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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Chief amongst which was the question, "So, season 2? Yes or no?"

It was pretty clear that season 2 was planned from the start, and I think it was well executed. I loved that they changed the paradigm, it went from the Gundams being overpowered to them struggling to survive until the 00 Raiser was activated.


It was pretty clear that season 2 was planned from the start, and I think it was well executed. I loved that they changed the paradigm, it went from the Gundams being overpowered to them struggling to survive until the 00 Raiser was activated.

Do you mean wasn't? Because it wasn't. It was originally a 50-episode show.

My Wing rewatch continues to go swimmingly. I'm sure nostalgia is playing a part but I still just find the conflicts and events really engaging. Of the five pilots the only I feel has been given the short end of the shaft(so far, on 25) is Duo. The rest have had genuine moments of character growth except him. Shame too because his suit was always my favorite. But maybe that'll come later, I really don't remember too many of the plot details from when I was a kid.

I was surprised how much I still liked Wing on my rewatch a few years ago, albeit probably for different reasons back in 2000. There's a lot of interesting stuff under the surface, and even though the first 20 episodes are a total wash imo, the plot really gets going by the time everyone shoots back up into space.


Though I never watched 00 S2, I'm surprised by how many people liked S1.

S1 plodded along and sort of just assumed you would like the protagonists, without really giving you reasons to.

It did get better toward the end.


Though I never watched 00 S2, I'm surprised by how many people liked S1.

S1 plodded along and sort of just assumed you would like the protagonists, without really giving you reasons to.

It did get better toward the end.

I liked the way S1 approached its "antagonists". Aside from Ali and the guy at the end, they weren't typical evil mustache-twirling villains. Each group seemed to have their own reasonable motivations to fight the gundams. Of course, S2 does away with this by introducing the shameless Titan-ripoffs.


Worst Wing character:




Beth Cyra

Every scene with her is just blahblahblahWARSblahblahblahBATTLESblahblahblahMANIPULATION

Relena just eats it all up too. Girl's brain goes to oatmeal around Dorothy.
Wow I really couldn't disagree more.

Dorothy is amazing because she basically shows Relena how stupid and unrealistic her ideals are.


Wow I really couldn't disagree more.

Dorothy is amazing because she basically shows Relena how stupid and unrealistic her ideals are.

Yeah, I get that. I'm more commenting on her attitude and demeanor. She's like constantly near orgasm talking about battles and war(aka almost every time she speaks). Whenever she shows up you know exactly what's going to happen. Relena is in the same boat, except she has two whole things she can talk about.

Also this shirt is not okay, Noin:

Beth Cyra

Yeah, I get that. I'm more commenting on her attitude and demeanor. She's like constantly near orgasm talking about battles and war(aka almost every time she speaks). Whenever she shows up you know exactly what's going to happen. Relena is in the same boat, except she has two whole things she can talk about.

Also this shirt is not okay, Noin:

Thats true, but again that is kinda why I like her.

Dorothy like Heero in the start is clearly a broken human beinging, something at her very core is busted and it makes you look at her in a way that is really different then most characters.

You aren't looking for redemption with Dorothy, you don't suddenly think she is going to come over to the good guy side and when you see her
pretty much kill her grandfather
you realize just how special and messed up this human is.

Random question: Was there ever anything for Gundam Wing-verse after Endless Walts?

TONS of stuff, Wing is one of the most expanded AU's that isn't SEED.

Frozen Teardrop is a Sequel by one of the three main writers of Gundam Wing TV and Senario writer for Gundam Wing Endless Waltz.

Gundam Wing Battlefield of the Pacifist and Blind Target are also future events.

Gundam Wing Preventer 5 is also by Sumizawa that has been expanded in the form of Frozen Teardrop.

Gundam Wing Tiels Impulse - A follow up that introduces new characters and Lucifer Gundam, Seraphim Gundam and Zero System 2.0

Gundam Wing A Scythe In my Hand - A Light Novel that is set after Endless Waltz and stars Duo and is about his life and how he copes with it following Endless Waltz.

Gundam Wing Glory of The Losers - It is a Manga that is running with Frozen Teardrop, it retells Wing TV with Katoki redesigns and changes the story. It will link the TV with Endless Waltz as well as Frozen Teardrop.

Turn A Gundam - Not truly a Wing extension, but it is the end of the line for Wing as it is with a lot of series. We see that Endless Waltz is most certainly apart of the Black History and that Wing Gundam Zero is actually very important to one of the characters because it scares them so bad it creates a phobia of Gundams.

These are just off the top of my head, I know there is a few more but I can't remember them right now.


TONS of stuff, Wing is one of the most expanded AU's that isn't SEED.

Frozen Teardrop is a Sequel by one of the three main writers of Gundam Wing TV and Senario writer for Gundam Wing Endless Waltz.

Gundam Wing Battlefield of the Pacifist and Blind Target are also future events.

Gundam Wing Preventer 5 is also by Sumizawa that has been expanded in the form of Frozen Teardrop.

