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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread

MiamiWesker said:
I want to be clear on this, the ranking system from the original, is it there or not. I know they still give ranks but is it the same way in the original where you need to fit in as many laps as possible and get massive chains to get the highest scores? Thats what I loved about the original. It could be beat in a few hours but that game had incredible replayablility, if this game has that I would think about getting it for christmas, but that is the only way.
No, it's a different ranking system. Massive chains and speed help, but it's more of a race to catch the bird while scoring the best link you can on that lap. I'm getting mostly Bs so far.

Sorry kinggroin, I'm just doing Will's path now. I'll let you know if I figure it out.
Segata Sanshiro said:
No, it's a different ranking system. Massive chains and speed help, but it's more of a race to catch the bird while scoring the best link you can on that lap. I'm getting mostly Bs so far.

Alright, well when its all said and done and you have completed the game do you see yourself playing the stages over and over like you did with the original?
MiamiWesker said:
Alright, well when its all said and done and you have completed the game do you see yourself playing the stages over and over like you did with the original?
Well, I think it's too early for me to say that. Right now I'm gung ho on replaying, but will I be gung ho eleven years later? I can't say. Give it a rent, see how *you* like it, Miami. Judging by reviews and this thread, it's obviously not going to be a game everyone likes.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, I think it's too early for me to say that. Right now I'm gung ho on replaying, but will I be gung ho eleven years later? I can't say. Give it a rent, see how *you* like it, Miami. Judging by reviews and this thread, it's obviously not going to be a game everyone likes.

Thanks. :D

All this Nights talk got me in the mood. I am going to go play the original right now.


Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm sorry, guys. I like it.

Details later, I'm a couple hours in.
Its really not as bad as people make it sound. I think the problem is people were expecting the same exact sort of game NiGHTS into Dreams was, but Iizuka wanted to experiment al ittle with the formula. IMO the voice acting is actually really good and the cutscenes really arent that bad. Visually and audibly, the game excels. Gameplay is pretty solid, with the flying sections being pretty fun. the platforming is as expected, clunky and boring, but so far, hasnt been a major part of the game. You fly around as NiGHTS plenty in this game dont worry. Controlwise, Im getting used to it. Its not Saturn levels of refinement, but it works.

In short, if you like NiGHTS for its score attack gameplay, youll probably despise this game like amirox did. If you just take it for a different variation on the formula and enjoy the music/visuals just as much, I think youll really enjoy it.


Segata Sanshiro said:
I think it may even have Score Attack merit too. We'll have to see how things hash out as players play it.
do you notice that the game does seem to allow plenty of linking, but that it requires quite a bit of skill to get enough rings and maintain links (with drilldashing)? I think Iizuka may have designed that particular aspect with traditional players in mind. ITs not the same lap by lap gameplay, but it is challenging in its own right. BUt the more I play, the less I understand why people say the controls are bad. Theyre really not. Quite manageable Id say. The exception being optional acrobatic moves with the waggle, but that isnt necessary to get good scores.
Innotech said:
do you notice that the game does seem to allow plenty of linking, but that it requires quite a bit of skill to get enough rings and maintain links (with drilldashing)? I think Iizuka may have designed that particular aspect with traditional players in mind. ITs not the same lap by lap gameplay, but it is challenging in its own right. BUt the more I play, the less I understand why people say the controls are bad. Theyre really not. Quite manageable Id say. The exception being optional acrobatic moves with the waggle, but that isnt necessary to get good scores.
It took some adjusting for me, but I'm back to my old show-off self already. The timing's a little different, and NiGHTS' tail is shorter, but it's not worse as much as it is different.


seriously guys, I think the controls are pretty great. The main thing is that the notches in the controllers surrounding the joysticks arent perfectly rounded, and this is honestly why NiGHTS doesnt seem to fly fluidly. IN fact NiGHTs DOES fly perfectly smoothly, but you have to basically avoid contacting the angled sides of the stick housing. If you can do that, you can fly NiGHTS as smoothly around as you want. It takes practice and its more of a Wii design limitation than a control flaw. In fact, Im thinking of fabricating a little plastic or cardboard ring so that the analogs contact that ring and allow for smooth movement. Ill let you know how it works out. But that DOES seem to be the reason NiGHTS doesnt control like the Saturn. And its easily fixable, so fear not.


the controls are spot on, no worries.
Just find a way to make the angular housing into a round one. Improvise, and the reward is great. Trust me on that.


