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The OFFICIAL Pikmin 2 Topic.


Unconfirmed Member
I have a cardboard and foam 3D diarama advert for Pikmin 2 with the lobster the lilly pad portrudes and all the sharacters stand up on it with the exception of blue who is attached by a spring :D so cool. Can't wait for the game. Picking it up wednesday.


Mike said:
Who are you and what have you done with AniHawk?

Agh, I know. I usually pick up big games first thing first (AND I have a $25 Best Buy Gift Card that's been burning a hole in my pocket for far too long), but I plan on getting Pikmin 2, Paper Mario 2, Donkey Konga, Fable, SMT3, Phantom Brave, Taiko Drum Master, Katamari Damashi, and DDS all at or around the same time if possible. Save somewhere around $130 (though PB may not be there or be marked down somewhere else beforehand and I'll just get something else instead [I also bet I end up not picking up both SMT games]).

But back to the topic...

Go teh Pikmin 2!!


BatiGOOOOOOL said:
Sadly, as much as I love the 1st game I'm thinking about holding off until the 2-for-1 TRU deal because I'm a little short on cash.
You people who are relying on that RUMOR are crazy.

Especially since TRU just had a big huge clearance. It seems even less likely that the rumor will pan out.


...so...did it ship Monday, or today? Cause if it's today, I'm going to be sad.

How weak am I? After weeks of accepting that I probably couldn't pick up Pikmin 2, I have just enough spare cash and trade in credit...broke for Pikmin!


Rhage said:
You people who are relying on that RUMOR are crazy.

Especially since TRU just had a big huge clearance. It seems even less likely that the rumor will pan out.


BuddyChrist83 said:
How weak am I? After weeks of accepting that I probably couldn't pick up Pikmin 2, I have just enough spare cash and trade in credit...broke for Pikmin!

So like me... now Rhage has me thinking, "Just stop by Best Buy on the way home after school. Use the gift card. Even if there's a TRU deal, there are other GC games you don't have."


Nintendo game usually (always AFAIK) ship on Mondays. The official release dates are probably Wed/Thurs., but you can probably find it at places like EB and Gamestop, maybe even Best Buy (we got Madden 2 days ahead of schedule)...


got my pikmin 2.

omg the repetative sounds are annoying as hell. they get on your nerves hella fast.
the game is a simple puzzle game (didnt play the first one) that has some fun elements

but the sounds are driving me nuts. you hear that damn squeek 3404365262 times every 5 min.

i stopped playing after an hour.


efralope said:
Nintendo game usually (always AFAIK) ship on Mondays. The official release dates are probably Wed/Thurs., but you can probably find it at places like EB and Gamestop, maybe even Best Buy (we got Madden 2 days ahead of schedule)...

I've only found BB having one game in early EVER and that was SMA4: SMB 3 (which they had out on the Sunday before its release).


AniHawk said:
I've only found BB having one game in early EVER and that was SMA4: SMB 3 (which they had out on the Sunday before its release).

well, "early" as compared to the advertised release date.

August 12th was what our ad said, but the game shipped on Monday, and we got the game on Tuesday, so we just put it out....

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
AniHawk said:
I'm going to have to hold off on video games until October. Then I'll be getting nine or so from Toys R Us!

*High fives AniHawk

Damn straight!!

And I like the new boxart much more than the old. :)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
bheemer said:
got my pikmin 2.

omg the repetative sounds are annoying as hell. they get on your nerves hella fast.
the game is a simple puzzle game (didnt play the first one) that has some fun elements

but the sounds are driving me nuts. you hear that damn squeek 3404365262 times every 5 min.

i stopped playing after an hour.

One look at your posting history shows that you have negative credibility when it comes to anything Nintendo related.


