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The Official Headphone Thread 2.5: We're Making WAVs and Catching FLAC

Schiit Audio Jotunheim seems like their main announcement. Its basically a balanced amp that accepts DAC and phono stage modules in the same way as NAD's MDC modules work.

Not sure what to think yet. Let's see an upgrade to the Bifrost line with balanced outputs. After hearing multibit, I won't buy another D/S DAC.

I was also hoping to see a balanced DAC with some tubes, basically a mini Mjolnir.


what's the latest hotness in the cheapo earphones? need something with mic and/or iphone compatible controls as i'll be using them for calls

lost my xiaomi piston 3 and need a replacement

Tommy DJ

Not sure what to think yet. Let's see an upgrade to the Bifrost line with balanced outputs. After hearing multibit, I won't buy another D/S DAC.

I was also hoping to see a balanced DAC with some tubes, basically a mini Mjolnir.

The amp itself is completely uninteresting besides basically killing off the Asgard 2, which was honestly pretty uninteresting as far as products go. Yeah sure nice specs and huge power output but what solid state amp doesn't really have that these days? I don't think any modern headphone amp struggles with anything that isn't that one out of production AKG K1000 or HE-) and you're probably got money to go into the deep end of loudspeaker power amps for those.

The real game changer, if there is one, is that Schiit has announced a fully balanced phono pre-amp for around $500 that can also drive headphones and isn't a huge clunky piece of shit either. Sort of a lost opportunity by not making the chassis a little bit larger so you can have both DAC and phono stage modules.


the holder of the trombone
I heard the same thing about the K10 and K10u as well. Luckily, years of wearing Sennheiser headphones has conditioned me to make do without bass :p

Oh no, there is bass, I'd even call them bass tilted. Tg334 has fatter bass notes though while mh334 is tighter and slightly more impactful.

I think they've updated the tg334 though so who knows if my impressions are up to date.
The amp itself is completely uninteresting besides basically killing off the Asgard 2, which was honestly pretty uninteresting as far as products go. Yeah sure nice specs and huge power output but what solid state amp doesn't really have that these days? I don't think any modern headphone amp struggles with anything that isn't that one out of production AKG K1000 or HE-) and you're probably got money to go into the deep end of loudspeaker power amps for those.

The real game changer, if there is one, is that Schiit has announced a fully balanced phono pre-amp for around $500 that can also drive headphones and isn't a huge clunky piece of shit either. Sort of a lost opportunity by not making the chassis a little bit larger so you can have both DAC and phono stage modules.

Is the phono stage going to be any good? Last I checked Schiits own Mani was not the most competitive at its price point.


Gold Member
The amp itself is completely uninteresting besides basically killing off the Asgard 2, which was honestly pretty uninteresting as far as products go. Yeah sure nice specs and huge power output but what solid state amp doesn't really have that these days? I don't think any modern headphone amp struggles with anything that isn't that one out of production AKG K1000 or HE-) and you're probably got money to go into the deep end of loudspeaker power amps for those.

The real game changer, if there is one, is that Schiit has announced a fully balanced phono pre-amp for around $500 that can also drive headphones and isn't a huge clunky piece of shit either. Sort of a lost opportunity by not making the chassis a little bit larger so you can have both DAC and phono stage modules.

I'm not sure what to make of the Jotunheim to be honest.

On the positive side, it's nice to see them do an integrated-but-modular DAC/Amp combo they once swore they'd never do, it's a much easier sell to the casuals. Nice to see they are pragmatic like that. Also, having a balanced system at that pricepoint is super nice. And doing a combined Phono/Amp unit should be huge for the vinyl hipsters.

On the negative side, if you are going to spend that much on an amp, I feel you'd want a nice MB DAC to go with it, it seems the balance is tipped a bit too much to the amp side here.

By the looks of it, this is the most direct competitor to my Asgard 2 / Bifrost MB stack. My stack wins clearly on the DAC side but loses on the balanced output side. Currently I don't have balanced headphones in the office, but if I did, I might be tempted to upgrade from Asgard 2 to this, sans DAC. But actually then I'd need a balanced MB DAC since Bifrost MB isn't one.

Oh well, just got my shipping notification for my two Yggdrasils, now Schiit just needs to get around making my Ragnarok, shit has been on order since June. Makes me almost suspect they are upgrading it now.
Ha, I came here just to post the same link.

