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The Official "I just got my PSTwo" Thread



Using Game Rush and selling my PS2 for $85 (cash- which WILL be used to get more money at Game Rush) I lost a total of $15 today (the tax), buying a PSTwo. I was mainly concerned about the possible death of my PS2 (it's a 30001 model, but hasn't failed me in 2.5 years), and I really wanted to play R&C3 online, but wasn't willing to buy a $40 Network Adaptor. This covers both bases, plus I don't need to stand my PS2 up next to my Gamecube anymore. They can just sit there normally side-by-side.

I also bought Paper Mario 2 today, which I will count later as part of my 3 games in the TRU deal (thanks Wario).

Fry's was also selling PSTwos today if you didn't know.

I'd love to get it, but I just can't yet. The SOCOM 2 HDD download in 2 weeks (on the OPM) is calling my name and I fear it will get more play time than GTA:SA, R&C, Killzone, & MGS3 combined.

I'll probably still get one for Christmas though :D

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Tomorrow for me. I'm not making up excuses like "I'm worried about my PS2 going out on me so that's why!" or anything; the new PS2 is just too cool-looking for me not to get! Who's to say these models won't have some sort of problem causing them to screw up either? That's Sony for ya. :D

B E N K E said:
There is a bigger memory card coming (64 megs) to enable DLC for those with PStwo. But it won't come until spring.

Interesting, but that still wouldn't be enough for say, FFXI.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Won't solve the FFXI problem, but it would work with those upcoming new SOCOM II maps that are 10 MB's each.
Got it earlier today, it farkin' rocks hard. My only concern is that the left side of the unit hets rather warm after extended play, hopefully there isn't an inherent problem with the PSTwo's.


Am I the only one who thinks this is a waste of money with GTA:SA, MGS3, HALO2 and MP2 all coming out within a month?


*raises hand

Got mine today as well. Even though everyone knows it's tiny, it's still suprising when you see it up close how small it is.
Kuroyume said:
Am I the only one who thinks this is a waste of money with GTA:SA, MGS3, HALO2 and MP2 all coming out within a month?

Some of us have way more money than time. Also, with the EB trade-in you can get $100 for your existing system and turn in 5 scrub games and get another $50. A very nice trade in that lasts until Oct 30th.


Should I buy an extended warranty? I haven't really had the best of luck with my two PS1's and this will be my third PS2. I can't really understand why because I take extremely good care of my stuff, always putting the system in a bag so no dust can hit it and storing it away.
Spike said:
Should I buy an extended warranty? I haven't really had the best of luck with my two PS1's and this will be my third PS2. I can't really understand why because I take extremely good care of my stuff, always putting the system in a bag so no dust can hit it and storing it away.

i think Sony fixes them for free now, so you might not need it. But it always helps peace of mind.

Musashi Wins!

Blockbuster is trying to get in the used DVD game and is giving a MINIMUM of $8 a movie in trade, useable at Gamerush stores. Yikes.

Love the little thing. It's silent and I like the flip top. It also jumps to standby at an amazing clip. Nice to hear about the memory card. I can't believe how fucking dumb that whole SOCOM fiasco is. Nice timing, Zipper.
Musashi Wins! said:
Blockbuster is trying to get in the used DVD game and is giving a MINIMUM of $8 a movie in trade, useable at Gamerush stores. Yikes.

Love the little thing. It's silent and I like the flip top. It also jumps to standby at an amazing clip. Nice to hear about the memory card. I can't believe how fucking dumb that whole SOCOM fiasco is. Nice timing, Zipper.

yeah, i just got the postcard from them in the mail yesterday, and for a limited time, they are giving an additional $5 credit with ANY ps2/xbox/gc/gba game trade-in. Pretty good. I'm probably gonna go down there tommorow or Saturday and trade in 4 or 5 games. Thats an extra $50 right there, no questions asked!


I saw the PSTwo at a TRU and came very, very close to buying it. Then I realized I have a friend who's ex works there, so I may be able to get a discount if I have her pick one up for me.
Spike said:
Should I buy an extended warranty? I haven't really had the best of luck with my two PS1's and this will be my third PS2. I can't really understand why because I take extremely good care of my stuff, always putting the system in a bag so no dust can hit it and storing it away.

