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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!

Eteric Rice said:
You know what would be great? If this game sold enough to revive beat em' ups.

Man that would be nice.
Beat em ups haven't gone anywhere.

They were always around, and if anything God of War revived them.

I would like to see more cooperative beat em ups like Watchmen though.


I was hardly hyped before the reviews and reading this thread, but holy fuck this game sounds awesome :lol Hopefully going to pick it up later this week.
Teknoman said:


Meh, one thing I don't get with all this MW gear is WHY can't people buy them? UK is the only place getting the pre-order bonus stuff and these hoodies "were originally given out only to Gamestop Managers who dominated the charts with MadWorld pre-orders".

God damn-it! IMO it could only help to sell these things to fans who want to buy them . . . >_>

EDIT_ AND it's a fucking zip up . . . just how I like my hoodies. >_<
I was so into playing MadWorld that when the prompt for the neck break move came up I yanked my wiimote and nunchuck so quickly and so far apart that the cable popped out. The last time I got so into a Wii game where I actually started swinging the controller around like an idiot was the sword fighting on horseback segments in Twilight Princess.

MadWorld has been a pretty entertaining experience thus far. I'm still quite early in the game, I just got home about half an hour ago. The aesthetic is never something that bothered me, I've never found it jarring, it's not something I've had to get used to while playing. For me it just works and it's a sign that Platinum Games get the hardware they're working on, which isn't something I'd give many developers credit for. I dig the style. As for the ol' ultra violence, it doesn't bother me either. MadWorld is kind of like God Hand taken cartoonish extreme, only instead of being about the beautiful art of punching and kicking people, it's about offing people in some rather creative ways. I'm having a blast playing it. The motions feel like they compliment the standard controls. Like No More Heroes combat is a simple yet viscerally pleasing experience. From the simple, yet satisfying B finish move motions to the more complex throwing a tire on someone, impaling them in the head with a sign post, headbutting them and tossing them into an on-coming spike covered, rocket powered train. Fucked up but really fun.

I wish Sega and Platinum all the best, they've made a kick ass game for a system that's been in desperate need of one for a while now.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Grabbed it at Wally World a few hours ago. Way too badass, for real. I'm digging the over-the-top violence, and the announcers are just hilarious. This game really compliments the current House of the Dead: Overkill taste in my mouth.

Man... Who knew I could love my Wii again.
Rewrite said:
Hard Mode...is hard. I LOVE IT. :D

To be honest I'm dying every now and then on Normal. I even got Game Over'd twice (though they were both pretty cheap). If Hard Mode is as brutal as is claimed....gulp.


Gary Whitta said:
Okay so how do you beat RinRin? She's the first boss to give me serious trouble.

I didn't know much to do, kept missing with throws and stuff, so I sat back, dodged whenever she threw her fans, then did a power struggle and won. That and hit her during her taunt.


NameGenerated said:
I know this is a stretch, but, does this game have a control and killing motion set up for people, like me, that like to hold the Wii remote in their left hand and nunchuck in their right? I've yet to play a game that has it. NMH would get me all confused when I had to do motions, since it would be opposite of how I hold the controllers. It'd be awesome if this game had an option for that.
I haven't had a problem with it yet. So either it's really set up to take either direction input, or it's very lenient. Specifically, when you do one of the B finishers, it tells you to move the nunchuk left and remote right, but I just did the opposite since they're in opposite hands and there was no problem with recognition.


Thoughts since I said I'd post them, but short since I'm at work!

