hmmm...looks like the HP catalog is broken for me. Android can't come fast enough. Touchpad CM7 close to being functional
Posted by Phil Tann on September 8th, 2011 1:00 PM
Were close, VERY CLOSE to getting CM7 on the HP Touchpad.
From all reports coming from the Cyanogen Mod team, the only major issue they have left to address is Wi-Fi.
CM7 is booting successfully, Multitouch is working successfully and sound is working successfully.
The release of CM7 for the Touchpad is setup for dual boot, so my purchase of the 32GB over the 16GB may pay off sooner rather than later.
Do you have any problems with new emails (gmail) not showing up until you go to that label and manually refresh?jgkspsx said:Shut out on the free apps. Oh well.
I have to say, the calendar is one of the prettiest and most functional apps I've used for anything. I still wish you could type into dropdowns, but oh well.
People who use their calendar, email, Facebook, and instant messaging (except MSN/Yahoo? Don't remember) will get a lot out of this operating system. I am a busy person in the real world, and webOS helps me manage that much more satisfactorily than Android.
PrivateWHudson said:Do you have any problems with new emails (gmail) not showing up until you go to that label and manually refresh?
Computer said:
RukusProvider said:So will this Droid setup have hardware acceleration? meaning the browser and such will maximize the hardware potential?
elty said:Anyone use Comic Shelf HD? It is giving me problems - won't load or take extremely long time to load some CBZ file, ranging from 50MB-100MB with 100-200 JPEG inside.
elty said:Anyone use Comic Shelf HD? It is giving me problems - won't load or take extremely long time to load some CBZ file, ranging from 50MB-100MB with 100-200 JPEG inside.
dream said:My home button is recessing deeper and deeper every day...
dream said:My home button is recessing deeper and deeper every day...
Jamesfrom818 said:I don't even press mine. Just use the swipe up function.
dream said:My home button is recessing deeper and deeper every day...
Plinko said:What what? How? I try swiping up an open window (full-screen) and nothing happens.
dream said:My home button is recessing deeper and deeper every day...
Swipe diagonally in the bottom corners of the screen. Start from the bezel. I find this the easiest way to minimise a card. Check you don't have gestures disabled if it doesn't work.Plinko said:What what? How? I try swiping up an open window (full-screen) and nothing happens.
The swipe function is probably the most annoying thing ever. When browsing NeoGAF, I'll sometimes accidentally bring up the cards menu. And if I don't realize it fast enough, I'll still swipe up, which of course closes the web browser.Jamesfrom818 said:I don't even press mine. Just use the swipe up function.
dream said:My home button is recessing deeper and deeper every day...
3N16MA said:I hardly ever use the home button.
no mention of Bluetooth?Computer said:
ummmmmm wtfKinitari said:Wanted to share this awesome ad I got today in the mail
Nobody beats Aaron's.MThanded said:ummmmmm wtf
please explain
Kinitari said:Wanted to share this awesome ad I got today in the mail
They also have sound, haptic feedback and the various motion sensors still to get working.Dreams-Visions said:no mention of Bluetooth?
zephervack said:That sucks, i will stop using it.
Something i have noticed in mine is that the left side of the screen, if i put my thumb on the bezel, a bit under the upper speaker when held in portrait, it actually creaks and it bends pretty bad.
And i need to hold it like that because the speaker hurts my hand if i hold it any other way.
Kinitari said:Wanted to share this awesome ad I got today in the mail[/IM][/QUOTE]
Aarons probably had people going to Best buy and other places buying up touchpads so they can gouge poor people out of hundreds of dollars
dream said:Here's the punchline!
I mostly use the up swipe gesture too. My home button is literally sinking deeper and deeper into the case without being used.
VanMardigan said:I'm pretty sure your tablet hates you. I know that, if I happened to be your HP tablet, I'd hate your ass too. I'd explode in your hands so I wouldn't have to cache another whiny post complaining about a product like you're being forced to use it.
This was a change made in webOS 3.0.2 for performance reasons, as we were seeing background cards make the foreground app much less responsive.
dream said:Did you know webOS 3.0.2 actually stops timers in background apps because:
true multitasking, VanMardigan, true multitasking.
dream said:Did you know webOS 3.0.2 actually stops timers in background apps because:
true multitasking, VanMardigan, true multitasking.
I'm guessing this is what you're talking about.elty said:Saw a tweet #touchpad claiming to be 2.3.5 installation video guide. Work block youtube so no idea if real. Also heard they have GPU acceleration.
So it turns out webOS's browser cache is far too over aggressive, to the point that a web page will never show updates unless the refresh button is pressed. The only answer I've found? Totally disabling cache.
Sure that means pages will load slower, but I still think that's better than a quick initial cache load followed by a manual refresh after realising your reading 3 hour old news.
This will work with both the default browser and Advanced Browser.
1. Install Preware if you haven't already (google will help you with this)
2. Install Internalz Pro from Preware.
3. Open Internalz Pro -> app name in top left corner of the screen -> Preferences -> turn on 'Master Mode' -> app name again -> close
4. Open /etc/palm/browser-app.conf
5. Change the following:
6. Reboot your tablet (Luna restart isn't enough)
7. Done
rkn said:So having this tablet since the first day of the fire sale (running all speed patches, touch patches, plus uberkernel, tried warthog but wouldn't install), I've officially stopped using it, it's just still too damn slow for browsing, the text is ugly as sin, choppy scrolling, using flash for video, while sometimes is convenient for that one site that doesn't serve native video, is also a terrible user experience, choppy video, unregistered touches when trying to pause / restart. Feels (no scratch that, IS) slower than my out of date original iPad.But I'm still keeping it, Android can't come soon enough. 99 bucks is still a steal, just needs a new OS.
rkn said:So having this tablet since the first day of the fire sale (running all speed patches, touch patches, plus uberkernel, tried warthog but wouldn't install), I've officially stopped using it, it's just still too damn slow for browsing, the text is ugly as sin, choppy scrolling, using flash for video, while sometimes is convenient for that one site that doesn't serve native video, is also a terrible user experience, choppy video, unregistered touches when trying to pause / restart. Feels (no scratch that, IS) slower than my out of date original iPad.But I'm still keeping it, Android can't come soon enough. 99 bucks is still a steal, just needs a new OS.