saw Heavy Arms which I haven't seen around in a while so I picked him up too. Those impulse Gunpla purchases....


That Gunpla builder OVA thing are pretty cool, shameless advertising aside.. its pretty neat to see custom color/part attached to various MS in action. Looking forward to the TV series.


That Gunpla builder OVA thing are pretty cool, shameless advertising aside.. its pretty neat to see custom color/part attached to various MS in action. Looking forward to the TV series.

The OVA was directed by the guy who gave us Red Garden, Kureinai, and Valvrave. The TV series is directed by the guy who gave us No.6, and parts of Gundam 00. :(


The OVA was directed by the guy who gave us Red Garden, Kureinai, and Valvrave. The TV series is directed by the guy who gave us No.6, and parts of Gundam 00. :(

Yeah, I heard the rumour its gonna worked by AGE team too.. this so doomed lol
But the rumor also have Obari involved in this, maybe at least we gonna got cool OP


From the Sunrise panel at Otakon now:

15:07:29 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> next year, 2014,is the 35th anniversary of the gundam franchise
15:07:42 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> and in honor of this, there are 2 projects right now in the planning stages
15:07:55 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> and one of them is yoshiyuki tomino's latest work
15:08:06 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> and the other is the Gundam: the origin in an animated form
15:08:26 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> and these two shows are planned to be unveiled to the public in 2014-2015
15:08:40 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> you might think i'm not being accurate giving 2 years as release times
15:08:56 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> sunrise has an occassional tendency of falling behind schedule so i'm hedging my bets
15:09:03 <bay|Ota|Sunrise> but the quality will be high

LOL Sunrise! :D
I'm predicting an OVA as a replacement to Unicorn, but I don't know to be honest.

If it were to be a full TV series, then we're about to be in for 3 years of back-to-back Gundam series.


I wonder if they could also follow the Yamato 2199 model with Gundam: The Origin, if they can't or don't want to get it on TV right out of the gate for whatever reason.

That is, stick about four episodes together and then call it a movie.
Lazy Sunday. Lazy recap. No images yet again.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 15 DVD

"Space Dust"
"Sup&#275;sudasuto" (&#12473;&#12506;&#12540;&#12473;&#12480;&#12473;&#12488;)

A rather placid episode. Space debris is the main antagonist for this one. Yeah, we finally head to space. Hurray.


Usso and Shakti split up. He goes to Space in a company shuttle. The LM have held them up at gunpoint in the flight control room.

Usso fails to even get her to come along. She does not want to leave Earth for some reason, and STILL wants to go back to Kasarelia.

The other boys (Odello and Warren) recklessly stowed themselves aboard.

Marvet is co piloting. She wants to head to space to meet the man, the myth, the legend, Jinn Gehennam.

They pop up from the hatch anyway. Took some hilarious pictures of themselves holding the pilot at gunpoint.

It's all a ruse, of course.

Snap back to Shakti. She undergoes a complete 180, now wants to head to Space. Make up yer damn mind, girl.

The rest of the flight is uneventful. The boys take to zero G pretty well.

Meanwhile, we head back to the Asher/Katejina/Fualla group. Things seem to going swimmingly for them too. Katejina's having some trouble in Zero G, and Asher lends her the ropes, like a true gentleman. Fualla looks on with a measure of disgust(?). Seems like they're about to head into another battle zone with the Keila Guilie's fleet. Fualla sends him to scope out the situation.

And we finally get our first taste of M.S vs M.S combat in space. Joy. Rapture. Asher wrecks the lead battleship and makes the others surrender. He's quite effective, when it comes down to it. I often forget that fact because he's often overshadowed by Usso.

Back to Usso n pals. Gets his first taste of space debris. It wrecks the beam shield emmiter, which means that they're in deep shiet unless they can fix it. The pilot mans up and heads outside himself to fix it after handing out normal suits to the others. He also patches up an air leak while he's at it. Unfortunately for him, the shield fails unexpectedly again, and he's hit but a rather large piece of debris and is knocked unconscious. They boys head out to rescue him, and we learn that they're all Earth born and Marbet is actually a colonist from Space, indirectly.