Party Pooper
i'm pretty sure the TRU i work at got in 8 copies this morning, but since there was no one to scan them in, i couldnt open the box to be 100% sure...

we also got 12 copies of day of reckoning...(THAT box was labeled...)

and dont bank on a TRU buy 2 get 1, i havent heard a peep about it yet, but then again that big conference call is tomorrow... who knows
atomsk said:
i'm pretty sure the TRU i work at got in 8 copies this morning, but since there was no one to scan them in, i couldnt open the box to be 100% sure...

we also got 12 copies of day of reckoning...(THAT box was labeled...)

and dont bank on a TRU buy 2 get 1, i havent heard a peep about it yet, but then again that big conference call is tomorrow... who knows

Well, if you hear anything about the 2-for-1 deal tomorrow would you keep us posted, please? Cause if it ain´t happening I have to start managing my money a little better. :D


bheemer said:
got my pikmin 2.

omg the repetative sounds are annoying as hell. they get on your nerves hella fast.
the game is a simple puzzle game (didnt play the first one) that has some fun elements

but the sounds are driving me nuts. you hear that damn squeek 3404365262 times every 5 min.

i stopped playing after an hour.
Have you played the first one?


Rhage said:
Have you played the first one?
bheemer said:
(didnt play the first one)

Moving on.

Finding Pikmin 2 at Best Buy has me in a great mood that will undoubtedly be shattered far before I'm able to even boot it up. As it stands, I'm rather excited, singing little Pikmin ditties, for example:

Pikmin, Pikmin that is what I bought
Oh Pikmin how I love you so
You are really hot
You're the best idea Miyamoto ever had
Yes even better than Mario
And that little elfish lad

Miyamoto bring more over here
Some people say that Pikmin suck
but they are kinda queer
If the world had more Pikmin
we wouldn't have war
Only awesome.

Pikmin is the best thing today
I can't wait to find some old Nintendo shit
hip hip hip hooray!

I can honestly do this for hours.


Anyone else impressed with the manual?

Full color, attention to detail...even a center-spread of Olimar et. al.


Canadians can start getting their copies today. Oh, and we also got the original boxart, not the lobster edition.


efralope said:
I thought all NA boxarts were the same...

Due to the bilingual nature of Canada, they have regulations forcing publishers to include both English and French on the cover/back of the box/instruction manual (If I'm wrong about the specifics here, don't kill me.)

Thus they're printed seperately from the American inserts, and may vary in a few ways.


I got my Pikmin 2 today! :D

Hopefully it'll take away the sour taste of Metroid Prime's
platforming section from hell before the last boss. Whoever green lighted that piece of shit sequence needs to die or be booted out of Retro (/rant)

BTW... WTF is up with the cover. What an ugly ass cover... it's just so unattractive. It almost looks repulsive.


IJoel said:
Hopefully it'll take away the sour taste of Metroid Prime's
platforming section from hell before the last boss. Whoever green lighted that piece of shit sequence needs to die or be booted out of Retro (/rant)

Man, that shit is cake. YUO = TEH WEAKSAUCE GAMERZ.

Just kidding. But seriously, as hard as it seems at first, it really isn't that bad. Just remember
Super Bombs are your friend. You should probably only need to use one (maybe two) at the mid-level point ear the missile bay.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Due to the bilingual nature of Canada, they have regulations forcing publishers to include both English and French on the cover/back of the box/instruction manual (If I'm wrong about the specifics here, don't kill me.)

Thus they're printed seperately from the American inserts, and may vary in a few ways.

Correct. Actually, most of the companies just add in a seperate, French manual, but Nintendo actually produces the full bilingual packaging.

Also, forgot to mention that the Canadian version has some text on the cover about Shigeru Miyamoto. I don't have the game, but I saw it in the local stores.


The new cover, for those that haven't seen it:

I preferred the old one:


Unconfirmed Member
BuddyChrist83 said:
Miyamoto bring more over here
Some people say that Pikmin suck
but they are kinda queer
If the world had more Pikmin
we wouldn't have war
Only awesome.

Best lymiric ever.

