...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Kolgar said:Interesting story making the rounds. HP may revive the Touchpad:
If I've installed Preware apps, can I safely install official updates like this one, or will I need to remove all Preware stuff first?
Sorry, I'm new to modding. Thanks!
Consider this...they officially have the #2 largest market share in tablets. It'd be stupid for HP to completely kill off this brand and line of tablets. The brand name has become part of a lot of people's everyday lives now, and I'm sure many of those users will begin to see the advantages and slick factor that webOS offers over iOS and Android. The brand has a huge foot in the door, and HP can keep carving more if they were smart about it.
I'm no webOS fanboy by any stretch (I have an iMac and an Android), but I can't help but think this is the best OS-type for a tablet device.