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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!

Just beat the first boss in the third area :D This area was pretty damn big and I was surprised when I found out methods of killing I hadn't noticed at first (stayed on the lower level most of the time).

I loved the enemies, especially
the "gardeners"
because of their "FINISH" animation :D

Man, did anyone pull off the wiimote inputs during the boss? I usually do and was sad that I didn't witness the usually-awesome damage-dealing finisher :(
It was pretty long <_< I messed up on the fourth one D: Also, the boss's final moments weren't as cool as the others =P

Also, the commentary was fucking gold! :lol
Anyone who says this game has little replay value is insane. Once you've actually beaten the game and unlocked new weapons, gotten the layouts of the level downs, and you're good enough at herding together mobs of bad guys, it's insane how different it is from the first time around. I just completed a few more extra challenges (I'm not sure how I'm going to get the 3.2 million points on the first level challenge), and it's crazy how much faster it is. Once you've got the controls and combat system down, it's almost seamless how you go from one kill to the next finisher to the next amazing bloodbath.

It's as fluid as the blood that covers your weapons by the time you're finished. :D


How do you cue finish moves? I keep approaching downed enemies thinking I'll be able to get the finish prompt, but instead I'll have to wait to pick them up again. Also, how do you cue the spinny chainsaw attack? I feel like there is a lot of untapped complexity that I'm missing, the problem being that I have no idea how to tap it.

Uncle AJ

This game makes me happy.

Know why I hated Dead Rising? All I wanted to do was kill zombies with anything I could get my hands on, but the "appointment" restrictions got in the way of the fun. Here, killing the helpless, brainless enemies with anything I can get my hands on is the entire point. GOD I LOVE IT.
Ok close to the end now.

Is it just me? I found myself dieing a few times with the reaper in the first castle stage and fighting Frank. Some of those quick time signs elude me or I'm not getting ready for them in time. Oh and I totally see how Yasumi Matsuno wrote the story.


Canadians burned my passport
Either the game is selling well or the shipments sucked ass because I can't find a copy anywhere.


Out of all of the boss fights, I really liked how ...

Big Eddie, Dude Jude, RinRin, Yokozuna and The Masters and Elisa (well only the part of what Jack does to her before he kills her) are killed. Black Baron's death was pretty dull but the QTE sequence was awesome

I had to replay the Mad Castle section about 3 times after getting killed by a long driller and 2 times by Frank. Turns out, Frank is quite easy...
I just stood next to him, dodged his attacks and after each one I would hit him 1 time with the chainsaw and then I did two of the QTE sequences and attacked him his legs when he went to sit down on his electric chair


I just rebought Smash Bros. Brawl over this game because it's rated M (thus I couldn't buy it). :(

EDIT: A little off topic, but what other E/T rated must-haves are there on the Wii? (I have 26 Wii games and I'm starting to run out of games that interest me)
Yaceka said:
I just rebought Smash Bros. Brawl over this game because it's rated M (thus I couldn't buy it). :(


I just rebought Smash Bros. Brawl over this game because it's rated M (thus I couldn't buy it). :(

are kids nowadays so little resourceful? in my day i would ask someone else in the store to get it for me and give them the money. not that hard to do.... not that i recommend it though.
hey so i just started (been too busy with work lately) and i did the tutorial level and in the subway area beat the bull thing and unlocked rocket reamer and the boss but im not sure where i go to fight the boss (or what to do for rocket reamer)


I really hate the friggin camera during some of the boss fights : (

Edit: I also find it annoying that if you lose a boss battle you have to replay the whole level.
Just rented this game as I'm home for spring break with nothing to do.

Any one know if the update bricks Homebrew Channel? I have 3.4U so I don't know what on earth the update could possibly be.


goldenticket said:
hey so i just started (been too busy with work lately) and i did the tutorial level and in the subway area beat the bull thing and unlocked rocket reamer and the boss but im not sure where i go to fight the boss (or what to do for rocket reamer)

Boss is s star on the map. Hint its upstairs. Rocket Reamer is also upstairs and you just throw guys onto the track. The bat is around the RR as well.


Was all hyped for this but I just couldn't get into it. Very repetitive to me and I don't like the structure (having to repeat and lack of saves). My loss is your gain if you want it...it's in the buy/sell/trade thread.

