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The Official HP Touchpad Thread of $100 Digital Picture Frames


Computer said:
Touchdroid project officially on hold due to ongoing drama between rhcp and the CyanogenMod team on IRC (#touchdroid), over allegedly stolen code.
Why doesnt Cyanogen mod split from Touchdroid guys? They seems like a bunch of asshats.


rchp deleted his twitter account.
- wrong rhcp. perhaps there is more than one twitter account. I was following one that is now gone but I see another...

That IRC chat on Rootzwiki is vile. I almost didn't want to believe what I was reading. Who would openly discuss even on a "private" IRC connection that they were going to alter some code they found. I'd almost think it was fishy if not for the lack of rebuttal.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Browsing Neo-GAF on my TouchPad is flawless. Every page loads extremely fast, nothing is broken or displaying odd. No idea why Dream would call it terrible. The only issue so far I've experienced with the browser, especially on forums, is that the login redirect just freezes and keeps refreshing without end. But because your information has been validated and you've technically logged in, the quick fix to that is to just reload the forum or main page you log in from, and you'll find yourself ready to use your account.

Since you'll likely store your passwords, you just have to do this once.
Karish said:
Way is everyone saying the SecondApps NeoGAF browser sucks on the TP!? It works great for me...
don't push that button to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page too often. it can (and will) crash the OS. it starts saying too many cards are open...becomes unresponsive..and eventually reboots itself.
The issue is the caching, but the web app is perfect because refreshing is super simple. It's barely even an issue.

Now, on every other site on the Internet, it drives me nuts.
AlphaSnake said:
Browsing Neo-GAF on my TouchPad is flawless. Every page loads extremely fast, nothing is broken or displaying odd. No idea why Dream would call it terrible. The only issue so far I've experienced with the browser, especially on forums, is that the login redirect just freezes and keeps refreshing without end. But because your information has been validated and you've technically logged in, the quick fix to that is to just reload the forum or main page you log in from, and you'll find yourself ready to use your account.

Since you'll likely store your passwords, you just have to do this once.
The problem most of us are having is the terrible caching. You have to reload every page. Whenever I load OT, go to a thread, and then hit OT again, it spits the same page back.
It's fucking annoying to have to refresh EVERY SINGLE TIME I move to another page on GAF.

Dreams-Visions said:
how much memory does this device actually have? it feels like 256MB or less?

Believe it or not, the Touchpad has 1GB of memory.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
The Big Rig said:
The problem most of us are having is the terrible caching. You have to reload every page. Whenever I load OT, go to a thread, and then hit OT again, it spits the same page back.

Ahh, I see the issue now. I never noticed because I almost always just hit my Subscriptions link instead of going back to the OT link.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Computer said:
Touchdroid project officially on hold due to ongoing drama between rhcp and the CyanogenMod team on IRC (#touchdroid), over allegedly stolen code.

told you guys....

at this rate, you'd be lucky to get a working alpha by the end of October. Not sayin it won't happen, just that it ain't that easy to port Android.


I was in NYC for a few days and I brought the touchpad and my iPhone for the trip. (The ipad tagged along but I didn’t want to use it so I could check out more on webOS) I wanted to see how the touchpad would fare.

that slightly perceptible lag is not so terrible if all you are using is the touchpad but as soon as you switch to iOS, the difference is astounding and webOS scrolling and performance seems more and more unacceptable.

the touchpad had major problems attempting to connect to the hotel room wifi and hold on to the signal and then present the hotel login screen but the iPhone and ipad did not have these problems.

the caching in the browser is a whole lot of bullshit. after all the rage about how the ipad 1 with iOS 3 cached too little, the touchpad is the exact opposite. it’s abusing that 1 GB of ram and caching when it shouldn’t. frustrating.

I also was curious about the beats audio for the headphones so I did some comparisons with the ipad and found that the touchpad sound could not achieve the same volume as the ipad headphone port (using grado HF2 headphones) so it was a bit quieter but, strangely, the bass was a bit exaggerated in volume and slightly unnatural sounding on the touchpad.

I then hooked up the cheap E11 amp to the ipad line out and the sound was much, much better than either device without an amp. but if I had to choose an unamped solution, I’d pack the ipad over the touchpad for headphone out. so, once again, something with beats branding manages to be pretty bad.

also, the photos and movies app would randomly freeze up and need to be restarted. that was annoying. happened around half a dozen times.

yeah, I guess the more I use it, the more I feel it’s decent for a couple hundred bucks max but if I had bought this for 500, I would have returned it after a week. it is a completely inferior product to the ipad and gets no sympathy from me at full MSRP. this thing deserved to fail. it offers no real tangible improvements over the ipad but a ton of small deficiencies everywhere that keep adding up. death by a thousand tiny cuts, as it were.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Computer said:
Touchdroid project officially on hold due to ongoing drama between rhcp and the CyanogenMod team on IRC (#touchdroid), over allegedly stolen code.
oh lawd.


