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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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I thought for a second "What the hell?" but it's just the BD box, not a remaster. Phew. Anyway, I don't have cable. Would have watched it otherwise.



Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant is that, because of how SEED and SEED Destiny remasters were, I heard "Wing Remaster!" and somehow thought "Sunrise wasting resources in order to crop the Blu-Ray version to 16:9 and draw some terribly jarring new cuts".

Stupid I know lol
I had to say goodbye to one of my models today. My Zaku III Mashymre Custom HGUC....

I was dusting and knocked it off by accident. Landed on my hardwood floor. Several pieces are broken at the joints and I'm not sure superglue will work.

Farewell Mashymre. You were a great model, even if you had a weird blue mold for parts that should have been grey.

I had to say goodbye to one of my models today. My Zaku III Mashymre Custom HGUC....

I was dusting and knocked it off by accident. Landed on my hardwood floor. Several pieces are broken at the joints and I'm not sure superglue will work.

Farewell Mashymre. You were a great model, even if you had a weird blue mold for parts that should have been grey.


You can rebuild it.


They do restock from time to time.
Yeah, I'm not terribly upset since it's a cheaper kit. If it had been say, my Sazabi or Nu Gundam that broke, I'd be a little bit more upset.

I think I'm going to replace it with a mass production model instead though.
You know what day it is today, Gundam kiddies.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 9 DVD

"Setting Off"
"Tabidachi" (旅立ち)

Usso and pals are out and about on the Gundam. He spots Asher's chopper convoy flying through the area and decides to drop Odello and co off to see what's ahead.

Meanwhile, Asher is haunted by the memory of his humilation by Usso. He's with Katajina at the moment who's actually grateful for his kind treatment of her in the base. She's rapidly developing Stockholm Syndrome. They also discover a settlement which Asher decides to investigate....

Which turns out to be Shakti's home. Shakti's busy cooking up some eats for her and the baby while singing that age old Zanscare lullaby (such kindness in an Empire full of cruelty and despair) sung to her by her mum. She's quite the maternal figure for her age, I wonder where her experience with babies comes from?

She's about to meet Asher yet again. It happens without much fanfare. The dog is actually receptive to him, which is kinda interesting.

Usso is spying on the home when he gets ambushed by two other Zolos. He tries to scramble back into the Gundam, and prepares to take em on. But fails before he could even get in. The Gundam + Usso is captured and brought to Asher, who's still with Shakti and Katejina. They meet up as last.

The first word out of his mouth is "Why?"

And her response is very telling. She's already bought into Asher and the whole Zanscare propaganda bullshit. Completely turned. Usso can't believe his ears. Neither could I, the first time I watched this show. In just a few short episodes since her abduction, Asher really did a number on her, and this is just the beginning of her descent to insanity.

(She'd later confess to Odello that she was trying to be a spy, but he doesn't buy it. Neither do I.)

The three kids are also on the scene. They're trying to figure how to rescue Usso from the clutches of the ZE and 3 Mobile Suits. Asher's having a ball of a time on the Victory Gundam, testing it out.

While this is happening, Odello and co and busy taking out the 2 other ZE grunts via trickery and subterfuge. They succeed, with some added slapstick humour as a bonus.

Asher is on his way back with the Gundam though, so Usso once again mans up and enters a friggin' Zolo to take him on.

Before that can happen though, Asher has the misfortune of encountering Oliver in the other Victory Gundam. They duel, and Oliver is about to be pwned. Until Usso comes in with the Zolo, bailing him out.


He gets overpowered pretty quickly by the superior fighting strength of teh Asher controlled Victory Gundam though. Which shows you what a competent pilot like Asher can do if given the right tools. The Zolo crash lands.

Oliver gets a lucky shot in and takes out one of the Victory's legs, which causes Asher to land the Gundam back to the house, and take the other Zolo instead. Odello tries to stop him before he could get in, but Katejina stops him from getting a bullet to the face.

Usso comes back in the nick of time as Asher was pointing the Zolo's friggin beam rifle to Odello's face (Odello has some balls of steel facing of the nozzle of the rifle like that). Usso quickly takes out Asher, and causes his Zolo's cockpit door to get stuck, giving Usso the chance to get back into the nearby Gundam that he abandoned earlier on.

