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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Unconfirmed Member
It deserved a true ending, and not the rushed stuff we got :(

The rushed ending is still really good though.

I mean even with a 10 episode handicap it managed to be more satisfying and comprehensible than other full length shows like 00 and Wing


did the kit come with particle effects or something? I just now saw the SD statue figure thing.

I can't remember where I saw it, but there was an image of the three shields being placed separately on action bases or something in similar fashion you'd expect out of funnel.


The few parts of Gundam X that are even somewhat interesting get culled by Eureka Seven and are done about a billion times better.


Gundam X time line is pretty much the aftermath of a worst case scenario of a UC conflict.

I love how it plays with and deconstructs the concept of newtypes within the franchise.

It's a shame it's so tragically unpopular among the fansbase and seemingly hated and mishandled by sunrise. Easily one of my favorite shows in the franchise. Definitely top 5 gundam material. Probably top 3 for me.

Gundam X was really what solidified my fandom in the Gundam series, being my top simply because of Nostalgia goggles, and it played off the UC well. I tried reading Under the Moonlight but I felt it being so disconnected from the source material that I stopped early on. Anyone know if its worth a full read?

Though on a related subject, I was so happy when they FINALLY announced the Gundam X MG, first Model Kit I actually bought Day 1. Here's hoping the give GX a bit more love, they probably only did it because of the GX Maoh to make way for an MG of that.


Unconfirmed Member
The few parts of Gundam X that are even somewhat interesting get culled by Eureka Seven and are done about a billion times better.

Like what?

I've never watched Eureka 7 all the way through due to disliking everything I saw of it passed the opening.

I guess the core premise of it being a coming of age story about a boy who finds a super robot and copilots it with mysterious power girl he falls in love with is extremely similar

but none of the supporting cast did anything for me. Vs Gundam X which has probably one of the best realized character arcs in any Gundam show with Jamil, along with Roybea, Witz and Ennil having pretty interesting stories as well.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I don't post here often but the After Colony univese from Wing wouldn't be bad to live in.

Fighting Century (G Gundam) isn't great unless you are a colonial as the earth is fairly polluted but it seems like a decent enough place after the events of the universe go through.

UC and the alternate posed by X are the worst. AD from 00 doesn't seem too bad either with its clean energy but you are hosed if you're outside the three orwellian megastates.

The SEED universe doesn't seem that bad in comparison.

I wouldn't mind living in the Turn A universe either.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd probably want to live in the Turn A universe solely because I think it would be so goddamn cool to live in a world where there existed archaic technology and other relics from societies far more advanced than our own that have long since been extinct.

That or G Gundam because I'd definitely want to live in an America where we weaponized the Statue of Liberty and moved it into fucking space

00 and Wing are kind of weird to say since they're just alternate realities of our current universe. So living in them wouldn't be much different than the one we actually live in. We'd still probably go on living our daily lives mostly oblivious and indifferent to the conflicts going on all around the world that don't immediately affect us

Same with GBF, which is basically just our universe except Gundam is so popular world wide that it's essentially become one of the pillars of the global economy. To the point where Gundam Police Officer and Gundam Missionary are potential career choices.


Unconfirmed Member
What do you suppose a Gundam Missionary has to convert people from? Getter Roboism? Mazingology?

I think they just go to 3rd world countries and teach less fortunate children about the joys of consumerism and idol worship

My point is GBF is a universe where traveling the world to promote toys to anyone who will listen is a 100% valid excuse for a grown man to leave his family


Like what?

I've never watched Eureka 7 all the way through due to disliking everything I saw of it passed the opening.

I guess the core premise of it being a coming of age story about a boy who finds a super robot and copilots it with mysterious power girl he falls in love with is extremely similar

but none of the supporting cast did anything for me. Vs Gundam X which has probably one of the best realized character arcs in any Gundam show with Jamil, along with Roybea, Witz and Ennil having pretty interesting stories as well.

