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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Totally disagree with you there man. Turn A is (capital G) Gundam and the closest thing we have to a "this is how it ends" for the entire series. It's Tomino c. 1999 reclaiming the franchise for all time by making the "true" ending (which you can accept or not obvs).

The Turn A itself may not aesthetically be in line with other Gundams but that doesn't matter because it's actually an update of the RX78-2. Its colour scheme - yeah - but also its core fighter, its mustache (i.e. a revised V-fin), and the lack of fancy gear beyond beam sabers and beam rifle. tbh, I think the Zeta is less "Gundam-y" than the Turn A, which in some ways is Gundam Hero Distilled - just like the Turn X is Gundam Villain Distilled.

I have to disagree. While I certainly think the show is unorthodox in a lot of ways, just as G Gundam is, it still has a lot of the basic Gundam things going on. The Earth is still locked in military conflict with the Space Colonies (this time on the moon), the White Gundam is still the hero capable of turning the tides, the hero is still opposed to war, there's all the jazz about the senselessness and violence of war, et all.

Show feels plenty Gundam to me.

Pretty much this. For me Turn A is the final chapter of "Classic Gundam". The end of an era. Seed was like a revival/reboot of the franchise.

God damn.

Nail. on. head.

I was referring to the design of the Turn A Gundam itself. But I guess I wasn't being clear about that point.

That's what I meant by the statement, "Not Gundam-y enough". It was in reference to the question about the design on the Turn A Gundam itself.

Plotwise, yeah, it's definitely a Gundam show through and through. I won't disagree with Gundam-GAF on that point.

The mecha design idoesn't really lend itself to the Gundam name, but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that point.
So I'm listening to B-Bird right now, and it's just as amazing an ED theme today as it was when I first heard it.

And it still breaks my heart every time. :'(

Loniiiiiiii!!!! ;_;


Any screens? I've seen people talking about this on Twitter and I'm curious to see what they changed. I'm always two weeks or so behind people watching the Bandai Channel version since I watch on Tokyo MX.

edit > Screw that, a little Google-fu gave me what I wanted. What the fuck? lol

For those wondering, in the scene Meer wakes up in Athrun's room in episode 21, the nuisette she's wearing is now transparent. So you can see her titties in their full glory, nipples included.

They got their priorities right lol


Victory Gundam 7

You know, I've heard a LOT of dumb things in anime, but "I've revived the tradition of driving a motorcycle, and it has made me invincible!" is perhaps one of the funniest of them all. That it serves as foreshadowing
to the fact that the Zanscare Empire has also revived the positively barbarian Guillotine and uses it on a named character in this show only makes things that much worse. This scene also sets the tone for exactly what kind of show this is.
And I mean, damn. Not only do we see
the Count beheaded (off screen)
, but we also get to see a very, very creepy
torture device employed before that.
I know the show had already made a point that
guillotines were in use, but I had thought it metaphoric until this point.

Also Shakti gets pissed on after cleaning a dirty diaper. You needed to hear this as much as I needed to see it. Which is not at all, I hope.

Uso looks so damn nineties. Like he has that dumb bowl cut and he wears his baseball cap backwards. He's basically Mighty Max in a Gundam.

Shakti and Uso also keep thinking they can somehow just up and go back to Kaserelia whenever they want. Well, I mean, Shakti's realized Uso cannot back out now, but he hasn't. Meanwhile Katejina just sits there, looking Dorothy.

Again, though,
a man was tortured and then decapitated in this episode. Last episode a man cried after killing his subordinates, and then blew himself up with a grenade.
Victory Gundam is like if you took the last five episodes of Zeta Gundam and made them into a series.
Which means I expect Uso to lose his sanity before we're through here.
Victory Gundam is like if you took the last five episodes of Zeta Gundam and made them into a series.
Which means I expect Uso to lose his sanity before we're through here.

All that stuff worked in Zeta exactly because they were the last five episodes and you were losing characters you'd been with for forty-five episodes. Yeah the count was killed why would I even care.

I'm expecting the cast in Victory to go through some radical changes outside of Katejina, Marbet, Shakti, Cronicle and Uso at least a few times.
Throwing hints in there that Uso is gradually losing his sanity would be so great.
Nothing like that yet though, as far as I am able to deduce. Which obviously isn't much considering I can barely write up two sentences after finishing an episode these days. I'm glad there's Ambientmystic's writeups here to make me remember stuff.


All that stuff worked in Zeta exactly because they were the last five episodes and you were losing characters you'd been with for forty-five episodes. Yeah the count was killed why would I even care.

I'm expecting the cast in Victory to go through some radical changes outside of Katejina, Marbet, Shakti, Cronicle and Uso at least a few times.
Throwing hints in there that Uso is gradually losing his sanity would be so great.
Nothing like that yet though, as far as I am able to deduce. Which obviously isn't much considering I can barely write up two sentences after finishing an episode these days. I'm glad there's Ambientmystic's writeups here to make me remember stuff.

Well I think that
the count's death works less as something to get your emotions than as a sort of spectacle to tell you what kind of show you're in for.
Like I'm now expecting this to be the most brutal Gundam. Not gritty in the way that Zeta was, but just like, constant violence. And not like just MSes blowing up, but like, full on people dying in junked up ways.

Uso going mad would be nice, but I mean, that usually isn't war's toll on a Gundam pilot.

