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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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I went into a random model shop this morning while I was traveling up North, and all the Gunpla they had on the floor for purchase were from AGE. I was in Hell.
I went into a random model shop this morning while I was traveling up North, and all the Gunpla they had on the floor for purchase were from AGE. I was in Hell.

Did you unknowingly end up taking this train up north by chance?



I went into a random model shop this morning while I was traveling up North, and all the Gunpla they had on the floor for purchase were from AGE. I was in Hell.

Sometimes I completely forget that there IS Gunpla for AGE.

I mean Build Fighters has had exactly 0 AGE suits, hasn't it?

Beth Cyra

iirc, the only time Turn A even uses moonlight butterfly is right after
the final battle with Gym has ended.
It's hardly Loran's go-to move like Kira lining up shots on 30 people and firing off each one successfully.
Kira doesnt line up the shots though, his on board computer targets everything for him.


Did you unknowingly end up taking this train up north by chance?

No. I wish, though. I only rode one tram, and that was in Hakodate. I've never seen a tram with several cars... It looks like a normal train just driving through the streets. I must know where this is. I must ride it.
Sometimes I completely forget that there IS Gunpla for AGE.

I mean Build Fighters has had exactly 0 AGE suits, hasn't it?

Isn't that because some sort of contract issues? I recall hearing that neither Age, nor 00 S2/Awakening could have their suits in the show.


Why would that be an issue? They're all Sunrise shows.

What I've consistently read is that they chose to omit 00 S2, the 00 movie, and AGE to simplify the copyright situation in the show. There has to be some sort of timed exclusivity for rights with regards to a TV station being a production partner on shows, even though Sunrise does ultimately retain all the rights. 00 and AGE were MBS co-productions, while Build Fighters is a TV Tokyo show. 00 S1 is more than 5 years old by the time Build Fighters started, so that could be a clue as to the exclusivity period, maybe.
What I've consistently read is that they chose to omit 00 S2, the 00 movie, and AGE to simplify the copyright situation in the show. There has to be some sort of timed exclusivity for rights with regards to a TV station being a production partner on shows, even though Sunrise does ultimately retain all the rights. 00 and AGE were MBS co-productions, while Build Fighters is a TV Tokyo show. 00 S1 is more than 5 years old by the time Build Fighters started, so that could be a clue as to the exclusivity period, maybe.

Why would that apply to A Wakening the Trailblazer though? That was a theatrical movie.
Here I was hoping that it was simply a sign that Sunrise/Bandai simply quit acknowledging the existence of AGE.

But I guess that's way off base because AGE units are in Maxi Boost.
Here I was hoping that it was simply a sign that Sunrise/Bandai simply quit acknowledging the existence of AGE.

But I guess that's way off base because AGE units are in Maxi Boost.

If they acknowledge G-Saviour, they sure as hell have to acknowledge AGE. :)

I'm more curious to see if they'll figure out a way to incorporate Build Fighters into Maxi Boost somehow.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Well, they pretended like X didn't exist for years due to its low ratings, so if we are lucky the same will happen to AGE.
Well, they pretended like X didn't exist for years due to its low ratings, so if we are lucky the same will happen to AGE.

But X has resurfaced recently. It's been featured in a ton of games and the Gundam X Maoh is one of the main MS's in Build Fighters...so some slight redemption there. :)


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
But X has resurfaced recently. It's been featured in a ton of games and the Gundam X Maoh is one of the main MS's in Build Fighters...so some slight redemption there. :)
Almost 20 years later
it should've never been ignored
. I can live with pretending AGE didn't exist for 20 years.

Beth Cyra

But X has resurfaced recently. It's been featured in a ton of games and the Gundam X Maoh is one of the main MS's in Build Fighters...so some slight redemption there. :)
Sadly X didn't get a upgrade but switched out.

Its cool to have an animated Crossbone but a part of me wishes it was X or DX given Strike and Wing stayed around.
X and DX had an entire series. Let's be happy Crossbone gets an episode.

Yeah, and who knows, maybe we'll get a Crossbone Maoh Damashii out of it, considering there's already a bunch of different Crossbone Damashiis, so it would only entail replacing some pieces while retaining the main body. :D

No Robot Damashiis of any of the Build Fighters Gundams have been announced, right...? A little unusual.

