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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!



I just beat the fourth boss,
and the way they got killed was the best so far! HOLY SHIT! I actually smiled :lol It didn't hurt that the track playing for the battle was the best yet for me, personally--so awesome! It almost sounded Meguro/Persona 4-like.

JP, where the hell is mah soundtrack? :D You guys have to make it available in the US somehow--please, please, please, PLEASE!!!

That said, does anyone actually have any of the tracks or whatever? I want it so bad.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Finally playing this. I'm just about to face

Took me a while to get used to the lack of color and the sometimes wonky camera but now I feel like I'm getting better by the minute, getting more points and chaining. It's so much fun to shit around, loved the
HONK effect when you use a horn
on an enemy.
were nice too.

Had to mess a little with the sounds to be able to decently listen to the announcers. "
Run, Forrest, run!
", did I actually hear that? :lol

Baron Black
, this is full of lulz. The violence is so gamey and cartoony, it's like playing a game full of fatalities. And I'm pretty desensitized I guess. Can't wait to show it to friends who will surely love it and to the friends who will hate it.

I lol'd HARD when you
finish shooting Judd (the cowboy boss) and he turns into a skeleton after screaming woooooouuu
. So ridiculous. :lol

The music is seriously great, loving it.

My Wii is connected to a SDTV and the letters that describe the areas on the map are small. The yellow filter is ok on my screen though, no problems here.

(Yup, I'll spoiler tag every little thing.)

Uncle AJ

The only time targeting enemies with the C button worked for me was in the first boss fight where the game explicitly told me how it works. Every boss afterwards, hitting C just plants an yellow arrow over the boss' head, but the camera doesn't follow them. Kinda sucks.

Otherwise, I'm absolutely gleeful about this game. When I play later today, I gotta remember to crank up the volume on the announcers; their voices typically get lost in all the chainsaw revving and screams of pain, and most of their stuff is hilarious.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Played for three hours but I'll have to stop for today. I need to remind myself to hold the remote in a certain way when I need to waggle so I don't pause the game. Didn't happen so much but when it does I feel silly.

Been using the backflip much more now too, it's useful and I'm surprised (and glad) it works so well considering it's mapped to the nunchuk motion.

dragonlife29 said:
Fuu! Buddy! Tell me if you're with me on the track when you face them! :D
Yup, pretty good track! It did feel like something from P3/P4, reminded me a bit of one from JSRF too. My favorite so far is "Get it Up" (from the
bike stage
) though. I need this OST, a game rip, anything. I want to listen to these tracks out of the game.

her death
= :lol. Didn't see that coming.

Edit: First time I saw that version of the Platinum Games logo (I don't know if it was in any of the trailers since I only watched the first one and the GC one). So good.
I need to remind myself to hold the remote in a certain way when I need to waggle so I don't pause the game.

I have this problem a lot, especially during boss fights.
Which is really my only problem with the game. No customizable controls.


BrodiemanTTR said:
What in fraggle rock am I supposed to do against (third castle boss)
Elise, the bat girl. I just bumrushed her bat cloud and now I'm running around getting ambushed by a small bat swarm with her nowhere to be found.


During that time, she's hiding, using one of the available "fixtures" in the level.

From my experience, I've seen her...

* Try to blend amongst the female statues
* "Hide" within the stained-glass windows with bats in them
* The coffins (or at least, that's what my friend says, I wouldn't know cuz I opened those things early on...)

Successful finding of her will then lead to an automatic "Waggle Event". Win that, and you'll then score a nice-sized blow on her. Then she'll go back to her original pattern, which leads to repeating the cycle again...

Edit: Sorry bout that...that's what I get for not having my glasses on and just waking up...
The dodging mechanic works surprisingly well--I really like it and I'm always using it.

Also, combat is simple, yet varied. I was surprised when I did a jump and sliced down with the chainsaw...and wondered how on Earth I managed to get to where I am without using it :lol I just used it on the second Asian Town boss with great results :D Also, double-tapping the joystick gives you a boost in speed and when you press A you tackle enemies...nice touch.

The only tiny gripe I have is that when I'm doing the simple A combo, sometimes blows come out instead--you know, the uppercut/side sweep.

Heh...I personally really enjoy the frantic waggle commands for boss fights at the end :p That said, I can't believe some of you are pausing the game XD


hi I'm confused about the "Death Watch Challenge"

like u collect orbs in a stage or something??

is doing a challenge what earns you an orb??

or do you have to collect all the orbs in a stage to unlock a special challenge??