Gundam Wing Tiels Impulse - A follow up that introduces new characters and Lucifer Gundam, Seraphim Gundam and Zero System 2.0

Gundam Wing A Scythe In my Hand - A Light Novel that is set after Endless Waltz and stars Duo and is about his life and how he copes with it following Endless Waltz.

Gundam Wing Glory of The Losers - It is a Manga that is running with Frozen Teardrop, it retells Wing TV with Katoki redesigns and changes the story. It will link the TV with Endless Waltz as well as Frozen Teardrop.

Turn A Gundam - Not truly a Wing extension, but it is the end of the line for Wing as it is with a lot of series. We see that Endless Waltz is most certainly apart of the Black History and that Wing Gundam Zero is actually very important to one of the characters because it scares them so bad it creates a phobia of Gundams.

These are just off the top of my head, I know there is a few more but I can't remember them right now.

Damn. Thanks dude. : )


It's been a while but I'm a pretty big fan of Heero. Rust Cohle from True Detective reminded me a lot of him although Heero's certainly not nearly as nihilistic.


Im not sure I see how they're similar. Heero is stoic. Rust was emotional. Two very different people with two very different world views

They're definitely different when you take a closer look. There are just certain initially noticeable habits they have that I think are similar.

They're both pretty stoic though(Rust expresses his anger more of course). Both have different reasons for turning out how they did.


Just finished Endless Waltz. It's certainly nice looking but it's also kinda bad? It feels so rushed.

I'd have to watch it again. My memories are very fond ones. I remember really enjoying Heero's internal story. Also, Talgeese and Heavy Arms were so badass in it.
Did you watch the movie or the ova? I think the movie has a few additonal scenes.

I am not EWs biggest fan either. Plot feels very odd, and if Wing was the aping 0079 and CCA, then EW was aping ZZ gundam. Except its plot doesnt make sense and the time frames involved are ridiculous

Beth Cyra

Did you watch the movie or the ova? I think the movie has a few additonal scenes.

I am not EWs biggest fan either. Plot feels very odd, and if Wing was the aping 0079 and CCA, then EW was aping ZZ gundam. Except its plot doesnt make sense and the time frames involved are ridiculous

Well if Wing wasn't Super Robot enough Frozen Teardrop has offically added Super Modes and now Beast Modes (+Full on Multi Seat cock pits for extra power ups when it eventually gets added to SRW) to the Gundam's so if it goes any further it will pass even G Gundam and Build Fighters for the most super Robot of all the series.

Beth Cyra

Holy shit.. what the hell are they doing with that novel?

Fenrir (Duo's Son) is Piloting a Mobile Suit named Warlock who has the following Abilities.

Cloak that blocks it to Nano-machine attack (so it's possible they could write this thing to even resist the Moonlight Butterfly)
Dual Beam Scythes
Dual Buster Shields
The Ability to create up to 50 Nano Machine After Images, that actually have the ability to attack and damage.
Mad Gundanium Armor (much stronger then Gundanium which is already pretty much the strongest armor in all the various Gundam universes)
Beam Scythe can switch to Buster Rifle Mode
Can Use Beam Jammers
Beast Mode which turns it into a Wolf like Mode, and is called it's Fenrir Mode.
Has an attack called Platinum Teeth

Everything from before the Beast Mode is when it has it's LIMITER engaged.

This is all for the follow up to Deathscythe, and is not the main Gundam which means that Snow White is likely to be far crazier then this thing.

Snow White in the chapter before this takes a Charged Twin Buster Rifle shot from a Black Wing Zero straight on, lets remember this weapon can and has nuked a Colony, section of Libra and busted a Nuclear Shield.

At this point it's pretty much Sumizawa is determined to make the strongest most broken Gundam in all of existence. Snow White fire power pretty much puts everything to shame who isn't OO Raiser Trans Am and Turn A's Moonlight.


I'd have to watch it again. My memories are very fond ones. I remember really enjoying Heero's internal story. Also, Talgeese and Heavy Arms were so badass in it.
I had remembered very fondly too. The series held up but EW was disappointing. The best thing was the Notaku vs Zero fight.


I had remembered very fondly too. The series held up but EW was disappointing. The best thing was the Notaku vs Zero fight.

I would have liked a little more Wing Zero from the movie. I thought that was pretty cool how he held him off with just a leo though.

Beth Cyra

I would have liked a little more Wing Zero from the movie. I thought that was pretty cool how he held him off with just a leo though.

Heero fighting off Wufei in a Leo is one of the greater feats in the greater scheme of things when it comes to Gundam pilots.

A Leo is incredibly weak compared to even Shenlong and yet Heero is able to actually fight off Altron who is actually attempting to finish end the fight. A simple thing but really shows how much better of a pilot Heero is compared to everyone in the Wing universe aside from Zechs.


Are we talking about the same show? Because 00 was 50 episodes.

sorry, what I meant was that 00 was originally planned as a 50 episode series that would just run straight through (like past shows), and at some point in production Sunrise had it split it into two separate seasons instead.

I remember reading that the S1/2 split occurred around episode 37 of the original plan, which might explain why S1 rushes through a lot of plot in its back half and why S2 is so thin on plot. But I don't remember where that's from so it could be made up!
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