RocketDarkness said:
This is pretty much the ultimate tactic, but the precision required is unreal.
That's really neat, but then you'll actually get ingame and the other team will immediately tell you, "We're practicing for the eggy tournament, no bunny hops or we'll rage".
Things I really need to learn include:
A) Timing on meleeing hunter pounces away. I thought that one of the patches a while back made it so that you couldn't really block pounces if they were already going to do extra damage, but yesterday I pounced Zoey on BH4 (I think it is? The one with the train that knocks down the bridge) from on top of the high bank. I landed right in her face, only to be melee-blocked and killed. I don't think I've blocked a pounce in ages, but I usually do the melee swing while the hunter is still in the air. Is it more of a last-second thing, or an earlier thing?
B) Timing on tank punches. Most of the people I play bunnyhop or crouchjump constantly as humans, which means that swinging at normal height as a tank will do nothing. Sometimes it does nothing anyway, but that's another story. So anyway, is the best tactic to try to swing at head height, and if so, when/where exactly should I try to get the fist hitbox and the impact to occur?