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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Awesome things I just discovered in the first Castle stage:

you can cut down the trees by the fountain and use them as massive, spiked bats. Swing away, you can kill anything in 1 hit and get about 5-6 guys in one swing for maaasive damage. Also, you can toss guys on the front of the long table in the dining room and you tangle a few together they'll all roll across the table and into the fire. :lol Got my first Ultra Violence this way

no major spoiler, just cool little ways to kill
John Harker said:
Awesome things I just discovered in the first Castle stage:

you can cut down the trees by the fountain and use them as massive, spiked bats. Swing away, you can kill anything in 1 hit and get about 5-6 guys in one swing for maaasive damage. Also, you can toss guys on the front of the long table in the dining room and you tangle a few together they'll all roll across the table and into the fire. :lol Got my first Ultra Violence this way

no major spoiler, just cool little ways to kill
Wow, I never found that out! :lol

Stuff like this makes you appreciate the game so much more.


yoopoo said:
What a dumbass design decision; to restart the entire level if you die on the boss. Had to replay the castle 3 times. Sure its fun to figure out how to beat the boss...but not when have to redo everything over and over.

Now I'm at level with
cyber ninjas
and its really tough even with regular enemies..I'd hate to replay this if I die on the boss.

You mean game over, as in loss of all lives, at a boss? If you die and have extra lives, you just pop right back up in the same spot. In a game where you actually have lives, its kinda expected to restart the stage after loosing all of them. Or at least i'd think it would be.


Just picked up my copy today. Dumb question but how do I get pass the tutorial mission in the beginning. I'm doing what XIII tells me but he keeps telling me that was a B finish and seems to loop over and over. What am I doing wrong? :lol
markatisu said:
Finally avoided the Reapers (well I killed them since I did not get grabbed by the zombies) and took care of
The Shamans
but damn the QTE for them needs a 99.99% accuracy rate

Has anyone else went back and played older levels to regain lives, I found by going back to Varrigan City you can get 3-4 extra lives
the zombie/reaper combo is annoying i think i will go back to varrigana city for extra lives thats a good idea.

Gantz said:
Just picked up my copy today. Dumb question but how do I get pass the tutorial mission in the beginning. I'm doing what XIII tells me but he keeps telling me that was a B finish and seems to loop over and over. What am I doing wrong? :lol

do an A finish?


Gantz said:
Just picked up my copy today. Dumb question but how do I get pass the tutorial mission in the beginning. I'm doing what XIII tells me but he keeps telling me that was a B finish and seems to loop over and over. What am I doing wrong? :lol

Do an A finish?


Gantz said:
Just picked up my copy today. Dumb question but how do I get pass the tutorial mission in the beginning. I'm doing what XIII tells me but he keeps telling me that was a B finish and seems to loop over and over. What am I doing wrong? :lol

OK- go over to the side where there are 2 guys jumping out of windows. Go over and push A to grab a guy and drag him over to the door. Swing your wiimote to throw the guy into the door. When you do this, you move on to the tires, and then the sign post.


Found out about something else.

There appears to be different ways to finish off some bosses and mini-bosses from what I have tried out to far.

For example, in the last stage of the game and in the Castle Courtyard ...
I killed Tengu in the caged match inside The Tower by ripping out his spine.

I also read about how someone was able to kill the Shaman boss by driving up the stairs and having him hit a tree using Jack's motorcycle. I'm going to try and see if there are some other alternative ways to kill some bosse.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Tried a buncha times to get the drill guy to do it, but how do you bust down the cracked wall in the dungeon?
John Harker said:
Awesome things I just discovered in the first Castle stage:

you can cut down the trees by the fountain and use them as massive, spiked bats. Swing away, you can kill anything in 1 hit and get about 5-6 guys in one swing for maaasive damage.

no major spoiler, just cool little ways to kill
you can also toss a couple guys onto the tree branches before cutting it down.
Jack can jump pretty good by that statue too.
finished, total time 3:38.... what? well, it felt like it was a lot longer than that, and I still have the challenges and hard mode to do

overal 9.0/10
wish the
mini-boss gauntlet was longer and holy fuck at the last boss, wasn't expecting that at all
, amazing game all around
congratulations platinium games, you guys rock hard, hopefully we'll get a sequel and a NMH x Madworld crossover


markatisu said:
Jesus, a t-shirt, a cd and now a Wii skin for the EU?? And for HoTD Overkill they got the hand cannon as well.