Innotech said:
the controls are spot on, no worries.
Just find a way to make the angular housing into a round one. Improvise, and the reward is great. Trust me on that.
How did you manage to do that?
How do I beat
the second time? His weak point isn't so weak in this battle.

edit: nvm, got it. I never ever remember to use
the masks


Teddman said:
How did you manage to do that?
I literally fabricated a small piece of cardboard into a ring a bit smaller in diameter than the angular opening. So now the stick doesnt encounter angles, it encounters a ring for smooth play.
Finished Will's path. Need to go back and get all As, then the score attacking begins.

Man I'm glad all my worrying was for nothing.

kasumi: I played through on a classic controller, and it took a slight adjustment, but I had no troubles at all. You might want to try Inno's little controller "mod" though.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Finished Will's path. Need to go back and get all As, then the score attacking begins.

Man I'm glad all my worrying was for nothing.

kasumi: I played through on a classic controller, and it took a slight adjustment, but I had no troubles at all. You might want to try Inno's little controller "mod" though.
So the new NiGHTS should please the hardcore fan of the original, huh?
As I play more and start to figure out the scoring system, I'm finding a surpising depth that wasn't obvious initially.

It's funny when cycles repeat.
Segata, whats the framerate?
I'm a terrible person to ask that. I never really notice framerate unless it gets really bad. It only got real bad once during my playthrough, in one of the boss stages. Quite a bit more consistent than the original, thankfully. :)
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm a terrible person to ask that. I never really notice framerate unless it gets really bad. It only got real bad once during my playthrough, in one of the boss stages. Quite a bit more consistent than the original, thankfully. :)

Nights will be mine again!!!
Innotech said:
the controls are spot on, no worries.
Just find a way to make the angular housing into a round one. Improvise, and the reward is great. Trust me on that.

i was seriously about to come in here and post that. the problem isnt the game its the wii 8 way control. the game controls fine when you make small movements but as soon as you try to make large movements the stick gets stuck in those stupid grooves.

the framerate gets pretty low sometimes in certain scenes but not during gameplay. The graphics are kinda lacking especially after galaxy and it makes me wonder how much better this would have been in 360 or ps3.


Segata Sanshiro said:
As I play more and start to figure out the scoring system, I'm finding a surpising depth that wasn't obvious initially.

It's funny when cycles repeat.
can you elaborate on the scoring system some more?


Ok, after getting used to the controls, they're not as bad as I initially perceived. Not amazing, but definitely workable. I'm having more fun the more I play and try to get As.
I played and finished the ORIGINAL in like an hour and a half, both characters and getting B's and A's in all stages. Very short simple game but wow is it still great. I was shocked to see that it had a widescreen option.

I am pumped for the new one, can't wait to try it.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Thanks. I'll definetly give it a go. I assumed before that this game will polarize, pretty much like the first one. I'm confident I'll get my fair share of fun out of this one.
ivysaur12 said:
Ok, after getting used to the controls, they're not as bad as I initially perceived. Not amazing, but definitely workable. I'm having more fun the more I play and try to get As.

well, gee, thanks for pissing all over this thread with premature impressions, then.