E7 steals the Garrod x Tifa x Jamil triangle and makes them real characters. I mean -- Jamil is probably the strongest of those but he's just a shallow composite of three other characters from UC that are vastly more interesting than he is. Holland in E7 is Jamil done with actual thought and an understanding of who Quattro and Bright were as opposed to slapping sunglasses onto a ship captain and going "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL"
guys, I need help please, I just started learning to use airbrush a couple months ago, bought airbrush and the compressors in a set, it work great for what I need. I stop making gunpla for awhile after that and just recently bought new gunpla and want to use my airbrush again.

the compressor is leaking air, from under the clear bottle. can't get the pressure to fill and I don't want to risk try airbrushing in this condition.

anyknow knows what's wrong with it? or how to fix it? this is picture for my compressor


tried google to find solution but can't find what I'm supposed to look for.


I don't really agree with this but especially the bolded. Unicorn is very blatantly a labor of love, and wears that on its sleeve. It's also an extremely well-directed series, particularly by Gundam standards, which often misses the mark on its emotional beats because its directors (well, Tomino) don't know how to capitalize on that shit.

UC is easily one of the more richer, fulfilling productions in the franchise. As a big fan of Universal Century Gundam, I'm really enjoying how UC deconstructs but also celebrates that era. It's sort of a self-aware "Gundam's greatest hits" package; it indulges in tropes but also makes a point about how/why they're tropes and their importance to the franchise as a whole.
Full Frontal being a clone of Char
is the biggest example, but there are lots of others too.

I'm probably being extra harsh on it. It's certainly well directed. It just feels really empty to me though. No doubt they try to justify why they're re-using tropes and so on, and making it feel like a celebration of UC at large, but so much of it feels like they're just checking off on a list of things people love about UC. My impression of it is that it's something manufactured to make people feel a certain way, rather than something that originated from actually having an interesting story to tell.
ZZ Gundam

First half was fun. Middle part was a bit grating since the characters were being fleshed out. The ending was pretty crazy. Onto After War Gundam now. Overall I enjoyed ZZ and the characters on both sides of the conflict were great.


weird question, anyone know the name of the track that plays in Unicorn 3 when
banagher and marida are speaking to each other after their fight, their characters fade away, and the unicorn returns to unicorn mode?
There do seem to be some small differences from the Metal Build (which I own), especially in the shoulders and outer thighs.

Duckroll, I read an interview with the writer if the novels, he's a total Gundam fanboy so I have a feeling UC is really a labor of love.

By comparison, Seed is much more obviously a cynical product, retelling old UC stories almost verbatim with updated product designs, and characters who are either pretty boys for the girls, or female captains with giant knockers for the pubescent boys. Even Build Fighters is far more blatant as a piece of advertising. The anime version of UC is a bit guilty of this (for example, changing the Banshee's design slightly and giving it new and different weapons so as to sell different gunpla kits and toys), but it's far more 'pure.'


I'm probably being extra harsh on it. It's certainly well directed. It just feels really empty to me though. No doubt they try to justify why they're re-using tropes and so on, and making it feel like a celebration of UC at large, but so much of it feels like they're just checking off on a list of things people love about UC. My impression of it is that it's something manufactured to make people feel a certain way, rather than something that originated from actually having an interesting story to tell.

I think Unicorn is a lot like Build Fighters in the sense that I'm sure the marching orders from Sunrise were very manufactured and cynical ("Capitalize on their nostalgia for extra $$$") but the people actually involved are clearly huge fans of the franchise. I remember the novel's author said that he was a big ZZ fanboy.

I would characterize Tomino's latter UC work like F91 and Victory as very workmanlike because he's just slapping the same template onto only a slight different cast and setting again and again because that's what works for him/Sunrise. 0083 also felt very paint-by-the-numbers in that sense, and even though it kinda deviated from the normal set-up, it's still pretty hollow.

Unicorn uses a lot of those same tropes too, but what I like about it is that it's actually pulling together and reusing a lot of various loose ends in new ways (the real Mineva, the last Ple clone, the watering-down of the Newtype philosophy) rather than inventing new stand-ins for old characters and plot points. UC is a cool setting but Gundam rarely takes advantage of that. Unicorn is one of the few examples that actually uses that worldbuilding as part of its story.

My major issue with Unicorn is that Banagher is a pretty bland protagonist, and his arc definitely feels workmanlike in the sense I think you're talking about.


Unconfirmed Member
E7 steals the Garrod x Tifa x Jamil triangle and makes them real characters. I mean -- Jamil is probably the strongest of those but he's just a shallow composite of three other characters from UC that are vastly more interesting than he is. Holland in E7 is Jamil done with actual thought and an understanding of who Quattro and Bright were as opposed to slapping sunglasses onto a ship captain and going "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL"

I'm not sure I agree with your assessment, but you've convinced me to atleast give E7 another shot.