Intermission. (Dog's rolling on top now.)

Odello's actually pretty competent at EVA (space walking), surprising even me. He takes charge of the situation, directing Usso and Warren to their tasks at hand.

Back to the ZE. We finally meet the head honcho of the ZE Keilas Guilie battleship group. He's a pretty impressive looking and sounding fellow, and has the air of a real military leader. He's also shaking down Fualla pretty effectively lol, with Asher also present. They're having dinner. Fualla's pretty shaken up, her hands are trembling at her impending fate.

Usso and gang are done recovering the pilot. Warren's sealing yet another leak. The pilot wakes up. Usso decides to take the Victory out from the cargo hold to clear out the debris manually. Marbet objects, the pilot gives the okay anyway, paving the way for Usso to have his first space test flight in a M.S. This is gonna be fun.

He takes out the debris pretty efficiently with the beam rifle and the gundam's fists. There's a decent variety. including a tree branch, and a friggin' building in space.

Meanwhile, Fualla's about to be sentenced, while eating delcious ice cream. She gets exile in space. Asher objects, and the captain takes him down a notch, reminding him of his position. Fualla gets a little emotional and barely supresses a shudder. Asher also gets promoted to Lt. Cmdr. for some reason.

V Gundam's being put to good use, clearing out the debris in front of the ship. Usso and Odello discover a wierd looking wreckage docked next to a M.S. and investigate. The 'wreckage' turns out to be a functional habitation module, and there's an inhabitant inside.

Usso gets the urge to head inside for some reason, telling Odello to return the Gundam back if he doesn't make it out alive. It does turn out to be a bunch of BESPA YJs, who've bailed out of the previous battle. They question his motives; one of them fires rather recklessly at Usso's helmet.

Fualla's sentencing is being carried out at the moment. (Oh shiet, being exiled in space is kinda like a delayed death sentence? I had no idea.) She FINALLY lets out her pent up emotions as she's being launched out from the ship into outer space lol. It's a rather hilarious sight if I do say so myself. Asher gets pissed that he's forced to do that to her and seeks solace from Katejina.

Back to Usso, he's still insistent on helping out those two wayward ZE troopers. He gets into trouble for his kindness but is bailed out by Odello. The trooper finally comes to his senses and introduces himself as a Lt. Godwald, and allows Usso to leave. We also learn that kasarelia means "See ya again" in Usso's native tongue.

He heads back to the ship and the episode ends rather uneventfully, as they're about to meet up with a solar satelite. All in all would've been a boring episode if not for the Fualla segments, which had some pretty dark humour imo. Mostly filler.





The OVA was directed by the guy who gave us Red Garden, Kureinai, and Valvrave. The TV series is directed by the guy who gave us No.6, and parts of Gundam 00. :(
Yeah, I heard the rumour its gonna worked by AGE team too.. this so doomed lol
But the rumor also have Obari involved in this, maybe at least we gonna got cool OP

You two are crushing my dreams.

Gundam Age: Memory of Eden

Whoever penned the story to this must have looked into my mind for that which I desired from Gundam series to be.

This is extremely amusing. I started watching this yesterday, but had to stop due to obligations, so I didn't see the beach scene yet. This Gundam was made for you. Hahaha.


I wonder if they could also follow the Yamato 2199 model with Gundam: The Origin, if they can't or don't want to get it on TV right out of the gate for whatever reason.

That is, stick about four episodes together and then call it a movie.

I think the theatrical model is what Bandai Visual will stick with for any "prestige" project based on a popular property from now on. It has worked out very well for them, so regardless of whether they're making a real movie, or an OVA, or a TV series, they'll want to try to push for a theatrical release + early BD/DVD sale arrangement to make the most out of it.
Gundam Seed HD Remaster Episode 44 (bd)

Numerous Clotho and Shani scenes made up for the ridiculous and unnecessary need for a insert song/ed for Flay. Why give such an irrelevant and worthless character screentime and love.
especially since she was captured again on the wrong side and worst just leads to trouble for poor Kira. Tossing on the secret even this late isnt good. Cant imagine it will end well for Archangel and Eternal unless they have someway of giving Gundams another upgrade hopefully
Gloomy Monday. Lifeless recapper. The shortest one yet.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 16 DVD