While all this is going on, Oliver's having some trouble with the Mobile Armor that was trailing them earlier on. It proves to be a formidable adversary, and boasts some incredible firepower. He gets timely assistance from Usso again, who flies right into the MA and slices off bits of it, but gets his leg sheared off by the powerful beams of the MA.

Ollie gives him a spare set of boots, Usso's about to do it, until Asher comes back with Katejina in his open Zolo cockpit to cockblock Usso from dealing the killing blow. That was a low blow for Usso right there.


He's one frustrated individual. So am I. This moment of hesitation would prove to be his undoing later on in the series.

The episode ends with Usso finally making the decision to leave Kasarelia permanently. There isn't a safe haven for them over there anymore. Shakti breaks down at this point.

Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 5 (no significant named deaths this episode, the mooks escaped alive from their suits.)

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 9


I don't even remember what happened in the first half. Uso somehow gets captured and the Gundam is towed to what I presume is Shakti's house along with Uso. Cronicle found out where the house is because Katejina told him.

So, while some Yellow Jacket dudes pester Uso and Shakti and while Uso is cursing Katejina for defecting, Cronicle takes the Gundam out for a spin.


Yes, Cronicle. Flex those brain muscles of yours.

The other gang of kids manages to tie up the two Yellow Jackets. Uso jacks one of their mobile suits and goes to fight Cronicle. And so ensues one of the more memorable fights so far into the series. Neither pilot is quite sure how to handle their suits and they end up kind of fumbling around. One of the Gundam's legs is fired off and Cronicle has to find out how to eject the bottom part of the Gundam while Uso tries to do exactly the same thing. Later on, Uso actually uses the hip part of his suit as an impromptu weapon winning the fight.

Katejina says she's gonna be a spy like she's dreamed of ever since she saw BESPA's pretty mobile suits I mean ever since she was a little girl.

She also left a letter for Uso which Shakti hid. That's gonna come back to haunt someone.
Monday beckons.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 10 DVD

"Behold! The Shrike Team"
"Senretsu! Shuraku Tai" (鮮烈!シュラク隊)

The rest of the all female (except for Oliver, who probably feels like Bossley/Charlie in Charlie's Angels) Shrike Team is finally introduced. Marbet was the only one we got exposed to for the past 8 episodes before Olie came into the picture.

Highlights include:-

Episode starts off with Olie and Marbet having a mini-tiff (lol) of sorts. Marbet's being very passive aggressive with him, claiming that he should go back to his "other team".They're fixing the Victory yet again on the move, while performing maintainence on it. Odello's actually pretty capable with machinery too.

The name Jinn Gehennem and it's incoherency with the spirit of the LM movement (leader of the LM) is mentioned again for the second time.

Meanwhile the ZE (this time represented by Lt. Dupre, I'm really losing track of their names and faces since they lack differentiation and rarely stay on the screen long enough to build up their own unique persona) have successfully deciphered the next meeting place of the LM. They waste no time in preparing to intercept the LM forces meeting there, using the Tomliats(?)loaned to them by Lieutenant Pippiniden.

Back to Usso and gang. We finally get to see what his parents look like via Haro Bubble Projection System(tm). They seem like a bunch of decent folk. Which gives Usso the inspiration to figure out what'd happen next if the ZE decoded the encrypted message properly; they'd be toast. So yet again, he decides to do the right thing. Take Shakti and scout out the location of the enemy. With the Karlmann the baby providing +10 Gundarium plot armor (lol).

And right he was. The whole ZE armada is on it's way to intercept, and he gets caught.

Can he make it out in time?

Dupre actually makes a flyby near the Top Fighter and notices Shakti and Usso. He's shocked by their youth, and orders his troops to just capture the Fighter instead. Which they nearly do, yet again, only to be foiled by another serendipitous event for Usso.

The Shrike Team is here to save the day.

Speaking of which, here's a really nice scene from this episode:-


Usso takes the opportunity to offload Shakti and the baby (who bumps his head on the cockpit in the process, the poor thing lol), losing his battlefield death immunity but gaining massive offensive points without the excess baggage to slow him down. Shakti lays down the law, silencing the baby with a stern word, and he assents.

Meanwhile, the Shrike Team is facing Lt. Dupre's ZE team head on, quickly showing off why they're infamous in the first place. The show heads into patriotic music mode, and the first, arguably fair face off between the LM and the ZE forces commences.

