Got through a couple of Versus games tonight
The Smoker changes aren't as overpowering as it seemed at first reading the patch notes. Now, instead of meleeing, everyone just shoots toward the dragged survivor to break the tongue (which breaks in two blasts with an auto-shotgun). Combined with the drag damage and especially the fact that your tongue recharges faster Smokers can at least be a little helpful against corner camping - with some luck and a boomer'd group you can pull a single survivor out of a melee camp fest and at least screw em up a bit.
I didn't really notice the auto-shotgun nerf to tanks, but a lot more people were using assault rifles in the games I played.
The Tank/Witch spawn at the same % is sort of a drag for the team going first since the second team knows exactly where they need to get super coordinated. They know exactly for what part they need to save a molotov for or carry a gas can over to. That being said, while there is a slight imbalance there, it's a lot more balanced than it was before and as long as the first team is wise enough to play it safe it's not really too big a deal.
The Hunter melee nerf and pounce buff are both good as far as I can tell. The melee still worked wonders for me, was able to down two survivors with it in one game, just got to be more tactile with it instead of spamming it whenever you don't have an apparent pounce opportunity... which, with the buff, is a lot less often. Pouncing even for a few seconds does damage now, so catching stragglers actually kind of works.