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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


Wired All Wrong said:
I'm pretty sure all my Supers have been from impaling 3 or 4 enemies on a spear and throwing them into stuff. It's pretty funny looking with Jack running around with the spear resting on his shoulder and 3 or 4 enemies dangling from it.

How did you get the spear? Is it one of the items that comes out of those prize boxes like the spiked bat? I'm not very far but haven't seen a spear yet.

Anyone get an Ultra yet? Super seems to be the best anyone has mentioned so far.
jjgames said:
How did you get the spear? Is it one of the items that comes out of those prize boxes like the spiked bat? I'm not very far but haven't seen a spear yet.

Anyone get an Ultra yet? Super seems to be the best anyone has mentioned so far.
I'm pretty sure it shows up in an item box in the first or second level of Asian Town.
on the map, it shows up looking like a tiny white sword (the icon for weapon). If you pause it, the pause menu shows the whole map and a legend for the icons.

you have to score enough points for the weapon to become available first


Gryphter said:
on the map, it shows up looking like a tiny white sword (the icon for weapon). If you pause it, the pause menu shows the whole map and a legend for the icons.

you have to score enough points for the weapon to become available first
guess I never paused to see the map...
finished it once so far, gonna do it again on hard. The credits are awesome. And yeah, it's pretty short, maybe 4 to 5 hours for the first playthrough.

Easily one of the best games on the Wii, maybe the best original third party game.

and after finishing the game, I can see how Matsuno was invovled.
EmCeeGramr said:
I haven't finished the game, but is it just me...
Or does "Leo" look a lot like Leon?

he looks like Devil Hand to me


Eteric Rice said:
Isn't there some kind of Sega conference today or something?
Rumor, and it should've been in Japan I think. So... no info yet either means there was no real newsworthy event, or it's under embargo.


For the Deathwatch Challenge that shows up in Central Station:

How do I kill the Bull with the train? None of my moves send him flying until after I've already defeated him.

It's especially annoying, because you have to go through the tutorial every time you do that level. I screwed up three times trying to get it right.
are the only two unlockable weapons
the double chainsaw and katana

and hard mode makes me play it more like a brawler instead of setting up kills and all that. Enemies are too squirmy.


Decided to join in on the fun. Local Game Crazy had one copy and it was reserved by the manager. :lol Quickly placed my order on Amazon for overnight shipping so I can relieve some of my work and Spring semester '09 stress over the weekend!!! :D


sonicmj1 said:
For the Deathwatch Challenge that shows up in Central Station:

How do I kill the Bull with the train? None of my moves send him flying until after I've already defeated him.

It's especially annoying, because you have to go through the tutorial every time you do that level. I screwed up three times trying to get it right.
you can just kill him with your chainsaw...

Wait.. guess I dont' know about this challenge.


I played the first mission of this, and I just have no idea how to react. The excess violence feels straight out of late '90 action game, the gameplay itself was not bad, i'm just kind of surprised that 80% of the gameplay is about torturing the ennemies. Maybe it's because i've only played the first mission (and i must say that first boss was neat, i loved the fatal blow), but the game itself has such a weird feeling.

I can't tell if the are trying to force down my throat how offensive it's trying to be in a funny way or that they are taking themselves serious (hence the late '90 violent gore game impression). By the end of the first mission, i was kind of happy that the boss spawned, because playing around with the bad guys was getting a bit stale. After 6-7 kills, i had pretty much run out of 'combos' of things to do. Impaling the guys got boring real quick, even if the first time was pretty awesome.

I'm not sure if I like the game so far. I thought the actual gameplay (or fighting engine) would be much more evolved -- maybe it gets better with time, but the gameplay in what i played so far was just about punching a few times then setting up some crazy fatality combo.

I hope that the game will introduce more substance as it goes on.

My 13yo self would had loved the fuck out of this game back in 1993 that is so sure :lol


Jealous Bastard
just finished mission 2. that was fucking awesome. the way the boss fight ended was hilarious and just badass. this game definitely tickles that side of me that subconsciously just wants to pummel things and shoot things while i'm looking the other way.

also, did "MANDARTS" make anyone else think platinum could make a really great wii baseball game? maybe i'm crazy. . .