Beth Cyra

Yeah, and who knows, maybe we'll get a Crossbone Maoh Damashii out of it, considering there's already a bunch of different Crossbone Damashiis, so it would only entail replacing some pieces while retaining the main body. :D

No Robot Damashiis of any of the Build Fighters Gundams have been announced, right...? A little unusual.
I don't find that odd really.

Wing TV just released and they had Perfect Strike not that long ago. They could well be sitting on the designs for a bit not to overload the.

Also X hasn't been released if I remember right and Full Cloth is just now shipping so Maoh's suits are even further out id imagine.


Gundam AGE is an awful entry in the Gundam franchise because it is the type of show no one asked for and no one wanted. From both a business and a creative perspective, it is a useless series which wasted everyone's time and money, and was a failure in both critical and commercial success. So no, that's not mediocre, that's flat out bad. It doesn't matter if the technical merits of the show are average, it matters that it is literally something that no one wanted.

People can hate on SEED, but no one can deny that it's something lots of fans wanted, and continue to like. It's basically a angst modern redo of UC, and OYW in particular. It helped introduce a whole new generation of younger fans to the Gundam franchise, and has added a ton of profit for Bandai in pretty much every industry they're in, in the last decade. SEED is probably the best thing to have happened to the Gundam franchise because without it, we were looking at decline of interest and decline of sales on a whole, and old UC fans would not be enough to keep the franchise successful enough to get what they want. Stuff like Unicorn would certainly not exist in the way it does if there was no assurance that Gundam as a brand was still as popular as ever. Gundam X and Turn-A were both commercial failures. SEED basically kickstarted the modern Gundam and Gunpla boom.

Meanwhile, no one ever asked for a really kiddy style Gundam which still tried to take itself seriously with a war story, and for it to be filled with bad Level5 designs, bad Level5 writing, and bad Digimon mechs. Literally no one. It was a project which only existed because Bandai thought it would be smart to partner with a big game developer with some popular hits at the time. Kids didn't watch it or like it. No one wanted the gunpla. The show sucked. Fans who grew up with SEED hated it. Fans who grew up with Wing hated it. Fans who grew up with 0079 hated it. It brought no new fans into the franchise. It wasted a whole year of broadcasting.

What good is AGE? Nothing. It's totally worthless. So let's treat it as it deserves.
Gundam AGE is an awful entry in the Gundam franchise because it is the type of show no one asked for and no one wanted. From both a business and a creative perspective, it is a useless series which wasted everyone's time and money, and was a failure in both critical and commercial success. So no, that's not mediocre, that's flat out bad. It doesn't matter if the technical merits of the show are average, it matters that it is literally something that no one wanted.

People can hate on SEED, but no one can deny that it's something lots of fans wanted, and continue to like. It's basically a angst modern redo of UC, and OYW in particular. It helped introduce a whole new generation of younger fans to the Gundam franchise, and has added a ton of profit for Bandai in pretty much every industry they're in, in the last decade. SEED is probably the best thing to have happened to the Gundam franchise because without it, we were looking at decline of interest and decline of sales on a whole, and old UC fans would not be enough to keep the franchise successful enough to get what they want. Stuff like Unicorn would certainly not exist in the way it does if there was no assurance that Gundam as a brand was still as popular as ever. Gundam X and Turn-A were both commercial failures. SEED basically kickstarted the modern Gundam and Gunpla boom.

Meanwhile, no one ever asked for a really kiddy style Gundam which still tried to take itself seriously with a war story, and for it to be filled with bad Level5 designs, bad Level5 writing, and bad Digimon mechs. Literally no one. It was a project which only existed because Bandai thought it would be smart to partner with a big game developer with some popular hits at the time. Kids didn't watch it or like it. No one wanted the gunpla. The show sucked. Fans who grew up with SEED hated it. Fans who grew up with Wing hated it. Fans who grew up with 0079 hated it. Fans of 00 hated it as well! It brought no new fans into the franchise. It wasted a whole year of broadcasting.

What good is AGE? Nothing. It's totally worthless. So let's treat it as it deserves.

Damn! Dem truth bombs. Added 00 part for kicks. So disappointing to me as a viewer to go from what was my favorite series of Gundam in 00 to AGE....

If GBF wasn't as good as it was this season, I might have dropped Gundam completely except for Unicorn.
I'm not going to lie and say that seed wasnt important to the franchise. It essentially saved the franchise. But it is still easily the worst franchise.

I hate ages art style. That said, it is still objectively better than seeds sameface hackjob bullshit and uc-ripoff designs.

