Metalmurphy said:You need to browse to the folder where novacom is installed.
On Windows it's Program Files\Plam, Inc.\

Metalmurphy said:You need to browse to the folder where novacom is installed.
On Windows it's Program Files\Plam, Inc.\
Tapiozona said:I'm stuck and not sure why. I have the novacom driver installed, I have the CM file copied into the right folder ont he touchpad..I'm in USB mode after rebooting the touchpad and it's plugged into the pc but when I goto a command prompt (cmd) and type in the novacom boot mem:// ACMEInstaller command I get a "Novacom is not a recognizable command or something" along those lines.
Ive tried this on two computers..any ideas?
Chesskid1 said:i just sideloaded dead space and it works/plays perfectly.
great gaming performance and i was surprised it worked tbh, best graphically game i was able to get to work so far.
i'm going to try some gameloft stuff. i wanna try that FFX clone.
MiloFoxburr said:Fix for the Market not showing a ton of apps,
Put the zip file on your touchpad, boot into Recovery and install from sdcard. Seems to work fine.
Tapiozona said:Sweet, that worked.
Ran into another problem now. I'm using the install method from this blog...
I have CM up and running and now im trying to install gapps, moboot, and cwm. (Steps A, B, and C)
I held the power button on top and went to Power Off. Then It powered off and I held the power button and the up volume button...
Nothing happened. I held it for a very very long time..nothing happened. I tried to power on with just the power button and nothing happened. I had to hold power+the center button to get it to boot back into CM. How do I get it to boot into USB so I can install the rest of the things?
Metalmurphy said:Did you get any sound?
Metalmurphy said:When you get to the blue menu when booting, choose WebOS recovery.
Tapiozona said:Sweet, that worked.
Ran into another problem now. I'm using the install method from this blog...
I have CM up and running and now im trying to install gapps, moboot, and cwm. (Steps A, B, and C)
I held the power button on top and went to Power Off. Then It powered off and I held the power button and the up volume button...
Nothing happened. I held it for a very very long time..nothing happened. I tried to power on with just the power button and nothing happened. I had to hold power+the center button to get it to boot back into CM. How do I get it to boot into USB so I can install the rest of the things?
Chesskid1 said:also, make sure you guys grab chainfire 3d from the marketplace.
chainfire let's you emulate the other video chip thingees. it does not come with the plugins (such as nvidia, qualcomm, etc) so you'll have to google those separately.
with chainfire 3d, i'm able to play tegra only games, etc
i tried fruit slice tegra HD version and 9mm (gameloft shooting game)(both tegra versions) and they both worked great.
Metalmurphy said:What about shadowgun? lol
Metalmurphy said:How do I know if this is working? I installed it but I still can't find the official Facebook app for example.
*edit* NM, had to clear the cache before it worked.
Mission said:Which cache? I still don't see the official Facebook app, at least other than the mobile phone size version. I also don't see the official Twitter client.
Mission said:Which cache? I still don't see the official Facebook app, at least other than the mobile phone size version. I also don't see the official Twitter client.
dabig2 said:Go to Manage Applications (you can do this from the home screen by pressing the settings icon at the bottom). Now navigate to the Market icon and on the left there will be an option to "clear cache". Do that and it should clear up any problems.
You could sideload dolphin HDTapiozona said:So I have it all up and running...couple things I've noticed...
* No Dolphin Browser HD. That makes me very sad. Doesn't show up in the market.
* It doesn't feel buttery smooth and fast. I have CM on my nook and it stutters like crazy but I figured with dual cores this would be like butter. It's average at best (I realize it's alpha but seems like a dual core device would crush anything Android 2.3 could throw at it but I'm seeing very modest stuttering and lag)
* Netflix works like a champ. That alone makes this worthwhile * 10.
Wish I knew what apps and games were worth getting.
Also, is my Touchpad still overclocked when I'm in CM?
SteveO409 said:You could sideload dolphin HD
Tapiozona said:So I have it all up and running...couple things I've noticed...
* No Dolphin Browser HD. That makes me very sad. Doesn't show up in the market.
Also, is my Touchpad still overclocked when I'm in CM?
dabig2 said:Dolphin (along with a bunch of other apps) will show up in the market if you apply the market fix. It's an easy fix as long as you also have ClockWorkMod installed.
1)Download this zip file
2)transfer it to your touchpad in whatever directory.