The GiantBomb quick look just sold me on this game. Too bad I have to beat a backlog before I can buy it. You hear me ICO! You're next!
Owensboro said:
The GiantBomb quick look just sold me on this game. Too bad I have to beat a backlog before I can buy it.
i admire your discipline. ive been a lot better on not getting games until i finish the ones i have but that was only after i got too many games :/
Evlar said:
This thread has convinced me to finally buy Mirror's Edge.
care to explain how?

Owensboro said:
The GiantBomb quick look just sold me on this game. Too bad I have to beat a backlog before I can buy it. You hear me ICO! You're next!
Play MadWorld now, the other games can wait.


Kenka said:
Does the game force a firmwire update ? It's not a Nintendo game... but still.
It apparently does force *something*, but there seems to be confusion on which version. At the very least, it doesn't seem to interfere with any homebrew.


Teknoman said:
So the yield signs on stages = new Deathwatch challenge available in an old stage?

If you look at the region descriptions on the world map, they'll also usually tell you if an old stage has a new Deathwatch Challenge.


sonicmj1 said:

If you look at the region descriptions on the world map, they'll also usually tell you if an old stage has a new Deathwatch Challenge.

Yup, got to get the million point challenge done at Rin Rin's area.


EmCeeGramr said:
Anyway, I think I figured out what this game reminds me of. It's not like God Hand. It's more like a super-violent 3D Viewtiful Joe. The way Joe would swoop in, and just pound hard on enemies, tearing them apart and stunning them, before launching them away with a finisher that would knock out groups. How each punch packed power; MadWorld really reminds me of that.

Agreed, totally.

Not to mention that, a la VJ, there is definitely a thing of trying to find the best means to rack up big points within the context of a combo. In VJ, it was trying to fit as much as you could within a Slow "Rock On" combo, in MadWorld, it's trying to find the most elaborate ways to kill a dude/group of dudes. :lol

Of course, that isn't to say there aren't at least a few "God Hand-isms" to be had. After all, trying to break enemy guards in the best way possible, and flipping/dodging at the right time? It does more to remind me of GH than VJ, certainly.

And then of course....

There's the way you finish off Elise, the 2nd female boss.

SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK! *Sends the girl flying out the window

Everybody in the UMBC game room, who was watching me play, loved every minute of this game. I think I may have incited at least a few more sales... :D


Finally got a chance to play this. This game is really feeling like something special so far. I could see myself coming back to play this over and over because of the variety of ways you can take out the bad guys.

Truly an awesome game.


Also got the game and tried it for a good 40 minutes. I love it so far, but what really has got me impressed (other than the impeccable artstyle) is how damn good the game controls. It FEELS smooth. Also, moreso than any other beat em up i played this game seems really expansive as to how many ways you have to go by killing your oponents, and how seamless the level interactions are. It adds a lot of complexity to a very polished and enjoyable package. Platinum kicks thing off with a blast.
Okay...I feel like a fucking idiot but can someone tell me what I'm supposed to do at the beginning? The Rocket Reamer, I mean.

I see something emitting a yellow, glowing ring on the map but I don't know what it is and when I think I'm on it, nothing's there...

That said, I'm kinda confused with the game because I can barely read the text :( Anyone else playing on an SDTV having a hard time reading? It sucks, to be honest.


Extra Dee-Wizzle :)lol ) challenges are hard.

dragonlife29 said:
Okay...I feel like a fucking idiot but can someone tell me what I'm supposed to do at the beginning? The Rocket Reamer, I mean.

I see something emitting a yellow, glowing ring on the map but I don't know what it is and when I think I'm on it, nothing's there...

That said, I'm kinda confused with the game because I can barely read the text :( Anyone else playing on an SDTV having a hard time reading? It sucks, to be honest.