Interesting story, as always, but honestly, this new product does nothing for me.

As I said in my previous post, the new topology is the only interesting part for me.

All the rest is pretty meh, mainly due to:

1.- I already have a Bifrost Uber + Asgard 2.
2.- I rarely listen music via headphones.

I just want the damn new power amps so I can pair one (or a pair if they end being monoblocks) with an Yggdrasil :D


Gold Member
I just want the damn new power amps so I can pair one (or a pair if they end being monoblocks) with an Yggdrasil :D

Ragnarok not powerful enough? I guess you have passive speakers?

Interesting tidbit - the DAC card for Jotunheim became Fulla, while Jotunheim was in development hell.
Ragnarok not powerful enough? I guess you have passive speakers?

Yes, you're right, they are passive.

I own a pair of KEF LS50 in white (they look so gorgeous). And while they're not big speakers and are rated at 100 W, they are kinda inefficient (85 dB) and hard to drive properly (the impedance can be as low as 3 Ohm)

Now, I've read a lot of Ragnarok reviews where it was paired with the LS50 and all the comments say they are a perfect match and the Rag makes them sing beautifully.

The thing is, I want to assemble a killer pre+amp combo that lasts me forever and since I plan to upgrade my speakers to a pair of towers in the future, 100 W will not be enough when the upgrades happens.

Jason already said the power amps will deliver tons of power, I'm guessing they will be around 200 W @ 8 Ohms, and if you take into consideration this new topology not only measures better but also performs better (according to Schiit guys), well... Ragnarok is just not attractive to me anymore.


Gold Member
Sounds like the 2 channel stuff they will announce in that other show shortly is what you are looking for.

Still on Jotunheim, the DAC part is weird. Given that this is essentially a budget/mini Mjolnir, it's just really weird anyone would feed it from what is essentially an internal Fulla card. But then again, the next balanced multibit option Schiit offers is the $1249 Gungnir DAC.

Thus the next thing on their roadmap should be a $400 budget-Gungnir, a balanced multibit DAC, that would be perfect pair for Jotunheim.

Tommy DJ

On the negative side, if you are going to spend that much on an amp, I feel you'd want a nice MB DAC to go with it, it seems the balance is tipped a bit too much to the amp side here.

By the looks of it, this is the most direct competitor to my Asgard 2 / Bifrost MB stack. My stack wins clearly on the DAC side but loses on the balanced output side. Currently I don't have balanced headphones in the office, but if I did, I might be tempted to upgrade from Asgard 2 to this, sans DAC. But actually then I'd need a balanced MB DAC since Bifrost MB isn't one.

That's more of a problem with any modular system. Modular systems in audiophile stuff is generally always pointless because most people just get one module and forget. Which in turn kills any serious development for modules because people don't really buy them. NAD's MDC system has a few more options to select from but I don't think anyone gives a shit once they throw something like the HDMI module in because the size and capability of the slot is so limited.

The balanced topology is nice but doesn't really obsolete your existing system. From the impressions of people on SBAF who went to the show, it doesn't really seem like a game changer from an amp point of view. I'd put good money that you'd still be better off with a Vali 2 + Modi Multibit (same price point) if you were running most dynamic driver headphones.

Is the phono stage going to be any good? Last I checked Schiits own Mani was not the most competitive at its price point.

Apparently good enough, which is all that really matters for probably the cheapest decent small phono pre-amp that can double duty as a good heapdhone amplifier on the market.


Damn, that Jotunheim DAC/Amp combo would have gone nicely with my recent purchased HD800s, since they come with balanced cables.

Hopefully there are going to be some comparisons with the Objective 2, and if there is a justified quality bump i will more then likely upgrade to the Jotunheim.
What does the Jotunheim mean if I already have a Valhalla 2 and Modi 2

Depends on the headphones your using. Probably upgrade your DAC and your set.

I use a Valhalla 2/Bifrost setup for my hd650 so the new amp basically means nothing to me. Which is alright, not every product they make will be something I want to use.
Sounds like the 2 channel stuff they will announce in that other show shortly is what you are looking for.

Yep, I've been waiting for their 2 channel stuff since they announced them. Obviously, I'll wait until a good amount of reviews are available prior to pull the trigger.

Still on Jotunheim, the DAC part is weird. Given that this is essentially a budget/mini Mjolnir, it's just really weird anyone would feed it from what is essentially an internal Fulla card. But then again, the next balanced multibit option Schiit offers is the $1249 Gungnir DAC.