LCfiner said:
that slightly perceptible lag is not so terrible if all you are using is the touchpad but as soon as you switch to iOS, the difference is astounding and webOS scrolling and performance seems more and more unacceptable.

yeah, this.

I kind of think the people who genuinely love their TouchPads have never used an iPad (or even an iPhone). Everything is just so frustrating on this thing compared to the way iPads work. It's like you peel away a layer of shit only to discover another layer of shit underneath.


Every time I use this thing, I hate it more

Everything is choppy. Yes, it's overclocked and all that fancy stuff is applied.
Things crash left and right (This does not mean they crash half the time you use them. But having 2-3 apps/browsers a day crash/not work is not acceptable)
The photo viewer is 100% useless. Low res only
The browser is an abomination. Choppy, caching issues, and some sites just cut off. Someone tried to use Gmail on it, and it just cuts things off and you can't scroll...
Flash videos sometimes seem to play whether they're open or not.
The Wifi signal strength is atrocious. (None on Touchpad. 3 bars on phone for example)

Everything being so choppy and jerky is just perfect for this device. It's especially jarring for me since I have a WP7 phone... I know Android isn't exactly silky smooth, and I'm no fan, but at least I know I'd get a working browser and damn JPG viewer! lol

I like the interface/design and how multitasking works. I think it's perfect, along with gestures and whatnot.
dream said:
yeah, this.

I kind of think the people who genuinely love their TouchPads have never used an iPad (or even an iPhone). Everything is just so frustrating on this thing compared to the way iPads work. It's like you peel away a layer of shit only to discover another layer of shit underneath.
yea pretty much.

yo, is there a way to see the scroll bars? Scrolling GAF without that is...not cool.


Well, after a week or two with mine I love it even more. The only thing I don't like about it is the lack of apps, but hopefully we'll get more down the road. And if not that's still alright. It does lack in other areas, but nothing that is a deal breaker for me. I'd love scroll bars, and a way to jump to the top of a page, but it isn't going to turn me against the device. This thing was so cheap that I can overlook certain things. For what I use it for, it's just awesome. Right now I have it set up next to me watching live video as I take care of a few things here on my laptop.


magnificent83 said:
Is it fixed for you yet, I just opened it, and i get the bookmarkable white screen of death?
You need to just deregister the device (right before white screen), I had that happen to me the first time I used it, now it's fine.


d[-_-]b said:
You need to just deregister the device (right before white screen), I had that happen to me the first time I used it, now it's fine.

How? Mine opens right into the white screen of death and I don't think I can actually interact with it before it happens.

(see, I told you the WSOD was real)
dream said:

suffer, webOS user.
my iPad has been laughing at me all day. This thing has frozen at least 6 times today just web browsing and checking email.

it's like cheating on the hot girlfriend for the homely chick.


Seriously, I never realized something like not being able to organize bookmarks/favorites would 1.exist in 2011 and 2. annoy me as much as it does. Fucking ridiculous every time I have to use the browser.

Someone please tell me there's a Preware fix or something. Or that the ability does exist and I just missed it. please.


No, Vyer, it does not exist.

Just be glad we're not back in the Pre days when webOS users used to have the attitude of "if webOS doesn't have or support it, then I don't need it."


dream said:
How? Mine opens right into the white screen of death and I don't think I can actually interact with it before it happens.

(see, I told you the WSOD was real)

I deleted and re-installed the kindle app.
Vyer said:
Seriously, I never realized something like not being able to organize bookmarks/favorites would 1.exist in 2011 and 2. annoy me as much as it does. Fucking ridiculous every time I have to use the browser.

Someone please tell me there's a Preware fix or something. Or that the ability does exist and I just missed it. please.
Not that I've seen. I had to resort to manually bookmarking my sites, starting with the ones I want on the bottom. Ridiculous. Cannot wait for decent browser, whether its through webOS or Android.


dream said:
No, Vyer, it does not exist.

Just be glad we're not back in the Pre days when webOS users used to have the attitude of "if webOS doesn't have or support it, then I don't need it."

got damn it, dream, at least lie to me about it. like webos users would lie to themselves about the future of their OS when HP bought it.

Copernicus said:
So which one of you haters wants to sell me their piece of crap Touchpad?

I'll trade it to you for an ipad 2. I get to get an ipad 2, and you get to make one of those "I totally got rid of my ipad for a touchpad" posts in here. It's a win win.


Vyer said:
got damn it, dream, at least lie to me

"So people looking for light saber apps and throw-away 99 cent puzzle games? Or those essential apps where you can take a picture and paste neat little stickies on them?

