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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread


Mdk7 said:
Well too bad that Into Dreams had no Disney vibe at all (and thank god i'd say!).

Lol just meant the trailer and how the voice was like "enter a magical world, meet friends etc..."

Could do great with an ad like that.


Glorias said:
The game is coming in January to europe. Only one month away now. That's not too bad actually. It could have been much worse.

Well now this news has perked me up! Had it in mind it was coming March time. Thanks Glorias!


Nakasan said:
Well now this news has perked me up! Had it in mind it was coming March time. Thanks Glorias!
Everything we missed in November/December is actually released in January/February.
January: DBZ:BT3, NiGHTS, Ghost Squad, Harvest Moon, Donkey Kong Jet Race, Geometry Wars, Zack & Wiki
February: Battalion Wars II, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, Manhunt 2, Destroy All Humans, No More Heroes, De Blob, Guilty Gear, Star Trek: Conquest, Bully, Bomberman Land
March starts with Fire Emblem


Lobster said:
Lol just meant the trailer and how the voice was like "enter a magical world, meet friends etc..."

Could do great with an ad like that.
You're right Lobster, the art design here is INDEED slightly different (and so is the marketing positioning of the game...) and much more Disneyesque, and this is a direction i don't really appreciate as a diehard fan of Into Dreams uniqueness.


Mdk7 said:
You're right Lobster, the art design here is INDEED slightly different (and so is the marketing positioning of the game...) and much more Disneyesque, and this is a direction i don't really appreciate as a diehard fan of Into Dreams uniqueness.

Think of it this way. People will be tricked into get a Disney game but instead will be getting a game 10x more awesome.


So I had my first hands on with tne game and well, I have mixed feelings.

The beginning is slow and dull. The graphic engine is awful when close, so having to go through horribly scripted sequences with such graphics is a pain in the ass. Then it comes the tutorial, which is oddly nice, but it lacks something. Doing loops with the wiimote is pretty complicated because of the crappy pointer calibration.

Then some time after, you get to play like Nights in a real stage and that's a whole different game. Navigating the guided scenarios is a very relaxing experience. But not only relaxing, because there're these rings you must follow and clear as fast as you can so you earn points to grade the stage. Of course by the time I'm in this stage I've switched to analog stick controls that work very well.

I've not played beyond the first stage, clocking almost an hour of which the first 30 minutes were absolute waste. When you get to play as Nights the game is sweet. My only fear is you don't get to play him as often as you should.

Besides, I wrote a first impressions in spanish. If you feel like reading it, it's here.


fresquito said:
So I had my first hands on with tne game and well, I have mixed feelings.

The beginning is slow and dull. The graphic engine is awful when close, so having to go through horribly scripted sequences with such graphics is a pain in the ass. Then it comes the tutorial, which is oddly nice, but it lacks something. Doing loops with the wiimote is pretty complicated because of the crappy pointer calibration.

Then some time after, you get to play like Nights in a real stage and that's a whole different game. Navigating the guided scenarios is a very relaxing experience. But not only relaxing, because there're these rings you must follow and clear as fast as you can so you earn points to grade the stage. Of course by the time I'm in this stage I've switched to analog stick controls that work very well.

I've not played beyond the first stage, clocking almost an hour of which the first 30 minutes were absolute waste. When you get to play as Nights the game is sweet. My only fear is you don't get to play him as often as you should.

Besides, I wrote a first impressions in spanish. If you feel like reading it, it's here.
Reminds me of the dull moments in Sonic secret Rings. The tutorial levels sucked ass and took way to long, after that you get to the real game and it's awesome, but Sonic is crippled untill the third world and you need to do all kinds of lame challenges. On the other side the game had some really awesome levels like the Dino Jungle, Factory, Night Palace etc. It's good to see that SEGA is doing something else than Sonic and sports/action games, SEGA Rally and NiGHTS are a good start!


So basically..flying=sweet, everything else=average

I can live with that :D The NiGHTS sections look awesome..and maybe you can skip cutscenes once you've seen them once?


_Alkaline_ said:
It's ironic how this game was touted as born for the wiimote, but ultimately it plays terribly with it. :\
That gives you a good idea of the value of this project.


Lobster said:
So basically..flying=sweet, everything else=average

I can live with that :D The NiGHTS sections look awesome..and maybe you can skip cutscenes once you've seen them once?