Turn A Gundam 21

Well, as far as I am concerned, this is officially one of the best series in the entire franchise. I'm completely in love with the rustic theme the music so often has, and the characters of Diana Soreil and Loran Cehak have me fully engaged. This episode was every germophobe's worst nightmare, as Diana is made to work in the blood and refuse of a thousand sick soldiers, and she does it all willingly. Lily Borjano, jealous that Diana is so freely speaking with Guin, tries to make her life hell, but Diana bears it all and learns another valuable lesson about the lives of the people her army is fighting. It's like that three episode stint on the Vegan homeworld in Gundam AGE, except that it's good, and I nobody is suddenly twirling their mustachio.

Meanwhile, Kihel Heim is learning about the pressures of ruling an entire nation, as assassination attempts grow into what is a very, very thinly veiled rebellion against her right to rule. Lt. Harry, who somehow manages to figure out that Kihel Heim and Diana Soreil are not the same person but hasn't figured out that Loran Cehak and Laura Rola are, is proving himself a loyal retainer to the crown, which is pretty damn unusual for a Char clone.

The best part of the entire episode, though, is the surgical removal of a man's leg with a "sterilized" hand saw. Girl puts a goddamn bucket under a hole in the bed designed to siphon his blood down as the guy screams in terror and the doctor saws his leg off. Diana is then required to pick that bucket full of blood up and dump it in the river (oh God, the sheer irresponsibility of disposal of biowaste in this episode is nightmarish to behold, but faithful enough to the setting.) And this is all without thinking about whether or not the girl was also required to take the man's severed leg and dispose of it, too.

Loran's breaking down at seeing his Queen washing soiled sheets takes a close second. Kid is so damn earnest, and everyone (except Sochie, I guess) in this show bears their abuse in such a humble way that it strikes quite the contrast with most other Gundam shows, where SOMEONE would have shouted "IT'S NOT FAIR!" at this point.

And I'd like to say how thankful I am that, in 21 episodes, no one has complained of "adult thinking!" that noise bugs me more than most anything in UC.

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 8

Uso is a huge loser and a massive idiot. His back-talk to Ms. Marbet in particular pisses me off. She gives it to him straight, that these people will die without him, and that the Zanscare aren't something he can run away from, and that all of this will come back to bite him even if he runs, and what does he say "Your logic is irrational! I have something I have to do! I want to go home!" So, essentially, no argument at all, just "WAH I WANNA GO HOME." And Shakti tries to take that stupid baby with her a SECOND time. I mean c'mon. You'll shirk all your responsibilities but this one? Kay.

Anyway, I'm guessing we're going to be seeing a LOT of this guillotine repeating in Uso's head, since it seems to have been his defining moment, which he promptly missed. Meanwhile, Ms. Marbet proves that she should have been the goddamn protagonist of this show and not fucking Mighty Max, but since she's not a Newtype, over the age of twenty, and not named Tobia Arronax, she can't keep up. Still, girl pulls off better maneuvers than dorky Uso even as she's losing ground, ejecting the Top in order to break free from the enemy's grip.

Oh, and I guess Lt. Cronicle is doing some stuff for people. He never wears the mask anymore, and I'm beginning to question why he ever did. Still, not even 10 episodes in, so I'll cut Uso and Cronicle some slack.
Posting this early since I won't have access to the net tomorrow on Sunday for the whole day.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 18 DVD

"Battle of the Space Fleets"
"Uchū Kantaisen" (宇宙艦隊戦)

I'm rather pissed off right now, since I just had a power outage and as a result, my glorious write up about this episode got wiped from my PC. Fuck. 31 screenshots and a mountain of text just went down the proverbial toilet.

Suffice to say that there are 2 j/giffable moments in this episoode.

Off the top of my head:-

1. Shakti and the kids got into a bit of a mess when they survive a narrow miss, and get sucked into space. Literally. The kids scream and shriek in terror. Except for baby K-mann, who laughs in the face of death. Like a boss. Flanders the Dog has this totally funny ass expression on his face as well during that scene.

2. A Shrike Team member performs a signature football move on the head of a ZE M.S. which totally decapitates it, and bailing out Usso in the process.

What else happened? Oh yeah, the space battle.

1. Asher leads a faction of the Keilas Guillie fleet against the Reinforce with the blessings of the head honcho of the aforementioned fleet.

2. They have superior numbers and get the upper hand until Jinn Gehennam and his battleship + MS teams come in to save the day. Reinforce got singed by a beam attack.

3. Asher gets owned once again and is forced to retreat.

B Plots:-

1. Odello and Warren have the hots for the Solar Satellite sisters Martina and forgot-her-name introduced 2 episodes ago. Warren seeks dating advice from Usso, calls him the Love Maestro for his ability to pick up chicks without even trying. Usso imparts some advice reluctantly, which backfires on Warren when he executes it.

2. Shakti and co suit up, and tether themselves together. Great idea, since they stick together after they got sucked into the void of space after a near miss from the Amalthea's direct attack on the Reinforce.

3. Usso finds out who Jinn Gehennam is after the battle is over. Turns out that the "legendary" leader of the League Militiare is a completely unlikeable, whiny ass douchebag, who treats his subordinates like shit.

Where do I sign up for the BESPA Defence Force? Serving under the kind and benevolent dictator like Queen Maria seems preferable to this arsehole.

B+ (The Space battle, plus all the other humerous stuff in the episode makes this a winner in my book.)