"Reinforce Surfaces"
"R&#299;nh&#333;su Fuj&#333;" (&#12522;&#12540;&#12531;&#12507;&#12540;&#12473;&#28014;&#19978;)

A direct continuation of the last episode. Usso and gang meet up with a BESPA ship. They get boarded. The pilot tries to explain to the BESPA that they're coerced into transporting the contraband. They only partially buy it, making them give away the Gundam anyway, and taking the three kids into custody. Apparently there're other kids in the BESPA ship as well and they're hostages used to pursuade their parents to reconsider ownership of the solar satellite. After a round of introductions, Odello immediately points out some makeshift weapons they could use to bust out. Usso gets the hint and eventually they plan it out with the kids. The put the plan into action. It works beautifully and they bust out.

Only to a point. Marbet asks Usso to head to the Gundam to take out the Enemies in a jiffy. He's about to get his first taste of M.S. combat in space. He takes out the enemy ship's thrusters, and faces the Zoloat head on. He does pretty well for an Earthling, but he's getting trapped by the Zoloat's beam strings. He pulls off another phenomenal maneuver and wins the encounter, even allowing the enemy pilot to live after being tricked, using him as an insurance policy of sorts. They eventually part. No one dies.

Parellel storyline

Back on Earth, Shakti, K-man, and Suzy are doing what they do best. Surviving and apparently sneaking on board an EFSF battleship fleet.

The ZE launch another attack on the remnants of the LM (and the remains of the newly introduced EFSF affliated Bagley team) with their new aquatic M.S. we get introduced to more fresh meat. Junko (survivor and leader of what remains of the rapidly depleting Shrike Team) directs said meat to her M.S. Combat ensues, but have no fear, the capital ship (and also namesake of the title, the Reinforce) is safe, since K-man bestows upon them his +10 Aura of infant invincibility. Turns out it's also an all terrain space ship as well.

Holy asscrackers. The ship surfaces from the water, heads to the atmosphere and goes right into space without the aid of a mass driver. I forgot that UC tech is already way advanced since the year is UC 0153. And yeah, the same Captain Gomez (from his humble days of piloting decoy Transport Ships) is commanding this battleship called the Reinforce.

That's about it. Yet another filler type episode with no real progression so to speak. (and some mentions of Newtype powah.)

Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 24 (No one dies! Why it's a miracle!)




I think the theatrical model is what Bandai Visual will stick with for any "prestige" project based on a popular property from now on. It has worked out very well for them, so regardless of whether they're making a real movie, or an OVA, or a TV series, they'll want to try to push for a theatrical release + early BD/DVD sale arrangement to make the most out of it.

I just hope they won't butcher Origin. The whole meaning of it is being a complete retelling (and overall better version IMO) of MSG. Butchering the adaptation by doing only like 6/7 50 minutes episodes would kind of defeat the point.
GundamGAF Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 15


Gundam is a serious drama about war and stuff

The punishment for Lieutenant Pink Hair was pretty damn harsh. Three days in space, aimed at the fucking sun. Wow.

The encounter Uso had with an enemy out in space was pretty cool. Kasarelia!

And Shakti is going to follow Uso to space now because that little girl wants to join his brothers? That's some resolve to stay in Kasarelia to wait for Uso's mom there, lady.

Episode 16

Maybe he's a newtype?

Shakti is now in space.

Also there was a hostage situation up in space which ended with Uso's shuttle getting habitated with a bunch of new kids. They seem okay though so it's cool.
Gundam Seed HD Remaster Episode 44 (bd)

Numerous Clotho and Shani scenes made up for the ridiculous and unnecessary need for a insert song/ed for Flay. Why give such an irrelevant and worthless character screentime and love.
especially since she was captured again on the wrong side and worst just leads to trouble for poor Kira. Tossing on the secret even this late isnt good. Cant imagine it will end well for Archangel and Eternal unless they have someway of giving Gundams another upgrade hopefully

There is nothing that makes up for Flay. At least not in this series.
I just hope they won't butcher Origin. The whole meaning of it is being a complete retelling (and overall better version IMO) of MSG. Butchering the adaptation by doing only like 6/7 50 minutes episodes would kind of defeat the point.

