I think the wings look great, but Wing Zero Custom is one of my favorite mechs and Gundams ever.
Constantly. Molting.
I think the wings look great, but Wing Zero Custom is one of my favorite mechs and Gundams ever.
Wubby: What comes in that custom set?
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 13
And Marbet is criminally under used in this show.
Also, how is it there are always enough extra Boots for Uso to fail to dock with or pointlessly sacrifice, but not enough to make 3 fully functional Victory Gundams? I mean, 3 Victory Gundams would be a pretty huge benefit to a group already operating with all these EZ Gundams.
Isn't it sort of UC, though? I mean, they dug up Zakus, and Corin called the Gundam the White Devil. I haven't seen a reference to anything other than UC so far.
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam 13
And Cronicle looks like a damn fool in that mask. Not as much as Mr. Bushido, I guess, but still. Like, how he is able to walk around in public wearing that and no one stares at him is beyond me. Why he wears it is anyone's guess, too. He doesn't seem to have a secret identity to cover up, so I got nothing here.
Those clearly aren't Zakus, Corvo. Those are Borjarnons.
If you can't tell the difference then well.... I give up on you.
Constantly. Molting.
At the moment, yes. She's the benchmark for a good soldier in this show, but not much more than that. She might get better, I dunno. I always thought she was cool in SRW Alpha Gaiden.
It's easier to bolt together some legs and arms than it is to create a fully functional Core Fighter. They've probably got tons of Tops and Bottoms from the wrecked factory squirreled away at a base or somewhere.
Those clearly aren't Zakus, Corvo. Those are Borjarnons.
If you can't tell the difference then well.... I give up on you.
He explains it in one of the first episodes to his subordinates. He's hates breathing the air unfiltered
Eh Shakti is fine. I'd take an episode of her going mad and planting trees over Cronicle wearing his stupid fucking mask while trying to sound smart any day of the week.
It's still awesome. It doesn't have to be reasonable or practical. Just awesome.
My question isn't why don't they have an army of Victories, but rather, how is it that there are always enough Boots and Tops for Uso to fail to use properly, but not enough for Marbet and Oliver, who are trained soldiers, to convert their already extant Core Fighters into Victory Gundams. They have 3 Core Fighters, and there's an unlimited supply of Boots for Uso, but no sir, Marbet and Oliver cannot and don't even seem remotely interested in activating V-mode.
It just seems at odds with like, ZZ Gundam, where Judau was left to pilot the Zeta because there was basically no one else to do it once Fa left. They have pilots here, but they just keep trusting Uso instead.
So 1)I feel ashamed for my incapacity to distinguish between a Zaku and a Borjarnon, and 2)Cronicle's reason may be the worst reason for wearing the mask I've ever seen. I mean, Char, Schwarz, Zechs, Rau, and Neo all had their secret identities to hide, and Mr. Bushido's face had been junked up, but Cronicle is like "Earth smells dusty!"? Whatever, Cronicle's kind of a loser anyway. Nobody in the BESPA respects him at all.
I dunno, the stupid sudden tree planting really irked me, PLUS, Shakti has Karlman tied to her back and his scream is nigh-constant. Cronicle might be a doofy loser, but at least he doesn't have Karlman strapped to his back.
My question isn't why don't they have an army of Victories, but rather, how is it that there are always enough Boots and Tops for Uso to fail to use properly, but not enough for Marbet and Oliver, who are trained soldiers, to convert their already extant Core Fighters into Victory Gundams. They have 3 Core Fighters, and there's an unlimited supply of Boots for Uso, but no sir, Marbet and Oliver cannot and don't even seem remotely interested in activating V-mode.
lol, your tag...
Sadly I find Karlman far less annoying then Shakti, bleeding hearts are never enjoyable in Gundam, and certainly not here. Having to listen to her worry about Uso and how he is changing completely tanks the mood and story so far.
It's true Chron maybe dumb and a loser, but I kinda liked him for who he is at least. He isn't a badass like Char or Zechs, so it gives him his own feeling far more then any other Char clone has had.
I guess this is all just me though, the only three women in Gundam I actually like are Dorothy, Flay, and Haman, so pretty much the exact other end of Shakti.
How can you hate Karlmann?
He's so damn adorable. And besides, he usually does pretty funny stuff too.
I would have said something earlier, but I'm not entirely sure how to phrase mild spoilers like that.They'll start doing that a few episodes past where you are now.