I ended up picking up the warranty (don't know if Sony Canada fixes PS2's for free). It's worth it, dont' have to worry about the system as much now. I haven't had luck with my first PS2, so I'm a little paranoid now. $20 extra = piece of mind.
So GameRush has the new PS2 already? I gotta hand it to GameRush they have the best trade in deals in the industry period. I wonder if GameRush will stores will be in every Blockbuster eventually.


Got mine yesterday at Toy's R Us (they had just got them in) and talked a co-worker into running out and picking one up.

Ahh the joys of peer pressure.
Thanks for the Fry's tip, just got one right now at Fry's Manhattan Beach =)

The cashiers all around were trippin on it when they rang it up =P
Defensor said:
So, can anyone tell me if this can plug into the back of the new PStwo?


Answer this man, if so LCD screen get. But seriously, considering that there's entry points on the back of the PSTwo, I expect a new LCD screen (widescreen?, since the unit is quite wide, it could acomodate it pretty easily) soon. Now that would be rockin',


Mistaken iRobbery!
Well, I did save this pic from the PStwo unveiling thread weeks back:


A confirmation of this actually fitting and working on the new PS2 would = :D


Party Pooper
Ristamar said:
I saw the PSTwo at a TRU and came very, very close to buying it. Then I realized I have a friend who's ex works there, so I may be able to get a discount if I have her pick one up for me.

no employee discounts on hardware. sorry =(

i woulda caved and got one if we did.


I got an extra $40 today because the guy thought the deal at Game Rush was over (it ends November 8). However, he still didn't buy the PS2. :mad: Says he's waiting for a family to get it or something. Damnit.
Although it's probably extremely obvious, in terms of size, the GC has been pwned, right?

Hard, even if you were to chop the PSTwo in half and stack it up on itself, it'd still look way tinier than the GC.


Man, I can't believe how small this thing is. As was allready said, you don't realize just how tiny the thing is until you get it out and hold it. It's absolutly pathetically small. About twice as thick as a single dvd amaray case the same depth and a bit longer.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
No matter how many times I read it before getting my system, there was still shock at how small this system was when I first took it out of the box. :)

The PSone screen will not fit in directly; that was the first thing I checked when I got to work. I have already followed the steps taken in another thread posted here tonight and "modded" my PStwo to play Japanese games (using the Swap Magic discs from the PS2 toploader mod shell); it works great but it will void your warranty.

If you really want to use the PS2 screen, you CAN (you need the piece that allows Guncons to work on TVs without A/V inputs...I can't remember the specific product number), and you can hook it up to the PStwo, but you'll obviously still need the PSone power cable and a way to stand the monitor up, so it's kind of useless.
I went out to 2 Best Buys, 1 Target, and 2 EB games. EB told me they had a waiting list for them...but the story I liked the most came from one of the Best Buys:

( I look around the entire gaming area to see that there is not one PSTwo or PS2 in sight)

Me: Do you have any PS2s left...old or new models?

BB: The new models haven't come out yet.

Me: you sure...because I went to few other stores and they were selling them but ran out.

BB: yes sir....we were told that we can start selling them near the 1st of November.

Me: I think the street date was the 14th of this month.

BB: Nope...come back around the 1st and we will have them, but we were told we are only gettting a few units so you have to hurry back.

Me: Thanks.

As I left the Best Buy, I thought I would give Walmart a shot across the road. Wouldn't you know it, 5 PSTwos were at the bottom of the case. I GOT MINE BEFORE YOU COULD GET YOUR'S BEST BUY! :D


If you want one, just go to every damned Wal-Mart you can think of. I went to 4 Wal-Marts last night looking for an Xbox and two of them had PSTwo systems. The frustrating thing was that none of them had Xboxes! I was so upset I bought a PSTwo =P

In case you haven't kept up, the SCPH-70012 is confirmed to work with the Swap Magic discs. So you can use it to boot imports! The downside is that you have to tape down the drive sensor....which requires you to open up the system, thus voiding your warranty. The second batch of PSTwos is supposed to correct this oversight, and you won't be able to use swap discs anymore. My advice would be to buy one now, and wait and see if anybody comes up with a way to use swap discs without opening the system.

