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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


I was looking forward to this game as much as just about anyone. I willingly dropped the 50 bux on it because I figured it would truly be worth it. Sad thing is, I'm still not really sure it is.

Before I start criticizing, I'll point out that I HAVE had a lot of fun with the combat and environmental killing mechanics, and I positively dig the aesthetics and soundtrack. I could honestly take or leave the commentators though. I turned them off recently.

The game suffers greatly from a sub-par camera and lock-on system. The experience for me is greatly impacted because the camera isn't consistently behind the player. It really prevents me from always having the best view of the action, and therefore limits options to rack up a high score quickly.

Yes, I'm fully aware I can reset the camera with quick presses of C, but the point is that I shouldn't have to. It makes getting ultras annoyingly laborious, as you spend twice as long as you should have to setting up complicated kills. Lining up stunned enemies to knock them into whatever hazard or get a chainsaw massacre should never involve this much effort.

And forget about the lock-on. Whatta fucking waste. Really should've had the bindings for lock-on and camera reset switched, and changed it to lock to the nearest enemy. At least I could dole out death more quickly and rack up a higher score -- which is the entire point of the game -- without having to spend half the time fighting with the camera and repositioning myself because of said shit camera. As is, its only use is for boss battles, which can get pretty frenetic. Still a pain in the ass to use easily, though.

It REALLY starts to become a consistently nagging issue in hard mode if going for higher scores.

That's my biggest complaint about the game. But it is pretty huge, since it affects enjoyment of the game on any level beyond OMG LOOK AT ME KILL THINGS!

I'll keep plugging away at the game, just because I find enjoyment in finding ways to maximize my scores, but I figure I'll play it less than I otherwise would have because of the annoying camera.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
So when are people going to start posting their high scores?

I'm not particularly creative so mine are hilariously low I imagine :lol

I also haven't really been using the full 30 min clock, I realized after the first few levels


I am about halfway through and I think its funny the lock on camera seems to only work well in the 1st level. I had no problems at all using it to take down the 1st boss (maybe cause he is so fucking big and slow), but I do not even think of using it after that.

The only time I use it now though is to beat the living hell out of the bull mask guys.

That said, I do not really have a problem with the camera because I rely on the map to know where I am and where enemies are.

If this game sells well hopefully they can work on the lock on function and the camera in general


I honestly feel the camera system is so annoyingly broken that it makes the game feels like a C-grade action title dolled up with incredible style. The camera system is barely one step above those OneaChambara Bikini zombie games, for gods sake. It's so amateur and surprising to see in a big title. The fatality we performed on the second boss was pretty neat. I'm now at the third level.

The generic bad guys are just cannon fodders, which sucks, so far. They only serve as filler until your trigger the final boss challenge. The more I analyse the game for what it is, the more I'm starting to feel like it's a letdown. I'm trying to concentrate on the super violent fatalities and I turn my brain off.
this game is great. beat the first boss, and loving it so far.

best part was when I was in the train tunnels, and i put 5 guys on the train with the spikes ("He reallys likes the rose bush, doesn't he?"). the train left, and came back, withthe 5 guys still on there. :lol :lol

Eteric Rice

VAIL said:
Add me to the people that have pulled the controller apart, got a little into it.

I'd say this is actually interesting. It tells you that this game does motion really well, as it seems to get the player's (even core gamers it seems) bodies into the motions. Really shows how immersive it can be I guess.


I give this game about 4-5 months before it hits the bargain bin - it just has that kind of earmark like NMH did.

And no, I haven't played the game yet
This game really needs a sequel or expanded edition. It has so much potential, and they just tease us with it.

Especially the story. The MadWorld... well, world, is extremely interesting, and Matsuno put a lot of details in that just weren't fleshed out because of the game length. It almost feels like a great pilot episode for a TV show, or a short story that spawns a novel or movie. There's glimpses at various other aspects of the world, but they never fully explain them.

And gameplay-wise... man, can you imagine the possibilities. There's so many different areas and themes they could explore, so many types of enemies, so many weapon choices... so many possibilities. And since there's such emphasis on environments and prop placements, can you think of anything better than a MadWorld 2 with a custom level editor? Choose a theme, place your own hazards and enemies, pick the armory items and point bonuses, which Bloodbath Challenge and where it will be... damn.

Azure J

EmCeeGramr said:

This post is making me furious that I'm not even close to playing the current game. It also makes me think that Platinum stands to become something big if all of their Wii efforts are like MadWorld in quality.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Platinum games are already starting to become my #1 gaming company, fuck capcom, this is where its at. Cant wait to see Mikami's game.