(It was usually ZE vs Usso in all the previous fights.)

Usso forms up into the Gundam and immediately takes on a ZE machine, which he blows up at close range with the aid of a Shrike Team member, the blast radius from the engine approaching Shakti's location.

The Shrike Team don't fool around. Unlike Usso, they go for the kill by aiming for the engines, which means total destruction with no enemy survivors.

Usso picks up a thing or two from them and impresses the babes in the process.


With the enemies routed, the introductions are made. Usso gets the entire Shrike Team on his side, beaming, and like the others they can't believe that it was he who showed such prowess in combat.


Marbet watches from a far with a measure of jealousy. She's totally got feelings for Oliver and thinks he's a glorified pimp lol.

And it is now that we discover that Oliver is actually channeling the spirit of Noa Bright, doling out physical discipline on the field, delivering the first of many "corrections" as Bright calls them:-


That's all folks. The episode literally ends with the punch to the face, and with the Shrike Team in the picture, things are finally starting to look up.

Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 8 (no significant named deaths this episode, +3 ZE mooks blown up by the Shrike Team)



Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam 5:1

So Crossbone 1> Crossbone 2> Crossbone 3 for me, so far. Tobia is cool and all, but I mean, his MS is basically just a Hero colored version of the other Crossbones. And while I get that it makes sense that several MSes of intense similarity would come out at once, I dunno, I'm just ambivalent toward it, I guess.

That said the Diona is by far the most unusual, out of place MS in the entire UC Timeline. It's just really, really weird for MSes to have the metal faces you'd be more likely to see in an old SR show like Dancouga or GGG.


Quick recap for these past two episodes.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 9

Chronicle again shows his ineptitude when, after having the Victory literally airlifted to him, he manages to keep for all of five minutes before he loses a leg and is forced to land, allowing Uso to steal it back.

Uso, on the other hand shows his smarts when he uses a legless Zolo to take down Asher in another, fully equipped Zolo by launching the unmanned second unit at him.

Odelo, Warren, and Suzy are some decent sidekicks manging to take down two armed BESPA pilots and allow Uso to go after Asher.

Katejina all of a sudden decides she wants to be a spy for no one in particular. Spews some shit about "Earth progression" and how the LM are going about it wrong, Zanscare forever, etc.. Seriously, Reccoa 2.0.

Uso, angry over Katejina's "betrayal", cries in his cockpit.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 10

Episode starts with Oliver trying to run some game on Marvet, but she isn't having any of that.

Uso, convinced that his comrades might be heading into an ambush, decides to scout ahead and for some reason brings Shakti and Karlmann with him. Of course, they run into the fleet of Zanscare ships that he was certain were going to be there, and now he has to try and get Shakti out of the line of fire.

Here we get a chance to see that not every Zanscare pilot is a POS. When the leader notices that a bunch of children are in the core fighter, he orders his men to capture the suit rather than try and shoot it down. Which is what they do until...

The Shrike Team shows up. Oliver's stable of female pilots join the party to free and join Uso in battle. Together they take down several Zanscare suits. Afterwards they are all surprised to learn the the pilot of the Victory is just a little kid and Marvet is kicking herself over not being as awesome as the other female pilots.

And then we get Oliver disciplining Uso over his recklessness by using the Oliver Punch™, which is Victory's version of the Bright Slap™

Side note: Where are they getting these replacement parts for the ones Uso keeps losing?
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 10


Someone sends out a karaoke CD or something which tells some rendezvous point through some code and it falls into some wrong hands. Uso gets the feeling that there might be bad guys welcoming them at that point so he goes off to scout by his own volition and brings Shakti along as well.

But then Uso has to fight so he must dump Shakti.


K-Mann's face is one of pure terror

While Uso fights we are also introduced to the Shrike Team. Which consists exclusively of hot chicks and Oliver. What's up with that. Marbet calls him a pimp.

They take down the bad guys, Uso meets six new hot chicks which is sure to put his worries about Katejina to rest. Or not.



Crossbone Gundam 5:3

Oh sure, there's money to animate shit like Stardust Memory, but nobody ever animated this awesome series? The hell, Sunrise. The hell. I mean in this chapter we have an awesome throwdown between two Crossbone Gundams, after the F91 vs Crossbone, we have Tobia pull a GaoGaiGar and rescue someone from a space monster by TEARING THEM OUT OF IT. We have Haro the parrot in a normal suit.