FYI, I found all the orbs in
The first Asian Town stage.

one is in a room with sum kinda cutting thing and conveyor belt... throw a lot of doods onto the blades and the orb will eventually appear on the belt.

second is when u fight the Turtle mid boss, after u beat him.

the third is hella close to the stage's bloodbath challenge... climb to the dragon's head and pick it up
Events are points-driven--meaning you activate certain things when you accumulate certain points.

But, uh...I don't recall the orbs being necessary to proceed...but I could be wrong.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
dragonlife29 said:
Also, double-tapping the joystick gives you a boost in speed and when you press A you tackle enemies...nice touch.
Thanks! I did that two or three times having no idea how. I think I did double tap while trying to find out though, should have tried twice. :lol

dragonlife29 said:
Heh...I personally really enjoy the frantic waggle commands for boss fights at the end :p That said, I can't believe some of you are pausing the game XD
I like them too but sometimes the excitement is too much. I just make sure to hold the remote a little differently when those moments come now.


JEKKI said:
hi I'm confused about the "Death Watch Challenge"

like u collect orbs in a stage or something??

is doing a challenge what earns you an orb??

or do you have to collect all the orbs in a stage to unlock a special challenge??

FYI, I found all the orbs in
The first Asian Town stage.

one is in a room with sum kinda cutting thing and conveyor belt... throw a lot of doods onto the blades and the orb will eventually appear on the belt.

second is when u fight the Turtle mid boss, after u beat him.

the third is hella close to the stage's bloodbath challenge... climb to the dragon's head and pick it up

You get a bonus in points for doing the DW Challenges.
Fuu said:
Thanks! I did that two or three times having no idea how. I think I did double tap while trying to find out though, should have tried twice. :lol
You'll know you're doing it right when you see a ton of white lines for a brief period.

It's good for bosses, too!

By the way, did you know you can attack after dodging? I was like, ":eek:" when I found out XD


Volcynika said:
You get a bonus in points for doing the DW Challenges.
yeay yeay, but what is the DW Challenge??

does it have like a big intro similar to boss battles or blood bath challenges???


JEKKI said:
yeay yeay, but what is the DW Challenge??

does it have like a big intro similar to boss battles or blood bath challenges???

No, it's just side stuff through the level. Collecting the orbs, killing the bull by the train, etc.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
dragonlife29 said:
You'll know you're doing it right when you see a ton of white lines for a brief period.

It's good for bosses, too!

By the way, did you know you can attack after dodging? I was like, ":eek:" when I found out XD
No! That's great, I'll try it tomorrow.
JEKKI said:
yeay yeay, but what is the DW Challenge??

does it have like a big intro similar to boss battles or blood bath challenges???
It's just an event you trigger to earn as many extra points as you can.

JEKKI said:
ahhh ic ic...

so like then getting the orbs in itself is a deathwatch challenge then right??

since u kinda had to do something to earn them...
You should just enjoy them instead of thinking about them too much :p


ahhh ic ic...

so like then getting the orbs in itself is a deathwatch challenge then right??

since u kinda had to do something to earn them...
So, you guys like? Amazon's taking their fucking sweet time. Must be a conspiracy by my Wii's dust to maximize it's time.

Wii Dust: You have no chance to survive make your time.

Yes Boss!

polyh3dron said:
So, you guys like? Amazon's taking their fucking sweet time. Must be a conspiracy by my Wii's dust to maximize it's time.

I'm dying for my Amazon order too. I've Prime and it finally arrives tomorrow!
I kept waiting the whole time to see Linkzg's avatar. Did seeing it so much make my eyes just filter it out when it finally happened? :lol
Another complaint I have against the game,
is the motorcycle sequences. I find them rather dull and pointless. I understand they were trying to break things up a bit, but it's so completely boring. The way Kojack dies ALMOST makes it worthwhile though, haha. Duelin' motorcycles at dawn!

But overall they're pretty painless....I just don't find they add anything to the game that couldn't have been replaced with something else more interesting.


EmCeeGramr said:
I kept waiting the whole time to see Linkzg's avatar. Did seeing it so much make my eyes just filter it out when it finally happened? :lol


This? I didn't think it was from MadWorld..


does anybody kno why in the stage select screens some stages have a bright caution sign on them??

are they trying to tell me something???


Now that I've, y'know, actually bought this game, I'm excited about playing it. It's been a long week and I need to kill something.


polyh3dron said:
So, you guys like? Amazon's taking their fucking sweet time. Must be a conspiracy by my Wii's dust to maximize it's time.

Wii Dust: You have no chance to survive make your time.