I can see the appeal and I hope we get more like this. Just not my cup of tea.


big_z said:
mine still says it's shipping today. when i get back from work it better not say delayed.... >:|

fucking amazon didnt ship my copy. still says shipping march 13th... great.... :(
After passing the game yesterday, I must say...it was well worth it to hear all the complaints in my college hang-out on how violent and sick the game was...but yet not a single person stopped watching me play, or laugh at some of the boss death sequences! =p

Hopefully, that will push a few more sales here...


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Fuck those
Cyber Slicers
. Fuck them.

Edit: nevermind, they got suddenly easy with the chainsaw.


peppermints said:
Any one know if the update bricks Homebrew Channel? I have 3.4U so I don't know what on earth the update could possibly be.

The update does not brick the Homebrew Channel, it contains the IOS's needed to run the latest Sega games (MadWorld, Sonic and the Black Knight)
Just beat the game a little while ago.
Ha-ha at the final fight, the black baron having death watch on his teeth made me spit out the water I was drinking :lol
I really, really want this game's soundtrack now....


Just went through the first level and wow this game rocks. Love the graphics style, and the controls are perfect. Slamming a guy into a toilet feels awesome using the Wii remote. This game amplifies the feeling No More Heroes gave me when using the physical swinging to enhance the brutality of what you're doing.


Euro gaffers: The game might actually be in at some stores. Someone on a Belgian forum posted that he already got the game here.

Edit: Belgian GameMania stores seem to have it already. Gogogo
EmCeeGramr said:
Anyone who says this game has little replay value is insane. Once you've actually beaten the game and unlocked new weapons, gotten the layouts of the level downs, and you're good enough at herding together mobs of bad guys, it's insane how different it is from the first time around. I just completed a few more extra challenges (I'm not sure how I'm going to get the 3.2 million points on the first level challenge), and it's crazy how much faster it is. Once you've got the controls and combat system down, it's almost seamless how you go from one kill to the next finisher to the next amazing bloodbath.

It's as fluid as the blood that covers your weapons by the time you're finished. :D

I would agree for the most case. After finishing MadWorld, and even now while playing Resident Evil 5--Resident Evil 5--I'm still wanting to play some more of the game. I think the problem is that, while I enjoy playing a past level and doing score attack stuff, I'm still wishing there were more levels to play in. This is one game I wish there was DLC for. This is a bit of a double-sided complaint: I think the gameplay is so enjoyable that I want more, but on the other it's not completely satisfying and want more new stuff with the game I'm enjoying.

and yeah, if the scene my avatar was from showed up in the game, I missed it. It was from different scenes in the trailer that I cut up and mashed together to be seamless. It's from this trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/38707.html


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Black Baron!
Stop staring.

Loved the

OST = gold.

I need artwork from this. Also, people who mess around and do fan stuff with in-game models, get an interest in this, please.

Now on to replay the stages and aim for high scores.:D

EmCeeGramr said:
The credits. :lol

From now on, Matsuno shall be known as
"mercurial drama queen hack."
:lol :lol

The Hermit

Finished and I think this is the first time ever that I wanted the credits to be longer! :lol :lol

Anyway end game spoilers
I though Black Baron as the last boss a bit anti-climatic... I was expecting someone after him, much like No More Heroes. Talking about NMH, I am impressed how similar both games are in many aspects... they even had rankings!

Anyway, the story apparently is much bigger than the game actually show to us.. I am still confused at what was Jack´s initial purpose, but it was clear than in the end, especially in the last fight, he was pretty much enjoying all that killing.

Fantastic game albeit too short, I wish it was a tad longer...
I will replay it in hard with no sound and just Dimagio and Greg talking, since I got like 30% of what they said and I loved every word :D
This is an open question for those that have beaten the game and are replaying it and etc.

So do we/can we unlock extra scenes to flesh out the plot/story? I remember reading how Matsuno said replaying would unlocking in that respect right?
goldenticket said:
are there A and B deaths for bosses or its just one way they go out?
It's just one. Trust me, I've tried.

Anyway, two things I've found out that maybe some of you hadn't realized yet:
-Each weapon has its own Wiimote-swing attack (just one) and its own jump attack (Jump + A)
-After the turbine Bloodbath on the first level, immediately jump up into the turbine before it leaves. There's a secret.
EmCeeGramr said:
It's just one. Trust me, I've tried.

Anyway, two things I've found out that maybe some of you hadn't realized yet:
-Each weapon has its own Wiimote-swing attack (just one) and its own jump attack (Jump + A)
-After the turbine Bloodbath on the first level, immediately jump up into the turbine before it leaves. There's a secret.

good to know thanks EmCeeGramr


Did this game miss shipments or sellout in Canada? Amazon emailed me that they are "trying" to get it out to me and futureshop online is sold out.