Why is Sega of America such cheap asses, its not like we would not buy these things

unfortunately it's not a pre order reward just a competition prize.


John Harker said:
Awesome things I just discovered in the first Castle stage:

you can cut down the trees by the fountain and use them as massive, spiked bats. Swing away, you can kill anything in 1 hit and get about 5-6 guys in one swing for maaasive damage. Also, you can toss guys on the front of the long table in the dining room and you tangle a few together they'll all roll across the table and into the fire. :lol Got my first Ultra Violence this way

no major spoiler, just cool little ways to kill

WOW. Now this is some nice stuff, right here. Thanks for sharing!


OK how do you beat the drillers?? I can take care of the bull masks without needing to participate in a QTE but everytime I start whipping ass on the drillers they go back underground?

Is the QTE required to beat the driller, I think I did it once and he got stunned


You can kill those big long drillers as well as those Big Bull enemies by 1 or 2 ways.

The shortest way is to wait for them to perform a certain move where if you are close enough to them, triggers an Quick Time Event move.

However, it usually takes more than 1 attempt in order to actually kill them. It might be random whether Jack deals out massive damage or ends up cutting their heads off.The big long drillers will dig back underground and appear again if you fail to kill them.

The longer way is to simply continue attacking them, specifically with your chainsaw. I tend to use a mix of vertical, horizontal and jumping chainsaw attacks. In addition, it is easier to wait for them to attack and then simply dodge their move so you can get behind them. The best time to attack them is usually when they get tired and take a moment to stand still.

Again, the big longer driller enemies will run away and appear again if you fail to kill them. Eventually, once you do enough damage, and these enemies can really take a beating, but they will die.

Of course, you can also do a combination of QTE move and normal attacks against these enemies.

I have also found that certain environmental hazards tend to do a lot of damage to these enemies if you can manage to get them close enough to get harmed by them. However, those enemies are pretty smart enough to avoid getting harmed by the environmental hazards. Tossing items such as explosive barrels also seems to deal good damage against them.

As for that cracked wall in the dungeon level.
I have tried but haven't been able to knock it down. Either it's impossible or perhaps you need to toss something like an explosive barrel or somehow get the big long driller enemy to knock it down for you

By the way, I have a question.

In some levels, such as Mad Castle, you can see some contraptions that hang from rope structures. It appears that you can use these to hang on to as a way to travel more quickly between different sections of the levels but I haven't found a way to do it yet. Does anyone know if you can use these ? I believe you can because I think I saw Jack do it before in a previous game trailer.


Mkliner said:

Yeah, I'm in the same boat right now. I reached Game Over for the second time on Frank. It's not Frank that's the issue though, but the stage in its entirety because any lives that I lose mostly happen before Frank, so I haven't been given much time to create a strategy to beat him yet. I got frustrated and went to go play HotD: Overkill for an hour. Will try again later.

I love(d) No More Heroes but Platinum Games just handed Suda51 an ass kicking.
Hiltz said:
By the way, I have a question.

In some levels, such as Mad Castle, you can see some contraptions that hang from rope structures. It appears that you can use these to hang on to as a way to travel more quickly between different sections of the levels but I haven't found a way to do it yet. Does anyone know if you can use these ? I believe you can because I think I saw Jack do it before in a previous game trailer.

Ok, here's the way to get up to that area (I found this method the easiest, as you will need the Big Drill guy to open the path for you at least once). First, do some kills, to get him onto the field...then as soon as you see the cutscene, climb up the boxes, where you'll see
a zombie run after a raw meat, and get squished. Run over that path...and there will also be a happy onion there later too!
Hang around until the drill guy busts through the wall...you will then be able to go forward, and use the ropes to climb to the center statues scale, and go to a NEW area, where if you hang the zombie on the hooks, you'll get a torch, and a Jack balloon.

Hope this helps...I discovered this by accident to be honest, lol.