Mine is in, but I don't want to drive out there today. I will pick it up tomorrow because I will already be in the area.


i wish i had money to get this

i played the original not expecting much, then on the first play i played for 8 hours straight.


BuddyChrist83 said:
I love you Best Buy. Hey Gamestop, go eat cock.

told ya'

Believe it or not, the official in-stock date for Best Buy is September 4th (even though it's supposed to be available Wed. according to the ad)

BuddyChrist83 said:
Pikmin, Pikmin that is what I bought
Oh Pikmin how I love you so
You are really hot
You're the best idea Miyamoto ever had
Yes even better than Mario
And that little elfish lad

Miyamoto bring more over here
Some people say that Pikmin suck
but they are kinda queer
If the world had more Pikmin
we wouldn't have war
Only awesome.

Pikmin is the best thing today
I can't wait to find some old Nintendo shit
hip hip hip hooray!

I can honestly do this for hours.


Those lobsters can be right bastards in the dungeons. Still playing the Japanese version here, had a go today at the last dungeon that remained pinkless. No luck, damn boss keeps picking off only 2 or 3 pikmin. :(
Hope you guys get as much out of it as I did.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
GameDAILY Pikmin 2 review:

Page 1
Page 2

+ No more 30 day time limit! Explore the world at your leisure
+ Worlds feature a perfect mixture of Pikmin management/combat and puzzle solving
+ Addition of multiplayer, secondary goals in 1P quest, and challenge mode ratchet up the replay value
+ New Pikmin and new abilities for existing Pikmin introduce many new challenges & puzzles
+ Lengthier Adventure
+/- Although not recycled, the visuals and audio have changed very little from Pikmin 1
- Sometimes the cave sections can drag, and seem to artificially increase the game's length and difficulty

Bottom Line:
Pikmin 2 is going to be turning up on many "best of" lists this winter, even with this fall's stellar line-up of releases. Although it isn't perfect, the title's flaws are very minor and don't detract from what is an extremely polished and extremely fun experience. Pikmin 2 doesn't have the innovative feeling of the first, but it goes above and beyond the call of duty for a sequel, and surpasses the original in every way. Pikmin 2 deserves a look from all gamers, even those who didn't like the original.

The extended review (page 2) goes into the specifics that hardcore gamers like the GAF crowd are more interested in.

king zell

Gamespy review


Improves on almost every aspect of the original; great sights and sounds; cool trophy system; no time limit; challenging gameplay.

The usual lack of online play; tiny bits of slowdown here and there; Pikmin sometimes get left behind.


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Any word on a 60hz mode for PAL?

Please nintendo god, help me out here.


Tag of Excellence

GameFAQs said:
Hidden Pikmin 1 Theme Song
Assemble 20 of each of the 5 colored Pikmin into a single group to hear them hum the Japanese Pikmin 1 theme song, Ai no Uta by Strawberry Flower.

Title Screen
At the title screen, press R on the first controller to make the Pikmin run around and form the word "Nintendo."


From: Chris Faylor
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:56 PM
To: Demanding Professor
Subject: J102 Query

Just to clarify, are our main assertions due on Wednesday, September 1st or the 8th?

Chris Faylor

From: Demanding Professor
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:36 PM
To: Overworked, Formerly Hopeful Student
Subject: Your soul is mine.

MAs are due Sept. 1. You shall not partake in Pikmin 2, for you would enjoy it and that would go against my philosophy on life.


Canada > America



The Miyamato thing is stupid, though.


At least there's no lobster.


That Canadian cover looks really cool, but the text is really quite terrible.

Like really...I'm a big fan of Shiggy, but I KNOW he made Pikmin. Anyone who didn't know doesn't give a shit.


Mike said:
Man, I'm trying to like this game, but I'm a bit frustrated. My pikmin were all wiped out due to a stupid mistake on my part at the very end of the second level. I assumed that I could try the last section again, but to my surprise they make you end the day and start all over the next with one pikmin, as opposed to the 95 I had. Then you have to completely restart the level since none of the extensive work done in the caves is remembered.

