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The OFFICIAL Pikmin 2 Topic.


Nos_G said:
OMG this game is gorgeous in pro-scan... I'm not sure if it defaults to 16:9 while in pro-scan, since I can't see any stretching and nothing in the manual seems to mention it.

Anyway, what's the verdict on the Flicker Filter? On or Off?

I switched it off like I do with SSBM. I'm not big on the softness of the deflicker.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I never expected to lose 93 Pikmin so QUICKLY. (Area 2, Lowest level of Cave)

In one moment, I've carefully arranged two groups on opposite sides, then begin flinging whilst I hear snoring.

Three seconds later, 93 Pikmin die.

I'm lucky, though. I had 2 purples left, and managed to finish once I understood what was going on.


Stryder said:
I ordered Pikmin 2 from videogamesplus.ca which cost me 59.99+4.99 for international shipping. $65ca shipped to Australia is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me :)

(about 2/3rds the price of local PAL releases and 2 months earlier = :D)

I hope I get the Canadian boxart as well

I don't trust it to get there...Amazon has it for $60, I can then get $5 off with a coupon, and then free shipping, so the deal is there...just, not willing to spend the cash right now.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
catfish said:
when in caves, where do the pikmin take the treasure?

A little remote part of your spaceship goes underground with you.

The reat of you, you might wanna start using spoiler tags with all the boss talk.


Stryder said:
I ordered Pikmin 2 from videogamesplus.ca which cost me 59.99+4.99 for international shipping. $65ca shipped to Australia is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me :)

(about 2/3rds the price of local PAL releases and 2 months earlier = :D)

I hope I get the Canadian boxart as well

You will. They are reliable guys and have been in business forever up here.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
OMG, so much fun! ^_^

But I get so sad whenever any of my pikmin die. =( They love me!!!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Damn. Now I loved the first game to death. But even after all this time, I only played it through once. Though I liked the 30 day time limit, and even managed to beat the game on my first go through with all 30 parts in only 26 days, I never really felt inclined to replay it under time constraints.

So I dutifully picked up Pikmin 2, fully knowing I'd love it.

I'm still surprised that even after a long day at work, I managed to put in a solid 5 hours with it tonight. It is FANTASTIC.

And getting the little troopers to hum the title music as a marching theme brought all kinds of smiles to my face.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
BuddyChrist83 said:
I hate the whole lot of ya. Jerks.

Don't worry Ugly PAL step children feel the same way as you!

I haven't anticipated a game this much in ages.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Man... the Piklopedia is great. It
documents every monster, creature, and plant you come across... but when you look at them, it's more like you're keeping them as pets. They are kept in a little outdoor area and you can feed them carrots. =) You can also read quite a bit of information about them and how they live. Cool stuff.

Not to mention the gallery of
cool treasures
you get to keep! =)


Tag of Excellence
Seriously, this game is VERY good. I honestly didn't expect them to go through the original game and fix everything that was either questionable or not enjoyable.

Anyone receive the original intended US cover when they picked up the game? Some people from GameFAQS are saying that they have but of course it could be all lies.

EDIT: Yeah but the people posting say they are American or atleast that they live in the US.


TekunoRobby said:
Anyone receive the original intended US cover when they picked up the game? Some people from GameFAQS are saying that they have but of course it could be all lies.

The Canadians, but you knew that.
MrCheez said:
Man... the Piklopedia is great. It
documents every monster, creature, and plant you come across... but when you look at them, it's more like you're keeping them as pets. They are kept in a little outdoor area and you can feed them carrots. =) You can also read quite a bit of information about them and how they live. Cool stuff.

Not to mention the gallery of
cool treasures
you get to keep! =)

Pressing the Z button when viewing a creature in the piklopedia will give you one more thing to do
aside from chucking carrots all over the place

Having just completed Pikmin 1 last week and then being helplessly addicted to the challenge mode, I immediately noticed some very small gameplay tweaks for the better after my playtime with Pikmin 2 tonight.

-Plucking pikmin out of the ground no longer takes forever and a day when you're trying to pull out more than ten or so. Not only is the action simply sped up slightly, but both captains work together, creating a plucking frenzy!

-Pikmin no longer quickly auto-return back to the captain when thrown and then complete their duty (i.e. in the sequel, after throwing a pikmin on a pellet flower, they actually begin to carry the pellet after destroying the flower instead of getting back in line).

