Mee audio matrix 2.
Noise cancellation might not be feasible at that price range, but I'm not the most knowledgeable about noise cancellation headphones.
Also got my noble savanna in. The fit is perfect. So perfect. Much better than my AAW A3hpro. Doesn't move even when I'm eating, seals like crazy, and the noise isolation is honestly scary. Even the rumble of the buses are shut down. I can't hear anything from the outside at all. The acrylic work is very clear without the hint of cloudiness I got from the A3Hpro. Very solid work.
As for the sound, my impressions remain the same from the universal version, which is that it is a very clear, very neutral monitor with a hint of warmth in the mids that keeps it from sounding too sterile. The better seal does give it better subbass extension though with the customs. Not a basshead sound though, but that wasn't what I was looking for with these. Mids don't sound sweet, they sound dry, they sound right. Treble extension and resolution is very good, but very well controlled with nary a peak, and not emphasized to the point of being bright.
Does sound better from my dragonfly red than straight out of the nexus 6P. Something about the dynamics in the lower region benefits when using the dragonfly red. It's not going to thump like a big dynamic driver but the quickness and warmth of the bass is satisfying enough, and I have my big bass earphones already anyway.
Overall, noble lives up to the hype so far.