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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread


I got the game a couple hours ago. I agree with many of the faults, but personally Im enjoying the game. Its actually a bit harder than I expected too, which is good. the music is fucking awesome. Overall, its a C-grade game Id say. Definitely not AS tight in the control department, but it hasnt ruined it for me. I got used to it. The only thing I dont like at all is the unskippable cutscenes. Other than that, Im happy with this game. Sorry if some of you arent. I guess thats just how it is.


TheDuce22 said:
Its not as good because none of these shitty challenges work as well as the original design, which they didnt even include. Thats just how fucking stupid sega has become. And as I mentioned before the controls arent as tight, which is huge. I havent gotten to the platforming stages yet but I would imagine theyre horrible.

I warned GAF about the controls, they seem to be kind of unresponsive. I don't know if it because of the Wii stick and its notchs.


Chao said:
I warned GAF about the controls, they seem to be kind of unresponsive. I don't know if it because of the Wii stick and its notchs.
no, because MArio controls are pretty spot on. I think its just Sega not optimizing the controls well. I do notice that when you drill dash its hard to change direction. I dont remember if that was in the original game or not but it means you have to sort of tap b to dash and change direction so you dont beeline into a cliffside or something. It takes getting used to.


I hate to say this (since I loved the original), but I'm with Amir0x on this one.

I'm not opposed to adding new things, evolving gameplay, but at least make the transition easier by allowing us the pure Nights experience (a time-attack with flying levels only mode would have been nice for starters). I HATE the fluff (can't skip cutscenes, stupid story, stupid british owl, stupid graphics on everything but bosses and traditional levels...ugh!).

And to top it off, the controls for the flying levels have somehow gotten worse! It's like there are only 8 distinct angles Nights can be aimed at (where as on Saturn, it was much more analog), so this causes some missed chains when the camera angles change fast. Could be a side-effect of the wiistick having notches around the edge.

I give it an X/10 (x= amount of flying levels in the game). I think 5 or 6, so THAT out of ten.

Any word on the PS2 remake?


Ok, I'm playing the Sea Garden level over and over and over and over again. The controls aren't tight enough. The rights and spheres are too far away and there are too few of them. And the stupid fucking bird.

Ugh, I want to like this game. I really do.


EDIT: Oh, and I plugged in the Classic Controller to see how that felt. It was... different. I might give that a go again to see if it fixes my controller woes.


Ok, so, I'm going to play JoD all night tonight. Maybe it will suddenly hit and everything will come together.
Yeah, shut up. I still want to see if I can get a grasp of the controls.

This is EXACTLY what Naka was afraid of. Ugh.


Im still getting it today. Still want to believe (or be in the small percentage of people that love this - like the 9 ereview on NP) BELIEVE!


I don't know why anyone is surprised about the quality of this game. Sega should have just left it alone and made something new. Remember folks, be careful what you wish for.
I'm going to wait and try this for myself - God knows, GAF consensus has been well out of kilter with my own tastes plenty of times before - but the impressions here are very disheartening.

If Sonic Team have failed to nail the analogue controls (!) in what generally appears to be the best part of the game then I have little hope for anything else. The only glimmer at the moment is that - as with Sonic and the Secret Rings - there may be a decent game buried in there, in spite of the best efforts of the developers to fuck it up.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My copy should be here tomorrow or Friday. I'm still really looking forward to it, but C- isn't exactly what I was hoping for.

Still, I often enjoy games the media pans (like, say, NiGHTS), so here's to that.


I'm holding off until I hear Segata's impressions now... I may have to bargin bin it next year if it's really stanky tho. :/


I'm probably still getting it. I'm most surprised to hear that the voice acting has actually been praised.
Hmm, speaking of this game, has anyone noticed (on the official US site) that they (Sega) mention the original is coming to Gametap...albeit emulated?

It is mentioned under the "Story" section of the site...under, "Behind the Story" And it says the following (for those who may not have found it...):
Go behind the scenes and get a look at the making of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams in this exclusive video from Gametap!
Learn more about the creation of NiGHTS, the story and philosophy behind the game, and what new surprises are in store for players ready to take their own journey of dreams. Also, make sure to check out Gametap to play an emulated version of the original NiGHTS into Dreams on your computer!
emphasis added...