If I had known this was the case I would have proceeded way more cautiously. I think I'll take a break for awhile and come back to it.

Do you stock up on Pikmin? When I'm maxed out I store twenty or so away just incase disaster strikes.


God damnit...I hate reviews.

First, Day of Reckoning isn't panned, so I have to consider it. And then, there's amazingly positive impressions of Donkey Konga floating around...and now Pikmin 2 is being considered an awesome sequel to a game I liked but didn't finish because I sucked/got sucked into other games.

One if $70 Canadian, I can get for like $75 after taxes, the others I can grab for a mere $64 Canadian after taxes. Choosing one of them is going to be damn tough...I really wish I was rich right now...I really do. If only University Books wasn't going to wipe me out.


Sucks at viral marketing
Without the background monster, the old cover is just boring.

And the GAmespot review is up... 9.2


Flynn said:
Do you stock up on Pikmin? When I'm maxed out I store twenty or so away just incase disaster strikes.

Yeah, see I just ran into the final cave in the second level with 95 pikmin out. I figured, "Nothing can kill me when I have 95 pikmin! I'm a god!"

I forgot that you have to start from scratch when all your pikmin are gone. :(


Memles said:
God damnit...I hate reviews.

First, Day of Reckoning isn't panned, so I have to consider it. And then, there's amazingly positive impressions of Donkey Konga floating around...and now Pikmin 2 is being considered an awesome sequel to a game I liked but didn't finish because I sucked/got sucked into other games.

One if $70 Canadian, I can get for like $75 after taxes, the others I can grab for a mere $64 Canadian after taxes. Choosing one of them is going to be damn tough...I really wish I was rich right now...I really do. If only University Books wasn't going to wipe me out.
I ordered Pikmin 2 from videogamesplus.ca which cost me 59.99+4.99 for international shipping. $65ca shipped to Australia is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me :)

(about 2/3rds the price of local PAL releases and 2 months earlier = :D)

I hope I get the Canadian boxart as well


Mike said:
Yeah, see I just ran into the final cave in the second level with 95 pikmin out. I figured, "Nothing can kill me when I have 95 pikmin! I'm a god!"

I forgot that you have to start from scratch when all your pikmin are gone. :(

I got to the same guy that rocked you last night. I probably would have done the same thing.
I'm really enjoying the game, though. My only complaint about the first was the clock -- I prefer to take my time exploring every nook and crannie.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
when in caves, where do the pikmin take the treasure?


catfish said:
Any word on a 60hz mode for PAL?

Please nintendo god, help me out here.

Of course it will have 60Hz anf full screen + speed 50 Hz, its standard. I'm preordering it soon.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Deg said:
Of course it will have 60Hz anf full screen + speed 50 Hz, its standard. I'm preordering it soon.

Thats what I believe should be true.

Pikmin 1, Mario Party 5 and Mario golf (from memory) tell me it's not true though.

Mines preordered regardless, but y'know.


OMG this game is gorgeous in pro-scan... I'm not sure if it defaults to 16:9 while in pro-scan, since I can't see any stretching and nothing in the manual seems to mention it.

Anyway, what's the verdict on the Flicker Filter? On or Off?


catfish said:
Thats what I believe should be true.

Pikmin 1, Mario Party 5 and Mario golf (from memory) tell me it's not true though.

Mines preordered regardless, but y'know.

MP5 doesnt have it but you dont need it. Its full screen and speed anyway. Dont remember Pikmin 1 but all the major games have a 60Hz mode.


Nos_G said:
Anyway, what's the verdict on the Flicker Filter? On or Off?

flicker is when you see horizontal lines moving down the screen. Off ofcourse. Its something rare to see in gc games. Might be like the jaggies option in SSBM.
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