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The Official Howard Stern Show Thread


Damn, that most recent Louis C.K interview was good. The two of them really open up with each other. I find it interesting that Howard actually participated in the "things I did when I first got some money" conversation. Usually Howard stays very quiet about having money (like pretending he went to a bowling alley to hide the fact that his mansion has a bowling alley).


Biased or not Sour Shoes has been killing it. Having him in today and not announcing it was genius. Even though I "knew" it was Sour at first, in the back of my mind I was wondering if Mad Dog did just happen on in the studio since he works in the same building. But once he said fag I was zapped back into hilarious reality.

I know some of you have moved on, but 2015 has been a huge step up in quality. It still isn't as good as pre 2010 (let's face it, it never will be), but this year has been a huge step up from the dark age of 2012-2014. James Taylor, I'm not a huge fan but he was fantastic. And Jimmy Kimmel in the Artie chair yesterday was great. Proves how important that 3rd mic is.

I find myself actually "listening" this year, as opposed to just habitually having it on in the background like I did the past few years.


Sour Shoes has been my favorite wack packer for a while now. I hate and love when Howard hangs up on his calls too quickly.


Biased or not Sour Shoes has been killing it. Having him in today and not announcing it was genius. Even though I "knew" it was Sour at first, in the back of my mind I was wondering if Mad Dog did just happen on in the studio since he works in the same building. But once he said fag I was zapped back into hilarious reality.

I know some of you have moved on, but 2015 has been a huge step up in quality. It still isn't as good as pre 2010 (let's face it, it never will be), but this year has been a huge step up from the dark age of 2012-2014. James Taylor, I'm not a huge fan but he was fantastic. And Jimmy Kimmel in the Artie chair yesterday was great. Proves how important that 3rd mic is.

I find myself actually "listening" this year, as opposed to just habitually having it on in the background like I did the past few years.

It's really been pretty damn good lately.

Van Owen

I tried listening to yesterday's show since I heard Sour Shoes was in, and I don't think I've been missing much. Show starts with Howard bitching about phones, so he can't take calls from Maryanne and Bobo to tell him how great he was the night before on Letterman. James Taylor is back, which I fast forwarded through after about ten minutes because it's honestly a snoozefest that goes on way too long even though I don't hate him as a musician.

Sour is funny, but his impressions aren't quite as good as they are over the phone since it sort of hides some of the flaws in the voice accuracy, but it at least made some of Robin's news bearable. I laughed how after watching Game of Thrones for 5 years she still managed to get one of the lead's names wrong.


whoa, i love your impressions on the show!
Thanks. I practice up to noine hours a day. Just ask my friend John Hoein.

Ya know, I was doing a show at the Mandalay Gay *wheezing laugh* and I did some blow off a hooker's ass. *wheezing laugh* Dana *wheezing laugh* mother's sausage and peppers
When did Gary the Retard become Gary the Conqueror? Is it supposed to be a play on how Stern would sometimes rechristen Eric the Midget into Eric the Actor? If that's the case, that makes no sense at all since Gary seemed to always revel in his classic moniker? I know Eric was irascible toward the name, and I even remember when the late Hank freaked out on Stern when he used the term midget.

But seriously, what land did Gary conquer? I haven't listened to the show in the past several years, so I'm in the dark.


When did Gary the Retard become Gary the Conqueror? Is it supposed to be a play on how Stern would sometimes rechristen Eric the Midget into Eric the Actor? If that's the case, that makes no sense at all since Gary seemed to always revel in his classic moniker? I know Eric was irascible toward the name, and I even remember when the late Hank freaked out on Stern when he used the term midget.

But seriously, what land did Gary conquer? I haven't listened to the show in the past several years, so I'm in the dark.
Someone somewhere must have told him that it's not nice to say "retard" anymore, so he changed the name.

Wendy is now "Wendy the Slow Adult" for example.

I'm waiting for the edited phony phone call, "Shoo Shoo Mentally Challenged Flu!"


Someone somewhere must have told him that it's not nice to say "retard" anymore, so he changed the name.

Wendy is now "Wendy the Slow Adult" for example.

I'm waiting for the edited phony phone call, "Shoo Shoo Mentally Challenged Flu!"
Yes and I've heard him call Wendy "the conqueror" too, showing that it's his alternative word for "retard."


When did Gary the Retard become Gary the Conqueror? Is it supposed to be a play on how Stern would sometimes rechristen Eric the Midget into Eric the Actor? If that's the case, that makes no sense at all since Gary seemed to always revel in his classic moniker? I know Eric was irascible toward the name, and I even remember when the late Hank freaked out on Stern when he used the term midget.

