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The Official HP Touchpad Thread of $100 Digital Picture Frames


LordCanti said:
The way I look at it, a lot of people just wanted a tablet, but didn't want to pay $500 for an iPad, or slightly less for a less impressive android model.

That is my motivation anyway. I plan to sit on the couch, watching baseball/football/whatever, while surfing the internet on this thing. If the app support gets better (or if Android gets ported) I may use it to control my computer (like I do with TeamViewer on the iPhone sometimes).

Take this with a grain of salt, but someone on another forum claims that a Griffin Elan Folio (original iPad model) fits it fine. It's $10 with free shipping on Verizon Wireless's site in the US. If you want to spend more, the official case was discounted a bit on HP's official store (down to $35 I think, last I checked. No idea how much shipping is though.)

I'll let you guys know if the Elan Folio works well on Thursday when I get my Touchpad.
Thanks. I happen to have one of those in my closet as replacement for my iPad 1.


brochiller said:
So I can't download the 3.0.2 system update for some reason. It's stuck on the downloading bar for a while, and then it says it can't be downloaded at this time? Anybody else have this issue?

Yeah, you just have to stay by your tablet and keep hitting "Download Now" when it stops lol. Sucks, took me about 3.5 hours to get it loaded and installed last night.


One last question. I used calibre to put a few books on here. The same books are flawless when I put them on my actual kindle, but on here every apostrophe ois turned into annoying symbols, something id love to fix. Any ideas?

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Don't laugh, but is there any possible way to play .wma files on this thing? My mom likes a site that has English lessons, but all the audio is in .wma =/

Other than that, been playing around with the Touchpad briefly and am really pleasantly surprised so far.

EDIT: Never mind, Kalemsoft works!


Petrie said:
One last question. I used calibre to put a few books on here. The same books are flawless when I put them on my actual kindle, but on here every apostrophe ois turned into annoying symbols, something id love to fix. Any ideas?

go to the preferences and change the encoding to UTF-8


Just got a email from Datavision (ebay company that sold a lot on Saturday)

We would first like to thank you for your purchase of the HP TouchPad over the weekend. As I am sure you saw, the item sold out almost immediately. This will be the first of a series of email notifications and status updates in order for you receive the latest and most up to date status on the order without having to phone or email our systems.

As of 5pm EST on 8/23, we anticipate shipping these towards the end of this week.
We will certainly keep you updated as we know exact dates by email, Facebook, and Twitter.

We have freight tracking # from HP with enough orders so that everyone will receive their complete order.
For those that ordered 10, 50, or 100, they will be PARTIALLY filled this week, and the balance FILLED most likely next week. It is the only fair thing to do, as we are assuring that everyone will get their FULL order without any canceling.

Currently the order process will be the following:
-Over the next day or two, we will start the "Invoicing" stage. This is when our systems take your order status from "Active/Open" to the packing stage.
-Following the Invoicing, a shipping label will be created, and emailed to you.

*Please note, when you receive this email notice, it is GREAT NEWS, as it means it is almost out the door.
Also, the tracking # will NOT scan right away, so please do not panic or get concerned.

We have to start the order flow now, as the multiple shipping stations can only print invoices/receipts/tracking decals but so fast.
Based on the timing, it is the best scenario for you to get your item(s) fastest.

Thank you for your patience as we have been literally bombarded with calls, emails, and website hits.
We are doing our very best to process each call and email, and apologize for any delay.
In order for us to focus on order processing, we would kindly request you send emails if there are any urgent request, as we can handle them much faster.

If you do need to cancel for any reason, we can certainly honor this request. Please reply with the following:

Order #
Payment ID
user nickname
email address

*If you have made a request to cancel already, you should see that process and refund in the next 12 hours or so.

Thank you once again,

**There will be future emails with updates. You may also want to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to see current statuses.

Finally, we completely understand your situation in wanting this product as timely as possible. We certainly hope that once we deliver your TouchPad, you will take consider the fact we followed through on the order completely, as opposed to other retailers canceling orders with simple apologies.
You deserve the item you ordered, at the incredible price paid, and we intend to deliver for you. All of our sites, and marketplaces received over 10,000 orders in total, and it has simply been overwhelming.

Thank you once again for your continued patience, and please reply to this email only if you need to cancel.

DataVision Computer Video


Am I missing something fairly obvious, or is there no way to reorder the bookmarks in the webOS browser? It's not like I'm going to have all that many of them, but the OCD tendency part of me would really like to have them alphabetized.


gokieks said:
Am I missing something fairly obvious, or is there no way to reorder the bookmarks in the webOS browser? It's not like I'm going to have all that many of them, but the OCD tendency part of me would really like to have them alphabetized.

Yeah, I was thinking about this last night around 2am lol. Would like to know the answer to this as well, but I feel like it's no :(


Chesskid1 said:

another user has come forward stating they received an hp touchpad preloaded with android on it (straight from the the manufacturer)

considering that he is already posting it on rootzwiki (a development wiki) i'd say there's a good chance he dumps it and gives it to developers. would be very helpful i imagine.

AWESOME can't wait for it on touchpad and I hope for dual boot. :)

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Anybody having difficulty accessing the HP app store? I keep getting "the action could not be completed, try again later". Not sure if the ad blocker has something to do with this


VanMardigan said:
So what does this tablet having "Beats audio" actually mean?

apparently the DAC circuity is better, the internal amp is more powerful and the audio circuitry is shielded better from the rest of the items on the motherboard. (plus louder and clearer speakers but my only interest is in the headphone or line out)

I will be curious to compare audio from the touchpad headphone jack compared to the ipad headphone port plus my other portable and desktop headphone amps to see how it compares.