-There is more of a disparity between leaf, bud, and flower pikmin speeds now. Unlike in Pikmin 1 where leaf pikmin lolly-gagged behind the captain, the leaf pikmin really do lag behind the captain in the new game to the extent where they are completely off screen.

-Pikmin no longer stop for a few second on a nectar high; once their flower sprouts from sucking up the nectar, they're good to go.

-And while not gameplay related, the graphics are much cleaner and, well, wonderful. Some textures are spot on (such as the
), but the game still have it's fair share of blurry, not so great textures as well.
The Shigeru Miyamoto promo on the box is the most blatant, intelligence-insulting comment to hit the front of the box since the "frothing demand" incident. Nintendo should really take a hint from Konami to get something slightly more subtle on the box.

Cover rocks otherwise. Nintendo was even nice enough to put the actual logo on the spine as opposed to simple white letters.


Pikmin 2 is lots of fun so far. Lots of excellent additions, but it's the little touches that seem to be impressing me the most.


Just played a little bit today. The two spacemen increase the multitasking ability, but a lot os far feels the same so far. I've only played 2 days though. The purple dudes are buff, yo.

I got the feeling Louie was drooling because he wanted to eat the pikmin.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I can't believe no one (but me) has mentioned the multiplayer. I've been really surprised to find that it's a lot of fun.
I'm flippin' over this gem. Love it, love it.

I wish I didn't have to WRITE WRITE WRITE otherwise I'd be playing the balls off this sucker.

...and how's the multiplayer? I'm waiting for my girlfriend to get proficient enough at the game to coerce her into a multiplayer duel (oh, you're doing so good, hon, way to g... TA-DOW BITCH!).

Also, I thought there was co-op? Is it locked away somewhere? Was that simply an assumptive screenshot flub?

*Noel Coward Parody

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I spent more time with multiplayer than Single player last night actually. The power-ups, the roullette wheels, the enemies, the chase for marbles, the randomness of item orbs, insanely fun.

Far better than the devious hijinx one can pull off in that 4 Swords game.

Buy this.

Edit:(Do wish Nintendo didn't fubar player preference options though with every game of this type) After a bit of playing, we both agreed having a match that consists of purely capturing the flag(aka marble) from other base would have been a nice change of pace. Too often we are off just scouring for the 4 yellow ones. Didn't notice any way to switch around the rules...


Should I skip the first one in favor of part two?

I'm actually slightly intersted in Pikmin 2. But I barely scratched the surface of the first game.

Someone give me a synopsis of the first game so I don't have to play it. :p I really want to jump into part two, especially if Nintendo upgraded many aspects of the gameplay.


My favorite part really has to be the monster and treasure viewers. I must pissed away an hour out off a whole 4-5 hour gaming session last night just screwing around, enjoying the cool the lighting affects, and reading Olimar's comments. This mode is on par or maybe even ahead the SSBM trophy viewer.

I'm annoyed as hell that I have reading assignment tonight, but thank god the weekend is quickly approaching.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Little alien crash-lands on Earth. Ship is busted into 30 pieces. You have 30 days to collect them all with the help from the Pikmin clans. Mini-puzzles and obstacles block your path, until you finally reach the big boss guarding the final ship piece. Game over...

Pikmin 2 is largely a very similar premise, minus the requisite 30 day limit. The game throws tons of treasures to find scattered about, all for the benefit of paying off a debt. Adds powerups you can use for temporary effects on Pikmin, adds many new enemies and puzzles, underground dungeon levels, and more.

2-player versus is awesome so far. Co-op mode appears in challenge mode, which asks you to survive a gauntlet of levels without losing any pikmin and such(needs unlocking with a special item you find in SP though). Game is great thus far.


Bought this game because of the hype here and because I am too compulsive. :)

I played it a little bit, seems fun, I hope it'll get better.

GAF! Don't deceive me!
Wellington said:
I'm the man! Haven't lost a single pikmin YET! :D

ahh, dont say that. Yer only gonna unleash my competitive side and wanna start over! Damn that giant fat thing.

It's pretty cool that the majority of the items are all real life products.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Dunno if already posted, but Gamespot's review is up.