Make your way to the top and stand where it says Bloodbath Challenge. That will activate the challenge.
dragonlife29 said:
Okay...I feel like a fucking idiot but can someone tell me what I'm supposed to do at the beginning? The Rocket Reamer, I mean.

I see something emitting a yellow, glowing ring on the map but I don't know what it is and when I think I'm on it, nothing's there...

That said, I'm kinda confused with the game because I can barely read the text :( Anyone else playing on an SDTV having a hard time reading? It sucks, to be honest.

It's on the upper platform.
Jump up on the box stairs.
Picked this up yesterday, I'm really enjoying it so far. Feels like so much care went into making this game, I don't even care how short it is (that said, I have died a few times on normal during some boss encounters).

I kinda wish there was a block button every so often when I get hit with something I see coming a mile away, though. I know there's a dodge button, but sometimes that doesn't cut it.
To get upstairs in the dungeon go to the small chambers on the left side of the stage, in I think the fourth one there's a pile of boxes you use to climb up. I missed it for a good while too.

My questions:

Is it possible to defeat Death Scythe in the courtyard? I gave up after a while.

What in fraggle rock am I supposed to do against (third castle boss)
Elise, the bat girl. I just bumrushed her bat cloud and now I'm running around getting ambushed by a small bat swarm with her nowhere to be found.

Captain N. Tenneal said:
I kinda wish there was a block button every so often when I get hit with something I see coming a mile away, though. I know there's a dodge button, but sometimes that doesn't cut it.

Waggle the nunchuk to evade?


I've died on a few boss encounters as well. Does anyone know, during the waggle-riffic counters in boss matches, if you don't do any motions do you actually die or does the game just wait for you to waggle? I've been meaning to try simply not countering, but I forgot to. I really liked the mechanic in Deadly Creatures where missing a movement could cancel the attack, or, at worst, hurt you.


pakkit said:
I've died on a few boss encounters as well. Does anyone know, during the waggle-riffic counters in boss matches, if you don't do any motions do you actually die or does the game just wait for you to waggle? I've been meaning to try simply not countering, but I forgot to. I really liked the mechanic in Deadly Creatures where missing a movement could cancel the attack, or, at worst, hurt you.

Apparently, it's possible.

I also screwed up a power struggle of my own by not making the proper motion after the waggle-mashing.
pakkit said:
I've died on a few boss encounters as well. Does anyone know, during the waggle-riffic counters in boss matches, if you don't do any motions do you actually die or does the game just wait for you to waggle? I've been meaning to try simply not countering, but I forgot to. I really liked the mechanic in Deadly Creatures where missing a movement could cancel the attack, or, at worst, hurt you.

If you don't make the motions you get fucked.

EDIT: Okay really I don't understand this boss fight. There is nothing to do. I'm just getting hit and there's nothing I can hit back or do about it. It's starting to really annoy me.
Gah, I can't believe I didn't see that upper area <_< Thanks for the help, guys.

Anyway: wow, this game is awesome when you really get into it.

I just got done beating the first boss (I died once :p) and it was so satisfying! I hope they get even better from here on out :D

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Ive determined that I hate the yellow blend filter.

Especially in the menues when you see how white and bright everything COULD have been.
Kinda hate that all the media for it doesnt have this, and then you get the game and its like.... duller than it could be.

Shoudla given us the option to turn it off
Damn it, I'm almost to the end of the game and now my Nunchuk is malfunctioning. I think the connection between the wire and the piece that connects to the Remote has come loose, as I'm constantly getting a "Connect Nunchuk to Remote" interruption, and just slightly fiddling with the wire fixes it. What the hell, I always treat my gaming stuff well! I can't afford to buy a new one right now. MadWorld :(


This game is so awesome, I love stringing together combos to try and get the most points but then if someone is irritating me I just saw them in half!

I also had a problem with the train, glad I am not the only one who missed what to do :D

I don't mind the yellow of the game, the graphics looks so great on my 42" HDTV so fuck off those who said 480i would look like shit!!
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