The DAC part of Jotunheim is by far the less interesting for me. I understand that due to physical restrictions (lack of space) they can't impement a multibit card, but still... a DS DAC after all the praise they give to MB DACs makes -in my opinion- the Jotunheim to look like a kinda mediocre product (in that regard).

Considering all, you can colour me unimpressed with this release.
Wtf, Tyll bumped HE-1000s out of his Hall of Fame after a mere year:


HD800S too, but that was more expected. I never agreed with him 100% anyway, he was a huge LCD-3 fan after all.

Not surprised at all. The 1k+ market is actually getting some competition and the he1000 was never up to snuff at the $3000 price point.

Hopefully we get the shake up we need.

Looking at Tylls wall, it looks like Revenge of the Dynamics, haha.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Massdrop update on the HiFiMan RE-00 drop:

We've received word from HiFiMan and it’s all around good news. As we had mentioned in the previous update, HiFiMan is ahead on production, and we can now safely say that we’ll beat the previously mentioned September 30th ship date.
They are currently putting the finishing touches on production and they hope to ship out the entire order before this weekend. We are estimating a transit time of 7 days, but we’ll check back and confirm a more concrete delivery date once everything ships out.
Meanwhile, Will is in China visiting factories, and he got a hold of the final product that’ll be shipping to everyone. I have posted the images that I received from Will in the discussion for everyone to check out.
We'll keep the group updated throughout the fulfillment process. You can expect an update from us by the end of the day Pacific Time on 9/7 (September 7).


the holder of the trombone
Meanwhile the shoes I've ordered have been delayed for over 1 month already with no news on massdrop on when they'll be done. :(


the holder of the trombone
Yo, the lear LHF-AE1D (yes I had to google to even remember the name of the thing I just bought) is super legit. I'm honestly impressed with it.

The bass knob implementation is done really well. I don't think they use air vents to control the frequency, maybe it's something that changes the driver's resistance? Either way, it means that you can go from a really nice mid-centric sound with bass shy of neutral to bass slamming cannons, but even at higher bass levels it doesn't really effect the mids and treble except for the max bass setting.

Since I bought this iem for the bass, I'm using 1 shy from max and it still has fairly neutral mids actually with a hint of warmth and slightly rolled treble that is impressively peak free. So the vocals are lovely and while it doesn't have the same clarity as my harmony the notes are still pretty defined. Bass goes high on sub but it's a gradual slope down to midbass and then lower mids, which is exactly how I like it. It's a little fatter than the asg2.5 from memory and still doesn't hit quite as hard, but it's literally a third of the price so, yeah. Still hits pretty hard. Bassheads like me won't find it wanting.

Soundstage and instrument separation is pretty good to ok, but it isn't as good as my harmony. Still, for the price it does exactly what I wanted it to do. I finally have an audiophile basshead iem again. Still miss my asg2.5 but this will do just fine.

leng jai

Well, looks like I'm getting a refund for my Purplehearts. Also sold my Mahogany pair so now I'm back to having no Fostex headphones. Probably for the best since I use my HD800s 90% of the time anyway.

leng jai

Took a pic before packing them up:


You can't say they aren't beautiful.


Do you actually mean earbuds specifically?
Yeah I'm sorry, should've used the correct term, ear in headphones right? I used the Sennheiser CX 5 and those were of terrible quality. I've seen a lot of praise for the Momentum ones but I'm afraid they'll have the same level of discomfort and build quality.


Yeah I'm sorry, should've used the correct term, ear in headphones right? I used the Sennheiser CX 5 and those were of terrible quality. I've seen a lot of praise for the Momentum ones but I'm afraid they'll have the same level of discomfort and build quality.
What kind of sound are you looking for, detailed, warm, bassy and fun?

Tommy DJ

Open backed IEMs aren't really new and could potentially sound better. Stax are open and the old dynamic driver Sony MDR-EX series might as well be open.

But if you're going to release an IEM the size of someone's entire ear, why wouldn't you just develop a lightweight band for it like those cheap wire bands you get from airplane headphones. What I don't get is why they are even IEMs, they don't really isolate and they're so large that a band surely makes more sense.