Also, CorvoSol, I know you'll be avoiding my writeups like the plague since you haven't caught up yet, but bear with Usso for a bit.At the end of the day, he's just a kid (probably the youngest U.C. protagonist in recorded Gundam T.V. series history) who has witnessed some horrific shiet that no one his age should be experiencing or doing. It is highly unreasonable for the LM to force him to kill others, except if they've got no other choice. I somewhat agree rather reluctantly with Katejina's stance on making Usso fight the LM's battles for them, they've got no right to make him do it unless he agrees to it himself. Agreed with the Marbet bit though, she is a damn fine pilot who just got thrown into a shitty situation with injuries after injuries preventing her from performing at her best.


Turn A Gundam 21

The Dianna/Kihel stuff really pushes the show. As soon as we first see Dianna, you could sort of see where the story was going with the two, but they still manage to keep it going and keep it interesting throughout the series. I don't remember the exact episode, but I don't think you've gotten to
the speech yet
, which is a really great moment in the series.

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 8

Uso takes some time to come around. He does get better so stick with him. Chronicle however is pretty much the same throughout.
GundamGAF Victory Gundam rewatch
Episode 18


Shakti was blown to space what the fuck. She's got K-mann with her though so she's probably fine I guess.

We got some dumb dating hijinx, Cronicle being kind of useless again and Marbet actually getting to fight at top form.


GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:
Episode 18

Warren and Odelo try their hardest to join the Miles and Miles High Club, but to no avail.

Uso almost meets Jinn Gehennam. The guy turns out to be not so cool.

Marvet actually does something this episode.

No Shrike Team members were killed during the airing of this episode.
Gundam Seed HD REmaster Episode 45

Good Clotho time, though Ive noticed that in terms of who gets the redone scenes, all three of them barely have any. Why no enhanced launched sequence scenes like Kira, Athrun, and even Dearka get. Considering that they also seem to not get anything but yet scenes of just Natarle standing there talking to Flay gets enhanced, makes it even more baffling. Though 45 episodes in, the series has always had that issue of making scenes of characters faces and etc getting retouched or redone and Gundam and other mobile suit action scenes looking outdated and smeared. Regardless, Im just glad they did get more time. Mixed on the new plot element
nuclear weapons have been done so much in media that it just makes it hard to be impressed here...but then when GENESIS appeared and started that firing sequence...Great placed to end the episode. I wonder if its another situation like on Earth in Alaska was it where they microwaved the whole base.

Fervently hoping that Clotho, Athrun, Kira, Dearka make survive all the way through this anime.


Turn A Gundam 22

Harry Ord's fashion sense is just as hilarious outside of uniform as it is in it. That said, the guy is most definitely loyal, and a good man to boot. Rather than selling Kihel out, he, fully aware of who she is, has been assisting her with the loyalty he owes his Queen, who he still respects, even if he hasn't like, any hope of now reconciling Kihel's need to see Diana with Diana's refusal to return to the Moonrace.

Kihel and Harry also double as a mirror of Loran and Diana, both girls learning about the opposing world with the constant support of their most trusted retainers. Meanwhile, Lt. Poe couldn't win at a game of Solitaire if she herself forfeited. Girl is a complete failure, and most of the time it is her own fault.

And now the Earthmen have themselves a space ship, meaning stuff is gonna get real in the next three episodes.

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 9

Uso's skills are improving pretty damn rapidly. I don't know that I dislike him, so much as after Tobia, Judau and Kamille, he just doesn't seem awesome yet. But hey, we're not 10 episodes in, so there's that. Lt. Cronicle is the dopiest nice-guy Char ever, though. Like he's always getting suckered by people who willingly take advantage of what a nice guy he's trying to be.

Can't stand Katejina, though. Even knowing half of what she did was a ploy, I just can't stand her. Girl is so annoying, what with her constantly whining about how wrong war is only to decide to participate in it herself. Also she looks like Dorothy from Gundam Wing.
Terrible Monday.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 19 DVD

"Locate Shakti"
"Shakutī o Sagase" (シャクティを捜せ)

Main Plot:-

Basically, the episode title gives it all away.

Shakti and co are floating about in space, with depleting O2 supplies, so it's a race against time to locate and to rescue them. Oliver and the LM elder noticed their disappearance.

Unfortunately (or rather fortunately since they get to live for a little bit longer), they're discovered by the enemy first. The ZE recover them and bring them back into their shuttle.

Meanwhile Jin Gehennam is being as loud mouthed and obnoxious as ever. He proposes that they strike the Keilas Guillie fragments before they're done realigning themselves into a super mega death ray weapon. Or something.

Usso then finds out about Shakti's disappearance too. He informs the other kids plus the ones from the Solar Satellite and they hatch out a plan, using the rocket Tomache was planning to use to return to his homeland (from the previous episode). Usso does the right thing by informing the adults of their plight and he gets shot down by Jinn Gehennam and Oliver who reminds them of the realities of war. Undeterred, they set off to look for them anyway.

We get direct confirmation from the showrunners that Shakti is directly related to the Queen. It finally dawns on Asher why he felt such an affinity to Shakti in the first place. The Keilas Guillie head honcho orders the information to be surpressed instead, for obvious reasons.

But there's nothing stopping them from telling Shakti the truth. Her reaction is priceless. The KG honcho scares K-mann with his caress, and he starts crying away. He knows the dude's fucking dangerous.