These are impressions after beating RinRin:

-Game is awesome
-I agree with the music and commentary running alongside the sound effects makes it hard to understand what they're saying. I usually turn down the BloodBath Challenge music whenever it starts, not a huge fan of it / prefer commentary to that.
-People trying to compare this to NMH in the boss department might be a little off, you don't find near enough backstory compared to that game on who you're fighting (not bad, it's just different) Bosses are still fun to figure out when to attack and the power struggle / killing blow stuff is always amusing. All you need to know is who they are, how they attack you, then just kill them. Obviously a very different take compared to something like Travis Vs Holly Summers.
-The soundtrack is AWESOME. I've never really been a fan of much hip-hop for the most part, but it just fits in so well
-Commentary is hilarious. Had a few repititions, but not that many yet.
-Only a few problems with the camera here and there
-Probably put more effort into power struggles than I should, but it's still fun!
-DeathWatch challenges and using new weapons helps extend levels. I thought I might never want to leave a level and test out all the types of kills.
-BloodBath challenges are amusing, :)lol at the Money Shot one)

All in all, it's been very worth it in the short time I've spent. I can see me replaying this quite a few times, considering other games take considerably longer to replay. Also RELEASE THIS SOUNDTRACK HERE PLATINUM!

Yes Boss!

AniHawk said:
Leave it to Sega to save the Nintendo system.


Sega has got summer covered as well!

My game is in goddamn Kentucky and won't be here till Friday morning. Trying to avoid this thread.

This and Resi 5 the same day will be a headfuck...what to play first?!


Game is pretty awesome. I'm actually reminded of State of Emergency in a way (I think it's the sandbox-y compact level design, and of course the massive amounts of violence), except State of Emergency was shit and this totally isn't.
Linkzg said:
a jumping slash works best, I've found.

I'll have to try that. The game doesn't make you jump all that much, so I often forget that he can

I'll keep this spoiler free, the boss to The Castle - Area 2 (I think it's called The Dungeon) was awesome! Not hard at all, but fun as hell to fight

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Robobandit said:
Yellowish was intentional... here's a blog entry discussing it...


Yea, I remember reading that, but how does everyone elses look?
My game doesn't look nearly as bright white as the trailers or the screens. I'm rewatching some official clips online and looking at the screens in the OP, and that is much brighter white than I'm seeing. The makes for a better/starker contrast.

is this "yellow" filter that noticeable, or was it something they added in just before release?
Curious to see if its my tv or this is how the final game is.

I mean, its white... but its not bright
My quick impression after a few hours: not as deep as DMC or God Hand but still very stylish and fun (like Viewtiful Joe). Best looking Wii game out there imo.
John Harker said:
Yea, I remember reading that, but how does everyone elses look?
My game doesn't look nearly as bright white as the trailers or the screens. I'm rewatching some official clips online and looking at the screens in the OP, and that is much brighter white than I'm seeing. The makes for a better/starker contrast.

is this "yellow" filter that noticeable, or was it something they added in just before release?
Curious to see if its my tv or this is how the final game is.

I mean, its white... but its not bright

My whites look "yellowish" as well.. my camera sucks, though.. so the pictures wouldn't be representative.
I didn't know that this game was banned in Japan. It makes me humble that PlatinumGames didn't bend over and try to change things just to get it to the Japanese market... they made the game they wanted to, knowing that they themselves, their friends, family, etc won't even be able to play it. That's awe inspiring

A big thank you to PlatinumGames, they're the guys who are doing it right and rightfully take the #1 for my favorite game development team.
My thoughts on the game follow alot of what has already been said. I just got to the second stage in the third area. Wow this game is awesome. Story is surpisingly interesting and deeper like most reviews stated. Gameplay is fun and style is everywhere.

Great Wii title.
Gryphter said:
I didn't know that this game was banned in Japan. It makes me humble that PlatinumGames didn't bend over and try to change things just to get it to the Japanese market... they made the game they wanted to, knowing that they themselves, their friends, family, etc won't even be able to play it. That's awe inspiring

A big thank you to PlatinumGames, they're the guys who are doing it right and rightfully take the #1 for my favorite game development team.
Was it banned, or is it a case of Platinum not feeling the need to release it in Japan (because it would be censored)?


