I was going to post this earlier, but then I got distracted.
So I installed android, and it seems to run ok. Not perfect but better than I expected for an Alpha release.
It deleted all the music and video files I had on my touchpad.

Not really that big of a deal though. I'll probably just stick to mostly webOS for now until the BETA version comes out. Hopefully that will be soon, like in a week or two.
SteveO409 said:
I really miss the card feature from webOS though.
I've grown to really like the webOS UI. I'll miss the cards too. I really wish the
PalmDroid project got more attention from homebrew developers.
Basically Android apps in android itself run on a VM called Dalvik. Kind of similar to how Java apps on windows and linux run in a Java VM.
PalmDroid project was attempting to port Dalvik to webOS. If that was successful the android apps would have thier own icons and run just like native webOS apps in their own separate card and everything. So even better than that Chinese guy's android in a card thing.
Several legit companies such
Myriad Alien Dalvik and
Open Mobile are attempting to do the same thing, but they'll both only sell to device manufacturers not end users.