Whycome no animated Crossbone Gundam?
Crossbone Gundam 5:3

Oh sure, there's money to animate shit like Stardust Memory, but nobody ever animated this awesome series? The hell, Sunrise. The hell. I mean in this chapter we have an awesome throwdown between two Crossbone Gundams, after the F91 vs Crossbone, we have Tobia pull a GaoGaiGar and rescue someone from a space monster by TEARING THEM OUT OF IT. We have Haro the parrot in a normal suit.

Whycome no animated Crossbone Gundam?

Just think how awesome a full F91 series could have been


Most of the animated stuff (with the sole exception of Unicorn I think) aren't adaptations.

Also Crossbone was literally made because F91 didn't get a full series.


Most of the animated stuff (with the sole exception of Unicorn I think) aren't adaptations.

Also Crossbone was literally made because F91 didn't get a full series.

I kinda feel like Crossbone is that way, yeah. Like how the second half of F91 would've played out or whatever.

But I mean, if ever there was a Gundam Manga deserving of its own series, it was Crossbone. Seeing Kincaido's battles against Zabine fully animated would be amazing.


Need some Gunpla advice.

I want to get one of these two RX-78-2 kits.

One is the "animation color" version. It's MG, looks great in the photo but is a little bit cheaper.


The other is the "Version 2.0" model. It's also MG and is a bit more expensive and heavy, which makes me think it's better quality.


Anyone have any knowledge of both these kits? Is one noticeably better quality than the other, or do I just go with the animation colour version?
Speaking of which, here's a really nice scene from this episode:-


Usso takes the opportunity to offload Shakti and the baby (who bumps his head on the cockpit in the process, the poor thing lol), losing his battlefield death immunity but gaining massive offensive points without the excess baggage to slow him down. Shakti lays down the law, silencing the baby with a stern word, and he assents.

The idea that all of these skirmishes work on a strictly calculated point system gave me a good belly laugh.

And it is now that we discover that Oliver is actually channeling the spirit of Noa Bright, doling out physical discipline on the field, delivering the first of many "corrections" as Bright calls them:-


And then we get Oliver disciplining Uso over his recklessness by using the Oliver Punch™, which is Victory's version of the Bright Slap™

So Bright slaps out of frustration when people are acting like self-absorbed brats, and Oliver punches when his pilots are self-aware and cognizant of their own actions? Man, Victory really does operate by a different set of rules.

Side note: Where are they getting these replacement parts for the ones Uso keeps losing?

I imagine that they have a warehouse full of them. The original RX-78 seemed to have tons of spare legs and torsos too. If it's the same as the original series, it's only the Core Fighter that's really important.

After playing so much Gundam Extreme VS, it's a little jarring to see the Shrike Team working together as a unit and actually helping - but I can adjust.

I'm so behind on recaps that I think I'll just wait until Wednesday to jump back into it.

I would buy it, but I'm sure it's like, $200, and I probably wouldn't ever wear it outside of geek conventions.

Actually, it's only around $60 right now. If I needed another bag, I'd snag one and just use it like a backpack.
Gundam Wing - 1

Well, first episode of the first Gundam series I'll see. And...It's wasn't bad, but it wasn't too exciting (but then again, exciting first anime episodes are rare).

There's not really much explanation as to why this alliance is evil. They just overpower other colonies yeah, so I can see where most of the hate is coming from, but I've seen much worse evil alliances in anime. I hope I see some REAL evil from them.

Okay, that guy is definitely evil though since he's wearing a mask.

Those are some pretty damn good mecha designs for the Gundam. Though I can't say the same for those fodder Halo-Spartan wannabe mechs.

This dub isn't exactly great. I mean, the characters talk really slow and have almost no enthusiasm in their lines. I especially love this one scene where something freaking explodes and a guy just casually looks away and asks: "Are we under attack?" before getting sliced in half.

Ok...here's our love interest who saves main character's life...who promptly makes something on his chest explode and steals an ambulance. All right then.

Not wasting any time introducing the characters and their badass robots are ya anime?


Hitler is such a whiner.