Back to operation rescue Shakti with Usso. The adults aren't that stupid after all. Oliver and Marbet catches on to Usso's plan and decide to help them out instead of ratting them out, Oliver insisting on bringing in the Shrike Team, which definitely infuriates Marbet.

The kids head out, bringing the V Gundam and captured Zoloat (piloted by Tomache, who's actually pretty competant) with them, distracting the ground crew in the process. The adults, now joined by Junko, decide to just keep it cool, and stay in the shadows as backup incase something goes wrong in the search.

Which obviously happens. What show do you think you're watching?

Halftime intermission

They encounter a few ZE MS units plus a battleship. The ZE are still in investigation mode. Odello gets all "mamoru" and decides to take the initiative. Even then, he fucks up as his strike misses. Things get rather messy quickly from this point, but Tomache starts giving out orders like a seasoned pro. The girls (Martina and her sister Elischa) fire out dummies to confuse the enemy sensors.

But at the end of the day, it's all up to Usso's skill once again. Tomache is doing pretty well for himself, countering an enemy Zoloat's beam wire attack with his own, cancelling them out somehow.

While all the senseless violence is happening, we get another musical montage, courtesy of the upgraded Haro. It's the same one sung to Shakti when she was a lot younger, and it's a rather suitable backdrop to the aggression on display.

We get a quick perspective change to Asher and the KG dude, who orders him to bring Shakti back to see the Queen.

Back to Usso, and holy SHIT, yet another giffable moment just happened. I won't spoil this one, but it's awesome. Also. Shrike Team is here (together with some patriotic music), making it a rather dicey situation for the two ZE MS. I almost feel some pity for them now.

The Captain makes the right call and retreats.

The kids come back, and Jinn Gehennam is all up in their rumps to punish them. Marbet intecedes in their favour, and rescues them from their fate. The LM generalissimo quickly forgets about them and instead rants about the latest thing they could do to trash the Keilas Guilie. He has a rather short attention span.

They may have failed to rescue Shakti, but she's definitely in no immediate danger.

She does have the baby with her after all, and they're eating like royalty.


Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 26 (None this episode. I forgot to add this into my previous write up, and I am aware of the many fatalities in the previous episode, but since none of them were "named", I shan't add them into the Death Count. Only named characters on the show from both sides are considered.)

B- (Besides the revelaiton of Shakti = Queen's daughter which was foreshadowed many episodes ago, it was a rather by the numbers episode)

I wanted to couch my episode recaps under some thread-relevant news, to make it easier for Corvo to skip, but my Google-fu is too weak to find anything interesting.

Speaking of - there was something Corvo mentioned about episode 8(?) of Victory Gundam that totally matched a thought I had - the whole bit about Uso being the Gundam equivalent of Mighty Max. When he tossed that helmet aside and put his cap on, then turned it sideways, I though "jesus christ, Uso is '90s Kid. Or maybe Lincoln Hawk's descendant."

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 18

Suffice to say that there are 2 j/giffable moments in this episoode.

Off the top of my head:-

1. Shakti and the kids got into a bit of a mess when they survive a narrow miss, and get sucked into space. Literally. The kids scream and shriek in terror. Except for baby K-mann, who laughs in the face of death. Like a boss. Flanders the Dog has this totally funny ass expression on his face as well during that scene.

2. A Shrike Team member performs a signature football move on the head of a ZE M.S. which totally decapitates it, and bailing out Usso in the process.

Here I come to save the day~




Anyway, my thoughts on the episode.

Uso is not the person to ask about dating advice, but of course Odelo and otherdude would ask him instead of, oh, I don't know, an actual woman about what girls like - because they're Odelo and otherdude.

The other carry-ons are surprisingly competent both in and out of battle, but the Repliforce is, well, not. In fact, they're kinda bad at what they do. No wonder the Shrike team is praised so highly - not only are they good, but their peers are terrible.

Man, Peggy was going HAM this episode. She literally burst onto the battlefield with both barrels blazing.
Maybe she should have been point pilot in Extreme VS instead of Junko, at least she had a decent cache of ammo with her.

Everyone gets roped into another battle - Shakti and co.'s hiding spot takes a glancing blow, the hull is breached, and they're sucked into the cold void of space.

Space combat continues to confound Uso - there's a whole other dimension to it that's completely passing him by. Earth-taught pilots being overwhelmed at space combat and vice-versa is something that's brought up from time to time in UC Gundam, and there's a nice bit of consistency in having Uso learn the ropes the hard way. Of course, with the way that long-distance combat has become the norm in Victory's time, I imagine that it was a little different for fans when the show first aired as well. Glancing blows and armor-piercing shots were the main tactics used here, to a greater extent than even Zeta or Double Zeta had relied upon in the past.

Uso meets up with Jinn Gehennam. Jinn Gehennam is a jerk. Like, the others mentioned it in passing, but he is a class-S asshole.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 19

Shakti and co. are saved - by the Zanscare officers. The LM could have mounted a rescue in time but, well, Jinn Gehennam scuttled most of their resources into trying to stop the Keilas Guilie. So thanks to a pronounced conflict of interest, every single plan launched by the LM was a failure. It's a good thing Marbet, Cap'n Oliver and the old dude give a damn about the kids, or else they'd all be SOL.

Oh, and we're told that Shakti's directly related to the queen. Suddenly, her poor decision making skills make far more sense in retrospect, if you believe (like I do) that stupidity in the Zanscare empire seems linked to social status. But at least she and the other kids are safe, for now.
Here I come to save the day~


My hero.