SCPH-70011 is another model on the market, and but I don't know if it will accept swap disc or not. My guess is that it probably will since the unit number is lower than the 70012 model, thus making it an "earlier" version.

Keep checking ps2ownz.com for updates on this issue.

Kumiko Nikaido

I got my new PSTwo last night, and I'm very content with it. It's amazing that Sony shrank all the old PS2 components into a wee little guy...heh. About as thick as 2 DVD cases high and 25% larger length-wise than 1 DVD case, the new PS2 is uber-cute. ^_^

Some notes:

Upon powering-up the PS2 for the first time, you'll be prompted to select your language. Then you'll set your time clock settings in the System Configuration menu. Sony even added a new "PS" logo and "PS2" splash screens. All the options are the same as before: Clock Adjustment, Screen Size (4:3 Letterbox, 4:3 Full Frame, and 16:9 Widescreen), Digital Optical Out (Toggle On/Off), Component Video Out (Toggle On/Off) and Language. A new "Remote Control" option has been added (Gameplay Function On/Off), meaning you can designate if you want to use the DVD Remote as a controller.

When viewing the Version Information through System Config., the new stats are as follows:

Console: SCPH-70012 (or SCPH-70011)
Browser: 1.40
CD Player: 2.00
PlayStation Driver: 1.11
DVD Player 3.10U
MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx <---(new)

This new PS2 also supports both the old-version DVD remote (SCPH-10171) and the new-verson DVD remote (SCPH-10420U) (the one with the added Power On/Off and Open/Close functions). Since the IR receiver is built-into the unit, you don't need to add the seperate IR unit from the old school DVD remote. Of course, since the disc cover is a clam-shelll design, you can't use the Open/Close function of either remote.

Accessories NOT compatible with it:

- Internal 40 GB Hard Disk Drive (SCPH-20401U)
- Network Adaptor (SCPH-10281)
- Multitap (SCPH-1070U)
- Multitap for PS2 (SCPH-10090U)
- Vertical Stand (SCPH-10040U)
- Horizontal Stand (SCPH-10110U)

Only the new Multitap (SCPH-70120U) is compatible with it. New Vertical Stands (SCPH-70110U) only apply.

Bundled with the new PS2 is the Online Start-Up Disc: Version 3.0 to get you online ASAP for network play.

I noticed games load a tad bit faster, and the picture/sound quality is clear. As for watching DVD movies, the picture again in general is a tad bit dark, and black levels are really black. The unit does get warm over extended periods of play, but it ain't bad. The unit is also quiet, but when you play PSOne games or CD-based PS2 games (blue discs), you'll hear the drive spindle spin fast and a lot.


A new "Remote Control" option has been added (Gameplay Function On/Off), meaning you can designate if you want to use the DVD Remote as a controller.

My 50001 PS2 has that option, too.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Got one. I got it by pure luck, too. All of Queens was sold out. And I'm not exagerrating. I called 4 GameStops, 6 EBs, 2 Best Buys, Target, Circuit City and Comp USA. It took about 30 minutes of phone calling. Fuck it. I gave up. I began getting ready to go to my brother's house and for the hell of it I took my business gold card with me. Subconciously my brain remembered that my brother (who lives up in Long Island) has a GameStop on the way to his house. So as I got in my car, I remember about the GameStop. Hell, I thought it was a long shot, because Long Island stores get everything rather late and they don't garner nearly the same populous as NYC.

I pull up to the shopping complex, parked my car, ran into the store, peeked my head through the door only to ask them "if by any chance" they had any PStwo's in stock. They told me they had one left and that was that. I wipped out the gold card and rocked the casbah. Goddamn this thing is fucking TINY!


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
morbidaza said:
Man, I'm really thinking about getting one of these. I just can't resist the tininess.

You think it's tiny just from looking at the pics? My jaw dropped when it was in my hands.
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