Objectivity is a helluva thing.dream said:I like how iOS and Android users both agree webOS is a terrible operating system.
Objectivity is a helluva thing.dream said:I like how iOS and Android users both agree webOS is a terrible operating system.
Thanks, will look into it.butter_stick said:There's an addon in PreWare that lets you hold a link and choose to download it. I can't remember exactly what it's called.
numble said:So should I get PreWare and all those hacks, dream?
I just checked and I have 10 cards open. I guess I should trim that down by spending some of my time swiping them out and stacking some of them right now.
It's in the upper right notification/settings area.elty said:Is there a way to decrease brightness? Mine is at minimum and still kind of bright to me... iPad minimum brightness works fine for me.
numble said:It's in the upper right notification/settings area.
It's only a big deal if you deal with apps that need to have multiple "windows," like MS Word with multiple documents, or multiple e-mails. But most apps aren't this way anyway. And even then it adds a bit more efficiency at a higher cost--memory usage is higher, you need to deal with and manage app cards that don't need the paradigm, etc.dream said:Honestly, you need some of those hacks just to get to a slightly below acceptable level of performance.
Now that you've messed around with webOS, do you agree that "true multitasking" really isn't that big of a deal?
after you installed the hack you have to go to screen settings for the lower brightness settings. Touching it in the top right comer settings resets it back to the standard 1-100%elty said:No I mean to make it even dimmer than the minimum setting... I found a hack in Preware.
dream said:I just noticed the browser doesn't load pages unless that specific window has focus.
True multitasking.
Unknown Soldier said:Things that would make the browser not suck:
Disable the goddamn caching.
Jump to top and bottom of page.
Honestly I think whoever designed the browser never actually used it to browse with. That much seems abundantly clear.
dream said:Don't get me started on this thing's Javascript performance...
I like the multitasking through the cards, and the word processor works pretty well.dream said:I guess my problem is I honestly can't find many things that it actually does right. The notifications are great, I guess, but that's about all I can think of.
dream said:I guess my problem is I honestly can't find many things that it actually does right. The notifications are great, I guess, but that's about all I can think of.
The apps that are tablet specific are clearly marked as "Touchpad". Many of them are labeled "HD" as well.LM4sure said:the apps on this thing suck!!!! I've already downloaded a few apps and they're just phone apps. the app only takes up a fraction of the screen!!! lazy fuckin devs
way to stay posit-dream said:Inductive charging! That's another thing I like about this thing. Although if it's true that the extra thickness of the TouchPad is because of the charging coils, I'm not sure if that's a good tradeoff.
dream said:I guess my problem is I honestly can't find many things that it actually does right. The notifications are great, I guess, but that's about all I can think of.
I think most people are aware it's a tablet. It's just we've all been spoiled by solid web browsing experiences provided by iOS and Android devices that it makes WebOS more frustrating to use.Yo Gotti said:It's a tablet guys, not a PC, you seem to have some pretty high expectations for a it as a PC substitute. For the few things that it does poorly, I'm finding that it does quite a few right. With time hopefully some of the issues will be address. (PDF support and Javascript mainly)
Freenode.Takuya said:Which server?
<Jedipottsy> so are those cypress driver's any good?
<Nick-C> from what i read yesterday they might be
<Nick-C> single touch was working iirc
<Nick-C> they might have multi-touch working by now too
<Jedipottsy> nice
<Flemmard> hm no
<Flemmard> the drivers we got yesterday are quite different
<Flemmard> they need another firmware etc
<Flemmard> but the problem is, if we flash new firmware, will us be able to reflash original one? etc
<Flemmard> so ..
<extide> we need some ppl from vegas
<Flemmard> ?
<extide> to throw down
<extide> and rick their touchpads
<extide> risk*
<extide> if the driver works, they get to be the first users of the port, if it doesnt, well it might mean no tp
The swipe gesture didn't scroll cards for me until I installed the sensitivity patches, so it's probably that.dream said:2 more complaints. The ambient light sensor seems really wonky and dims and brightens the display at strange times (read: when the ambient light doesn't change at all). The flicking up gesture causes whatever app has focus to scroll for a bit before zooming out to card view. You're telling me they couldn't intercept gestures that begin at the 1 pixel border?
I've not noticed any problems with mine. Maybe you're accidentally covering the light sensor with your hand? (It's in the corner between the power and volume buttons.) Could also be that you move your head and your shadow goes over it or something like that.dream said:2 more complaints. The ambient light sensor seems really wonky and dims and brightens the display at strange times (read: when the ambient light doesn't change at all). The flicking up gesture causes whatever app has focus to scroll for a bit before zooming out to card view. You're telling me they couldn't intercept gestures that begin at the 1 pixel border?
Fucking this.equap said:why can't the notification clears itself?!??!
freshair said:god dang pdf support on this thing is just atrocious. it's such a shame because I am loving webOS, but the app support just isn't up to par.
i'm also a bit surprised that the kindle app doesn't support sideloading yet. you'd think with how easy it is to add music/movies/pictures, that .mobi files would be just a simple.
definitely looking forward to a dual booting option.
DanManIt said:PDF support that bad? I was wanting to get one off of a friend pretty much for the sole purpose to view pdfs and browse.
dazed808 said:For those missing a browser home screen try - http://myfav.es/
I've replaced the Globe icon on the Quick Launcher thing with a shortcut to it and it makes getting to my most visited sites a lot less painful than using the woeful bookmarks on the stock browser.
I've found the 6x3 setup to be most useable layout with the TP horizontal tho there are quite a few different configs to play around with.
dazed808 said:For those missing a browser home screen try - http://myfav.es/
It won't save the page you were at last time you read a file.dream said:The TouchPad is pretty terrible at both of those tasks.
Spiderjericho said:If Comic Shelf were updated (to remember the last page you were on and the capacity to delete the comics from the touchpad, yadda, yadda).
I decided to pick up a total body skin from this site.Unknown Soldier said:I want to know this as well.
Posted from Touchpad