(I can easily tell the difference between the ipad audio from the headphone jack vs line out and fed into a low end desktop headphone amp)


it didn't seem that loud when i hooked up my sennheiser's to my touchpad.

i think others felt the sameway cause there is a volume increaser homebrew in preware. AQ seems good though.
Aruarian Reflection said:
Anybody having difficulty accessing the HP app store? I keep getting "the action could not be completed, try again later". Not sure if the ad blocker has something to do with this

I had that problem at first but everything was fine after I upgraded to 3.0.2.
Bowser said:
Yeah, I was thinking about this last night around 2am lol. Would like to know the answer to this as well, but I feel like it's no :(

I've owned a Pre since launch, and while I don't have a touchpad (yet, I will in just a few weeks), I would imagine this feature is very similar.

My web browser on my pre is sorted into little cards. All I can do with these cards is click them. However, on that page of bookmarks, in the top left of the phone, is a little drop down menu that says "web".

If I click that, I have various options like Edit, New Card, Page, Bookmarks, History, Preferences.

Selecting Bookmarks shows my bookmarks, only in list form. On this page I can click a bookmark and leave my finger on the screen.... doing this makes the bookmark "pop-out" of the list. I can then drag it to any where on the list. The bookmark will simultaneously move on the page of cards.

About WebOS in general, I have always found it to be very intuitive and awesome. It makes me very sad that it was pretty much ignored. Those looking for an android port, please give WebOS a try first. The pre community is very supportive and loyal to the brand, for good reason. See if it grows on you before porting to Android the second it becomes available.


Posted this in the other thread without realizing what TP thread I was in.

Is there a reason why my 3.0.2 update keeps restarting from the beginning? I was nearly halfway done and then all of a sudden I get a button on the lower right of the screen with a refresh icon, I hit that and it starts the download all over.

I've seen the button 3 times now and every time my download starts over.


been asked several times, it's because the server is being slammed. either sit there and try downloading it over and over or wait for things to settle down. i think i downloaded it at like 5am my time heh and even then it took a few tries.


nataku said:
Posted this in the other thread without realizing what TP thread I was in.

Is there a reason why my 3.0.2 update keeps restarting from the beginning? I was nearly halfway done and then all of a sudden I get a button on the lower right of the screen with a refresh icon, I hit that and it starts the download all over.

I've seen the button 3 times now and every time my download starts over.

Yeah, the updater is sketchy - takes a few restarts and a couple hours to get everything done and installed.


I need to find some sort of rubber/grip case for this thing that works with the touchstone. I can tell by the way it slowly slides in my hands when holding it by the side it's going to end up on the floor, broken.

I have no idea why companies insist on using glossy plastics on mobile devices.

EDIT: Is no progress bar for the installation normal? I'm assuming no, since it wasn't on my Pre. I'd just hate to restart it and lose my download...

Nevermind... had to close the System Update app and re-open it.


just bought the touchstone dock off the hp.ca site for 40 bucks. I figure if this thing is gonna be a picture frame, I might as well have a decent charging dock for it.


Man, I'm really enjoying webOS, but at the same time would love to get Honeycomb on here. Here's hoping for some form of dual booting.

Also, if I start messing with prepare, is there any built in factory reset option?


does anyone else have google maps issues? The mobile app runs hella slow for me. The default bing maps app runs fine though.


LCfiner said:
just bought the touchstone dock off the hp.ca site for 40 bucks. I figure if this thing is gonna be a picture frame, I might as well have a decent charging dock for it.

Do you have a link for that?


I got mine today and I have a few questions...

-Is it possible to use Yahoo IM on it?

-Can you watch Netflix on it for free (ie, not using PlayOn)?

-Is there any way to stream video and music from your PC to it?

This is a great little device, I've loved the short amount of time I've spent with it so far. I'm going to get used to using a tablet very quickly.


LCfiner said:
just bought the touchstone dock off the hp.ca site for 40 bucks. I figure if this thing is gonna be a picture frame, I might as well have a decent charging dock for it.

Assuming the Android hack comes to fruition, would the TouchStone dock still charge the device? Basically is touchstone a hardware thing, or a combination of hardware and software (webOS)?

I kinda want one but don't want it to become useless after I replace webOS with Android.


I can finally join this thread. Like it so far, browser seems a little wonky with GAF. I'm also having updating woes. Guess i'll keep trying.m I miss double tap space bar for period. Lol


Guys is there a program on preware that allows me to take pics with my camera? Or is there some app i'm missing..


Delio said:
Guys is there a program on preware that allows me to take pics with my camera? Or is there some app i'm missing..

get, uh, digicamera something lite in the App Catalog.


King Of Fuh said:
About WebOS in general, I have always found it to be very intuitive and awesome. It makes me very sad that it was pretty much ignored. Those looking for an android port, please give WebOS a try first. The pre community is very supportive and loyal to the brand, for good reason. See if it grows on you before porting to Android the second it becomes available.
Hear hear. The only good thing that could come out of the humiliating defeat of webOS is its metaphors and other excellent UI decisions becoming more familiar to half a million people. Surely somebody will incorporate the best ones into the OSes of the future... Right?

That said, webOS 3's lack of gestures is stupid, inefficient, and frustrating. Dinky little touchscreen buttons suck regardless of OS.

-- Sent from my Palm® Pre® 2


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Jamesfrom818 said:
All the gifs in the SNSD brings the TouchPad to its knees even after the update and getting overclocked.
Gifs dont work that well on most tablets.
I know LTTP, but do you actually have to have Skype installed on your PC in order to add contacts, etc?

I stayed away from it all this time.
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