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The Official "I just got my PSTwo" Thread

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
EB and TRU in Canada have the new model in stock, and there doesn't seem to be anyone rushing to buy them, or any chance of them selling out quickly. I've seen whole bunch of boxes laying around in both stores. Not surprisingly, as there's absolutely zero advertising for it. Not only on TV/Magazines, but in the stores as well. In EB, I barely even noticed that they had them at first, as the whole store is plastered with GTA:SA and (to an even greater degree) Halo 2 advertising. I've asked the store clerk if he's willing to give me the one opened unit they had behind the glass, so that I can see what it looks like, and he had no problems with it. It really is so damn small, but very sturdly built. Very nice. My wife was there with me, and even she couldn't believe how much smaller it is compared to an old PS2. I think I'll end up buyng one, but there's no way I'm seeling the old 50001 model due to it's HDD support.


Futureshop also has them in abundance... check them out if you are in the market for PSTwo.

$179.99 CDN.


works for Gamestop (lol)
AirBrian said:
Gamestops also have them still.


(Put in your zip code.)

Winfield Shopping(F)
966 Blossom Hill Road
San Jose, CA 95123
(408)362-0202 2 1 - 3 Yes

Oakridge Mall
925 Blossom Hill Road, ste1013
San Jose, CA 95123
(408)281-0872 2 4+ No

Tully Corners (F)
1990 Tully Road
San Jose, CA 95122
(408)531-9451 5 4+ No

San Jose
3600A Stevens Creek Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95117
(408)261-9011 9 4+ No

Looks like not alot of people are buying them in my area


AlphaSnake said:
I pull up to the shopping complex, parked my car, ran into the store, peeked my head through the door only to ask them "if by any chance" they had any PStwo's in stock. They told me they had one left and that was that. I wipped out the gold card and rocked the casbah.

That's awesome.


Marconelly said:
Great, I almost bought one in EB, and the price was $200. I'll get it in Future Shop then.

That was the instore price for Kennedy(Scarb, Ont) Futureshop... their website has it listed down as $199.99.

I'm sure it's a limited time sale, in Futureshop fashion.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Looks like not alot of people are buying them in my area
Zero. Advertising. Even in stores. I don't know what Sony is thinking, but they are not being very smart about this. I doubt anyone outside of us, internet dwellers, even knows about the new console design.


Marconelly said:
Zero. Advertising. Even in stores. I don't know what Sony is thinking, but they are not being very smart about this. I doubt anyone outside of us, internet dwellers, even knows about the new console design.

I'm sure Sony will start advertising when San Andreas comes out. Everyone started selling them before they were supposed to, I think.


I agree about the redesign being underadvertised. Sony made the presence of the PSone very clear in late 2000, and they should do the same for this one.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I hope they will, otherwise why the effort to redesign it in the first place? Imagine if Nintendo did zero advertising for GBA:SP. Would that make any sense? Hell, they had crapload of commercials for it all over the place.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Starting in early november stores will be getting display boxes and such, I'm assuming advertising starts then too. Don't worry, besides all 8 pstwos we got were sold in 2 days.. haha
PSTwo will get the best advertising soon, it's called GTA:SA. Software drives hardware people, not the other wat around. The games coming out for the PS2 will do the talking, with every sale it'll help get the word out of the PSTwo. I agree though, some advertising from Sony would be smart to get the ball rolloing.


C'mon guys. This is Sony we're talking about here. The tidal wave of advertising will arrive soon enough, once they have adequate supplies in stores next month.


Since the PS1 multi-tap isn't compatible with the PStwo, that means that you can't play multiplayer PS1 games, right? Would it have been so hard to make the controller and mem card slots flush like with the PS2?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
IGN also says that the new PS2 has a 1 year manufacturers warranty, as opposed to the old 90 days. Nice.

Sony even added a new "PS" logo and "PS2" splash screens.
Really? What are the new logos like, and where do they appear?


Tag of Excellence
I didn't buy it but I did play with one, does that count?

I love it but unfortunately I need to pick up other hardware/games first since my PS2 is in great working condition.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Miburou said:
Since the PS1 multi-tap isn't compatible with the PStwo, that means that you can't play multiplayer PS1 games, right?

No. There is a new multitap designed for the new system.


TTP said:
No. There is a new multitap designed for the new system.

I'm not talking about PS2 game, I'm talking about PS1 games. IIRC, to play multiplayer PS1 games on the PS2, you need the PS1 multi-tap (the PS2 multi-tap won't work).
So, will Sony begin phasing out the old model?

And one more question: Can this model play music on CD-R? Moreover, mp3 CDs? That was one feature the PS2 lacked. Even the PSX could play CD-R music. If the PStwo can do this, I'm out the door right now.

Musashi Wins!

evilromero said:
So, will Sony begin phasing out the old model?

yes. they aren't shipping those anymore.

And one more question: Can this model play music on CD-R? Moreover, mp3 CDs? That was one feature the PS2 lacked. Even the PSX could play CD-R music. If the PStwo can do this, I'm out the door right now.

I haven't tried yet, but it plays DVD-RW. it says that burned disc have to "finished" in their creation.

Also, the manual clearly states that the new multi-tap works with PS1 games.

At the Texas Gamestop manager conference, during Sony's presentation someone stood up and asked if the PS2 would finally begin supporting the HD to greater extent...the speaker just said "no" and went to the next question. Wonder what happened there.


Musashi Wins! said:
Also, the manual clearly states that the new multi-tap works with PS1 games.

Really, I recall reading that with the PS2, you needed the PS1 multi-tap to play PS1 games, as the PS2 multi-tap wouldn't work. So I guess they fixed this issue with the PStwo, or what I read before was incorrect.


Mistaken iRobbery!
What I think it means is that you can use the new PS2 multitap with PSone games, but you would not be able to use the memory card slots for PSone cards...right?

Kumiko Nikaido

Marconelly said:
Really? What are the new logos like, and where do they appear?

The new splash screen appeared when you initialize the PS2 for the first time. The PS logo is the familiar logo associated with the PlayStation, only this time its displayed larger and in center of the screen. The PS2 logo is the one that appears after familiar PS2 TV commercials (transition left to right PS2 lettering graphic). Don't know how to view them again, though.

evilromero said:
And one more question: Can this model play music on CD-R? Moreover, mp3 CDs? That was one feature the PS2 lacked. Even the PSX could play CD-R music.

I just played a variety of music CDs burned on CD-Rs, and they all work fine. Haven't tried mp3s, though.
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