catfish said:
OK, that generator in front of the lift thing is MASSIVELY irritating.
Who is that helping. I don't even understand doing it, you can't really hurt the survivors so it essentially just ruins the game?
For the record: Most every glitch can be passed if you have a team willing to work together. The glitches suck, yes, but there is still a certain satisfaction gained from COMPLETELY FUCKING BYPASSING them after the infected wasted all that time scratching the shit in the way when they could have been trying to kill us.
No Mercy 3 "The Sewer" Glitches:
- Forklift can be moved out of the way with three-to-five well placed pipebombs, or less if they really suck at the moving. Save all the pipebombs you get for when you reach this point, and memorize the locations of ones you can't carry with you. Simply place pipebombs in the right corner and the forklift will, with a little effort, move enough out of the way to continue.
- Garbage Can Blocking Ladder Up is the hardest one to actually get past in the whole game, other thank the tank glitch in the finale. This just requires luck and an impatient infected team. Climb up the ladder and wait for any of the special infected to try to scratch you or whatever, and then push up. Many times the garbage can will slide out of the way and give you enough room to make it.
No Mercy "The Hospital" Glitches:
- Generator blocking the elevator is the easiest glitch to get past. All you have to do is look around for a pipe bomb or a gas tank before you reach the elevator. Make sure you bring one with you onto the elevator. When the elevator opens and the generator is blocking the door, simply place the pipe bomb or fuel tank besides the generator and watch it blow out of the way. Almost 100% effectiveness. You can also push a boomer to explode and eventually it'll nudge out of the way through special infected idiocy.
- Scratching forklift, generator, ETC on the way to safe room - all passable by either jumping or doing a little detour. Do not overreact and just calmly pass these obstacles while ensuring your teammates are not left behind and do the same.
No Mercy "Finale"
- Smoker from the roof for instant kill... there are a few ways to do this. My favorite is molotov chucking, because it requires skills and REALLY fucks with the special infected who tried to do this. Essentially before you climb up the ladder to the roof, you have to aim the molotov JUST RIGHT to land on the roof with the antenna. It takes trial-and-error to learn exactly the right spot so you can consistently do it, but once you do you're an invaluable asset to the team and you'll feel damn good too imagining the sobs of loser infected. Alternatively, you can do some fake outs... peak your head up and down to make the smoker miss its grab, walk up in unison and hope your friend melees the tongue off (which is hard if you have hunters working to grab the next person off), etc.
- Tank Glitched out so Helicopter never comes. Fuck the po-lice, this one is impossible to pass. Jump off a roof and kill yourselves.

If you're feeling angry you may return the favor, though you know what they say about nuclear wars...
- Under the ramp Survivor turtling... a good team knows to boom on them, then go in scratching them from the sides. When a tank comes, you can ramp them by punching them through the side of the ramp. Hits do go through. Other than that, best opportunity to get them is when they run to the helicopter so save your last spawn for one well placed ambush.