Finally shipped from Amazon yesterday, luckily their warehouse is fairly close so even with super-saver I should get it by Monday.


thefro said:
Finally shipped from Amazon yesterday, luckily their warehouse is fairly close so even with super-saver I should get it by Monday.

mine still says it's shipping today. when i get back from work it better not say delayed.... >:|


Alright, first of all, I LOVE this game. I love how it plays and looks. But...

...I hate to complain, but couldn't we see a game on the Wii that does something that doesn't sit on either end of the extreme? Most games on the Wii are made to be family friendly and completely safe. It seems to me that the games that aren't, sit completely on the opposite end of the spectrum, being so over-the-top in violence and language that they're completely absurd. Offhand I can think of Madworld, The House of the Dead: Overkill, and No More Heroes, all of which seem to shout, "Family Friendly My Ass!" It seems like both types of games are made for juveniles.

That's just my take. Aside from that minor observation, I'm enjoying the hell out of the game, despite the lame "____ fucked my wife" or "You're a fucktard" moments in the commentary.


jluedtke said:
...I hate to complain, but couldn't we see a game on the Wii that does something that doesn't sit on either end of the extreme? Most games on the Wii are made to be family friendly and completely safe. It seems to me that the games that aren't, sit completely on the opposite end of the spectrum, being so over-the-top in violence and language that they're completely absurd. Offhand I can think of Madworld, The House of the Dead: Overkill, and No More Heroes, all of which seem to shout, "Family Friendly My Ass!" It seems like both types of games are made for juveniles.
You shouldn't think too much about this stuff, it's not really as 1-dimensional a scenario as the so-called "enthusiast" media seem to want to paint it, and I'm not even talking specifically about the Wii. If anything, the existence of the Wii kind of makes it even more obvious that there's a whole lot more to it than "family friendly" or "not family friendly".
Just played through the first city, camera sucks but the rest of the game is great. I really suck at racking up combos it seems, I haven't even gotten any kills at the third level of stylishness or whatever it's called.
nincompoop said:
Just played through the first city, camera sucks but the rest of the game is great. I really suck at racking up combos it seems, I haven't even gotten any kills at the third level of stylishness or whatever it's called.
They're hard to get at first. Don't worry, as you progress through the game you'll get better and better at getting combos.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
jluedtke said:
...I hate to complain, but couldn't we see a game on the Wii that does something that doesn't sit on either end of the extreme? Most games on the Wii are made to be family friendly and completely safe. It seems to me that the games that aren't, sit completely on the opposite end of the spectrum, being so over-the-top in violence and language that they're completely absurd. Offhand I can think of Madworld, The House of the Dead: Overkill, and No More Heroes, all of which seem to shout, "Family Friendly My Ass!" It seems like both types of games are made for juveniles.

Muramasa, Deadly Creatures, The Conduit, Trauma Center, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3...


Just beat
The Shamans
, wow, what a finish! I was actually a little off that fight so I had to run around and find some health asap!
Eteric Rice said:

So can you guys spot the port that makes me want to kick the writer in the balls? -_-

His optimism has certainly been borne out by the first crop of reviews, but we still think it's a little bit ridiculous not to put the obviously-convertible gameplay into the hands of 360 and PS3 gamers, too. For Inaba to have creative freedom is something awesome, but does Sega want to make money or not?

Right here, because that's exactly how I felt reading this.
Holy crap. If you want MadWorld, get a fucking Wii and stop crying. Geeze.


jluedtke said:
Alright, first of all, I LOVE this game. I love how it plays and looks. But...

...I hate to complain, but couldn't we see a game on the Wii that does something that doesn't sit on either end of the extreme? Most games on the Wii are made to be family friendly and completely safe. It seems to me that the games that aren't, sit completely on the opposite end of the spectrum, being so over-the-top in violence and language that they're completely absurd. Offhand I can think of Madworld, The House of the Dead: Overkill, and No More Heroes, all of which seem to shout, "Family Friendly My Ass!" It seems like both types of games are made for juveniles.

That's just my take. Aside from that minor observation, I'm enjoying the hell out of the game, despite the lame "____ fucked my wife" or "You're a fucktard" moments in the commentary.
While I agree with the others that there are some games that fall in the middle, I have to agree that there is this little movement of extremely violent, crazy games. I think it's kinda like how the kinkiest people are the ones who grew up with a very repressive lifestyle.
By the way, did you guys already do your DGR Mailbag episode? I think you said on the last episode you did, but I can't find it.


Has anyone experienced any freezing or locking up? I was on the second level today and it just suddenly locked up. Kinda scared me because it made a loud buzzing sound when it did. I had to pull the power from the wall because the console wouldn't turn off or reset.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
____ said:
Has anyone experienced any freezing or locking up? I was on the second level today and it just suddenly locked up. Kinda scared me because it made a loud buzzing sound when it did. I had to pull the power from the wall because the console wouldn't turn off or reset.