3)Go into Rom Manager and choose the install ROM from SD Card and pick the zip file which will reboot into clockwork recovery and apply the patch.
After this, you should have the full market available. Courtesy of the rootzwiki forums
And as for the overclock, I don't believe it's overclocked in the alpha build. If you go into settings->CyanogenMod settings->Performance->CPU settings you'll see that it's still at 1.2 Ghz max. I think you can overclock it with the alpha somehow, but I haven't done yet.
Tapiozona said:* Netflix works like a champ. That alone makes this worthwhile * 10.
I typed up netflix on mine and it showed up. Weird that it didn't work for youMission said:Where did you get Netflix? Even with the Market patch (the second one, for more apps) I don't see a real Netflix app in the market.
Chesskid1 said:go to
Chesskid1 said:n64oid and FPse (ps1) are both pretty choppy. tried banjo-kazooie, ff7 and 8. not sure if it's the emulator (anyone get full speed on other devices?) or the operating system/drivers still being optimized. didn't mess around with the settings of n64oid but tweaked FPse for a while and couldn't get it full speed (damn FMVs mostly).
hopefully it will be full speed one day. <3
not to rag on android but the game selection was smaller than i thought. still blows away webos for sure though. or maybe iOs has alot of exclusives that get advertised and i like.
and one of the big games i wanted to try (dungeon defenders) is broken, heh.
still awesome though and will only get better /w ICS so yay![]()
1. Do you have flash installed.Metalmurphy said:Wasn't flash supposed to be working with this?
I remember seing some Youtube videos on those CM7 demos but it's not working on mine.
Lyphen said:1. Do you have flash installed.
2. Are you using a browser that supports flash.
3. Are you sure you enabled flash/plugins in your browser's settings.
Treo360 said:I typed up netflix on mine and it showed up. Weird that it didn't work for you
Opera mobile, not mini.Metalmurphy said:Hum wierd, Flash now appears on the market, it didn't yesterday -.-
*edit* Well, even after installing flash it doesn't work. How exactly are you supposed to enable it in the regular browser??
*edit2* Worked after reboot, but it's slow as hell
Gonna try opera now
*edit3* Flash not supported using Opera.
Lyphen said:Opera mobile, not mini.
PrivateWHudson said:So I'm sitting here at work checking out rootzwiki, and there are a lot of reports of the battery draining to 0% while plugged in and asleep if the wifi is on. Did anyone leave their's on last night and have it be fine this morning? I'm trying to gauge whether or not to be concerned even though there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
PrivateWHudson said:So I'm sitting here at work checking out rootzwiki, and there are a lot of reports of the battery draining to 0% while plugged in and asleep if the wifi is on. Did anyone leave their's on last night and have it be fine this morning? I'm trying to gauge whether or not to be concerned even though there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
Petrie said:Used this thing with android all day yesterday, had like 60% battery when I went to bed. Didn't charge it. Woke up this morning and im getting nothing. Assumed something was running and drained it, but I plugged it into the charger and still can't get it to boot holding the button. Is there something else I can do or did my unit somehow brick itself?
Yep, had the same SOD issue occur this morning and I semi-freaked out. Luckily, I got it rebooted and proceeded with the same fixes a few minutes ago using CPU Master.MiloFoxburr said:You sure it's not the screen of death issue? I haven't seen any crazy battery drain. And I did leave it on overnight the first day I installed CM7 on it and it only drained about 10%.
The screen of death issue started popping up after then for me, but I'm using SetCPU to set the minimum speed the cpu can go to 384mhz and that is supposed to fix it.
PrivateWHudson said:Good, I must have mushed all of the power issues into one in my head. I guess plugged in and asleep is safe. What's the "screen of death" issue?
dabig2 said:Dolphin (along with a bunch of other apps) will show up in the market if you apply the market fix. It's an easy fix as long as you also have ClockWorkMod installed.
1)Download this zip file
2)transfer it to your touchpad in whatever directory.
3)Go into Rom Manager and choose the install ROM from SD Card and pick the zip file which will reboot into clockwork recovery and apply the patch.
After this, you should have the full market available. Courtesy of the rootzwiki forums
And as for the overclock, I don't believe it's overclocked in the alpha build. If you go into settings->CyanogenMod settings->Performance->CPU settings you'll see that it's still at 1.2 Ghz max. I think you can overclock it with the alpha somehow, but I haven't done yet.