I am trying to figure out who looks more ridiculous here
what the fuck
thats a 43 year old woman wearing that
I really liked the Colbert interview.
Some info about the Getting Things Done cult Howard is joining.
So SFN is officially dead. Too bad he never got that million for Johnny Fratto.
Aww, I feel bad for Mutt. I still think he neutered his site at Howard's request only to have it all die as a result.
Aww, I feel bad for Mutt. I still think he neutered his site at Howard's request only to have it all die as a result.
The Richard Johnson PC Howard story was leaked by a disgruntled staffer
Gilbert called up Gary after the Johnson piece and Gary was claimed it was just a disgruntled staffer making up shit and the reason they don't have Gilbert on anymore is because they don't have comedians on anymore. Artie said it is a BS excuse because they have comedians on all the time.
Both John and Artie thought it was awful how Howard let the TV guys go and they (the TV guys) are upset about it
There is definitely a dress code at the Stern Show
Howard told John's wife to abort their first child because John isn't fit to be a dad
Leno offered to go to Howard and tell him that he was interested in John, but John said he would handle it. Leno wanted to do the right thing.
Again, Howard fucked with the career of a mutual friend of John and Artie's (had to be a Stern staffer based on the conversation) when this person told Howard that they had a potential gig and Howard killed the deal.
Artie tried to talk John out of trashing Howard in his book because it would be a bad career move. Sounds like Artie was speaking from personal experience that he was not going to be honest about Howard in the book in fear of Howard. He even said to make sure a lawyer goes throug the book with a fine tooth comb.
They are astonished about how he is buddying up with all people he used to bash like Ellen, Jennifer Aniston, etc. Artie thinks he would have given Howard hell about being friends with pretty boy Justin Theroux
Artie is still the loyal puppy who will defend Howard no matter how bad Howard treats him.
Artie knew the end was near (his time on the Stern Show) when someone brought in a woman with a fat fetish to set up with Artie and Artie was offended and said to Howard, "What if I brought in someone with a pelican fetish?". Apparently, Howard did not take that well. (The infamous "Not your bro" fight)
Some tidbits from Stuttering John on Artie's podcast. Sounds like the first time Artie has actually started to give his honest feelings about Howard. Also gives reason to why John never told Howard about moving to Leno, since Howard had previously cost someone else a job after giving him a heads up.
Artie knew the end was near (his time on the Stern Show) when someone brought in a woman with a fat fetish to set up with Artie and Artie was offended and said to Howard, "What if I brought in someone with a pelican fetish?". Apparently, Howard did not take that well. (The infamous "Not your bro" fight).
Did he just have Ellen on? Wasn't she the one who said was a horrible person for months on end because she gave a rescue dog away to a family on her staff when it didn't get along with her other pets?
Was it brought up?
So what is Howie's end game? Does he want a network late night show or what?
Didn't he tell someone recently that he had some talks going on for his dream job? Isn't that being a game show host?
AGT was an unwatchable shitshow, but he was decent on it. I would check out a game show he was hosting. But in all likelihood, he's got some kind of deal brewing or brewed for continuing the radio show however often he feels like doing it.
He also said he had big plans for Howard Tv after he fired the staff.
Lmao this is true but it was such a throwaway statement that it didn't sound like his usual lies. There wasn't some rehearsed preamble or anything.He also said he had big plans for Howard Tv after he fired the staff.
So what is Howie's end game? Does he want a network late night show or what?
Hanzi called in asking if he was banned from the show and Howard said no.
Hanzi asked if Howard read the article about Stuttering John and Artie talking about him. Howard said he did and was hurt by it. He doesn't like to hear negative comments.
Hanzi said they didn't bash him they just said he has become very PC. Howard said he disagreed and listen to the first hour of the show if you thinks he is PC.
Hanzi then got off a zinger saying Stern has become Don Imus. That pissed Howard off so he hung up on him and said he is now banned.
Howard says he doesn't relate to the common man.
He said people want him to do the same thing over and over but he likes to change.
He then said his typical if you don't like the show don't listen. "People like Hanzi should call into a show they like."
Howard said he wants to leave but people wont stop listening to the show.
Howard admitted that right now this is the best he can do, take it or leave it.
He said the show has changed and he will do segments today like when he interviewed Jewel.
Howard said he doesn't like people talking in the press about him and how his show could be better.
His final comment was admitting that this is all he is capable of doing now and if you don't like the show cancel and save some money.
Well, it looks like the show is getting more interesting again.
Stuttering John is going to be on Artie's podcast again today. Said they'll reveal who Howard blocked from getting a job.
It'll be someone mundane like KC.
It'll be someone mundane like KC.
Who it was doesn't really matter though. The fact that Howard would do that to anyone shows what a scumbag he is.