VerTiGo said:
I love(d) No More Heroes but Platinum Games just handed Suda51 an ass kicking.

Agreed, I played through NMH 3 times and still love it but MadWorld is just so much better

Makes me excited for where NMH2 will go since they will have a bigger budget and be able to fix things that were wrong in the first game.


Thanks Nobodyspatz. I'll be able to go there really soon now that I'm on my third attempt at beating the game.

I finished the last battle in Asia town and have not seen any unlockable content yet. I've waited for when you go to new stage so it displays the amount of points required to get to certain items, death challenges, mini-bosses and boss battles.

I guess those new items can only be used on hard difficulty.
my favorite in-game commentary

bender: And here's the drill guy
whose line is it guy: That's what he ladies used to call me before I had my accident
bender: What do they call you now?
whose line is it guy: They don't call me

I found the way he says "they don't call me" hilarious

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
markatisu said:
Agreed, I played through NMH 3 times and still love it but MadWorld is just so much better

Makes me excited for where NMH2 will go since they will have a bigger budget and be able to fix things that were wrong in the first game.

The similarities between MW and NMH are crazy. From the bike, to the finishing, to the ranked matches, to the woman-pointing-you-in-the-right-direction-via-phone-calls, to the mini games, to the tournament organizations, to the shake-to-dodge-in-a-circle-slow-motion, hell, even the name of the last stage of is the
Ring of Madness!


hahaha i just realized if you idle on the VS screen right before a boss fight the commentators keep talking every few min. I just noticed it on the final ranked fight, keep it idled... dimaggio and proops say some funny stuff about your last opponent


Well, I finally got to play this game after buying it yesterday. I am pretty underwhelmed. Why does every single enemy have to say
"I'm gonna get you for that motherfucker!"
? I've only played through the first two levels but I have literally heard that phrase close to 200 times. The commentary is already repeating with me, and none of it is accurate. For example, I stuck some guy in a barrel and put him into some saw blades. Then Bender told me, "If it was me, I would have stuck him in a barrel before putting him into the saw blades." So far, the only thing I've really liked was the first boss.

I did my part as a responsible Wii owner to buy this game, and I was pretty excited for it. Unfortunately, it has been a letdown for me so far. But hey, there's still plenty of time for it to turn around...I just really wish they would have varied the dialogue.


I never needed to kill the drill dude, every time he appeared I'd chainsaw him three time then he'd go back in the ground.


Just got home and I'm going to play some more of the game. I'm up to level three now. Can't wait to see what else is in store.:D
Jon said:
Well, I finally got to play this game after buying it yesterday. I am pretty underwhelmed. Why does every single enemy have to say
"I'm gonna get you for that motherfucker!"
? I've only played through the first two levels but I have literally heard that phrase close to 200 times. The commentary is already repeating with me, and none of it is accurate. For example, I stuck some guy in a barrel and put him into some saw blades. Then Bender told me, "If it was me, I would have stuck him in a barrel before putting him into the saw blades." So far, the only thing I've really liked was the first boss.

I did my part as a responsible Wii owner to buy this game, and I was pretty excited for it. Unfortunately, it has been a letdown for me so far. But hey, there's still plenty of time for it to turn around...I just really wish they would have varied the dialogue.
Just turn the announcers voices off, and that will solve a bit of your problem(i think). Do you like how the game plays?


abstract alien said:
Just turn the announcers voices off, and that will solve a bit of your problem(i think). Do you like how the game plays?

But all the reviews mention the commentary as such a great part of the game...I'd hate to miss out. I mean, John DiMaggio is awesome, so I am looking forward to some great one liners. It just seems like my disk is stuck on some permanent audio loop.

The game itself plays alright, but I haven't done too many elaborate kills. I guess I should look around and experiment more to get "Super Violence" and "Ultra Violence" kills.


While the dialogue is repetitive, you have to realize just how many lines Greg Proops and John DiMaggio had to record. Like it's been said before, you can increase, decrease or turn off the volume of the sound effects, commentary and music in the options menu. You can also access the options menu during gameplay and not just between accessing new stages.