So, maybe if we don't get a good NiGHTS game on Wii, maybe we can at least get the original... =/
Dammit. There's no way in hell my computer could emulate Saturn. I want a port... not an emulation. :(
Honestly, I would prefer if Sega brought NiGHTS into Dreams to Xbox 360 Live Arcade, HD resolution and all.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Nobodyspatzy said:
Hmm, speaking of this game, has anyone noticed (on the official US site) that they (Sega) mention the original is coming to Gametap...albeit emulated?

It is mentioned under the "Story" section of the site...under, "Behind the Story" And it says the following (for those who may not have found it...):

Go behind the scenes and get a look at the making of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams in this exclusive video from Gametap!
Learn more about the creation of NiGHTS, the story and philosophy behind the game, and what new surprises are in store for players ready to take their own journey of dreams. Also, make sure to check out Gametap to play an emulated version of the original NiGHTS into Dreams on your computer!
emphasis added...

So, maybe if we don't get a good NiGHTS game on Wii, maybe we can at least get the original... =/
Wait... What? Is it just me or that came out of nowhere?

They say it's only emulated and all, but would it be too much to dream that it will look like this?

M3d10n said:
Oh lord, gone already? Here, let me fix it for ya:


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm sorry, guys. I like it.

Details later, I'm a couple hours in.

Take your time, Segata. I'm one of the people who really wants to read your impressions.
After reading all the impressions and reviews I'm pretty disappointed with some of the bad design choices, but for the most part it's still getting better reviews than Dewy's Adventure (IGN being the notable exception) and I enjoyed that game despite the less than glowing impressions.

I think Sega was crazy to release the game against stiff holiday competition when giving it a little more time to cook and pushing it to early spring when there's more breathing room for software seems like it would clearly be to their benefit.
Anyone who's playing the game know how to hit
when he's
throwing the fireballs at you? Doesn't seem to work like in the original NiGHTS.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Anyone who's playing the game know how to hit
when he's
throwing the fireballs at you? Doesn't seem to work like in the original NiGHTS.
that took me a while, like to the point where I thought the game was broken. I had to
use the dragon persona


I just beat Cerebus. I think I could overlook alot of the issues if the controls didnt feel so clunky. You dont really get that sensation of flying because youre fighting the controls most of the time.


Well, my brother picked this up today. He likes it, I loathe it.

The controls, argh! It doesn't move fluidly like it should. The voices are grating on my nerves. Graphically, it's just average.

I guess I'll just pass on this one. Back to Galaxy for me. Damn you, Sega.


Spike said:
Well, my brother picked this up today. He likes it, I loathe it.

The controls, argh! It doesn't move fluidly like it should. The voices are grating on my nerves. Graphically, it's just average.

I guess I'll just pass on this one. Back to Galaxy for me. Damn you, Sega.

it's like they had this formula that worked, and they went down the checklist of how to systematically deconstruct it. Everything that worked phenomenally in the original, is either super unpolished and has wonky controls here, or is so boring or lame that it defies logic. Even the flight, which should be at least where the game shines, is held back by like issues - a less than solid framerate making it lose crucial fluidity and far less than ideal controls. But if it was just these - even factoring in the newly implemented flaws and pacing issues and structural changes which rape the addictive nature from the first game - the game would be a 6 out of 10. But it's not just those, it's these fucking horrific in between segments which horrible everything included which firmly place this shit at junker 2~4/10 level. *shudder*

Sorry I'm frustrated now, because it seems we have no chance to get a legitimately good NiGHTS game with the remake either. Because SEGA only makes stupid decisions these days. Sorry, SEGATA, I don't want to "Amir0x" your thread but this game is continually pissing me off.


Amir0x said:
it's like they had this formula that worked, and they went down the checklist of how to systematically deconstruct it. Everything that worked phenomenally in the original, is either super unpolished and has wonky controls here, or is so boring or lame that it defies logic. Even the flight, which should be at least where the game shines, is held back by like issues - a less than solid framerate making it lose crucial fluidity and far less than ideal controls. But if it was just these - even factoring in the newly implemented flaws and pacing issues and structural changes which rape the addictive nature from the first game - the game would be a 6 out of 10. But it's not just those, it's these fucking horrific in between segments which horrible everything included which firmly place this shit at junker 2~4/10 level. *shudder*

Sorry I'm frustrated now, because it seems we have no chance to get a legitimately good NiGHTS game with the remake either. Because SEGA only makes stupid decisions these days. Sorry, SEGATA, I don't want to "Amir0x" your thread but this game is continually pissing me off.

