So I finally got the touchpad yesterday. I figure I'll make a few comments about webOS and the initial experience.
overall, I like it.
the setup process is pretty painless and quick. setting up email and photobucket accounts with the systemwide "synergy" process is very nice. I like the idea of system-wide third party services that integrate into the OS.
The browser is OK. about on par with the ipad 2 in loading speed but the overall scrolling speed is 30 fps and not 60 fps like the iOS. even on light pages like the mobile gaf site, it's not as smooth as iOS. i don't know why this is (webOS limitation?). 60 fps should be a hard design commitment and easily achievable on this hardware.
Flash in the browser for videos is a fucking joke. slow and it ramps up and down in speed for videos. it stutters a ton when played in the page and needs to go full screen to be watchable. and the touchpad got warm to the touch after around 60 seconds of playback.
html5 video players with h.264 encoding solve this. (shock!) but on 3.0.0, the html5 playback for giantbomb was not working (it would spawn a new playback window but then hang). 3.0.2 fixed this. it still doesn't play in the webpage but at least the new playback window loads up.
this brings me to cards and stacks. it seems like it adds a bit too much clutter and window management for my tastes.
example. i'm in the twitter client, i click on a link. it spawns a new browser window that dumps me to card view. this takes some time (app launching, in general, takes longer than i expected). then if the link has an h.264 video, that'll spawn another window to show the video. the i have two extra cards cluttering up my card view. (also weird is that sometimes the browser will open in a stack and sometimes it'll open in a new card. i don't know the internal logic behind this)
i know it's not a big deal to flick them off the screen but, really, i keep thinking "why should i have to deal with this at all?" why spawn all these windows that I have to manage or flip between?
in the browser, there seems to be no longpress on a link to open in a new window. maybe i'm not pressing long enough? and the tap detection is not as good as on the ipad. for example, pressing on spoiler text in a gaf thread. the ipad
always "knows" i want to tap the black bar to reveal the spoiler, but the touchpad shows me, consistently, missing the target by a few pixels and not revealing the text. the AI of the multitouch to detect nearby targets is not as good as iOS. no one really talks about it but it's one of those things iOS got right 4 years ago
I have not yet found a simple way to import bookmarks into the browser but I'll keep looking for that.
i like the little status bar on top that you can tap to quickly change brightness and turn on rotation lock. works faster than iOS and the home button double tap and then the screen swipe.
the system font is a little small and doesn't look as good on the lowish res screen compared to simple helvetica on the ipad. i have to zoom in a bit more to make the text easier to read.
I like the email client. looks very nice and setup was a breeze. i like the draggable panes to customize how you want portrait and landscape views to look.
i wish there was a better twitter client. the one out there is like tweetdeck and uses very narrow columns.
i have not paid money for an RSS reader - i don't know if i want to setup my CC with this thing. for now i'm using the google webpage for reader and it works OK.
the system keyboard is nice and i appreciate the number row of keys. but iOS5's split keyboard is a better solution for most portrait typing and i miss not having it. (the iOS 5 beta has spoiled me)
I have not yet played around with the media player as i haven't put any of my music on there yet.
The app market is decently laid out but it would benefit from having small promotion areas like the ios store. weekly groupings of favorite apps. still, i was able to find the LCARS alarm clock pretty easily and that's all that matters.
exhibition mode is nice and the touchstone dock is a very nice piece of hardware that "just works". Apple should totally rip that off for the ipad 3
the screen is nice but does not get bright the like ipad screen. it also experiences the same light leaks that the ipad 2 has. (why did i not read a billion stories about this in the tech news?)
I'm going to stick with the stock 3.0.2 experience for another week to get a feel for what HP really made but then I'll try out the preware hacks to speed this thing up a little bit.