Bind key vocalize _________
Example: Bind r +reload; vocalize PlayerWarnTank
CallForRescue - when players trapped in closet in campaign
EatPills - Aaah!
ReviveMeInterrupted - short gasp or Dammit!
ScenarioJoin - says hello
ResponseSoftDispleasureSwear - Shit, Shiiiit!, or Dammit!
EmphaticArriveRun - RUUUUUUUUN!
Airport04_08c Holy shit! or They must have tried to prevent the infection from spreading
BounceReaction Yeah, yeah Im ready to bounce *giggles*"
IntroFarm4 Yeah
lets do it
IntroSmallTown2 Unless anyone has a better plan, I say we head there
TakeShotgunZoey Groovy
Airport04_05a No way, man, Not a chance!, Oh no aint no drat way!
Airport04_08b Holy shit! or Youre joking, right?
Farm01_path03a "I bet yo' country ass does like this trailer!"
Farm03_path01a Stay positive guys, I got a good feelin about this
Hospital02_path03a1 Alright no problem, now we just gotta get out of the subway
Hospital03_path03a1 Hurry! or Hurry up!
Hospital04_path02a Stairs are a good workout or Its good for you, Bill. Cardio!
Hospital04_path04a Elevator here! or Get into the elevator!
Hospital05_path01b Works for me
IntroFarm4 Sounds good to me
IntroHospital The subway can take us straight to Mercy Hospital
RiversideIsDead Riversides a bust
RiversideIsDeadB If we can get to the river, we can find a boat
Smalltown02_path01b Interesting true story, in 1975 the local township-
Smalltown02_path08a Thatll seal the lock
Airport04_08a What did I tell ya? Theyre trying to stop people from leaving
Airport04_08c Christ almighty
DontBeAnAss Dont be an ass, Francis
Farm02_path01a drat straight
Farm05_path07b Settle down Francis, just use that radio theyll come
Farm05_path09c They honest to god military
FarmvampiresB Theres zombies, Francis
Hospital02_path03b1 Gotta find another way! or This seem too easy
Hospital02_path03c1 Gonna have to go topside
Hospital04_path01a Ive smelled worse
IntroFarm3 We just need to find the train tracks and follow em
IntroFarm4 Alrighty
IntroHospital His opening shpiel at the beginning of No Mercy campaign
IntroHospital03 Might not be a bad idea to get off the street or Good thinking
Airport04_08a Bill, I was the one who said that
Airport04_08b Holy shit or That sounds about right!
Farm05_path09c Shit, never thought Id go looking for the military
RiversideIsDeadSpecialA Thats better than MY plan
Smalltown02_path01a How the hell do you know that?
Smalltown04_path05a Im coming for ya Bill, keep your beard on
Airport04_vana I hate vans
IntroHospital02 I hate subways
AynRandResponse I hate Ayn Rand