All right, main character now wants to kill our main love interest. Well that's one way to start an anime! I'll be honest, I was barely interested in what was going on until he said that. Now I'm somewhat interested. Let's see where this goes.
I imagine that they have a warehouse full of them. The original RX-78 seemed to have tons of spare legs and torsos too. If it's the same as the original series, it's only the Core Fighter that's really important.

IIRC, they mention one of the advantages of the V is that it's easy to mass produce

Beth Cyra

Need some Gunpla advice.

I want to get one of these two RX-78-2 kits.

One is the "animation color" version. It's MG, looks great in the photo but is a little bit cheaper.


The other is the "Version 2.0" model. It's also MG and is a bit more expensive and heavy, which makes me think it's better quality.


Anyone have any knowledge of both these kits? Is one noticeably better quality than the other, or do I just go with the animation colour version?

Definitly go with the OYW version. Honstly I find the 2.0 to be ugly as sin, and while it is a better model, the OYW is amazing and still holds up quite well, it's easily my favorite design of the RX-78-2.

You could wait for the 3.0, but really it's not even needed. OYW Gundam and Gundam 2.0 are still both amazing kits, and the 2.0 is actually a better model then all the SEED and Wing kits released over the last few years.
Wednesday approaches.

Warning:- This one is rather lengthy since the episode covers a lot of ground and the expanded character roster.

Preemptive apologies for the LQ JPGs. I forgot to set the capture device to output to PNGs for this episode.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 11 DVD

"The Shrike Team's Bulwark" (Defense of the Shrike Team)
"Shuraku Tai no Bōheki" (シュラク隊の防壁)


This is an episode with quite a bit of down time, which is perfect after the action packed last couple of episodes and a nice change of pace. Also a rather talky episode.

Highlights include:-

Episode starts off nice and easy with a chat between Usso and Shakti, both on their hover vehicles. She once agains shares her concerns with Usso about the present situation. Usso mentions that they have a better chance of reuniting with both their parents by following the convoy; the mobility from enemy attacks is also an added bonus.

The convoy is finally reaches the rather cryptic DD meeting point (which was deciphered by the ZE last episode) to join up with the rest of the LM forces, which turns out to be the remains of an airbase with a fully working hangar. They have 3 fully completed V Gundams.

The old man and a LM (actually EFSF) officer in the hangar have a frank discussion about their "spheres of responsibility". Usso overhears the name of his father from aforementioned officer and enquires further.


Oliver and Marbet are at it again, rather briefly this time, as she brushes him off quickly. His Shrike Team are ordered to load the rest of the mobile suits onto the transport plane, to be prepped for a new mission.

The Shrike Team are definitely attracting the wrong sort of attention on the base by the starving men. Usso is pestering the other feddie/LM folk for more information about his father. Odello feels rather annoyed at what Usso is doing, and drags him out to explain, in his own words, how his actions are insensitive to Suzy's feelings (she's probably orphaned). He starts brawling, Usso brushes him off, but catches him again with a taunt, which attracts the attention of one of the Shrike Teams pilots.

Meanwhile, the ZE pilots (remnants who escaped from the bloodletting last episode?) are still tracking down the LM. One of them surmises that they should be heading south since that's where the beams were firing from. She's a smart one, that one.

Back to Usso and Odello. They are still duking it out, with the Shrike Team as their witnesses. The women actually place their bets on the two sorry boys. Usso 'loses' thanks to an interruption by Shakti, who hands him her hanky to wipe the blood off her mouth. Odello leaves the scene, and a sullen Usso does too, after tell Shakti to buzz off as politely as he can.

Perspective switches again to the ZE pilots having a drink in a bar and confirming their destination via one of the slightly tipsy patrons. She leaves no survivors on her way out, as is the Zanscare tradition.


Back to Usso yet again, who is being treated by the medic of the group. He gets some useful back story about his father and his importance to the LM, and also his current MIA status. (We also learn of his mum's name, Muller Miguel). He learns nothing that he can immediately use however and he leaves the truck, dejected.

He meets up with Odello, who actually intends to help him out this time around in his quest around Europe.