Just gotta polish off 00 with the movie and catch up in GBF.


E7 steals the Garrod x Tifa x Jamil triangle and makes them real characters. I mean -- Jamil is probably the strongest of those but he's just a shallow composite of three other characters from UC that are vastly more interesting than he is. Holland in E7 is Jamil done with actual thought and an understanding of who Quattro and Bright were as opposed to slapping sunglasses onto a ship captain and going "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL"

Here I thought it was riffing FF6. Eureka is the emotionally crippled, semi-human, green haired girl who opens up through love and motherhood (and is also an ace mech pilot). Holland is Setzer if Setzer was less of a gambler and more of a douchebag. Stuff like that.


guys, I need help please, I just started learning to use airbrush a couple months ago, bought airbrush and the compressors in a set, it work great for what I need. I stop making gunpla for awhile after that and just recently bought new gunpla and want to use my airbrush again.

the compressor is leaking air, from under the clear bottle. can't get the pressure to fill and I don't want to risk try airbrushing in this condition.

anyknow knows what's wrong with it? or how to fix it? this is picture for my compressor


tried google to find solution but can't find what I'm supposed to look for.

There's a valve on the bottom of the clear bottle that lets you drain the water that collects in it. Is the valve properly closed? it may have been opened when it got moved around.
There's a valve on the bottom of the clear bottle that lets you drain the water that collects in it. Is the valve properly closed? it may have been opened when it got moved around.
It looks closed but I can feel the air coming out from it so apparently not closed enough I guess.
Jeez, you weren't kidding around. Also, goddamnit what kind of ending is that.

The manga ending is honestly better than the movie's ending.

Setsuna comes back as a ESL like the movie and uses his new powers to return an old Marina back to her younger self and marries her. Feldt is NTRed and Setsuna apparently learned about love and feelings on the ESL planet leading to him coming back to Marina. Really a much sweeter ending and I wish the movie went with it.


The manga ending is honestly better than the movie's ending.

Setsuna comes back as a ESL like the movie and uses his new powers to return an old Marina back to her younger self and marries her. Feldt is NTRed and Setsuna apparently learned about love and feelings on the ESL planet leading to him coming back to Marina. Really a much sweeter ending and I wish the movie went with it.

D: That's even worse. So much shipping. (Not that the show/movie is exempt of it)
No, the movie's ending is much better. The manga ending smacks of fanboy wish fulfillment.

On another note, I've been rewatching ZZ before it gets taken down at the end of the month, and I don't remember it being quite so juvenile. The kids from Shangri-la come off as such an odious bunch, and Mashymre Cello seems borderline mentally disabled.


The movie's ending is too abrupt, but that manga ending sounds like fangirl pandering.

I actually liked Trailblazer (or at least I did; haven't rewatched it in the years since) but the complete lack of 00 Quanta doing anything was hugely disappointing. At least the whole sequence of Lockon, Al, and Graham clearing the way for him was pretty cool.

On another note, I've been rewatching ZZ before it gets taken down at the end of the month, and I don't remember it being quite so juvenile. The kids from Shangri-la come off as such an odious bunch, and Mashymre Cello seems borderline mentally disabled.

yeah, it's pretty annoying. It gets a little more serious in the second half but never really gets to where you want it to be.


Unconfirmed Member
Mashymere is full on mentally handicapped. Nothing borderline about it


No, the movie's ending is much better. The manga ending smacks of fanboy wish fulfillment.

On another note, I've been rewatching ZZ before it gets taken down at the end of the month, and I don't remember it being quite so juvenile. The kids from Shangri-la come off as such an odious bunch, and Mashymre Cello seems borderline mentally disabled.

P.sure Mashmyre IS handicapped.

But I can't name a single Gundam where the gang of kids aren't an odious bunch [at some point].

G and Build Fighters not withstanding.


Does anyone happen to know if it's possible to order parts from premium kits like the head from MG Tallgeese 2 through Bandai? If I'd want the head I could buy the official kit at inflated prices, buy the bootleg which really does exist or use the parts from the HG kit, none of which are ideal options.
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