Holy shit, I never thought I'd say this to one of Ami's posts, but:

100% Agreed.

The frustrating part of all this is that this could have all been avoided. All it needed was another 4-6 months on strictly polishing up, and it would've been much better. But Sega, in their infinite wisdom, wanted the Xmas sales and wanted to launch before SSBB. So, this is what we get.
Okay, I've finished Helen's path. I'm not going to keep you guys waiting any longer for my impressions, because I think I've played enough to be sure.

I love it.

Here is the entire sum of my problems with the game:

The masks are largely useless.
The story really didn't need to be there.
Some of the "non-traditional" levels aren't all that fun.

That's the lot.

It's worth pointing out that the game has as many "traditional" levels as the original NiGHTS in its entirety. Not all of the "non-traditional" levels suck, some are quite fun.

The game is stylish and often beautiful. The game is, as Shane said in his EGM review, slavishly faithful to the original. The music is excellent. The controls are slightly different, and it takes a level or two to get a handle on the subtle differences, especially if you've been playing the original recently.

The bosses are god-damned inspired.

You can skip some cutscenes. Unfortunately the only way to know if you can is to try. You only have to restart the "world" if you lose to a boss. If you lose on any of the stages, you can restart from that stage.

Honestly, I'm not sure how someone that loved the original NiGHTS could be so unhappy with this as to push it away. It's a different game in a lot of ways, and it cribs so much from the original that it doesn't have that originality going for it, but really... I'm happy. I'm quite happy.

Thus, whatever anyone else says about it from here on out really doesn't matter one flying fuck to me. I waited eleven years, I didn't think I'd ever see it, now I have it, and against my greatest fears, I loved it. THANK YOU, SEGA.

edit: oh, and in case anyone was dumb enough to try, don't bother with the wiimote controls. Go right to the pad, you'll be fine.
This game is Sega's trap card.

It really isn't worth $50, but if a lot of people don't buy it there is absolutely zero chance of this ever coming to North America:


I weep.


The only possible explanation other than sega being completely incompetent is the game was designed for the remote and the regular controls were an afterthought.


Amir0x said:
it's like they had this formula that worked, and they went down the checklist of how to systematically deconstruct it. Everything that worked phenomenally in the original, is either super unpolished and has wonky controls here, or is so boring or lame that it defies logic. Even the flight, which should be at least where the game shines, is held back by like issues - a less than solid framerate making it lose crucial fluidity and far less than ideal controls. But if it was just these - even factoring in the newly implemented flaws and pacing issues and structural changes which rape the addictive nature from the first game - the game would be a 6 out of 10. But it's not just those, it's these fucking horrific in between segments which horrible everything included which firmly place this shit at junker 2~4/10 level. *shudder*

Sorry I'm frustrated now, because it seems we have no chance to get a legitimately good NiGHTS game with the remake either. Because SEGA only makes stupid decisions these days. Sorry, SEGATA, I don't want to "Amir0x" your thread but this game is continually pissing me off.

Maddening, isn't it?

It's like SEGA is alergic to success or something.


Spike said:
Holy shit, I never thought I'd say this to one of Ami's posts, but:

100% Agreed.

The frustrating part of all this is that this could have all been avoided. All it needed was another 4-6 months on strictly polishing up, and it would've been much better. But Sega, in their infinite wisdom, wanted the Xmas sales and wanted to launch before SSBB. So, this is what we get.

Considering all the billion problems this game has, it'd probably take more than 4~6 months to fix it. I'm going to fucking import NiGHTS PS2, and then send a copy to SEGA with the words "next time when you design a sequel, study the fucking original."

It reminds me of the great disparity between companies Nintendo and SEGA now. The one difference, Nintendo takes care of its properties... you'll NEVER see one of their cherished franchises lacking such polish. It's insane how they treat this shit. SEGA of old would rarely do something like this, but I guess the talent is gone.


All the hate aside, I still want to finish the damn game.