This happy moment is inevitably interrupted by an enemy attack (a different team, the Gattarl team, not the ones with choppers from earlier on). We get 3 more names of the Shrike Team (Peggie, Kate and Connie) as they head to their mobile suits to take care of the enemy

Half Time Intermission

Marbet and the old man argue with the EFSF captain about the need to deal with the enemy at hand by unloading the mobile suits.
Usso returns to the hanger, but promptly heads out again on his hover bike when he realizes that Shakti, Karlmann and the dog are missing, followed by Odello and the rest of the kids. Marbet gets another chance to shine in the V Gundam.

The Gattarl team are revealed to be the ones spearheading this attack, pissing off the female Lieutenant heading the ZE chopper team (?).

Odello catches up to Usso and convinces him to go back to defend the airbase. He assents, returns and catches the Transport Plane carrying the Gundam in the nick of time. Oliver and Marbet are already in the other 2 Victory Gundams, leaving the third identical one for him.

The Gattarl Team and the Shrike Team are in the heat of battle giving as good as they got; the Shrike Team having the upper hand for now. They leave no survivors either.

Usso is being launched out of the plane (still on the ground!) for the first time in his life, and the experience is quite unnerving, even for someone used to performing death defying mid air acrobatics such as himself.

The choppers squad led by the Lt. are here, and they're proving to be a handful, even for the seasoned pilots, to handle. The Lt. discovers that the transport plane being used is supposed to belong to that of a neutral party.

Meanwhile, Shakti is having a mini breakdown of sorts (it was about time I guess, with all the things she's gone through in the past 11 episodes), planting seeds in the ground while she should be running for her life. Enemy fire ALMOST grazed her and the baby, and she BARELY flinches! She has to be dragged away to safety by the kids before she got them all killed. Even the Haro unit is telling her to gtfo.


The gang get's an upclose and personal view on the battle. Usso maneuver's his Gundam right on top of Shakti and the baby, and it takes him yelling to snap Shakti out of her funk.


The music goes melancholic all of a sudden, usually signifying that something shitty is about happen in this Tomino series. The others FINALLY drag her behind out of there using force since they'd all die if they stay there any longer.

The ZE Lt. finally has realizes that the Transport plane was just camouflaged to look like one of a neutral party. The EFSF pilots, feeling that thier cover is blown gets ready to gtfo. A ZE mook tries to make a beeline for the plane but is stopped by a member of the Shrike Team.


It does not end well for the both of them however. She's taken down with the ZE suit, right in front of the kids.


Leaving 5 remaining members to mourn her loss.

Yoshiyuki Tomino lives up to his reputation. Kudos, you magnificent bastard.

The transport plane is slowly moving away and getting ready for take off. While this is happening, Oliver and Marbet are rather occupied with providing additional thrust and lift to the airplane since the right wing's engine got taken out by an earlier attack.


The kids are trailing behind the airplane, and they manage to catch up to it safely and enter the rear cargo hold (as if that was ever in doubt, being with the baby meant that they had immunity to death)

The Two Victory Gundams are still helping to lift the plane in the sky, also acting as makeshift emplacement turrents to take down any other ZE mobile suits.

Usso finally gets his duel of the episode with the ZE Lt. who goes right in for the kill.


He avoids certain death by undocking his Gundam to form Top Fighter mode. That provides enough of a distraction for another member of the Shrike Team to take her (the Lt.) down. Usso also comes back for seconds, he's really getting that bloodlust in this episode. She makes it out alive, however, since they didn't take out her escape pod which is safely recovered by her comrade making her survive more episodes than her fellow average ZE mooks.


The plane finally heads to safety, with the Shrike Team (minus Helen) latching on (ED Note:- There are two planes actually), mourning their loss. Junko is especially the hardest hit by Helen's demise, since she was one of the earliest members of the team.(They're starting to flesh out the back story for the Shrike Team, which is always a good thing.)

Back at the battlescene, the Gattarl team (or what's left of them) salute the deceased Shrike Team member for her bravery and vows to take the LM more seriously.

The episode ends with a rather somber tone. The elders of the LM grimly reflect on their current situation and discuss their travel plans to Gibraltar.

Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 15 (A member of the Shrike Team is taken down this episode, +6 ZE mooks visibly taken down and killed)




Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam

Tobia is utterly terrified by a photo realistic deer. Bernadette tries to provide us with fan-service, but since she's like, what, fifteen, there's not a lot to see. Crux Dogatie (whose name is half generic villain half Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain) manages to make his face even more terrifying by removing any features from it.


