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The Official MADWORLD Thread of No Means Yes and Yes Means A--wesome!


Game just keeps getting better. I'm loving jumping and using the A attack with daggers then finishing them off by ripping our their spine. Good times.



Above is a limited edition MADWORLD hoodie, which was recently featured on Sega America’s official blog. Most of them were given out to GameStop managers in the US (because GameStop had the most pre-orders of the game), and some were left over.

But instead of pinching the remainder, our friends at Sega America have decided to give the remaining few away to certain websites, and we happen to be one of those sites!

How do you win one of these awesome prizes? Check after the break for full details!

All you have to do is send us an email [seganerds@gmail.com]. Title the email “MADWORLD Hoodie” give us your name and then tell us what you would do for a MADWORLD hoodie.

Just think up anything you want (you don’t actually have to do it), the crazier the idea, the better!

For example: “I would tie my legs to wild horses and have them charge off a cliff, while playing the national anthem on a saxophone.”

So literally anything you want, you could make it game/Sega related, but it doesn’t have to be. The more insane the idea, the more notice will be taken of it. As MADWORLD features it, comedy violence is also good; just make sure there’s nothing too vulgar, please.

Make us laugh, or make us cry with pain, at the thought of what you would do. Most importantly, make sure your entry stands out!

The top entries will be sent to Sega America and they will have the final say on which ones they like the most (so all bribes should be passed onto the SoA team, not us). The winner will receive the MADWORLD hoodie and two runners up will receive a special MADWORLD t-shirt each. So there are three prizes up for grabs!

The contest will run for two weeks, starting today and finishing Monday 30th March.

So what are you waiting for? Tell us what you would do for the hoodie!

The Hermit

John Harker said:
But it had to be done. Since the game is the spiritual twin of No More Heroes, it had to have
a wrestler/boxer fighting in the Ring/Garden of Madness!

Soul mates, these games.

I don´t know if that is just a coincidence, but the Ring- Garden thing is intresting.... still both games share a good number of similarities as I previously posted.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Mkliner said:
Jesus fuck this game gets a lot harder

I just restarted, and didn't even bother doing new game+ on Hard mode. If it's as hard as people say, then I don't really need it. I liked the game at the difficulty it was. It's not like you get more points for Hard Mode, yah? I'll just use the katana on a few levels I did shitty on - the weapon is awesome - until I've had my fill.

What's everyones high scores?


woot, woot! HMV UK shipped my copy today. Should be in Berlin in three days I reckon.
If people over here see me with this I'll probably get chased through the streets though. Not the best timing...


Fritz said:
woot, woot! HMV UK shipped my copy today. Should be in Berlin in three days I reckon.
If people over here see me with this I'll probably get chased through the streets though. Not the best timing...

What? I ordered from HMV as well :( Edit: YES! It says shipped today. Hope I'll get it by this weekend, so I can kill some guys by then :D

Yeah let's hope the german media never gets a hold of MadWorld. That wouldn't end well.
The Grim Reaper on Hard was a bitch. He insta killed me twice, and for those of you who don't know, you only get 1 life on Hard (unless you find a Jack Balloon).

The Shamans boss gave me trouble too. Thanks to the Gaffer who posted that you can cut the trees down and use them as weapons, they're PERFECT for bashing the wolf minions that gang up on you.
Gryphter said:
The Shamans boss gave me trouble too. Thanks to the Gaffer who posted that you can cut the trees down and use them as weapons, they're PERFECT for bashing the wolf minions that gang up on you.

Dodging like mad helps a great deal too. That's just a general strategy.


Mkliner said:
Jesus fuck this game gets a lot harder

It does. At first I thought, "Man, this shit be too easy". Now.....

I'm on Frank. FUCK HIM!!! Bastard is so cheap. He's strong, can regain health, he's strong, he has looping attacks that you can't get out of and kill you really fast, oh yeah...and he's strong. Trying to perform the QTE is REALLY hard, and if you fuck up (which is like a 99.9% chance) you get a fucking Fist of the North Star Gigaton Punch of doom to the face.....Jesus Christ!


Just finished it. Goddamn that was a trip! Loved every minute of it. My gameclock says 3:50, but I know it's at least 6-7 hours. It didn't feel too short anyway. I wonder what ways to kill dudes I missed on my first run-through. I know The Castle stage has a few I missed (the table/ fireplace for instance).

/edit: People have trouble with
? I thought he was one of the easier bosses, he has a very simple pattern. Basically
just chainsaw-jump into him from up on the runways and jump after he yells "Frankenstein"or whatever he says, so you don't get electrocuted, run back and repeat. When he goes psycho, just let him go to the chair and chainsaw him while he's recharging so that he doesn't get a lot of health back. Then repeat the whole process and he'll go down without him having touched you at all.


I don't know. So far the game has been pretty lousy and repetitive for me. (That 1/2 hr fight part way in the first round is just tedious. It isn't helped due to the fact one managed to kill me even though it actually missed me more than a pro-wrestling drop kick.) At what point does this game at least become "ok"? (Because so far it's been garbage.)
dave_d said:
I don't know. So far the game has been pretty lousy and repetitive for me. (That 1/2 hr fight part way in the first round is just tedious. It isn't helped due to the fact one managed to kill me even though it actually missed me more than a pro-wrestling drop kick.) At what point does this game at least become "ok"? (Because so far it's been garbage.)

If you're not roped in by the time you play Man Darts, then I'd say that this game is not for you. I was roped in immediately after the tutorial.


Gryphter said:
If you're not roped in by the time you play Man Darts, then I'd say that this game is not for you. I was roped in immediately after the tutorial.

Is the spiked bat actually on the train tracks like the map seems to show? (Since that's why I'd even consider going down to the tracks at all.)
I think this game can be tedious if you're "doing it wrong" aka just going around punching dudes like a standard beat em up while your score goes up super slowly.

