Sending back my Jaybird X2 set. They're nice, but they disconnect from my laptop a lot, and also don't stay on my neck that well. Also, 8 hours just doesn't work for me over the course of an average day.
So, looking for IEMs, I'll get £120 back, so in the £100-150 range. Any recommendations? What's the current hotness?
So how are we going to cope with the removal of headset jacks from future Apple products? It's iPhone 7 first, iPads next. Will we see a bluetooth DAC/AMP, or use lightning jack ones like HA-2?
If headphone manufacturers have any sense, the amp will go inside the headphone and finally do what the very best speakers have been able to achieve for a while. In fact, the new Sennheiser Orpheus 2 does just that...the marble monstrosity is just a pre-amp/DAC unit apparently.
Do you need wireless?
If not at that price range, go mee audio pinnacle 1 if you want a neutral sound.
Sony xb90ex for bass.
No, trying to avoid wireless cause the X2s were meant to have great wireless performance and they didn't work out too well for me.
Will check those two out. The XB90EXs aren't in stock anywhere in the UK though
Nah, it's just going to be like the audeze cipherr cable. Integrated dac/DSP/amp in the cable.
I'd assume USB out to an external dac/amp still works.
Really? It's got a whole battery of tubes on top of it, or is that the old one?
Bad idea, putting the amp in the headphones is going to make them tight and heavy.( See gaming cans like the Sony Pulse heaphones or Steelseries H headset.)
You really think they are going to do that? and charge Apple Tax for it?
Hmm, you can try cdjapan if you don't mind importing.
Oh, forgot to ask, how will you be using them mainly? For exercise I won't actually recommend them because they stick out too much.
You can have a look at Trinity audio. Hyperion's to me are pretty good value for the price. Haven't heard the rest but they're generally considered pretty good. Generally v-shaped with strong bass, but they come with tuning filters for you to play around the sound with.
Good choice for sure enjoySo I decided on the NVX Audio XPT100, price was good and reviews on Amazon were mostly positive. I'm going to be using these for an 8+ hour flight, so the praise on the comfort was a definite plus for me.
Amazon "Deal of the Day" are AKG headphones.
AKG Q 701 Quincy Jones Signature Reference-Class Premium Headphones $99.99
AKG K-495NC Premium Active Noise-Cancelling Headphones $119.99
Managed to get a pair of the AKG Q 701 Quincy's from Amazon today. Should be a nice upgrade from my Sennheiser HD 555's right? Either way, I need new cans because the plastic is slowly cracking more and more on those. Couldn't resist at that price for the 701's
Managed to get a pair of the AKG Q 701 Quincy's from Amazon today. Should be a nice upgrade from my Sennheiser HD 555's right? Either way, I need new cans because the plastic is slowly cracking more and more on those. Couldn't resist at that price for the 701's
EMU-Teak has dropped on Massdrop for $450. Supposedly like the Fostex TH600, 900 and x00, these are based upon the old denon d5000/7000 series.
Anybody heard these or read impressions? I was planning on jumping on the next thx00 drop, but these look really nice too. Apparently the wood is much nicer in quality and durability.
They caught my eyes also. Surprisingly it is Creative which is selling them so I'm wondering why you can hardly find them for sale anywhere. I also fear for the resale value if I decide to part with them as there is so little info on them out there but the consensus from the few that have tried seems to place them between the TH-X00 and TH-900 with a better ear-cup design which some say actually gives it a unique sound?EMU-Teak has dropped on Massdrop for $450. Supposedly like the Fostex TH600, 900 and x00, these are based upon the old denon d5000/7000 series.
Anybody heard these or read impressions? I was planning on jumping on the next thx00 drop, but these look really nice too. Apparently the wood is much nicer in quality and durability.
Creative picking up where Denon left off, but I never liked the silver trim they've always used. The wood does come in really nice option though.
They caught my eyes also. Surprisingly it is Creative which is selling them so I'm wondering why you can hardly find them for sale anywhere. I also fear for the resale value if I decide to part with them as there is so little info on them out there but the consensus from the few that have tried seems to place them between the TH-X00 and TH-900 with a better ear-cup design which some say actually gives it a unique sound?
They also seem to have debuted at close to the same price as the TH-900 at $999 so I don't think they were ever intended to yolk people in like the TH-X00 price point.
Are you going to get them? I'm tempted but I'm still slightly annoyed at the cable from the TH-X00 so waiting to see the TH-610.
It's a fostex OEM. Quality should be pretty good.
O2+DAC is in customs, so should arrive tomorrow if I'm lucky, if not then Monday. Going to be fun to compare Integrated->Bravura->O2+DAC, can't wait.
Also gotta big give props to Head 'n' Hifi Walter for great service, they shipped it from their another office in Germany to save shipping costs and faster shipping (Crazy fast, only 1½ days and it's already in my country), and refunded me 12 euros from the postages.
I think it's still old stock, and by the looks of it, they aren't really flying off the sales as I would have imagined. Surprised as these are still greatly talked about.Newegg via Ebay has the Philips SHP9500 Over-Ear Headphones for $59.99.
I guess Phillips decided to still make them after they got popular. Believe the hype, these headphone are amazing for this price. I blind bought them before they got popular and was amazed. They stack up well to the HD598 and they almost as comfortable. One warning though, the pads super absorbent so if you sweat a lot these things will soak up the sweat to the point you can squeeze them out like oranges.
I hope you read up on their sound signature before buying. They sound vastly different to the HD555 - much brighter with exceptionally anaemic mid bass (though it's fairly deep). The soundstage is huge but slightly unnatural sounding. It really is a night and day difference between your typical Sennheiser house sound. They are harder to drive than the HD555s for sure, so an amp of some sort would be beneficial.
$100USD is a crazy good price so you can't really go wrong though.
I kinda miss my Grado SR80s. They only work with specific tracks, but when they work they sound amazing.
Are the higher end Grados worth the price tag?
bought a cheap pair of iems for noise isolation and thought they sounded and isolated like shit at first.
then i sealed
I kinda miss my Grado SR80s. They only work with specific tracks, but when they work they sound amazing.
Are the higher end Grados worth the price tag?
Are there any Grados with stock pads that don't feel like sandpaper?
I'm at CanJam and I learned that there is not much of a difference with any headphone above $400 (compared to my Philips X2) unless you have amazing hearing.
The HD 800 S are hella comfortable 💆
I think I also like tube sound better.
I like the Fostex TH-X00, the cups are weird (good weird)
Oppo's stuff sounds so good
Riva Turbo X is the best portable speaker I've heard
Ossic X sounded dope with music, you guys were wrong 😬
any advice on how to clean foam/glider tips? these seem like they are gonna get gross real quick even if you keep your ears relatively clean lol
You don't, that's why I try to find silicon tips that fit me, because foam tips nearly fell like a racket with how often I have to replace them.
Finally it is here!
Been spending today listening to different kinds of music and trying few headphones (ATH-M50x & HD555) and I must say I'm very impressed.
Audio is so much cleaner and well-articulated, I don't really have anything bad to say about it. Build quality is superb, feels like tank and it was lot smaller than I expected.
Difference to integrated is day and night and prefer the O2 over Bravura too, though Bravura sounds good too.
Not often I get this kind of "instant gratification" from purchases, but I now I feel it was definitely worth every penny. Head 'n' Hifi Walter even included vitamin lollipop with the package, great service.
To end with a question, should I turn the volume knob to 0 before turning power off or is it safe with these to just turn off power from the device and leave volume knob where I found the sweet spot? And what "default format" should I use, I set it as 24bit, 48000hz for now as that was what I had on other devices.