Conceptually it is at least somewhat interesting. The idea of a mutligenerational story could have been good had the show given each arc enough time. Really age should have been three shows, but honestly they were stretching the materials thin as is.

Character wise, both are pretty bad. I legitimately think flit was an interesting character (though corvo of course will counter this with some hyperbole nonsense about him being a pedophile). Grodek and woolf were good too, but that is about it.

Ce really has athrun and durandal as interesting characters. Everyone else is a bunch of gary stus/mary stus. Anime fans like those sorts of characters I guess. Personally I dont.

Seed and destiny have both the shittiest stories ive seen. I was so glad when seed basically dropped its story and became pew pew space battles since I didnt have to listen to its slipshop nonsense anymore. Storywise it was just a rehash of first gundams story played pretty straight for the most part, but without any of the characters or intrigue that made it interesting. Instead we get jdrama levels of writing. The hack directing it couldnt go one conversation without a flashback. It gets to be ridiculous. Combine that with reused footage during battles and you are averaging maybe 8 minutes of new footage per episode. Trust me, I ran a stop watch during one episode. It really is that bad.

Age is certainly one of the worst shows in the franchise, but artistically it has more merit than seed and destiny.

But seriously, why are we arguing over which piece of shit smells better? We should be talking about how great the latest volume of the origin is, or how hyped we are for the finale of build fighters


I like SEED. So I'll happily sit around and argue about the merits of SEED if anyone wants to debate it. I don't think anyone here likes AGE or cares to even debate its merits, because it has none. That's my point.

SEED is in no way "objectively" worse than AGE. There's nothing objective about that. If you think that repackaging story points which UC used before for a new audience is a bad thing, that's not being objective. That's a subjective opinion that a popular work should not be reimagined for a fresh audience. It's not like SEED was trying to pass itself off as a totally original story and a fresh new take on Gundam. It was specifically intended to be a new way for younger fans to get into the franchise and appreciate the type of story the original shows told, but without the baggage of having to watch an ancient series.

Destiny is a pretty crappy follow up, but I'm still a big fan of some of the characters in SEED (Athrun and Cagalli mostly), and the original series was really enjoyable for me, even as someone who grew up watching stuff like 0079, Zeta, 0080, etc.
I would rather rewatch AGE than Seed.

Duckroll, you prefaced your post talking about the creative and business aspect, but then proceeded to only talk about the business aspect.

I prefer the AGE mechanical designs to Seed's gaudy monstrosities as well.


i watched AGE once and saw some kind of gorilla suit



looked it up; the xamdrag lol. from AGE i do kind of like the legilis; the head reminds me of physalis


Didn't know you were bulimic. Hope you can resolve that issue someday. FWIW, I can feel the bile rising up my throat whenever I look at the Freedom or the Infinite Justice. <3

Luckily for me, I only suffer a bad reaction like that when I'm unfortunate enough to encounter the extremely rare opinion of anything positive being said about AGE, or going to a warehouse clearance sale for cheap gunpla models (that's the only place you'll ever see AGE kits anymore!).

Unfortunately for you, it seems like your condition is more serious because you have to endure discomfort every time you walk into any decent hobby store, or visit any Gundam site. The popularity and success of SEED must truly upset you. My condolences!


:D :D :D :D


I don't know what any of you are talking about. Nothing weird about liking Athrun. He's a cute guy.

Who's Meyrin? I have selective memory. Lalalalala~
AGE-1 Normal is beautiful, 'sall I'm saying. Kind of like Cagalli was in Seed before the writers turned her into a blithering idiot in Destiny.

And dat Dark Hound. :D

And dat Legillis. :D~
If you wanted to make me really sick, you should've posted the godawful Ookawara line art.

I respect the guys who made the model kit for trying to make that POS look decent. Nothing but love for my bros down at the Master Grade design workshop.


Just because I like the original SEED series doesn't mean I lack all common sense. Strike Freedom is a fucking ugly design, especially in the show. :)

That's the RG btw, not the MG.
Just because I like the original SEED series doesn't mean I lack all common sense. Strike Freedom is a fucking ugly design, especially in the show. :)

That's the RG btw, not the MG.

I'm on my phone, so I couldn't really see it in too much detail. ;)

As bad as Strike Freedom is (and it is bad), it's still not nearly as awful as the knockoff Gundams the psycho trios from Seed and Destiny pilot (Gaia, Abyss, etc..).
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