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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


abstract alien said:
I think you gotta beat the game in order to unlock hard mode.

edit: I forgot it was a bit short, so im sure someone has unlocked it already :lol

Thats even better then. I'll be playing the way I thought I would (Normal -> Unlock weapons -> Hard).
Jaded Alyx said:
If you've had your Wii for anything longer than, say, a week, you're missing out.
I've had it since 2007. I'd say I'm not missing out on much. I have the big 3 (SMG,SSBB and MKW) plus I have Zelda. Nothing else has really appealed to me.
Gryphter said:
yes it does, though I have no idea what it did. probably made it so that my Wii won't explode due to extreme graphic violence and death

you don't have the homebrew channel, do you? did it mess that up?


The game locked up my wii after
getting to the first geisha in the bistro level in asia town

It was fine after I rebooted the wii and reloaded. Anyone else with the game having lock-ups?
boss fights are fun. there's a lot of Gears style chainsaw duels, where you waggle both wiimote and nunchuk at the same time. easy for the arms to get tired, but in a good way
Linkzg said:
you don't have the homebrew channel, do you? did it mess that up?

sorry, no homebrew channel for me. I'm too fearful that an update would brick my wii, then I wouldn't be able to play games like MadWorld at all :D


How do I know if it's safe to update with the homebrew channel. I could care less if it gets locked out. I just want to play.


Redd said:
Ships freaking March 16th for me. Was this close to canceling my order and just going to Gamestop but figure Resident Evil 5 will tide me over until Madworld shows up in the mail.=(

yeah i have to work anyway so the delay is fine. i think madworld will be more fun that RE5 anyway so i dont mind saving it for later. i just hope it actually ships within the week, im going to plow through RE5 this weekend.


ridley182 said:
Picking this up first thing tomorrow.........................................night after work :(

Yeah I'm picking it up tomorrow night after work.....
and before night class ;__;
ThePeacemaker02 said:
Maybe I'll just pick up the game at walmart, then return the one I get from amazon unopened at walmart if it doesn't ship out today.

I do this. That way I can save with the free supersaver shipping and no sales tax, and still play day 1.

edit: I must get the soundtrack to this game. Every single song is awesome as hell
Fuzzy said:
I feel dirty about wanting to buy a game by Sega.

Sega's had a few good ones lately, maybe they're starting to turn around?

Valkyria Chronicles, HotD Overkill... MadWorld... any other good, recent ones I'm forgetting?
Gryphter said:
Sega's had a few good ones lately, maybe they're starting to turn around?

Valkyria Chronicles, HotD Overkill... MadWorld... any other good, recent ones I'm forgetting?

Panzer Dragoon Wii oh fuck nevermind.


...hate me...
Let's tap, and they'll publish The Conduit. Sega is on a roll.

I guess they wanna spread the love before unleashing the motherfucking Dreamcast 2 and destroying not only every other console there is, but PCs too.

It's the kiss of death.
Gryphter said:
Sega's had a few good ones lately, maybe they're starting to turn around?

Valkyria Chronicles, HotD Overkill... MadWorld... any other good, recent ones I'm forgetting?
Yeh, but sadly..Sonic and the Cack Knight.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I really don't feel like waiting two weeks :(.


...hate me...
EatChildren said:
I really don't feel like waiting two weeks :(.


EatChildren said:
I really don't feel like waiting two weeks :(.

If it makes you feel any better, I'll be getting it Thursday, but I'll never be able to play it, because I no longer have free time.

Eteric Rice

TreIII said:
True, but we need more!

Obviously, not enough of them are listening to us! We got SUCH great "ideas"! :lol

You work for Platinum?

If you do, tell them to please not abandon Wii owners like most other devs have.

We love them.

They are our only hope.

Like Obi'wan to Princess Leia. :<


Shin Johnpv said:
DAMN YOU AMAZON, not shipping my game till the 16th.
They almost always ship ahead of those dates.

I'd be surprised if they don't ship it by tomorrow or Thursday, if you preordered.


Uh oh, there's a firmware update with this... I just got a WiiKey2... hope this isn't going to affect anything.
Gino said:
Uh oh, there's a firmware update with this... I just got a WiiKey2... hope this isn't going to affect anything.

I think your Wii grows a chainsaw arm and tries to shove a sign post in your head.


AniHawk said:
If it makes you feel any better, I'll be getting it Thursday, but I'll never be able to play it, because I no longer have free time.
I'll take your copy if you're not using it.

I have no money. At least those of you upset by having to wait a couple days or weeks are actually gonna be playing the game. :(


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Waiting for the GameSpot review to rip it to shreds.
I've been playing this a bit today. I'm amazed Nintendo allowed this on their system, it's BRUTAL. I mean worse than Manhunt 2 brutal, I'm sure it's only the monochromatic cartoon style that allowed them to get away with murders this creative and graphic, particularly since many are conducted using the corresponding gestures with the Wiimote. Seems like a FOX News field day waiting to happen - I notice that various "family groups" are already complaining about it, and I suspect it will only get worse. Almost everything about the game seems designed to outrage, almost to the point of trying too hard. At one point I heard the in-game announcer scream "No means yes and yes means anal!" which made even me raise an eyebrow.

I should say I don't have any problems with the violence, personally I think it's hilarious and I will continue to play it. I just think the Wii is a really interesting platform for this title, perhaps for all the wrong reasons.
Gary Whitta said:
I've been playing this a bit today. I'm amazed Nintendo allowed this on their system, it's BRUTAL. I mean worse than Manhunt 2 brutal, I'm sure it's only the monochromatic cartoon style that allowed them to get away with murders this creative and graphic, particularly since many are conducted using the corresponding gestures with the Wiimote. Seems like a FOX News field day waiting to happen - I notice that various "family groups" are already complaining about it, and I suspect it will only get worse. Almost everything about the game seems designed to outrage, almost to the point of trying too hard. At one point I heard the in-game announcer scream "No means yes and yes means anal!" which made even me raise an eyebrow.

I should say I don't have any problems with the violence, personally I think it's hilarious and I will continue to play it. I just think the Wii is a really interesting platform for this title, perhaps for all the wrong reasons.

Nintendo hasn't regulated any content for maturity since... what? Mortal Kombat 2?
It's just stupid people that think Nintendo is only "family values".
Hey I'm just glad to finally see a game aimed at my demographic on the Wii. When I powered up my system today I half expected moths to fly out of the drive slot.
Gary Whitta said:
I've been playing this a bit today. I'm amazed Nintendo allowed this on their system, it's BRUTAL. I mean worse than Manhunt 2 brutal, I'm sure it's only the monochromatic cartoon style that allowed them to get away with murders this creative and graphic, particularly since many are conducted using the corresponding gestures with the Wiimote. Seems like a FOX News field day waiting to happen - I notice that various "family groups" are already complaining about it, and I suspect it will only get worse. Almost everything about the game seems designed to outrage, almost to the point of trying too hard. At one point I heard the in-game announcer scream "No means yes and yes means anal!"which made even me raise an eyebrow.

Best game ever?
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