Definitly go with the OYW version. Honstly I find the 2.0 to be ugly as sin, and while it is a better model, the OYW is amazing and still holds up quite well, it's easily my favorite design of the RX-78-2.

You could wait for the 3.0, but really it's not even needed. OYW Gundam and Gundam 2.0 are still both amazing kits, and the 2.0 is actually a better model then all the SEED and Wing kits released over the last few years.

Thanks a lot for this... I thought the OYW looked really nice in the photo. The way the joins are accented, if that's the right way to put it, is awesome.
GundamGAF Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 11


Super drunk edition.

Uso punched the friend who stole his ham in episode 2 or whatever.

Shakti fucking lost it and tried to plant trees or whatever.

Also Helena from the Shrike team got killed. Not sure which one she was. Not my red head waifu, that's for sure.


GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 11

Uso gets some new information about his fathers probable whereabouts.

With the uber-hot Shrike Team looking on, Uso and Odelo fight to show off their manliness and impress the ladies.

Shakti, probably after having spent too much time in close proximity to Katejina, temporarily loses her shit and tries to replant the Earth.

Marvet manages to not only pilot again but is given her very own Victory MS. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, she's relegated to official plane pusher.

A member of the Shrike Team dies from a punch to the gut/crushed cockpit. She lasted one episode. We are now down to 5 members.
This is about to become a thing.
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 11

Man, the LM works fast - they've already got another Victory Gundam all set up in the hangar, and they're prepped and ready to leave the village in only the space of a few days.

How the hell was Uso supposed to know that Suzy and Whatstheirface would take his pestering so personally? What's he supposed to do, bail on his dad just to spare their feelings? Still, it's not like most of the Feddies in the hangar would have been much use - most of them lacked the collective brain cells to do anything other that (pathetically) spit game at the Shrike Team. Still, I've seen flimsier excuses to start a fight, and apparently so has Odelo.

The Shrike Team is made up of scumbags - what other kind of adult bets on kids scrapping? It's funny that as most of the fight is heard as an aside, the worst barbs Odelo and Uso can throw at each other are generic insults. Just goes to show how well they actually know each other.

I'm starting to notice that Shakti has a really bad habit of showing up at the last minute and making snap judgments.

Oh wow, more motorbike action.

The plane captain is a total flake - stubborn enough to want to keep the crew from launching the Victory, but stupid enough to want to launch the ship it's in, in the middle of an attack. Jeez, the LM can really pick them, huh? At least they had the sense to try and sneak past both ways by posing as a PCST transport. I suspect that this is another half-baked plan from the League that will backfire almost immediately after this episode.

Shakti panics and has a temporary breakdown, trying to plant seeds during the skirmish. Another horribly rash decision, although this one is more sensible.

Helen managed to help protect the transport, but ended up dying the most grisly death in the series up to this point for her troubles. Seems a little bit sick that she got killed by pulling the same flashy melee nonsense that every other pilot had been pulling since episode 2. Still, her death was enough to crush all that bravado the team had been exuding up till now.


Not to put too fine a point on it, but I'm pretty sure it's her easy-going nature that got her killed. A good team would learn from this. Just saying.

After all this, the crew still has a ways to go - through the Swiss Alps, all the way to Gibraltar. Shakti takes another look at that letter she confiscated
so rashly
, since the word Girbaltar jogged her memory a bit. Anyone want to take a look back, just to see what that rustling is all about? Anyone? Just a peek? Nobody? OK.


Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam 5:4

It never occurred to me until this particular chapter, but in retrospect it is painfully obvious that Professor Karas is
a Crux Dogatie clone.
I mean,
they've got the one visible eye motif going on, the same hooked nose, the mixture of geniality and insanity, its all there.

Other thoughts on this series so far:
-Life in the Jupiter Sphere cannot always have been this effed up. Chalia Bull didn't seem as crazy as these Jovians, and while Poptarts Sriracha definitely was, the Jupiter Fleet was still presented as a sane alternative to the madness of the Earth Sphere as late as ZZ Gundam.
-Speaking of, while I appreciate that Judau and Roux are in their sixties at this point, I do sort of wonder what they're up to out here these days.
-Is Giri a boy or a girl?
Keep in mind, Corvo, that the Jupiter Energy Fleet and the Jupiter Empire are two separate entities. No doubt there is a connection, that is sort of unavoidable.

