neojubei said:I don't think there are any apps available in the catalog that can do that.
On a side note I wished HP would separate the phone apps and the touchpad apps.
I know I will get some hate for this but after playing around with the touchpad for a few days I've come to appreciate the overall experience of the ipad 2 even more. Basic web browsing, downloading updates, downloading apps among other things I've taken for granted on the ipad so when I started to use the touchpad I've noticed the small and big things the ipad does better. The touchpad does have an awesome notification system, that is one thing it has over the ipad.
what do you expect , apple has had a tablet on the market for over a year to almost a year and a half at this point , the touchpad was only on the market for 49 days.
I also don't see much of a diffrence between downloading updates on on the ipad and on the touchpad both were fast and easy to do. Infact the touchpad poped up notifications of updates in the upper right corner so I know when to do updates.
As for web browsing , last night was great my gf and i watched the new video at swtor . The ipad 2 wont even load up the complete page for me.
The ipad has many advantages over the touch pad , but they mostly come from the life cycle of the ipad vs that of the touch pad.