But seriously, what land did Gary conquer? I haven't listened to the show in the past several years, so I'm in the dark.

There was a news story Robin did around a year or so ago about how "Retard" is not a PC word to refer to people anymore. So he called Gary and Wendy and asked them what they thought about it, and they settled on Wendy the Slow Adult, and Gary the Conqueror.

It was actually pretty funny, but if you ask some people around here (who I'm pretty sure don't actually listen and only lurk on SFN), it's a sign that Howard is shit now...


Remember when Howard used to be like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKBFxdCKUDk

Naturally the people that grew up with that Howard are going to backlash when he's now a lot different than that Howard. I miss Gilbert.

Do I remember what Howard was like in 1995? Yes, I remember that. He would still be pissed if they censored something like that because it is a non-creative person from the radio show carving out and chopping up his comedy bits without any regard for the joke as a whole. They also weren't telling him when they were hitting that button, so they would still be laughing at something that the audience never heard.

Are you implying that Howard was mad because he thought the word "nigger" was the funny part of the joke, and they cut out the punchline or something?


I think Howard is done with his radio show, hes transitioning to TV where he can make 15 million working 20 days @ 1-2 hours, with a small staff unlike his huge studio staff. hes making his show less controversial to get more TV gigs. I will be shocked if he signs another sirius contract.
But how has retard become such a loaded term? It's still a benign enough term that you can get away with using the word without getting fired. It's just you can't call someone a "retard" if they're legitimately retarded. It's still a common enough word that you can approximate it to any ill situation without stepping on anyone's toes, which is how I usually use that word in most situations.

I never understood the mentality to ban the word. By banning the word you inadvertently give it power.

As far as Gary and Wendy the Retard go, they never really gave a fuss, so I don't see where all the controversy comes from. Stern and his crew were not being malicious about it.


But how has retard become such a loaded term? It's still a benign enough term that you can get away with using the word without getting fired. It's just you can't call someone a "retard" if they're legitimately retarded. It's still a common enough word that you can approximate it to any ill situation without stepping on anyone's toes, which is how I usually use that word in most situations.

I never understood the mentality to ban the word. By banning the word you inadvertently give it power.

As far as Gary and Wendy the Retard go, they never really gave a fuss, so I don't see where all the controversy comes from. Stern and his crew were not being malicious about it.

I'ts not a "banned word", Howard just chooses not to call people retards anymore. It's not like he bleeps it off or anything. I just think it's ...retarded...(heh) that people say things like "Howard sucks now, he doesn't even call people retards anymore".


Do I remember what Howard was like in 1995? Yes, I remember that. He would still be pissed if they censored something like that because it is a non-creative person from the radio show carving out and chopping up his comedy bits without any regard for the joke as a whole. They also weren't telling him when they were hitting that button, so they would still be laughing at something that the audience never heard.

Are you implying that Howard was mad because he thought the word "nigger" was the funny part of the joke, and they cut out the punchline or something?

Howard in 95 says "Since when can't you say nigger? Since when did that become a bad word?" "What kind of America is this where you can't say nigger? Really! America was built on saying nigger. Right, Robin?"

Howard today would never in a million years say anything like that.
Howard in 95 says "Since when can't you say nigger? Since when did that become a bad word?" "What kind of America is this where you can't say nigger? Really! America was built on saying nigger. Right, Robin?"

Howard today would never in a million years say anything like that.

You also have to admit the landscape of what is politically correct has drastically changed. Even Robert Downey Jr said on the show a few weeks ago that a movie like Tropic Thunder couldn't be released in today's climate and that movie is less than ten years old. When you stick to archaic view points on nigger, retard, and faggot you just look like an idiot, regardless of whether he's trying to appeal to the mainstream or not, the words are just no longer socially acceptable (and rightfully so).
You also have to admit the landscape of what is politically correct has drastically changed. Even Robert Downey Jr said on the show a few weeks ago that a movie like Tropic Thunder couldn't be released in today's climate and that movie is less than ten years old. When you stick to archaic view points on nigger, retard, and faggot you just look like an idiot, regardless of whether he's trying to appeal to the mainstream or not, the words are just no longer socially acceptable (and rightfully so).

Howard didn't build the show off being politically correct on every issue though

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Heads up, Artie lange was on Gilbert Gottfried's podcast. It felt like an extended news segment from back in the day. Good shit!
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