Haha my Amazon order came around noon today.
And this was with 2 day shipping. :lol


MiniDitka said:
Me too :lol

The reaper has probably been the single highest source of me getting killed in Normal Mode, as well as the cause of my first two Game Over's.

I didn't fear those Chainsaw wielding bozos in RE4, but these guys are something else! One waggle is the difference between life and death. I HATE THAT! :lol


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Got all you Amazoners beat. Mine came today, I used Super Saver shipping, AND it took an extra day because the card they had on file had expired.

Unfunf. <3 Amazon. Wouldn't normally use them for a game I want day 1, but I still have RE5 and KZ2 and God knows what else, so I was in no rush, but they delivered. <3


I got MadWorld today and seriously love it.


- top notch presentation
- surprisingly good story
- beautiful graphics and art style
- fun combat and quite addictive
- intuitive, tight and responsive controls
- awesome bosses
- good level design
- pretty fun deathwatch challenges
- cinematic finisher moves are very satisfying to perform
- combo system encourages you to be creative with your killing methods
- entertaining announcer commentary
- surprisingly great and catchy music
- great voice acting
- interesting cast of characters
- good variety of weapons and environmental hazards
- cool cut scenes
- normal difficulty puts up a fairly good challenge (I can only imagine how more difficult hard mode is )

Don't like:

- The combat is fairly simplistic and repetitive despite the variety of weapons, moves and environmental hazards.

- Lack of manual camera control.

The c button works pretty well to re-center the camera but it tends to be a bit difficult to keep track of where bosses move to. This is probably my biggest issue with the game but its nothing that I would consider to be game-ruining by any means.

- It's unfortunate that it is hard to appreciate the announcer's commentary and music when they often get mixed together in the noise of the background and action of the combat.

-I haven't found the lock-on system to be all that useful though I tend to only use it during boss fights.

- Motorcycle driving sections are pretty fun but they seem to go on for just a tad bit long. I've only done 1 of the them so far so there's probably not many of these sections.

- No online leaderboards.

This game seems like a perfect fit to have such a feature but it sadly doesn't. A real shame.

I don't think I'm that far in the game but i just finished the boss battle with RinRin. I've died a couple of times already on normal mode. 2 times by being run over by a train. 1 time by one of those bull mask bad guys wielding a chain saw and 1 time by RinRin.


JEKKI said:
does anybody kno why in the stage select screens some stages have a bright caution sign on them??

are they trying to tell me something???

Means there is a new deathwatch challenge available in that stage. Most of the time they are a little more challenging than the original one...but im not sure what completing new DW challenges might unlock, if anything.


Is there something wrong with the timer in my game?

I play for 30-40 mins and it says my level completion time was around 10 mins. It said I beat the motorcycle + boss level in under 2 minutes. =\


Anybody else accidently pull their nunchucku cable out of their wiimote while doing a finished? I did it with the twin blade one... I felt pretty stupid. Guess I was really getting into it.


Had my copy for a couple days now, but only just got started last night.

I'm trying to let it all sink in atm (finished the first couple levels). Can't tell if I'm overjoyed with it, or...what.

The visuals are great (art style obviously), but make my eyes feel strange (and it doesn't run at 60fps). Also wish it was running in progressive scan since my CRT tends to soften up the image when deinterlacing.

Music is pretty meh (which is odd since I thought I'd really like it), but the commentary is awesome. I made sure to adjust my audio options to get the most out of it (music at 3, sfx at 7, commentary at 10).

Gameplay is super old school, but thanks to the challenges and kill variety, stays fresh throughout. I was pulling off some deaths I didn't think were even programmed into the game! Can't wait to try two players.

I think I'm going to go back to the first level, and really soak it in. Maybe look for a harder difficulty or something. Seems like everything is going by so fast in this game.


kinggroin said:
Had my copy for a couple days now, but only just got started last night.

I'm trying to let it all sink in atm (finished the first couple levels). Can't tell if I'm overjoyed with it, or...what.

The visuals are great (art style obviously), but make my eyes feel strange (and it doesn't run at 60fps). Also wish it was running in progressive scan since my CRT tends to soften up the image when deinterlacing.

Music is pretty meh (which is odd since I thought I'd really like it), but the commentary is awesome. I made sure to adjust my audio options to get the most out of it (music at 3, sfx at 7, commentary at 10).

Gameplay is super old school, but thanks to the challenges and kill variety, stays fresh throughout. I was pulling off some deaths I didn't think were even programmed into the game! Can't wait to try two players.

I think I'm going to go back to the first level, and really soak it in. Maybe look for a harder difficulty or something. Seems like everything is going by so fast in this game.

Beat the game for a harder difficulty.
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