Yea, the game freezes for 1-2 sec every time you enter a new area :(


Damnit, played it this afternoon here in Europe and I still have to wait a week for it get it eventually. But holy crap this game is awesome! Played it with nine other guys and everytime we made some awesome kill everybody was like "OOOOOOOHHH!!!" "AAAAWWESOOME!!!" "INSAAAANE!!!" :lol Super fun to play.

Do think the game was a bit easy, so I can't wait for my copy next week to arrive and start on Hard mode. And the camera isn't that big of a bother really. Sometimes it jumps to a weird angle, but those moments aren't very frequent.

I played it till the fight against von Twirlenkiller.
But holyshit those kills are insane and nasty :lol But I loved every second of it.
I loved the finishing kill in the Jude the Dude fight, damn that was so awesome with the whole skeleton thing. Kicking Twirlenkillers ass with his own arm was freaking hilarious

Oh well, still have to wait. Do have a nice t-shirt and a Mad World skin for my Wii. Which looks awesome by the way. The guys at the Sega office had the skin already on their Wii, it looks nice.
Oh, WTF...:lol

I just got to the third area and I keep dying on the first stage because of
Death Blades
and failed wiimote input...

Surprisingly, I'm not pissed or anything but come on...:lol


Sadist: pics :D
____ said:
Has anyone experienced any freezing or locking up? I was on the second level today and it just suddenly locked up. Kinda scared me because it made a loud buzzing sound when it did. I had to pull the power from the wall because the console wouldn't turn off or reset.

I had this happen to me on the second level also, right after I did the death challange with the huge spiked thing that crushes people. Screen just went black, didn't make any noise though. It just sat there black for a few minutes then I pulled the power.


I just started to play this game and the only thing that completely kills me is that I can't read the text in descriptions or when people talk. It appears so tiny. Is it normal if I am using an sdtv? Is there any way to fix it? I never had such issue with any other Wii game before. x\



And the skin:







dragonlife29 said:
Oh, WTF...:lol

I just got to the third area and I keep dying on the first stage because of
Death Blades
and failed wiimote input...

Surprisingly, I'm not pissed or anything but come on...:lol


Sadist: pics :D




Don't worry about the timer. You're given more than enough time to go on a killing spree, win points and get to the boss fights and defeat them.

The only thing is that the deathwatch mini game challenges are also timed so you are given a specific amount of time and once it runs out the mini-game ends and you can only do them once in a level. I believe all of these mini-game challenges are optional as long as you avoid moving to the location where they are at.

I beat the game today. It too me a little more than 6 hours but I died several times and saw a couple of game over screens as well. I actually thought the game's length was pretty good given the amount of levels, the pacing and challenge of the game and the repetitive nature of the combat.

There's also a limited amount of health items you can find in the levels but you u can also get random health items on occasion by killing enemies. I think in most cases, you won't be able to find or use health items during boss fights.

The story ending was pretty anti-climatic and the final boss was underwhelming. Although, the boss fight has some cool moments. The levels end right after you defeat the bosses. Your points are calculated and you move on to the next section of the city. It's a rinse and repeat process.

Most of the boss battles are enjoyable and they almost always end in a satisfying way. Bosses don't have much in the way of attacks but there's a good variety of different fights so it doesn't always feel like your doing the same thing despite the fact that the endings are done in a very predictable manner. Fortunately, those tend to be the most enjoyable parts.

I'd say that the game's only major technical issue is the camera. It often proves to be slightly frustrating and disorienting to specifically maneuver around certain bosses and keep track of their location. At least the mini map is useful.


he's Virgin Tight™
This game is just too much awesome in one. I don't like "Snake's" voice in another game that isn't MGS but oh well :lol

Quick question, does the game autosave?


Just got my Amazon Preorder that I didn't think would be here till next week. :D Nice job Amazon.. Although a little disappointed as well because I also got my Vigi Wii VGA cable in the mail yesterday and after hooking it up to my G2400 and see how good Cap VS Tat, Mario Galaxy and crew looked I now have to move back to the SDTV for some Madworld goodness.
Relix said:
This game is just too much awesome in one. I don't like "Snake's" voice in another game that isn't MGS but oh well :lol

Quick question, does the game autosave?

Snake's voice?
As far as I know, Hayter isn't in Madworld.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
K just beat the first boss.

This shit is tits. Pure unadulterated tits. I love it.

Still figuring shit out, I sorta like how the game doesn't really explain everything to you. Although figuring out how to get higher grade kills, aside from torturea dude all you can before killing him, would be nice.
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