Grayman said:
Did this game miss shipments or sellout in Canada? Amazon emailed me that they are "trying" to get it out to me and futureshop online is sold out.

amazon.ca emailed me the same thing. 4 of the 5 futureshops here are sold out but the best buys still have a ton and i've seen it at walmart as well.

as far as i can tell no one that used amazon.ca got their game... maybe their shipment got fucked over or was insanely tiny.

i'll give them an extra week since i used the $10 off visa code and have RE5 keeping me busy.


There's several little things that I didn't know about MadWorld until I played it a second time.

Jumping and press A will cause Jack to pound the ground which often causes enemies to be stunned. It can also be used to smash enemies to death.

In Asia town, walk up the dragon statue's body and take the shiny orb from its mouth, this will cause an optional mini boss fight to occur with that fat dude who dresses in spiked beetle outfit and another small part of the level is unlocked behind the fence next to where there's 2 meat hooks. You'll be able to enter the small area where there's a grinder machine.

That secret about the Turbinator challenge as well as being able to use specific death QTE controls for the weapons like the dagger weapon that has already been mentioned. I also did a few other killing methods I didn't see before like breaking a dude's neck. I've done this one before but it's really cool. Knock a guy up into the air and quickly press B to perform a mid-air chainsaw kill.

By the way, about unlocking content...

I beat the game and unlocked the katana and double chainsaw. Can they only be found in certain stages and can you use them on normal mode ? I'm at Mad Castle fighting FRank again on normal mode and I have not yet seen the katana or double chainsaw.

Eteric Rice

Grayman said:
Did this game miss shipments or sellout in Canada? Amazon emailed me that they are "trying" to get it out to me and futureshop online is sold out.

I wonder if this means it's selling well?


Fuck me, this game is everything I hoped it would be! I'm laughing my ass off the entire time, it's just so creatively violent, I love it. I was gonna play Demon's Souls, but I've convinced myself to do MadWorld first (also RE5, but that game doesn't even compare), not a bad choice as it turns out.

I'm gonna go to bed now (pretty late overhere), but I hope I dream of MadWorld.
staying in my hometown this weekend and I was planning on beating this. I was sure to copy my save data onto an SD card so that I could pick up from where I am... and I go and forget to bring the SD card. I checked to make sure I had the game like 3x though.



I wasn't really enjoying the game until I got to the Asian Town. The first stage is just so much fun.

I got two of the orbs. One from the sushi cutter and one from the guy in the giant turtle suit, where is the other one?

I also lost to the boss, but it's alright. I can't wait to do it again, that was fucking awesome.


ivysaur12 said:
I wasn't really enjoying the game until I got to the Asian Town. The first stage is just so much fun.

I got two of the orbs. One from the sushi cutter and one from the guy in the giant turtle suit, where is the other one?

I also lost to the boss, but it's alright. I can't wait to do it again, that was fucking awesome.

Go to the top of the building where the bloodbath challenge is, and walk along the dragon to it's head. Pick it up there
Some of you really need to preface your spoilers to give us some fucking clue as to what they'll contain. *looks at timetokill*


Third area, third boss...:lol Who else...

Almost lost the power struggle because the boobs distracted you from the motion command until the last second? :lol I was just curious as to what Jack would do, though :p

Sneaky, sneaky, PlatinumGames! :D

Fourth area, first boss:

Jesus fucking Christ at the commentary :lol:

"...looks like Jack's burning rubber!"
"I prefer bareback, myself."

I was stunned and thought, "OMG, I can't believe they said that XD"

I really liked the track for the stage, too...so awesome.

By the way, can anyone make me a GIF avatar of Jack's dance-like battle stance? It's quite hypnotic, I admit :D


big_z said:
amazon.ca emailed me the same thing. 4 of the 5 futureshops here are sold out but the best buys still have a ton and i've seen it at walmart as well.

as far as i can tell no one that used amazon.ca got their game... maybe their shipment got fucked over or was insanely tiny.

i'll give them an extra week since i used the $10 off visa code and have RE5 keeping me busy.
I did the $10 off as well and I am going to give them time because I am busy with projects at school anyways. I want to play Quake Live every day and have not even done that or played KZ2 in a week. So if I go to retail it might not be until the end of April.

Eteric Rice said:
I wonder if this means it's selling well?
Selling above expectations or lost shipments are the two things that come to mind. We don't know what expectations were though so selling well could be that they only shipped 250k ww
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