Gryphter said:
I didn't know that this game was banned in Japan. It makes me humble that PlatinumGames didn't bend over and try to change things just to get it to the Japanese market... they made the game they wanted to, knowing that they themselves, their friends, family, etc won't even be able to play it. That's awe inspiring

A big thank you to PlatinumGames, they're the guys who are doing it right and rightfully take the #1 for my favorite game development team.
Was it Banned in Japan? I thought they where just not even trying to release it there. Seems like they could just turn the blood black like it would be in a manga and get it out over there.

I played past little Eddie last night. I love the game but there is no way I can play it in bed with my wife. Even with headphones on the waggle is just to much. For the little Eddie boss fight I had to climb out of bed because the power struggle had me shaking the whole room.

Can't wait to play more.


i don't think they even tried to get it released in Japan.

it's so obviously targeted to the American audience... i doubt it would do well there.
ah, that's probably the case then. I read their announcement that said "It will not be released in Japan" and interpreted that as banned. So the real story is that they didn't even bother?
Gryphter said:
ah, that's probably the case then. I read their announcement that said "It will not be released in Japan" and interpreted that as banned. So the real story is that they didn't even bother?
Yes. Similarly, there's no plans to release NHM2 in Japan either.

But that could be due to the poor sales of the first game over there.


Jaded Alyx said:
Yes. Similarly, there's no plans to release NHM2 in Japan either.

But that could be due to the poor sales of the first game over there.
Japan is so damn weird. You've got comics like Gantz and movies like Ichi the killer and Battle royal but then they censor their extremely fucked up porn and don't allow violent video games.

So strange.


Gino said:
For the little Eddie boss fight I had to climb out of bed because the power struggle had me shaking the whole room.
I'm glad the overreaction during the power struggles appears to be common.


botticus said:
I'm glad the overreaction during the power struggles appears to be common.
Well when I fought the big bull guy I lost the chainsaw power struggle because I wasn't shaking it hard enough due to not wanting to disturb her... Wii is not bed friendly.
yep, I overreact with power struggles too. I tense my entire body and shake the controllers so furiously, I'm certain that veins pop out of my forehead and my eyes turn bloodshot until it's over :D


Has only one done any Ultra Kills yet? I would like to know how many points I need on one kill to get an Ultra. Almost all of mine our Routine and then a few Hardcore.

Let me know what you did to get those kills, how many points it was. Videos would be awesome so I can see what to do too.
jjgames said:
Has only one done any Ultra Kills yet? I would like to know how many points I need on one kill to get an Ultra. Almost all of mine our Routine and then a few Hardcore.

Let me know what you did to get those kills, how many points it was. Videos would be awesome so I can see what to do too.
I would like to know this too. The highest I've gotten is 3 Supers in the Asian Town's 2nd level. Can you even get those high scoring kills early on or even on Normal mode?


Jaded Alyx said:
Was it banned, or is it a case of Platinum not feeling the need to release it in Japan (because it would be censored)?

Platinum Games said in one of their last blog posts that Japan would not understand the humor in MadWorld. They said the Japanese culture would not find the violence or the crude jokes of value.

And given JP censorship of blood and violence in past games, as well as the dismal sales of No More Heroes it was probably a wise move.
Wired All Wrong said:
I would like to know this too. The highest I've gotten is 3 Supers in the Asian Town's 2nd level. Can you even get those high scoring kills early on or even on Normal mode?

yeah, I got supers in The Castle Dungeon with 2 signs, 1 barrel, and then the rotating blade trap.


Guess my mediocre TV has a good scaler or whatever because MadWorld is looking great, no interlacing issues here. Wish there was more shades of gray for contrast though.
Gryphter said:
yeah, I got supers in The Castle Dungeon with 2 signs, 1 barrel, and then the rotating blade trap.
I'm pretty sure all my Supers have been from impaling 3 or 4 enemies on a spear and throwing them into stuff. It's pretty funny looking with Jack running around with the spear resting on his shoulder and 3 or 4 enemies dangling from it.
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