That quick panning shot of baby K-mann laughing his ass off as they get sucked out of the ship is bloody hilarious to me.

Also, notice that they dodged yet another shot when they're drifting away in that gif.

So many lol-worthy moments in that episode.


Turn A Gundam 23

Alas, poor Teteth. She was so beautiful, and so determined to make a name for herself back on the moon. Her desire to gain status drove her to her end, though, as she picked a fight with Loran, and Loran, being a Gundam pilot, made a hell of a ton of noise, which ultimately got Teteth shot in the skull.

Keith the Baker apparently didn't get married, as we'd discussed earlier. I suppose the idea is that he is in a relationship with the Baker's daughter, though, and that "when the war is over" they'll tie the knot. Speaking of marriages, the most out of left field romance in the series belongs to Sochie and Gavane. I definitely didn't see that coming, but there it is, Sochie even accepted his proposal, and it sounded to me like this was not the first time they'd discussed this, either. Also, maybe it was just me, but it sounded to me like Fran Doll had feelings for Keith at one point, too.

High point of the episode, as always, was Diana. Her placing the blame for Teteth's death, and indeed the pain that the woman had known her whole life, was an incredibly empathetic and compassionate reaction to seeing the death of a woman who had been trying to kill you, and whom she herself had taken a few swings at.

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 10

I had other things to say about this episode but holy cow can Karlman please be the first baby to die in a Gundam series? ALL HE DOES IS SCREAM. And I get that small children are shrieking factories, although I was lead to understand they were capable of also being quiet and making noises other than "FUCKING SCREAM" but the point is, Karlman wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't literally fused to Shakti's back in some grotesque manner, and since Shakti is a bigger idiot than Uso (who is pretty dumb, taking off without a fully docked Gundam to scout an area he knows might have enemies, and bringing two civilians along for no reason anyway), it means I get to hear Karlman scream ALL THE TIME.

Good GOD. Can I get one episode, just ONE episode without hearing that noise? If I wanted to play Yoshi's Island I'd pop that in instead.

Beth Cyra

HGUC Phenex finally arrived.

I got to say, this shit is even more ugly in person. I'm guessing a few people being one over, but jesus Bandai, if your going to go gold do it right and not this ugly ass stuff.

I will say though, the Blue Phycho Frame actually looks really awesome. Sadly maybe it's just me, but I'm really not a big fan of Ver GFT logo being all over the boxes, it's pretty ugly to me.
So I have several perfect grades I picked up second hand that I was actually planning to paint and really put together, but I am now realizing I will never get around to it. Anybody have any interest in picking these up from me? Because they are second hand, they aren't perfect. Some have panel lining, some might have a couple of pieces missing. I can also throw in some of the paints I was going to be working with (just spray cans, I never got around to the airbrush stage).

I've got 2 Titans Colors Mark II, one in pieces (disassembled for painting, not on sprues), and one box with manuals.
1 AEUG Mark II, with box.
Between the three of them, I've got one good condition backpack, one okay condition, and one in pretty rough shape.
1 Wing Zero, no box, and I believe complete with the exception of a missing pinky manipulator, and some of the character figures. His digits are actually smaller than the other Gundams, as I did see if I could use a manipulator from one of the MK-IIs in its place.
1 Zeta Gundam. Missing a pinky finger as well, and a piece of shoulder armor. With manuals, no box.
Anyways, I'll hit B/S/T and eBay eventually, just wanted to see if anyone was interested. If you are let me know and I'll look into a figure to tell you if it is panel lined, anything might be missing, pictures, etc.


Turn A Gundam 24

I'm now ready to call this one of the best Gundam shows ever made. Like, DAMN. The way the story is unfolding is so well done. This episode had damn
hippies on the
lawn, and there was an all out brawl between their FLATs and the Terran Borjarnons, and then the Gundam showed up, kicked all their asses, and Loran got to talk smack to hippies.

The most important point, though, is Dianna confessing to Loran that these Hippies, the Red Team, are the descendants of people she left on Earth, and so their hatred has been festering for several generations. As she takes the blame on herself, Loran at last has had enough, steps up to the plate and says "No way, 'cuz I loved the Earth and also
I loveadmire you." And then they kissdance in the setting sun.

The point is the show has everything. Romance, action, intrigue, suspense, violence, politics, subterfuge, comedy, etc. Show's got it all.

Victory Gundam 11

-Shrike Team is what would happen if the Gundam Maxter team all piloted Gundams.
-Now I know why people do kill counts for this show.
-Shakti is too dumb to live. Please God, let her take Karlman with her.
-Are the Shrike Team's mechs EZ-Guns or Jamesguns? I was somewhat confused by this.
Yeah, Turn A is pretty damn chill in my opinion. When i was marathoning through the franchise, my friend who was guiding me through told me to save it for last because it is "garbage", so i did. I'm glad I did. It was kind of a nice "cherry on top", which I needed because I had just finished Seed and Seed Destiny and was kind of bitter.

I love Turn A's cast so much. Everyone is so damn charming. And the artwork is great. Every episode looks beautiful. I'm not a big fan of the Turn A's design, itself, but I don't hate it. I certainly respect the mustache.

Yoko Kanno's soundtrack probably helps things too.
GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch:-

Episode 20 DVD

"The Eve Before Decisive Battle"
"Kessen Zen'ya" (決戦前夜)

We kick off the episode with a discussion of tactics by the LM elders + Jinn Gehennam and Captain Gomez of the Reinforce.

