Unknown Soldier
butter_stick said:I don't know why anybody would buy this if they have an iPad.
It supports Flash and people are porting Android to it.
butter_stick said:I don't know why anybody would buy this if they have an iPad.
Our move to coins makes it so much harder to be a rapper with no talent in Canada =( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWXIfTQCWAgLCfiner said:I have to use loonies.
its messy.
Unknown Soldier said:I'm using the F4 and don't worry about spikes to highest clock rate, that's normal. 99% of the time it will be idling at 192mhz and the battery life difference is minimal unless you are blasting 720p HD videos for hours constantly. If you are, then you want the highest clocksped for smooth playback.
En-ou said:so my skype contacts dont load up on the touchpad, what gives? do you need some premium subscription skype account for this to work on the touchpad?
Jamesfrom818 said:But it shouldn't be normal. When I put my finger on the screen and drag it around a bit, it doesn't need both cores at 1.7 GHz to compute what I'm doing. Its like driving a car that can only do 10 mph or 65 mph but nothing in between.
What currently works:
Booting into Android
ADB commands via ADB
Touchscreen support (Multi-touch, 10 fingers)
Power button and volume button layout
What does not currently work:
CPU/GPU Acceleration
Home button
Power Management
Being able to run Metal Gear Solid, the best PSX game ever made.
What currently works:
Booting into Android
ADB commands via ADB
Touchscreen support (Multi-touch, 10 fingers)
Power button and volume button layout
CPU/GPU Acceleration? (Confirmed by ciwrl)
Power Management
What does not currently work:
Home button
Being able to run Twisted Metal 4, the second best PSX game ever made.
Whats currently being worked on:
Wifi/Bluetooth (Bluetooth powers on)
Sound (confirmed in #cyanogenmod)
IRC Logs:
<@ciwrl> touchpad build may fu-bar usb partition
<@ciwrl> the lvm resize has the possibility of overwriting/corrupting the usb partition
<@ciwrl> webos wifi module is responding, still not working proper
<@ciwrl> E/WifiService( 228): Failed to load Wi-Fi driver.
<@ciwrl> as we speak they just got it initially working
<@ciwrl> " first complains about a timeout, then instead of assigns itsef random "testing" mac address and works"
<@ciwrl> so, needs to be cleaned up
<@ciwrl> they are already focusing on delivery mechanisms (ease of install)
<@ciwrl> we'll be doing the dual boot as well
R2D4 said:Anyway to turn off the screen from going dark after 10 min? I want it to stay on all the time when plugged in.
Maybe put it in exhibition mode?R2D4 said:Anyway to turn off the screen from going dark after 10 min? I want it to stay on all the time when plugged in.
Birbo said:Maybe put it in exhibition mode?
Where did you get your Veer? I would spend that for my next travel phone...Bboy AJ said:I just bought an unlocked Veer plus Touchstone for $115. I couldn't help myself. I don't need it but I'd like a tiny phone in certain situations. Anyone else have one?
eBay.Argyle said:Where did you get your Veer? I would spend that for my next travel phone...
You could have gotten a Pre Plus for 30 bux. It's basicall same size as Veer and equally useful.Bboy AJ said:I just bought an unlocked Veer plus Touchstone for $115. I couldn't help myself. I don't need it but I'd like a tiny phone in certain situations. Anyone else have one?
<@dalingrin> hopefully i can get this homework done and then work on the wifi
<@dalingrin> might post a video with CM and wifi tonight on rootzwiki and such
<@dalingrin> just to gvie folks an update
(#CMTouchPad on IRC)Multitouch, hardware accel, colour fix - all working! | NO, GPS/BT/Gyro/Camera isn't working yet, check back later | Wifi partly working'
It's not the same size as the Veer.tino said:You could have gotten a Pre Plus for 30 bux. It's basicall same size as Veer and equally useful.
Same source.<bc111> the WiFi still only working from command line or was progress made on supplicant?
<@dalingrin> dharix: has it semi working form the ui now
Unknown Soldier said:Touchpad draws the desktop ESPN site like a champ. The Flash videos are mostly ok too, a bit of choppiness.
Thanks for all the updates. I can't wait for wifi support.Computer said:Same source.
Launcher > Settings > Screen & LockR2D4 said:Anyway to turn off the screen from going dark after 10 min? I want it to stay on all the time when plugged in.
there is an app you can buy that will put any website into exhibtion mode and update it every x amount of time.R2D4 said:No I want what's on the browser to stay on all the time. I'm using it for ESPN's FantasyCast.
fattire said:"Almost done" is a bit optimistic.
Wifi is working (more or less) in cm7 from the UI as of this morning thanks to amazing work by dharix who did some creative module source tweaking to put together something that would build against the cm kernel. It works with cm userspace and is checked into the repo.
There are still big issues to be addressed-- lots of ioctl errors in logcat; if you hit the power button to sleep, the wifi won't come back when the rest of the tablet does. Also, some apps crash or freeze the screen, though this could be a problem with the lack of sound locking things up. Signal strength is not being reported correctly either.
There are probably more huge problems to be discovered as not enough of the team has gotten it going. But y'know, it's a start, and the browser is really fast, the twitter client/widget work, mail app, weather app/widget works... needless to say anything involving video/sound does not.
Thanks to iomonster for figuring out a permissions error this morning![]()
elty said:With Android port progressing nicely I can't decide if I should spend money on apps. I don't like Android 2.x on a tablet, but the lack of even some basic apps on webos is pretty annoying.
Dunlop said:If WebOS is being discontinued, couldn't google make a legitimate honecomb OS for the touchpad?
Dunlop said:If WebOS is being discontinued, couldn't google make a legitimate honecomb OS for the touchpad?
Not the screen's fault, obviously. But Apple was wise enough not to encourage users to use the iPad 2 as a nightstand clock. Especially bad since it automatically does it when I dock it, so I can't be alone.irfan said:^ same screen as the iPad2. If you call the screen PoS for you not knowing the device properly, then yes its shit.![]()
WTF?Leona Lewis said:Is exhibition mode meant to be used all night? Because "My Town", 84° is burned into the display somehow. Whenever I'm on a dark background, I can see it clearly.
Piece of shit![]()
Higgy said:Sorry for the question but I found one of at Aaron's last Thursday and I'm trying to find an app like Ibooks that I can just drag my books and PDF's into. I can't find one or I'm not looking in the right place. Thanks for any help.
Spiderjericho said:Preader or Preader Native are pretty much it. There isn't a Nook app. You can't side load in Kindle from what I've heard. If you put PDFs on the Touchpad, the Adobe Reader will let you read them. The only problem is it doesn't remember the last page you read (which sucks).
Downhome said:Is it possible to save a PDF file, from the TP while on a website, and then open the same file to read later on the TP? If so, how?
Leona Lewis said:Not the screen's fault, obviously. But Apple was wise enough not to encourage users to use the iPad 2 as a nightstand clock. Especially bad since it automatically does it when I dock it, so I can't be alone.
Restart and wait a bit and it goes away. Nothing to worry about.Leona Lewis said:Is exhibition mode meant to be used all night? Because "My Town", 84° is burned into the display somehow. Whenever I'm on a dark background, I can see it clearly.
Piece of shit![]()