I thought IGN's review of MadWorld was fantastic. If you haven't already, read it to understand what exactly makes the game so enjoyable despite its few but very noticeable flaws.
Jon said:
But all the reviews mention the commentary as such a great part of the game...I'd hate to miss out. I mean, John DiMaggio is awesome, so I am looking forward to some great one liners. It just seems like my disk is stuck on some permanent audio loop.

The game itself plays alright, but I haven't done too many elaborate kills. I guess I should look around and experiment more to get "Super Violence" and "Ultra Violence" kills.
The kills are really my only true complaint with the game...they just arent varied enough from level to level. I thought there would be many more level specific types of kills, but im still having fun with what i got. I really do enjoy the game a ton though, it just "feels" good. Wtf is up with the damn lock on though...either it sucks, or im doing it wrong.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Why does it seem like we're really only getting a tiny piece of the story?
So much is hinted at or offhandedly mentioned, but we really don't get much by the end. Especially about Jack or his true "work" or anything, seems like there is so much story and history here and we get so few windows into it :(


abstract alien said:
The kills are really my only true complaint with the game...they just arent varied enough from level to level. I thought there would be many more level specific types of kills, but im still having fun with what i got. I really do enjoy the game a ton though, it just "feels" good. Wtf is up with the damn lock on though...either it sucks, or im doing it wrong.

The kills get more varied as you move up in levels, also if you replay the levels once new challenges come up you will often find new weapons which make for new kills

The Castle is a perfect example of where the kills begin to get crazy, since you can use a lot of the environment like the trees, fireplace, windows (throwing them out the windows is great!)

I had the most fun so far against Tengu (the first time you face him) when I impaled him with 4 of 5 sticks and when I was about to finish him he imploded and blood went everywhere

Why does it seem like we're really only getting a tiny piece of the story?

So much is hinted at or offhandedly mentioned, but we really don't get much by the end. Especially about Jack or his true "work" or anything, seems like there is so much story and history here and we get so few windows into it :(

Yeah its almost like there is this much larger narrative that we are not given, I think the story really heats up the minute he enters the Asian town and we start to find out who Jack really is and why he is there in the first place.

Similar to No More Heroes when you start to realize that Travis is being manipulated
markatisu said:
The Castle is a perfect example of where the kills begin to get crazy, since you can use a lot of the environment like the trees, fireplace, windows (throwing them out the windows is great!)
Yeah, the castle is my fav level so far. I didnt expect all that to happen when i threw them through the window the first time...it just came out of nowhere :lol So over dramatic and i loved it! In the
now, and it seems like there are some good combinations to use in here. I cant wait to try it on hard...i know im going to suck though :D

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
markatisu said:
Yeah its almost like there is this much larger narrative that we are not given, I think the story really heats up the minute he enters the Asian town and we start to find out who Jack really is and why he is there in the first place.

Similar to No More Heroes when you start to realize that Travis is being manipulated

My take on the ending
So Jack is a 3 time winner of Death Watch and for whatever reason, they tried to off him after the 2001 games (which was the last game prior to the 2009 edition). We don't know why they tried to have him killed.

Apparently he survived, changed his name and his face, and hooked up with the Bureau of Justice as a ruse to enter the games. He pretended to be helping them extract the Mayor's daughter, who actually seemed to have been part of the scheme to let the Death Watch into town? Anyway, this wasn't his real objective so he didn't give a shit and decked her out. Essentially he just wanted revenge and wanted to "end" the games for good by killing those running it? Whoever the game master Noa is gets offed by Leo, who apparently is the son of a wealthy pharmaceutical mogul whose companies stock took a nosedive and invested the capital needed to revitalize the Games to make some cash back. So after he kills the kid and Noa does, the Games end for good and whoever Jack really is just waltzes away? Doesn't really explain at all who Lord Gessor is and why everyone seemed afraid of him, but he apparently knows who the real Jack was and still helped him despite sponsor 13 pulling the contract out.

I suppose? Still leaves a lot unanswered. I guess that's what the sequels for
I havent finished the game yet.....but the first time i saw the
, i thought about
Leon from RE
. They look like twins, on top of their names being similar and having similar backgrounds.