I am going to pick this up tonight after all...
Innotech said:
seriously guys, I think the controls are pretty great. The main thing is that the notches in the controllers surrounding the joysticks arent perfectly rounded, and this is honestly why NiGHTS doesnt seem to fly fluidly. IN fact NiGHTs DOES fly perfectly smoothly, but you have to basically avoid contacting the angled sides of the stick housing. If you can do that, you can fly NiGHTS as smoothly around as you want. It takes practice and its more of a Wii design limitation than a control flaw. In fact, Im thinking of fabricating a little plastic or cardboard ring so that the analogs contact that ring and allow for smooth movement. Ill let you know how it works out. But that DOES seem to be the reason NiGHTS doesnt control like the Saturn. And its easily fixable, so fear not.

This man speaks the truth. I feel the same way about the controls and if you use the control stick lightly, it works wonders.

Aside from that, game rocks. Has just enough of the old mixed with enough new. The fact that the original just had 3 levels a peice where you do mostly the same thing over and over and now this one has variation, people are bitching. Thats ok though, its the GAF, its expected. This is going to be a love and hate game, I can see it right now. Unless everyone hates it without playing it beforehand, like that hasn't happened before right...

Framerate issues are there but minor. Music is fantastic! Bosses are awesome. Nostalgia factor is HIGH! They added a story with some decent voice acting (they are supposed to be kids after all), and yeah I love the game as well. Awesome times. And for the record I'm not a UBER fan of the original but really really enjoyed it.
MAYZORA, I'm afraid I can't eyeball a 60/30 fps without seeing them side by side, but I'm sure someone else can answer the question.

temjin, I'm going to do a decent-sized post on the scoring system in the next day or so. There are different nuances to each stage of each world, due to the different types of play. Short version on the traditional levels is that speed is first, but you want to do it while making one big link, which is entirely possible. If you've done more than one lap and you haven't gotten the key, you've already messed up.

Oh, and whoever the dude was that was concerned about having to change into the dolphin mask whereas it was done automatically in the first, the dolphin mask pops on automatically in this one, too.

Just some additional commentary:
I think this game does some things even better than the original, and the bosses are one of those things. Spoilers on the bosses follow, but I'm going to try to stick to the bosses identities, so don't worry about specific strategies being spoiled.

I think the bosses in this game are much better set pieces, with more interesting strategies required for beating them. There are two bosses that are very closely patterned after bosses in NiGHTS:ID, and two bosses that are bosses from NiGHTS:ID, but the other four bosses blow away the other NiGHTS bosses.

I think the only boss I didn't like as much was the Gillwing knockoff, and that's mostly because I can't paraloop him to death in one shot like I can Gillwing. The Puffy-alike is more fun and a little more challenging than Puffy was. The new bosses require slightly more clever strategies than the old ones, who mostly fell into the "Catch, Grab, Push" camp.

Reala's boss battle is far less confusing, since it doesn't rely on the paraloop technique, but it's also less thrilling as a result.

Wizeman is incredible. It feels like they fully realized the boss battle they wanted to do in the original. A great fight.

More dissemination to come as time marches on!


straydog1980 said:
well, gee, thanks for pissing all over this thread with premature impressions, then.

I am going to pick this up tonight after all...

You would too after the initial shock with the difference from the Saturn version. I was expecting it to control just like the original, and I was extremely frustrated.


Having now finished it, the nostalgia in the last level almost won me over. As I said before, its not a BAD game, its just not as good as the original. The platforming part wasnt bad either. That being said, I should have rented it instead of bought it. I cant see myself wanting to go back and get A's on some of those challenges.
TheDuce22 said:
Having now finished it, the nostalgia in the last level almost won me over. As I said before, its not a BAD game, its just not as good as the original. The platforming part wasnt bad either. That being said, I should have rented it instead of bought it. I cant see myself wanting to go back and get A's on some of those challenges.
Did you do both paths?