Exploring the level and trying to come up with the most outrageous and high scoring combo kills I don't find tedious at all, seems like theres always new stuff to do. The Blood Bath Challenges and new weapons and things pop up pretty frequently.
dave_d said:
Is the spiked bat actually on the train tracks like the map seems to show? (Since that's why I'd even consider going down to the tracks at all.)

when the weapon shows as white on the map, that means it's on a different floor. if it's yellow, that means you're on the right level. Either jump on the boxes and up to the tracks above (don't worry, no trains run through them unless you're in the Bloodbath Challenge) or what I do is easier:

In the first hallway, there's a roadblock you can smash through. Smash it and walk out to the top of the boxes, then jump to the tracks on your right (don't forget that Jack can hang on ledges and pull himself up)


Gryphter said:
when the weapon shows as white on the map, that means it's on a different floor. if it's yellow, that means you're on the right level. Either jump on the boxes and up to the tracks above (don't worry, no trains run through them unless you're in the Bloodbath Challenge) or what I do is easier:

In the first hallway, there's a roadblock you can smash through. Smash it and walk out to the top of the boxes, then jump to the tracks on your right (don't forget that Jack can hang on ledges and pull himself up)

Thanks for the info. (The game is not clear about that and I'm not about to read the instruction manual.:D )


dave_d said:
Thanks for the info. (The game is not clear about that and I'm not about to read the instruction manual.:D )

Most of the levels are not as oddly laid out as the one you are on. Its easier to find stuff in the later levels (though Asia Town can be very layered)

The first level is probably the most frustrating, from the tutorial to the train station its cumbersome. The levels that follow are much more interesting, especially once you get to something like the Castle where you can really use the environment to your advantage
markatisu said:
The first level is probably the most frustrating, from the tutorial to the train station its cumbersome. The levels that follow are much more interesting, especially once you get to something like the Castle where you can really use the environment to your advantage
totally agree. give it a little more play time dave d before you make a call on it


-PXG- said:
It does. At first I thought, "Man, this shit be too easy". Now.....

I'm on Frank. FUCK HIM!!! Bastard is so cheap. He's strong, can regain health, he's strong, he has looping attacks that you can't get out of and kill you really fast, oh yeah...and he's strong. Trying to perform the QTE is REALLY hard, and if you fuck up (which is like a 99.9% chance) you get a fucking Fist of the North Star Gigaton Punch of doom to the face.....Jesus Christ!

If you still need help here is a video of the
battle I recorded.

Teknoman said:
Whats the best balance between announcer and music volume?

Glad you asked, I kept the music down to 5 and the commentary to 7. that way I can get my laughs and still jam out all the while enjoying the sweet sounds of mayhem. SFX sounds down to 6-7
MiniDitka said:
If you still need help here is a video of the
battle I recorded.


could have thrown that explosive barrel at him for some damage. also do you know that you can dash by double tapping the analog stick? sucks that you had him dead while he was recharging but it wouldn't kill him.

my first time through I used the same strategy as you, but I fought him on the side ledge rather than closer to the steps. your spot is better though because that makes it a shorter run out of the water if you get knocked in


My Wii died the day this came out.

I must've been a serial child rapist in a previous life or something cause this is some fucked up karma.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Apparently my Madworld Amazon shipment was "lost in transit" so they are sending out another copy with 1-day shipping free of charge. Should be here by tomorrow. :D
NameGenerated said:
Apparently my Madworld Amazon shipment was "lost in transit" so they are sending out another copy with 1-day shipping free of charge. Should be here by tomorrow. :D

so does that count as 2 sales? HIGH-FIVE!

I showed the game to 3 friends, 2 were going to get it but seeing it sealed the deal, and the 3rd never heard of it but said he's going to get it now.
Sega has really impressed me lately with the risks they've taken. This and Overkill are really important to expanding the Wii catalog, and Valkyria Chronicles is one of the best games released on any platform, even though it hasn't sold well at all.


Loving it. It's everything I had hoped to be and more.

Edit: Sequel needs to happen with a level editor. That would kick so much fucking ass.


Dascu said:
Edit: Sequel needs to happen with a level editor. That would kick so much fucking ass.

Especially if they let you preview how the kills would score/work

I can imagine setting up a window kill like in the castle except I would have a flaming can they fall into before being impaled or being crushed and exploding


Dascu said:
Edit: Sequel needs to happen with a level editor. That would kick so much fucking ass.

I could get with this.

I'd also like to be able to customize how your character fights, at least some what.

I mean, having temporary weapons is fun, but what if I was able to make it so that Jack had any of the weapons as his devoted "secondary", instead of the Chainsaw? I would have appreciated that.


ZealousD said:
Did you forget you had that torch?
Coulda used it when he was on the chair and you were out of chainsaw power.

Yes I did *doh!*

Gryphter said:
could have thrown that explosive barrel at him for some damage. also do you know that you can dash by double tapping the analog stick? sucks that you had him dead while he was recharging but it wouldn't kill him.

my first time through I used the same strategy as you, but I fought him on the side ledge rather than closer to the steps. your spot is better though because that makes it a shorter run out of the water if you get knocked in

I had used the barrel in a previous battle (I died) but I had a strategy/flow going in this one and didn't want to break it :lol


The chainsaw only has about 3 normal attacks: horizontal, vertical and a mid-air attack.

In terms of finisher moves, the chainsaw has quite a few. Here are the ones I can remember off of the top of my head:

- vertical chainsaw through chest
- torso tear in midair (uppercut enemy and then use chainsaw b finisher)
- heart rip using chainsaw
- spinal rip using chainsaw
- horizontal leg slice
- chop off head
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