More like:

Flying: OK but not feeling it, and nowhere as perfect as in the original.
Everything else: A bit of vomit in your mouth


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Mdk7 said:
That gives you a good idea of the value of this project.

No, that gives me the idea that S-S would only greenlight this project if:

a.) was on Wii ('cause dev costs are cheaper and the market is on fire)

b.) could be developed under a tight deadline (which fortunately for us was extended)


Panajev2001a said:
No, that gives me the idea that S-S would only greenlight this project if:

a.) was on Wii ('cause dev costs are cheaper and the market is on fire)

b.) could be developed under a tight deadline (which fortunately for us was extended)
We've been waiting for 11 years, c'mon.
The franchise just needed a whole different treatment from Sega, IMHO.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Mdk7 said:
We've been waiting for 11 years, c'mon.
The franchise just needed a whole different treatment from Sega, IMHO.

The way NiGHTS is as a game ? It should have been a PSN/XBLA next-generation release with a Wii/Wii Ware version and on all three services I would have also expected to see the original ported/emulated title show up.


Panajev2001a said:
The way NiGHTS is as a game ? It should have been a PSN/XBLA next-generation release with a Wii/Wii Ware version and on all three services I would have also expected to see the original ported/emulated title show up.
A proper sequel COMPLETELY based on the Wiimote (maybe à la Wii plane tech demo by Nintendo), made with passion and the right amount of time and $$$ could have been a fucking BLAST: since the Wiimote unveiling back in 2005 people have dreamed of a Wii remote controlled NiGHTS.
I second you on the ported original idea of course!


Nakasan said:
I'm as patriotic as they come. But sometimes, just sometimes, living in the UK f$%!in' bites. I've been on media blackout after the initial rush and will stay that way till its out over here.

I'm only actually posting this in the hope that everyone else not in euroland TRUELY appreciates the fact you dont have to wait another 3/4 months for a game we've all already been waiting 11 years for, while also knowing its sitting in someone else's vid game collection, not even being played. Man I'm on a downer.

To be precise its released on the 18th of Jan in EU.

Yep being in the UK for games sucks - don't get me started on the "Fuck Head" edition of No More Heroes we're getting


The 1UP review is up:

For serious Nights fans, Journey offers a bittersweet reunion that reminds us of what was so singularly special about Sega’s airborne dreamweaver. Unfortunately, attempting to evolve the formula creates a host of new problems and issues that ultimately diminish the game’s overall appeal. That said, this still represents one of the finest original third-party games available for Wii, and younger players will find a lot to love in this gameplay-rich adventure.
Could have been worse I suppose. Something I will try out at least.


Someone needs to put sega out of their misery. A decade later and instead of improving on the original they fuck around and make the game worse. Oh well, im still buying it.


For the amount of unnecessary instruction the tutorial provides, you'd think they'd leave you some sort of clue about what you actually need to do to defeat a boss. You're given a vague hint when it starts, and eventually you can figure it out, but getting there takes some work.

In the original you could intuitively figure out what needed to be done to beat a boss, but with
Girania and Chamelan
, I initially had no clue wtf I was supposed to be doing. Kind of frustrating.


Ok, got the game.

I can see the game's faults. There are a lot of them. But for some reason, I can't help but smile when I'm playing.


- NiGHTS's voice isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. If the cutscenes ran at more than 1fps, they actually would be pretty cute.
- You can barely hear Helen's voice.
- Flying, at first, frustrated the hell out of me. Then I did that level with the Octopaw, where you have to get over 25 links five times, over and over again. I ended up getting 70 as my highest. The controls are really coming together.
- But they're still stiff. For some reason, it doesn't feel exactly precise. It's workable, however.
- I think I'm about to have my first kid only mission. Wish me luck :-\
- "My Dream" is a waste of time. I thought the Chao were cool and fun, but the Nightopians really have nothing to them. Very disappointing.
- Kids run and jump awkwardly. The platforming is going to suck, I know it.
- They keys nearly aren't as bad as I would've thought them to be, but now it really stresses getting it all done in one lap while keeping your links (and yes, you can keep linking for one lap if you're good enough, just after that lap, the blue spheres go away). The point is to finish as fast as possible while not missing a ring. Definitely different, but still a challenge.
- The first boss was awesome, ONCE YOU FIGURE OUT HOW TO BEAT IT. Can't wait for the rest.
- The stupid bubble level was AWFUL. I still don't know how to do that correctly.
- FANTASTIC MUSIC. Especially in the Dream Gate.