I understand you can argue that this product is "innovative" but its still so stupid because existing dynamic driver IEMs, even cheap ones that only cost $100 like those Vsonics, all basically have crazy low distortion down in the bass region. There's a time and place to use certain technologies and this isn't it.


the holder of the trombone
Open backed IEMs aren't really new and could potentially sound better. Stax are open and the old dynamic driver Sony MDR-EX series might as well be open.

But if you're going to release an IEM the size of someone's entire ear, why wouldn't you just develop a lightweight band for it like those cheap wire bands you get from airplane headphones. What I don't get is why they are even IEMs, they don't really isolate and they're so large that a band surely makes more sense.

I actually kinda wish this kind of form factor were more common. I used to have something similar from sony and I loved that form factor.

Might just be my persona 3 fandom speaking.

Which reminded me that I always wanted to get the audio technicas ew9s.

Open backed IEMs aren't really new and could potentially sound better. Stax are open and the old dynamic driver Sony MDR-EX series might as well be open.

But if you're going to release an IEM the size of someone's entire ear, why wouldn't you just develop a lightweight band for it like those cheap wire bands you get from airplane headphones. What I don't get is why they are even IEMs, they don't really isolate and they're so large that a band surely makes more sense.

I understand you can argue that this product is "innovative" but its still so stupid because existing dynamic driver IEMs, even cheap ones that only cost $100 like those Vsonics, all basically have crazy low distortion down in the bass region. There's a time and place to use certain technologies and this isn't it.

Innovation for the sake of it. Audeze has completely lost touch.


the holder of the trombone
I think I'm going to get the focal elear.

I really do.

Sounds like everything I've wanted from a TotL full-size.


What's the word on affordable/disposable bluetooth headphones since our Apple overlords are going away with the headphone jack?


Took a pic before packing them up:


You can't say they aren't beautiful.

I also sent back mine. Beautiful but the cups were a mess. They offered new cups and $30 if I kept them but they also had white residue all over it which did not come off. I really liked them. Amazing bass. Oh well, with the money back on my card I decided to rebuy both the HD600 and HD650 which came to the same price.
I think I'm going to get the focal elear.

I really do.

Sounds like everything I've wanted from a TotL full-size.

Same here. I'm going to try and demo them with the utopia pads first though. The utopia pads look to somewhat fix the main issue I have with the Elear FR, that dip in the upper mids.

I also sent back mine. Beautiful but the cups were a mess. They offered new cups and $30 if I kept them but they also had white residue all over it which did not come off. I really liked them. Amazing bass. Oh well, with the money back on my card I decided to rebuy both the HD600 and HD650 which came to the same price.

Hey, welcome back!


Knowledge is power, guard it well
After having it for a while, I have to say, the Fischer Audio FA-011 is a really phenomenal headphone.

Head thumping bass that stays in its place, and only comes out when a song asks for it. Great extension in the highs, and really balanced mids that aren't at all intruded upon by the low end.

Nice open soundstage; great directionality, separation, and layering.

One sentence review is that it's a basshead lover's dream, amazing low end with little compromise made in the technical details. I highly recommend it.k


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I miss them all the time, but they really didn't do acoustic music all too well

Oh you used to have them? Didn't know that. Thanks for the recommendation bruv, I never had heard of them until your mention.

Hmm I haven't done any acoustic listening on them yet. What's the shortcoming?

Ran rp

I'm currently using an Audio Advantage Micro II ext. sound card and a FiiO D3 on my laptop but the volume is pretty low. Is a FiiO E6 all I need? Would a better SC/DAC/AMP be worth it with this setup?


Oh you used to have them? Didn't know that. Thanks for the recommendation bruv, I never had heard of them until your mention.

Hmm I haven't done any acoustic listening on them yet. What's the shortcoming?
I think some of nuances of the vocals are off , female especially are a little umm jolted and the the reverb on say hard plucked guitar can be overbearing. Stuff like that. I got rid of them to finance an X1 purchase, but now I realize the X1 kinda just sounds like a more hamstrung version of the same headphone with some of the same problems and less excitement.

leng jai

Looks like A2A are getting the Focal Elears in mid October. Might go down and audition them, not that I'm getting rid of the HD800 any time soon.


Any affordable wooden headphone stands outside Massdrop? Can't wait to finish my desktop so looking for one now, but I guess if there's nothing I'll wait for redrops at Massdrop.
Sieveking is out of my budget, something under 100$. Pairing it with TH-X00 so mahogany would be plus.
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