Usso butts into the conversation and with the support of one of the elders, he manages to convince them to change the plan from one of destruction to just obstruction (using the Microwave Emitters from the Hiland installation to cause intense nausea and GI problems by aiming them at the Keilas Guilie).

The LM head honcho undergoes a complete 180 and applauds Usso on his plan. Hmm.

Turns out that it was just another misdirection on Usso's part. They're counting on the confusion that the attack will create to look for Shakti again.

There are still some ZE ships in the vicinity of the installation, keeping an eye on the LM's activities. They decide to jump in and go in for a pre-emptive strike.

The Shrike Team are unimpressed by the EFSF's official pilots. Rightfully so. Junko decides that they shall be the vanguard of the upcoming battle. Oliver and Marbet are have another verbal joust like an old married couple, and Usso butts in at just the right moment.

The attack is underway. The launch catapult is being blocked off by the EFSF suits, and thus, they had to improvise their launch. Junko imparts some sagely advise prior to combat. This gives an additional +20% to Usso's Accuracy.

Good times don't last however. An enemy Zoloat gets a lucky strike in, and takes out Usso's main head camera. He's flying blind, and decides to hightail it out of there and switch to the backup camera. Oliver and Peggie are having some nice tactical action right there too.

Meanwhile, back at the Hiland. Odello and Warren are still trying to get it on with the Hiland sisters by helping out with the microwave installation.

Back to combat. Usso's still doing bloody well even without his main cameras. He casually takes out another enemy, cleaving it in half with his beam saber with Junko's aid. They make a great team.

Somehow, in the midst of it all, Usso pops the question about Oliver to Junko which surprises her. He gets the usual "adult matters" response, and they face off against yet another Zoloat, which puts an end to the discussion.

Back at the main Keilas Guilie fleet. Bad ass captain tells Asher to leave the area and bring the Princess back to the Queen when reports of the impending attack reaches his attention. Katejina is apparently still alive and well, and she's in that same ship too. She finally meets up with the kids again, and it's all rather cordial.

Halftime Intermission (Flanders is past the halfway point now!)

Back to Usso. Oliver and Marbet are having the "adult talk" and he's definitely eavesdropping. Apparently the reason why Olie's been treating Junko special is coz' he's afraid that she's looking for death on the battlefield, which is why he doing what he's doing right now. Marbet totally understands, and all is well between them. For now, at least.

A bit of FF-wding and Usso is in his bunk, using Haro as a window into the lives of the people he cares about. He reminisces about every single one of their deaths, which are played back in rather horrifying detail.

He snaps out of it, heads out of his bunk and goes right for Junko. They have a heart to heart about life and death while being watched by Peggie and Connie. Damn, he's smooth.

LM battlefield prep is still going on in the background. Jinn Gehennam is in much better spirits. It is now time for the decisive strike.

Usso heads into his V Gundam. It has been upgraded with an "Overhang" Pack. I'm eager to see what It'll do in combat.

The Hiland microwave thingamagicky is being tested out at the same time at 1%, directed at the Keilas Guilie. Unfortunately, this is already enough to cause severe distress to K-mann and the others with him. Poor baby. It is a rather effective weapon, I must say, plus it's non lethal.

Time to launch. Usso and Marbet have one last chat before they head out. She's using the repurposed enemy Zoloat again. Everything is in place.

Back to the ZE. Their personnel are basically fucked up right now, and even bad ass Captain is feeling it.

It's times like these when you truly seperate the boys from the men. Asher is most definitely a man. He seems to be the only one who's still got his wits about him.

The attacking LM forces also feel the effects of the MW radiation. They commence the attack anyway. Apparently the V Gundam's Overhang pack is a set of shoulder mounted higher caliber Beam Cannons. Sweet.

Space battle porn ensues

The LM's attack is super effective. With the MW effects now ceasing, the LM press in with the conventional ranged MS to MS combat. It's going in their favour.

Asher wants to head out to battle himself in a brand new MS called the Contio but it aint ready yet.

Shakti exhibits some "Newtype" feels herself at this point. She knows Usso is coming in with the Gundam. It's just a matter of time.

Back to the battle. Usso takes out yet another one with Peggie's help. Junko's going battle crazy again, being all aggressive. She charges head first into 2 seperate Zoloat webs, and takes them out anyway. Oliver orders her to tone it down, just a notch. Marbet looks on with some disdain.

In the background, Asher is preparing to bring Katejina and the kids back to the ZE homeland. The old men of the LM are doing something.

Usso gets swarmed by a bunch of missles and the episode ends. Rather abruptly I might add. Was this supposed to be a longer episode cut into two?

Cumulative Tomino Death Count:- 26 (No named deaths)

B- (Some touching moments. I always like the ones between Usso and members of the Shrike Team. Each one of them is like a surrogate mom to him)



Yeah, Turn A is pretty damn chill in my opinion. When i was marathoning through the franchise, my friend who was guiding me through told me to save it for last because it is "garbage", so i did. I'm glad I did. It was kind of a nice "cherry on top", which I needed because I had just finished Seed and Seed Destiny and was kind of bitter.

I love Turn A's cast so much. Everyone is so damn charming. And the artwork is great. Every episode looks beautiful. I'm not a big fan of the Turn A's design, itself, but I don't hate it. I certainly respect the mustache.