...and then you get to the castle, and well....you know whats waiting there :lol I didnt know if that was a jab of some sorts, or it I was just reading too much into it.
abstract alien said:
Yeah, the castle is my fav level so far. I didnt expect all that to happen when i threw them through the window the first time...it just came out of nowhere :lol So over dramatic and i loved it! In the
now, and it seems like there are some good combinations to use in here. I cant wait to try it on hard...i know im going to suck though :D
did you try throwing enemies at the table or doing a sideways wiimote attack near it? :D


abstract alien said:
I havent finished the game yet.....but the first time i saw the
, i thought about
Leon from RE
. They look like twins, on top of their names being similar and having similar backgrounds.

...and then you get to the castle, and well....you know whats waiting there :lol I didnt know if that was a jab of some sorts, or it I was just reading too much into it.

I thought something similar, especially with the
virus and the antidote
, then to run right into the zombies a short while later was just too coincidental
markatisu said:
I thought something similar, especially with the
virus and the antidote
, then to run right into the zombies was just too coincidental
Yeah, they hijacked it :lol

..pakbeka.. said:
did you try throwing enemies at the table or doing a sideways wiimote attack near it? :D

*scurries to console*


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
John Harker said:
My take on the ending
So Jack is a 3 time winner of Death Watch and for whatever reason, they tried to off him after the 2001 games (which was the last game prior to the 2009 edition). We don't know why they tried to have him killed.

Apparently he survived, changed his name and his face, and hooked up with the Bureau of Justice as a ruse to enter the games. He pretended to be helping them extract the Mayor's daughter, who actually seemed to have been part of the scheme to let the Death Watch into town? Anyway, this wasn't his real objective so he didn't give a shit and decked her out. Essentially he just wanted revenge and wanted to "end" the games for good by killing those running it? Whoever the game master Noa is gets offed by Leo, who apparently is the son of a wealthy pharmaceutical mogul whose companies stock took a nosedive and invested the capital needed to revitalize the Games to make some cash back. So after he kills the kid and Noa does, the Games end for good and whoever Jack really is just waltzes away? Doesn't really explain at all who Lord Gessor is and why everyone seemed afraid of him, but he apparently knows who the real Jack was and still helped him despite sponsor 13 pulling the contract out.

I suppose? Still leaves a lot unanswered. I guess that's what the sequels for
I only played it through the end once for now so maybe I'll have different thoughts after I've seen the scenes again but from what the plot provides + what I recall, the way I see it is that
Gesser was one of the most (if not the most) powerful of the bigwigs involved who got pissed when he realized this new edition of the Game wasn't involving any major struggle or greater battle (which is what he feels should be the purpose of every edition of the Game and what he actually wanted to see, the shit hitting the fan in a big scale), it was just mindless killing for the enjoyment of the rich involved + a ruse and a way of gathering funds for the pharmaceutical company with the vaccine.

Then he got in touch with Jack (wouldn't be hard for him, probably has many contacts) and then they both worked together to bring the Game down. In the end it was revenge for both, I guess. Noa and Leo being wary of going against Gesser makes sense since they ended up being small fry on the greater scheme of things (Noa was just the director of DeathWatch contracted to keep the game organized and Leo just wanted to have crazy fun while helping his father's company).


As far as the kills go, I was only disappointed about the lack of weapons that you can use from those lockers once you earn enough points. On the bright side, I really like two of them.

There's just not that many...
There's the spiked bat (decent), dagger (cool), the golf club (meh) and some level specific weapons like the gravity gun(cool) and that lame buns item. There's also the katana (haven't used it yet) and I'm not sure if the double chain saw (haven't used it yet) you can unlock after beating the game. Although, I'm not sure if the chainsaw actually counts as one of these items you get from a locker. I was hoping that there would be a couple of more.


Hiltz said:
There's just not that many.
There's the spiked bat (decent), dagger (cool), the golf club (meh) and some level specific weapons like the gravity gun(cool) and that lame buns item. There's also the katana (haven't used it yet) and I'm not sure if the double chain saw (haven't used it yet) you can unlock after beating the game. Although, I'm not sure if the chainsaw actually counts as one of these items you get from a locker. I was hoping that there would be a couple of more.

You did not like using the lighted torch or the shotgun?
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