Those apps?

I suppose I'm just not operating on the assumption that everyone is a brain dead idiot looking for stupid entertainment in their telephone as opposed to honest to god functionality. Silly me.

Forgive me for sounding extremely condescending, but I find nothing of value in the huge majority of apps released for any platform. The core functionality of webOS on its own is considerably more enticing to me than any number of 10 second attention grabs."


Vyer said:
got damn it, dream, at least lie to me about it. like webos users would lie to themselves about the future of their OS when HP bought it.

I'll trade it to you for an ipad 2. I get to get an ipad 2, and you get to make one of those "I totally got rid of my ipad for a touchpad" posts in here. It's a win win.

If I didn't pay full retail for the touchpad, why would I pay full retail for an even bigger piece of crap?


I will say this, the Touchpad has taught me that comics are fucking born to be read on a tablet. <3

dream said:
"So people looking for light saber apps and throw-away 99 cent puzzle games? Or those essential apps where you can take a picture and paste neat little stickies on them?

Those apps?

I suppose I'm just not operating on the assumption that everyone is a brain dead idiot looking for stupid entertainment in their telephone as opposed to honest to god functionality. Silly me.

Forgive me for sounding extremely condescending, but I find nothing of value in the huge majority of apps released for any platform. The core functionality of webOS on its own is considerably more enticing to me than any number of 10 second attention grabs."

oh god, that's an actual quote, isn't it?

Copernicus said:
If I didn't pay full retail for the touchpad, why would I pay full retail for an even bigger piece of crap?

:/ It's just not the same when you go all brute force.


Vyer said:
oh god, that's an actual quote, isn't it?

You should have been around when webOS was still semi-alive.

They took a tone with me for suggesting that retailers would be slashing prices on this thing sooner than later. :(
numble said:
The aggressive caching is a dealbreaker. Load a page, press refresh. Go back to main forum, press refresh.
Wow, it's like how I would designed a web browser , no wonder it doesn't bother me.

I hate the way forums update automatically as you try to navigate them. I just want a snap shot of information to go through, I expect to control when it refreshes.

I've had no issues so far with my TP, web browsing, book reading, media streaming all been acceptable. With lousy notifications on iOS , my experiences with email and facebook have been better on the TP than iPad.

I even downloaded some new apps yesterday, an RSS client and 8tracks.

like I said before I find multitasking easier on WebOS, I've go used to the web scrolling issue.


Copernicus said:
Honesty always hurts the most.
I can tell I got you on the hook. You are already carefully crafting that post in your head. I should start looking at iPad 2 cases.


Vyer said:
I can tell I got you on the hook. You are already carefully crafting that post in your head. I should start looking at iPad 2 cases.

Surely you mean a smart cover, if it needed a case Apple would be selling you one.
Vyer said:
Seriously, I never realized something like not being able to organize bookmarks/favorites would 1.exist in 2011 and 2. annoy me as much as it does. Fucking ridiculous every time I have to use the browser.

Someone please tell me there's a Preware fix or something. Or that the ability does exist and I just missed it. please.
just use the favourites tab, you can organise your bookmarks there


Nick Laslett said:
Wow, it's like how I would designed a web browser , no wonder it doesn't bother me.

I hate the way forums update automatically as you try to navigate them. I just want a snap shot of information to go through, I expect to control when it refreshes.

I've had no issues so far with my TP, web browsing, book reading, media streaming all been acceptable. With lousy notifications on iOS , my experiences with email and facebook have been better on the TP than iPad.

I even downloaded some new apps yesterday, an RSS client and 8tracks.

like I said before I find multitasking easier on WebOS, I've go used to the web scrolling issue.
You can control caching by using the back and forward buttons on a browser. Who designs a browser to require you to manually refresh pages that you've visited before?


numble said:
You can control caching by using the back and forward buttons on a browser. Who designs a browser to require you to manually refresh pages that you've visited before?



Chrome does not load a cache of a page when I click on a link, thinking I want to see a cached version because I visited that page some time in the past. Neither does Safari. They only use the cache if I use back/forward.


It doesnt matter that touchdroid is on hold 99% of the work has been done by other teams while touchdroid swoops in steals code and acts like they did it.

They are a sham group pocketing peoples money and touchpads. They have been quite successful at it too getting well over a thousand dollars


Copernicus said:
Surely you mean a smart cover, if it needed a case Apple would be selling you one.
this deal is all but done. Make sure you use a Flash reference, possibly mention you'll be free of itunes. Also use the words 'open' and 'customization'. I want us to both be happy with how it went down.


Might I remind you, Coperdickus, that the TouchPad has True Multitasking and HP Synergy and the iPad 2 has neither. I think you're basically robbing Vyer with this deal.
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