So, how DO you beat the second world boss
The Chameleon Magician


D-X said:
Yep that's him alright. Makes me want Seaman 2 in English

I think it's george tekai, who played sulu on startrack. It's kinda funny since lenord nemoy was also a voice actor in seaman.


kinggroin said:
All the hate aside, I still want to finish the damn game.

So, how DO you beat the decond world boss
The Chameleon Magician

The game isn't supposed to be long, right? Around the original length? Yeah, I might try to dust it up before return on Friday... at least the bosses are still ok. That's my only compliment outside of the music.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Okay, I've finished Helen's path. I'm not going to keep you guys waiting any longer for my impressions, because I think I've played enough to be sure.

I love it.

Here is the entire sum of my problems with the game:

The masks are largely useless.
The story really didn't need to be there.
Some of the "non-traditional" levels aren't all that fun.

That's the lot.

It's worth pointing out that the game has as many "traditional" levels as the original NiGHTS in its entirety. Not all of the "non-traditional" levels suck, some are quite fun.

The game is stylish and often beautiful. The game is, as Shane said in his EGM review, slavishly faithful to the original. The music is excellent. The controls are slightly different, and it takes a level or two to get a handle on the subtle differences, especially if you've been playing the original recently.

The bosses are god-damned inspired.

You can skip some cutscenes. Unfortunately the only way to know if you can is to try. You only have to restart the "world" if you lose to a boss. If you lose on any of the stages, you can restart from that stage.

Honestly, I'm not sure how someone that loved the original NiGHTS could be so unhappy with this as to push it away. It's a different game in a lot of ways, and it cribs so much from the original that it doesn't have that originality going for it, but really... I'm happy. I'm quite happy.

Thus, whatever anyone else says about it from here on out really doesn't matter one flying fuck to me. I waited eleven years, I didn't think I'd ever see it, now I have it, and against my greatest fears, I loved it. THANK YOU, SEGA.

edit: oh, and in case anyone was dumb enough to try, don't bother with the wiimote controls. Go right to the pad, you'll be fine.

I usually agree with you on most sega games so I am hoping that is the way I feel. But I am not convinced enough to buy it so I will be waiting for it to hit blockbuster, hopefully by friday they have it.

EDIT: But I also agree with Amirox on a bunch of games as well, hmm, should be interesting to see where I fit.


Amir0x said:
Considering all the billion problems this game has, it'd probably take more than 4~6 months to fix it. I'm going to fucking import NiGHTS PS2, and then send a copy to SEGA with the words "next time when you design a sequel, study the fucking original."

It reminds me of the great disparity between companies Nintendo and SEGA now. The one difference, Nintendo takes care of its properties... you'll NEVER see one of their cherished franchises lacking such polish. It's insane how they treat this shit. SEGA of old would rarely do something like this, but I guess the talent is gone.

Pretty much in agreement here. Does Naka have anything to do with Sega anymore? Did he have any hand in this travesty?
MiamiWesker said:
I usually agree with you on most sega games so I am hoping that is the way I feel. But I am not convinced enough to buy it so I will be waiting for it to hit blockbuster, hopefully by friday they have it.
It's only a bit longer than the first one. You'll probably be able to cap it off in a rental.


Spike said:
Pretty much in agreement here. Does Naka have anything to do with Sega anymore? Did he have any hand in this travesty?

Honestly don't know. It's not like SEGA -never- makes anything good - Virtua Fighter 5 and Sonic Rush/Adventure are the only three I've liked from them in ages, admittedly - but I thought they'd have some remaining bit of respect for NiGHTS. They didn't whore this shit for years, they let it ferment and the cherished memories were so happy. And then they return, I was so glad, and they give us THIS.

SEGA must have a mini team of talent that just shuffles around from project to project, so you shuffle a dice and maybe one out of every twenty projects ends up decent-to-good.
Segata Sanshiro said:
It's only a bit longer than the first one. You'll probably be able to cap it off in a rental.

I want to be clear on this, the ranking system from the original, is it there or not. I know they still give ranks but is it the same way in the original where you need to fit in as many laps as possible and get massive chains to get the highest scores? Thats what I loved about the original. It could be beat in a few hours but that game had incredible replayablility, if this game has that I would think about getting it for christmas, but that is the only way.
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