Yoko Kanno's soundtrack probably helps things too.

That final track
is so nice. Best track in the show.

Beth Cyra

Full colored shots of Wing Gundam Proto Zero are finally out (as well as preoders at HLJ) and I got to say he looks pretty great. That said, he is ungodly white, his legs are seriously blinding to look at because they are so white.

Really going to need to add in some grey like the RD Wing Gundam Zero TV and even more panel line ever chance I get.
Oh my god dudes



Oh my god


Yep, that's blindingly white all right.

I love Proto Zero. All my favorite gimmicks from Zero TV, combined with the one thing I liked from Wing Custom. It's like Katoki stopped right at the point where I would have said 'forget this'. I'm seriously tempted to dip my toe into collecting models with this one.

where from??? gotta love wing zero.

The design's from the Glory of Losers comics, I think. That particular model is a Master Grade or something.

GundamGAF's Victory Gundam Rewatch
Episode 20

Ah, the infamous microwave gambit. This is one of the few times where the popular consensus of the scene actually matches up with how it's presented in the show.

Still, it's a decent plan from the LM, for once. Uso planted the seed by suggesting something other than a boneheaded bum-rush against the opposing fleet, and the captain and old guy built up the case by spit-balling some decent ideas; the latter's contributions are probably why Gehennam agreed to it, and consequently, why they're not all dead.

And while they handle all that, Uso plans to split and look for Shakti and the others who were lost.

Javalins end up crowding the deck, forcing Uso to sneak out from the side. This particular contrivance seem familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.

Kate meets the kids, they have a mutual pang of surprise. I can see why Kate's surprised, but why is Shakti so startled? If anyone should be able to put two and two together about why Kate's there, she should.

Oliver and Marbet have a chat about Junko's whole blood knight thing; Uso hears some of it, but at least he has the sense to not eavesdrop completely.
Uso and Junko's little heart-to-heart was kind of endearing; Junko can't help but posture, even when assuring someone.

Goddamn it Odelo and Warren, the Hiland sisters aren't into you! Are you so desperate that you can't even see that much oh who am I kidding of course you are.

I gagged a little bit after this exchange:

Uso having to use the side computer to operate the Overhang Cannons makes it look like it was jerry-rigged to work with the gear.

After the initial volley

Chronicle absolutely refuses to call the Victory Gundam a Gundam. He was like this in his first appearance too, but it struck me as odd since he was correcting a subordinate; the latter said something along the lines of "I heard there were 10 Gundams out there", and the first thing Chronicle replies with is "Don't call them Gundams! They're Victory-types!"

I guess Gundam is the series equivalent of the Z-word.

I guess Kate and Shakti are getting all these Newtype feels.

I guess
Marbet is going to neglect Junko at a critical point and let her die out of spite


Turn A Gundam 25

"My name's not Laura!" YEEEEEEEEEES. It took 25 episodes to get there, but Loran's finally done with that nonsense, and to prove how fucking badass he is, he chucks his shield and gun in Sochie's Kapool's hands, draws his two beam sabers, blitzes the WaDom (remember that these things are like, twice the size of a Gundam), and chops it to bits. Then he starts spinning the Turn A's hands and turns his beam sabers into shields to deflect the enemy barrage. So good.

There's some evidence in this episode that Sochie still has feelings for Loran instead of Gavane, to whom she is engaged (dude bought her a dress), but I really hope she sticks with Gavane, 'cuz he's a nice guy, even if he's older than her. Also we see Diana heading off to try and meet up with Kihel, so they can swap places and Diana can get back to the moon and hopefully fix all of this. Meanwhile she's hanging out with Corrin Nander, who is bananers.

The best part of the episode, though, is the three-way fight between Keith, Loran and Fran, who all just kind of tear into one another. Fran, who now has some stuff for Joseph but isn't entirely over Keith, rips him a new one for selling bread to both sides and pretending that he's somehow morally above all this. Keith rips into Loran for being Guin Rhineford's toady, and Loran doesn't seem phased by it at first.

Then we get to see that it DOES bug Loran and he does realize that Guin's been using him, which leads into Loran's "My name's not Laura!" The episode concludes with Lily Borjano (possibly the only person more conniving/cunning than Guin himself), to point out to Guin that Loran is more like a panther than an angel, and when Loran realizes that, he's going to come after Guin.

To which Guin Rhineford most ominously replies, "I'll be waiting for him."

Victory Gundam 12

Not that bad of an episode. Uso's dopieness was kept to a minimum, Shakti had minimal screen time, and Karlman had no screamtime. What we did have was some more senseless killings and at least a bit of character development for Mashmyre and Haman's lovechild. I'm rather fond of the way this show is animated, though. It has that ol' reliable 90's anime look, where everyone has bad fashion sense and the backgrounds feel kinda more detailed. And the action sequences remain good. Then again, I can't really name a Gundam show that had bad action sequences. Stardust Memory and Awakening of the Trailblazer, and that's it, really. Everything else has been good thus far. Kinda weird that the Zanscare use such an antiquated method of public execution, but I guess they're going for that whole shock and awe feel, so there's that. I can also sort of see how this show and Turn A Gundam relate, in that one could see how people are growing tired of this space warfare and such, and the Earth feels much less populated at this time. Turn A hasn't really touched on what the fate of the Space Colonies and Jupiter Sphere are, instead focusing mostly on the Earth and its Moon, but still.