I think for old fans it would be better as an OVA series. Make it the next Unicorn but a longer running one. It kind of would kill me if I had to watch 50 weeks of Gundam I already know. Considering I'm deader than dead after watching Seed Destiny then that would make me pretty dead.

Does Origin include Domon's Island? Because it should. It was one of my favourite episodes of the original series.

Edit: Wait DTL who the fuck are Clotho and Shani?


Gundam Seed HD Remaster Episode 44 (bd)

Numerous Clotho and Shani scenes made up for the ridiculous and unnecessary need for a insert song/ed for Flay. Why give such an irrelevant and worthless character screentime and love.
especially since she was captured again on the wrong side and worst just leads to trouble for poor Kira. Tossing on the secret even this late isnt good. Cant imagine it will end well for Archangel and Eternal unless they have someway of giving Gundams another upgrade hopefully
I'm curious, DTL, which Gundam series have you seen? Which is your favorite?
GundamGAF Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 15

Marbet's career is punctuated by bursts of humiliation.

At least Kate's sacrifice lasted for more than one episode. Hello reused animation.

"But you don't understand - I'm a PRINCE relatively undistinguished soldier!"

Uso wastes time trying to be reasonable and somehow ends up earning a measure of respect from a clear enemy; Chronicle wastes time trying to be reasonable and suffers for it; maybe things would be better for Chronicle if he played into the "obsessed rival" shtick or something. That said, even the lower ranks of the Zanscare Empire seem to have more sense than the higher-ups - Lt. Godwald doesn't half-ass things on the battlefield, for better or worse.

Episode 16
Oh look, Duker's using something other than a bike. And here I was starting to think he was a complete idiot. I guess the Zanscare forces have their own budget problems to deal with - these amphibian suits don't look so sturdy.

He and his subordinates try to assault the fleet of battleships that are trying to enter space, but the Shrike Team holds them off long enough to escape.

Uso and the gang meet up with a BESPA ship - after a few zany antics, they're taken prisoner. But what might have been been the setup for an awkward series of bottle conversations in earlier shows end up showcasing the writer's best impression of MacGyver. Also, the word 'newtype' is used formally for the first time. Also also, Shakti, Suzy, Karlman and Flanders are in space now, too. So much for keeping them safe by leaving them behind. Stay losing, Odelo.

Del Toro visiting Gundam Front Tokyo. He totally geeks out! xD


He also says Cherno Alpha was modeled after the Zaku.

I can see it in the arms.

Del Toro looks so happy in these vignettes. I mean, his reactions are tempered because he's a grown man, and he knows a good deal of it is for the cameras - but that complacent enthusiasm? You can't fake that. I'd probably act the same way if I ever saw that place in person.


Been kind of busy this past week and had to play a bit of catch up. Quick

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episodes 12-16

Suzy got some ice cream.
Uso smashes a guillotine.
Fuala commits a serious fashion crime against the ZE (suit/tie/bowler hat combo is a definite no-no) that results in her getting shot out of a torpedo tube.
We lost two more members of the Shrike Team (death by cockpit), which is made worse by the fact that one died attempting to keep Katejina alive.
Chronicle continues to be lame.
Everyone goes to space.
Katejina Katejina'd.
Shakti Shakti'd.
Marvet discovered Instagram.


GundamGAF's Victory rewatch makes the thread a minefield for me, haha. Can't look at so many posts as I watch for the first time.

Beth Cyra

There is nothing that makes up for Flay. At least not in this series.
This is were I really disagree with most SEED fans. Flay was my favorite female from SEED. I only liked 2, her and Lacus, but I thought Flay and her craziness was awesome *shrugs*.

HGUC Gouf Custom and RG Char Zaku II arrived today. So now I'm just waiting on Fenix and 3.0 to get here.
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