If I were to draw a comparison, I'd say the Energy Fleet is Exxon-Mobile and the Jupiter Empire is Saudia Arabia. The Energy Fleet makes billions upon billions of resources, and no doubt the Jupiter Empire has profitted and has some control in what the fleet does, but the energy fleet is directly ruled by the empire.

The fleet is made up of more than just Jovians by the way. It is implied to have quiet a few Earth-sphere workers as well. That said, I do seem to recall the Empire inserting spies into the organization. Who knows whether or not the Fleet knew about that though. And if they did, I doubt they cared as long as it didn't disrupt their operations.


Keep in mind, Corvo, that the Jupiter Energy Fleet and the Jupiter Empire are two separate entities. No doubt there is a connection, that is sort of unavoidable.

If I were to draw a comparison, I'd say the Energy Fleet is Exxon-Mobile and the Jupiter Empire is Saudia Arabia. The Energy Fleet makes billions upon billions of resources, and no doubt the Jupiter Empire has profitted and has some control in what the fleet does, but the energy fleet is directly ruled by the empire.

The fleet is made up of more than just Jovians by the way. It is implied to have quiet a few Earth-sphere workers as well. That said, I do seem to recall the Empire inserting spies into the organization. Who knows whether or not the Fleet knew about that though. And if they did, I doubt they cared as long as it didn't disrupt their operations.

But the empire flew the fleet's flagship, the Jupitris, to Earth. This is the same ship that Judau and Roux were headed for and that I assumed was the capital city of Jovian life.
whats the general opinion on gundam age? this is coming from someone who loved gundam wing/

The art style and character design initially interested me in trying it out and I liked mechas and was looking for a way to get into Gundam, so I thought to start here, and it worked. During the time I did follow this, and then picked up 00, Seed HD, and even Wing. The characters for gAGE were just really good and right in my interests for stories I like to follow. Each generation saw them receive considerable amounts of development, and them working towards their goals and motivations, with their own keystone moments. I think Im probably in the minority (well at least at mal, that 6.94 rating, ouchie) but Gundam Age was worth giving a shot and was vastly rewarding week after week. I liked the ever deepening plot and the intense action, as well as the visuals and music (nary a bad song on the OST). Side characters like Desil, Fram, Leil, Seric Abis, Wolf, Ezelcanto-sama, Deen, Algrieus, were well done and interesting and actually worth mentioned, and the main characters were all good, like Zehearto, Flit, Asemu, Kio, were good.

Beth Cyra

The art style and character design initially interested me in trying it out and I liked mechas and was looking for a way to get into Gundam, so I thought to start here, and it worked. During the time I did follow this, and then picked up 00, Seed HD, and even Wing. The characters for gAGE were just really good and right in my interests for stories I like to follow. Each generation saw them receive considerable amounts of development, and them working towards their goals and motivations, with their own keystone moments. I think Im probably in the minority (well at least at mal, that 6.94 rating, ouchie) but Gundam Age was worth giving a shot and was vastly rewarding week after week. I liked the ever deepening plot and the intense action, as well as the visuals and music (nary a bad song on the OST). Side characters like Desil, Fram, Leil, Seric Abis, Wolf, Ezelcanto-sama, Deen, Algrieus, were well done and interesting and actually worth mentioned, and the main characters were all good, like Zehearto, Flit, Asemu, Kio, were good.

I'm not going to say that DTL opinions are wrong, but they are an EXTREME Minority.

Gundam AGE is the single worst recieved Gundam period. Had the worst ratings (It actually dipped and stayed below X which was Canceled because of it's low ratings) in franchise history and even the Gunpla, RD's and other Bandai Mech was heavily price slashed to get rid of stock.

Oh yeah, and the two Games that Level 5 made for Gundam AGE also tanked extremely hard.

Also there is no need to say you liked Gundam Wing, because while it has it's detractors Wing did quite well even in Japan and was even voted to be the 5th best Gundam show by Gundam ACE readers in 2010 beating every 90's series and only losing to Amuro/Char and SEED. OO beat it as well, but OO was the most recent anime at the time, so its hard to say if it would beat it again. This wasn't aimed at you DTL, but the original poster you responded to.
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