TheDuce22 said:
Someone needs to put sega out of their misery. A decade later and instead of improving on the original they fuck around and make the game worse. Oh well, im still buying it.

Yeah, that'll show 'em!

Amir0x said:
Got the game in the mail, played it for an hour.

I'm trading it in on Friday. Fuck this horrendous shit.

Ugh. :(


you don't want me to write a review on this game, because it will ruin the thread and everyone will cry for ten pages. So that's my piece, I hope others are more positive than me.

Note: I loved LOVED the original NiGHTS, before anyone asks.
Amir0x said:
you don't want me to write a review on this game, because it will ruin the thread and everyone will cry for ten pages. So that's my piece, I hope others are more positive than me.

Note: I loved LOVED the original NiGHTS, before anyone asks.

Well you did only play for an hour anyways. You can't bear to see if things get better?
Amir0x said:
you don't want me to write a review on this game, because it will ruin the thread and everyone will cry for ten pages. So that's my piece, I hope others are more positive than me.

Note: I loved LOVED the original NiGHTS, before anyone asks.
I appreciate that you aren't Amir0xing this thread, good sir. I'll give Iizuka an extra punch in the gut for you when the revolution comes.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Well you did only play for an hour anyways. You can't bear to see if things get better?

Right now, first hour, game is like a 2/10. I don't actually know if I can stomach any more, and I played Horse Life. I don't know if that's because I don't want to see the brutalization of such a classic games name, or if it's because it's just stinking so loudly that it's offensive but!

No I probably will play it a little more before Friday, in case...

...Jesus comes back


this post rates 1/10
ivysaur12 said:
Hmm... seem like the persona masks are underused. That sucks, they seemed like a neat idea.

Why would they seem like a nice idea when the first game did well without them?

No, real point in using a mask to switch into a dolphin underwater when the first game did it perfectly.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Well you did only play for an hour anyways. You can't bear to see if things get better?

See: his experience with Sonic Wii. To be fair, games shouldn't suck at the beginning only to improve... but Sega, as of late...


StevieP said:
See: his experience with Sonic Wii.

My experience with Sonic Wii is MUCH longer than an hour. Not that anything changed, because the entire Sonic experience was really awful.

Sonic Rush Adventure was gold though. Always the Rush games saving Sonic's poor name.
Amir0x said:
Right now, first hour, game is like a 2/10. I don't actually know if I can stomach any more, and I played Horse Life. I don't know if that's because I don't want to see the brutalization of such a classic games name, or if it's because it's just stinking so loudly that it's offensive but!

No I probably will play it a little more before Friday, in case...

...Jesus comes back

Well maybe you expected it to be too much like the original? maybe they tried to add a bit of variety to it but also alienated original fan? I'm as fan as well so I'm honestly wondering what my impressions are going to be once I get to play it... hmmmm
BSTF said:
Why would they seem like a nice idea when the first game did well without them?

No, real point in using a mask to switch into a dolphin underwater when the first game did it perfectly.
Super Mario Bros. did well without any powerups besides the mushroom and the fire flower. Just because something works, doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to evolve it. Yeah, sometimes it doesn't work and you splatter on the pavement, but if people didn't try to push past "it's fine", we'd never get anywhere.
StevieP said:
See: his experience with Sonic Wii. To be fair, games shouldn't suck at the beginning only to improve... but Sega, as of late...

I had a hard time with Sonic at first but by the mid point it all gel'd so well together for me I loved it by the end.


After the first level and a half I can say the controls are sluggish, the story is stupid/unnecessary, the voice acting is pathetic and it seems to lack any sort of score attack mode. All in all its a massive downgrade from the original but still decent compared to most other Wii games.


this post rates 1/10
Segata Sanshiro said:
Super Mario Bros. did well without any powerups besides the mushroom and the fire flower. Just because something works, doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to evolve it. Yeah, sometimes it doesn't work and you splatter on the pavement, but if people didn't try to push past "it's fine", we'd never get anywhere.

I fail to see how something that was seamless in the first game would have to require a powerup in the sequel and how that's an evolution.

How do you improve on NiGHTs really? Well there's the graphics, more stages, the length of the game, boss battles and some better direction in some of the levels.

I don't see how platforming, or masks, or cutscenes, my dream, bird with a key, helps evolve the series at all, but maybe you could explain it for me.
BSTF said:
I fail to see how something that was seamless in the first game would have to require a powerup in the sequel and how that's an evolution.