And even though the Shrike team is full of waifus, Ms. Marbet is still the number one Best Girl in the show.


Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden
Don't watch if you've already seen the series. There's not enough new content to make it worth it.

Don't watch if you've not seen the series. It's not worth it.

It's just not worth it.


anyone ever attempted to make a papercraft? gonna attempt this one...


not sure how hard this will be, looks hella time consuming at least.

Beth Cyra

Gundam 3.0 arrived today.

Going through the runners of this is probably the largest bit of bullshit I've ever seen.

From the start I've said 3.0 was worthless when 2.0 is still one of the best kits Bandai has out. However while I knew this would take ques from the RG given they're both based on the 1/1 Gundam, they took it way, way to far.

There are entire runners that are enlarged pieces taken straight from RG, it's disgusting. Not only all that, but the inner detail while above stuff like the Leo Frame doesn't even reach the 2.0. In fact the only thing this has over the 2.0 is maybe in the pose department and the Emotion Hands.

Oh and the entire Sticker sheet just being a 1/100 scale RG stickers with no water slides or at least Dry Transfers is nothing but a step BACK for master grades.


anyone ever attempted to make a papercraft? gonna attempt this one...

not sure how hard this will be, looks hella time consuming at least.

You have, perhaps, my favorite tag of all time. Wow.
Good luck with the papercraft. Looks quite hard to me.


anyone ever attempted to make a papercraft? gonna attempt this one...


not sure how hard this will be, looks hella time consuming at least.

Goddamn looks so cool. Wing Zero C is still one of my favorites of all time.

Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden
Don't watch if you've already seen the series. There's not enough new content to make it worth it.

Don't watch if you've not seen the series. It's not worth it.

It's just not worth it.

Your first clue was that it was Gundam AGE.


Canadians burned my passport
Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden
Don't watch if you've already seen the series. There's not enough new content to make it worth it.

Don't watch if you've not seen the series. It's not worth it.

It's just not worth it.

Gotta say, it was pretty satisfying seeing Zeheart
get slaughtered by Asemu again

Hated that prick


Oh and the entire Sticker sheet just being a 1/100 scale RG stickers with no water slides or at least Dry Transfers is nothing but a step BACK for master grades.

Water slides to become a Premium Bandai exclusive for all future MG!

Edit: Speaking of which this just showed up on my doorstep.



Jesus the wings on this thing look so godawful. Goddamn.

I think the wings look great, but Wing Zero Custom is one of my favorite mechs and Gundams ever.

Turn A Gundam 26

Corin Nander is like, the craziest character in a UC Gundam show I think I've ever seen. And this is taking into account kooks like the entire cast of Stardust Memory, where people did things for no reason. Anyway, it looks like at long, long last Kihel and Dianna are going to swap places again, which would be nice because, much as I've enjoyed Dianna's developments from this perspective and her relationship with Loran, it probably would be unwise to carry this plot idea out for much longer. Especially since, having passed the half way mark of the series, it is high time we had ourselves some escalation of this conflict. Dianna's talk of going back to the moon sounds pretty promising in that regard.

What the snot was that sword that Harry's SUMO held, though?
Thinking it's straight up UC is what made it so good for me. Like seeing what Earth is like by that point in time makes you think that Char really was fighting for the right things,
even in CCA with the asteroid drop aside from that being a huge act of genocide.


Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 13

Ugh. You know, maybe it's just that AGE did this like, fifty times in the third arc alone, but it is just hilariously trite at this point to me, that a Gundam show will suddenly place prominence on a particular character to get you to like them and then kill them in that very episode. It's a bad tactic anyway, since, instead of killing off someone the audience has come to know to make a good impact for the sake of the story, you're just trying to get a cheap emotional kick out of them, and it is as worn and weary as episode types can come in a Gundam show.

Like seriously, as soon as
started getting screen time this episode, I went "Oh yeah well she's dead, I guess." And I didn't care, because until this episode, she was just some girl in the Shrike team. Not that I have a problem with the Shrike Team, it's just that this character didn't matter until the episode where she died, and I'm so, so over that as a thing in Gundam. It can be series tradition all it wants, its still bad writing.

And Cronicle looks like a damn fool in that mask. Not as much as Mr. Bushido, I guess, but still. Like, how he is able to walk around in public wearing that and no one stares at him is beyond me. Why he wears it is anyone's guess, too. He doesn't seem to have a secret identity to cover up, so I got nothing here.

And Marbet is criminally under used in this show. Also, how is it there are always enough extra Boots for Uso to fail to dock with or pointlessly sacrifice, but not enough to make 3 fully functional Victory Gundams? I mean, 3 Victory Gundams would be a pretty huge benefit to a group already operating with all these EZ Gundams.


Thinking it's straight up UC is what made it so good for me. Like seeing what Earth is like by that point in time makes you think that Char really was fighting for the right things,
even in CCA with the asteroid drop aside from that being a huge act of genocide.

[Victory spoilaz]

I think you get a bit of that in Victory as well,
since there's that desert with whale bones (which I've always interpreted to be a dried up ocean, but idk)

I go back and forth on Char in CCA depending on how much of a wishy-washy liberal I feel like but between Victory, Turn A, and (to a lesser extent) F91/Crossbone, I pretty much got the impression that Amuro was wrong about humanity's ability to grow in the movie.

I mean -
even quote unquote enlightened Newtypes like Seabook and Usso end up wanting to live on Earth!
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