For what it's worth, the "real" reason is that having a non-main character piloting the main robot makes it less ~coool~
Was at the electronics shop for something else but couldn't resist picking up a few kits. My third Beargguy and a Hambrabi. For Beargguy I want to try and convert him to look like the character Brown from the Line message application. The other Beargguy in my stash I want to try to paint clear brown/metallic.
Which series is Beargguy from? Cuz I thought I'd seen most Gundam series thus far and I still haven't seen him.
As for Gundam women, I am probably in the minority, but I like quite a few women in the franchise.
Frau, Sayla, Mirai, Emma, Mouar, Fa, Elle, Roux, Haman, Puru 2, Nanai, Chan, Mineva, Marida, Marbet, Katejina, Dianna, Kihel, and Sochie, Poe are all great characters.
I forgot Kihel/Diana and Sochie. They're great. Marida and Puru are, too.
The best is still obviously Haman Khan, though.
No love for Allenby?
No love for Allenby?
Corvo thinks Allenby is a filthy homewrecker.
To be fair, even within the framework of the show, Poe is portrayed as incompetent. She's continuously been portrayed as a fuck up, and frankly, most people in the show treat her like one.
They're both designated MS-06. Don't know what to tell you, dude. ;-)
Ah she burned down like half a city in the first episode trying to take down a biplane. She was never not dangerously idiotic to everyone around her.Oh, definitely. It's just that before this Poe was just an incompetent failure, along the lines of Bruno and Jacop, but now she's moved into being dangerously stupid, too. Like who shoots a laser gun at a nuclear bomb less than hours after seeing one go off?
I mean, seriously, at this point if I was Guin Rhineford or Dianna Soreil I would not fear this pathetic little rebellion at all, because honestly it's a miracle Lt. Poe can sit upright without stabbing herself in the throat with a shoelace, let alone be expected to wage a competent war. This is Katz level of stupid.
I just mean that you'd think something as powerful as the Freedom Gundam would sort of take the edge off a nuke, just a bit. Hell, in the Gundam series proper there are all kinds of Super Weapons, like that mirror thing from the end of the OYW, but nukes still carry a heavy sense of fear. It makes sense in Turn A, since this is an arms race and since the MSes aren't flying death fortresses, but I dunno, sometimes it just seems odd.
I guess you just have a weird outlook on things. Yes gundam shows tend to have crazy super weapons of overwrought and ridiculous origin and usually they don't end up being more powerful than nuclear weapons. Which in comparison are plentiful, destructive and much more easily accessible. They can create destruction that is far greater and more widespread than whatever variations of colony laser the series writers whip together. Not to mention that these things exist, they are real, the potential danger is there. It's not some dreamed up idea or a flight of imagination and so the writers probably invest an appropriate sense of gravity into something that could potentially end the world we live in, right now.
Damaging a Zaku's engine caused a reactor melt down, which caused a big explosion. I don't think it's as large as a nuclear bomb explosion though.
I dunno. None of this is a huge deal, just something I find odd about Gundam, I guess.
I'll just say it right now so you can let go of it: You never find out why Dianna and Kihel look so similar. Think of it as a Prince and the Pauper sort of scenario. Not a big mystery that gets resolved.
I always found this shot from Turn A Turn to be somewhat alarming.
Ahahaha. Really? Fucking REALLY? This show is shit. I can't even.Fuck this show. The only saving grace at this point is thatThis member of the Shrike team spoke and then died. Kinda exactly the same thing that happened LAST episode. I mean, REALLY. You couldn't avoid doing this same boring as fuck, overused plotline TWICE IN A FUCKING ROW?Any interest I might have had for this show is completely and utterly shot by this cheap, trite, hackneyed melodramatic bullshit.there aren't enough members of the Shrike Team to kill them one per episode for the next 40 episodes.
Ahahaha. Really? Fucking REALLY? This show is shit. I can't even.Fuck this show. The only saving grace at this point is thatThis member of the Shrike team spoke and then died. Kinda exactly the same thing that happened LAST episode. I mean, REALLY. You couldn't avoid doing this same boring as fuck, overused plotline TWICE IN A FUCKING ROW?Any interest I might have had for this show is completely and utterly shot by this cheap, trite, hackneyed melodramatic bullshit.there aren't enough members of the Shrike Team to kill them one per episode for the next 40 episodes.
Magic.How do N-Jammers work?
Gundam Seed - 14
The blonde haired girl (?) from the OP/ED of the past 13 episodes finally appears!
This episode was full of exposition about the current conflict and its history. It was surprisingly interesting, but I have a question..
How do N-Jammers work?
I mostly thought about why they didn't make N-Jammer Canceler Cancelers when those things came up.