How do you improve on NiGHTs really? Well there's the graphics, more stages, the length of the game, boss battles and some better direction in some of the levels.

I don't see how platforming, or masks, or cutscenes, my dream, bird with a key, helps evolve the series at all, but maybe you could explain it for me.
I don't know, how do capes, dinosaurs, and a giant shoe make Super Mario Bros. better? I'm not a game designer, I don't get paid to figure this shit out. They tried something more and failed. It doesn't mean it's not worth trying.

Admiral, I haven't been in denial about the negative impressions by any means. I think I was the first person to post about Jonny's impressions from the stankhole. I'm worried about how well I'll like it too, but I guess I'll know pretty soon.


BSTF said:
I fail to see how something that was seamless in the first game would have to require a powerup in the sequel and how that's an evolution.

How do you improve on NiGHTs really? Well there's the graphics, more stages, the length of the game, boss battles and some better direction in some of the levels.

I don't see how platforming, or masks, or cutscenes, my dream, bird with a key, helps evolve the series at all, but maybe you could explain it for me.

Then what's the point of making sequels to any good games?
I know you're not in denial. I was weathering the bad impressions and reviews, knowing I asked for it for Christmas to avoid wasting my money. But I'm starting to get to the point where I hope my mother was too lazy to check EB this late in the season.


Oh, and the platforming: horrendous. Terrible really. Thank god the level was short. Maybe if I felt like I was controlling something besides a wooden stick and I had a workable camera it would be different.

The game is still fun when you're flying, albeit not as smooth as the original. Still, I'm going to give the game some more time to see if it gets any better.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Super Mario Bros. did well without any powerups besides the mushroom and the fire flower. Just because something works, doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to evolve it. Yeah, sometimes it doesn't work and you splatter on the pavement, but if people didn't try to push past "it's fine", we'd never get anywhere.

When you arent capable of evolving the gameplay, which sega clearly isnt, you shouldnt bother. I would have been happy with a few new levels and bosses. Wii Nights only really shines when it sticks as closely as possible to the original. Is definitely not a BAD game so far, its just not nearly as good. I REALLY wish they spent some more time getting the controls to feel as tight as the did on Saturn, is it that difficult?

StevieP said:
See: his experience with Sonic Wii. To be fair, games shouldn't suck at the beginning only to improve... but Sega, as of late...

Sonic Wii sucked from begining to end.


this post rates 1/10
Segata Sanshiro said:
I don't know, how do capes, dinosaurs, and a giant shoe make Super Mario Bros. better? I'm not a game designer, I don't get paid to figure this shit out. They tried something more and failed. It doesn't mean it's not worth trying.

Those Mario comparison isn't really valid.

A better comparison would be holding the B button to run in SMB and then having to collect a running powerup in SMB2. Makes very little sense doesn't it.

ivysaur12 said:
Then what's the point of making sequels to any good games?

I'm fine with sequels, but I don't remember people complaining about NiGHTs because there weren't any cutscenes or because there were no platforming elements. Maybe the Mario fans that owned a Saturn but that isn't what NiGHTS is. Just look at how bad the Sonic gift was in Christmas NiGHTS, I don't see how many NiGHTS fan would really want more of that. Why add things that aren't needed and apparently hurt the game?


TheDuce22 said:
When you arent capable of evolving the gameplay, which sega clearly isnt, you shouldnt bother. I would have been happy with a few new levels and bosses. Wii Nights only really shines when it sticks as closely as possible to the original. Is definitely not a BAD game so far, its just not nearly as good. I REALLY wish they spent some more time getting the controls to feel as tight as the did on Saturn, is it that difficult?

I really don't understand how the controls can't feel as tight as the original. They have the game code, they've played it before, how hard can it be? That's probably the most disappointing thing about the game. It really needed another 6+ months of development, at least.

Or maybe a different team. Can we just get rid of Sonic Team USA?

EDIT: Really though, the game isn't an abomination as some are making it out to be. It's still ok, and it has a really great sense of style. Also, the flying isn't horrible. But why isn't it as good? It just doesn't make much sense to me.


Its not as good because none of these shitty challenges work as well as the original design, which they didnt even include. Thats just how fucking stupid sega has become. And as I mentioned before the controls arent as tight, which is huge. I havent gotten to the platforming stages yet but I would imagine theyre horrible.
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