I'm actually surprised by how few of the "non-traditional" levels I actually disliked. I never want to see bubbles again (but I'm going to have to), and one of the on-foot levels was just blah, but the rest of them were actually pretty fun. The one level of Helen's where you
play the song by hitting the notes in time
was amazingly enjoyable. :)

Though I have to say: poor, poor
. :lol This new Peter Pan-ish persona NiGHTS has appears to have made him a bit of a dick at times.
I'm on the third stage with the boy. I love the game and I smile the whole time I play it. I would have played more but right now I'm in the process of moving so my friends Wii was hogged up last night till he forced me off lol.

Is the girls half just as good?
slasher_thrasher21 said:
I'm on the third stage with the boy. I love the game and I smile the whole time I play it. I would have played more but right now I'm in the process of moving so my friends Wii was hogged up last night till he forced me off lol.

Is the girls half just as good?
I like Helen's levels better, and her path is somewhat easier, but it has more on-foot levels (three to Will's one). She also has more interesting bosses IMO.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I like Helen's levels better, and her path is somewhat easier, but it has more on-foot levels (three to Will's one). She also has more interesting bosses IMO.

Now what are these on foot levels I keep hearing about? Like missions that are on foot? I cant seem to recall doing on of these on Wills game. Unless its in the third level or beyond? Which level/mission is it?
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Now what are these on foot levels I keep hearing about? Like missions that are on foot? I cant seem to recall doing on of these on Wills game. Unless its in the third level or beyond? Which level/mission is it?
I'm going to spoiler tag it for those who don't want to know.

Will's on foot level (his only on foot level) is in the third world, Delight City. Pretty rudimentary platforming with some really easy switch puzzles.

Helen has three. One is about three minutes long and is easy and sort of enjoyable, one is a maze that's not hard but also isn't a great amount of fun, and her last is a pretty fun run through a level with some easy jumping and simple puzzles.

I know from the reviews I was expecting to be on foot a fair amount, I was glad to see it worked out to less than one level per dream.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm going to spoiler tag it for those who don't want to know.

Will's on foot level (his only on foot level) is in the third world, Delight City. Pretty rudimentary platforming with some really easy switch puzzles.

Helen has three. One is about three minutes long and is easy and sort of enjoyable, one is a maze that's not hard but also isn't a great amount of fun, and her last is a pretty fun run through a level with some easy jumping and simple puzzles.

I know from the reviews I was expecting to be on foot a fair amount, I was glad to see it worked out to less than one level per dream.

Well that sounds fun. I really enjoy the level of variation they put into the title. Considering how much I heard people complain about the variation, I was happy with it and I still feel there is plenty of time to fly around as Nights. Must play more.
Quick impressions from the first 10 minutes:

-Good music, I actually like it a lot so far.
-Voice acting isnt bad
-I want my 3D Saturn controller, the notches in the Nunchuck and CC controller are really awkward for me, im gonna try my Gamecube controller later but that has notches also.
-Graphics arent that bad.
-I like how you can switch the controls on the fly and there is no need for a menu.
-Wiimote only controls are unplayable, Nunchuck controls arent bad, CC controls are the best but I think Gamecube controller is the way to go.
-The intro cutscene for Will is hilariously bad.
i dont know how many of you are fans of ridge racer but the best parallel i can think of with NiGHTS 2 is the same direction namco took with R4. ridge racer 1-3 all had the same formula and then with 4 they threw in the story which kinda fleshed out what was going on in ridge universe. R4 happens to be my fave of the series.

Now i'm a HUGE NiGHTS fan. When I started playing i immediately thought of R4 because a game that really had no story now had one beinhg unwrapped right before your eyes. A little kiddy but if you are a fan it'll still make you smile. I also find it amazing that they actually used so much of the old sound and music. From select screens to little melodies. My fave so far is the remixed level complete music!

As mentioned before the issue is not the control but the controller. I too will fabricate a ring for my nunchuck and play happily. What I will say is that i REALLY hope the rumored ps3/360 version is real. That should immediately fix the control issues and the semi charming graphics.
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