It got a 9.2

All told, Pikmin 2 is an excellent sequel that builds on its predecessor by introducing important additions that make the game even better than the original. The game's improved visuals and deeper playability smartly expand on the concepts introduced in the original. The implementation of the multiplayer modes is a welcome addition to the sequel, as is the lengthier single-player experience. If you're a fan of the original game, picking Pikmin 2 up should be a no-brainer. If you haven't tried the series yet, Pikmin 2 is a fantastic place to start.

The original got an 8.9 from Gamespot.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo lost 16 Pikmin so far ;_; .....I miss them...

Also, the cutest thing ever... when you get a certain item, if you hold X long enough
Olimar or Louie fall asleep... and the Pikmin will pick them up and carry them back to their onions. SO COOT


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Just a couple notes regarding game length - Do NOT highlight if you don't want to know how much there is to do! (no info about the ending or bosses is spoiled)

- It takes 10,000 pokos to beat the game, as you know. What you might not know is that if you collect a moderate amount of enemies in caves, when you've collected every single treasure you'll have about 20,000 pokos. Meaning you only need to clear about half the game to "beat" it.

- There are total of 4 large areas, and a total of 14 caves within these areas. The cave sizes vary, but the largest has 15(!!!) levels, and multiple bosses along the way.

Spoiler-free cliffnotes:

Pikmin 2 is much longer.


Is it harder to lose Pikmin or something? Because being a puzzle whore, I blew through the original on my first time with no real issues. BUT. I was always bleeding Pikmin like crazy.

I mean, I would just waste them in great numbers. The distant spring espically comes to mind here... and no matter how careful I atempted to be, monsters always managed to gobble a few of my Pikmin. :(

That said, I'll probably be picking it up tonight. I didn't have time yesterday, but now I am ready, yay.


Alex said:
Is it harder to lose Pikmin or something?
Nah, it's just that our deft Pikmin skeeelz carry over seamlessly to the sequel. If anything, the inclusion of dungeons make Pikmin deaths more frequent.


I'd like to know myself. I've already lost ~60 Pikmin!

Though it was mostly the huge Penis that was my ruin.

[edit] Day 10
Nos_G said:
OMG this game is gorgeous in pro-scan... I'm not sure if it defaults to 16:9 while in pro-scan, since I can't see any stretching and nothing in the manual seems to mention it.

Anyway, what's the verdict on the Flicker Filter? On or Off?

What kind of tv do i need to play in pro-scan?does it work with pc monitors?also i have to buy a US/JAP version of the game right?


This game is pure joy. I was skeptical about the elimination of the 30-day timer at first, but now that there's no rush, I find myself enjoying just playing around and looking around the environments. The Piklopedia and Treasure list are especially nice additions.

I'm still excited about the rest of the stuff coming in Q4 (Donkey Konga, MP2, Halo 2, GTA:SA), but if the rest of Pikmin 2 is as good as these first few hours, it's going to take a LOT to replace this game as my favorite.


Tag of Excellence
I've lost only 9 Pikmin so far and even then my girlfriend is angry about it. She LOVES the little fuckers and I love making them my slaves.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Wellington said:
Through day 3 I've not yet lost a pikmin. GO ME. NONE SHALL BE LEFT BEHIND!

Soon you shall experience the true and utter despair of innocent Pikmin deaths. =(


Bluemercury said:
What kind of tv do i need to play in pro-scan?does it work with pc monitors?also i have to buy a US/JAP version of the game right?

You would need a HDTV and a set of GC component cables... and I don't get the latter part of your post.. WHA!??!

Um, you would need a copy of the game, yes.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
PAL cubes don't do progressive scan is I think what hes getting at.

Although apparently freeloader somehow enables it. (that is to say a freeloader disk let's you use the hold down b method to get the progressive scan on a PAL cube, from a US disk)


Ah, ok.

Thanks for the clarification catfish. :)

Heh, my Carmex lip balm is in the game!!!

Damn Pikmin thieves!!


My first complaint. After finishing jobs, the Pikmin may automatically begin to follow you if Olimar is very close. Which is generally pretty convenient. Well, I was fighting enemies in the water with my Blues while the Whites were working on a bridge that only they could build (red poison). But when they finished, they immediately dropped into the water below them where I was. I managed to save about half of them. Which sucks because at this point I really don't have many, whereas every other type is expendable.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Unless you make a concious effort to spend a few days raising your white and purple #s, you're ALWAYS going to be running low. I really dislike that they can't be raised like the other colors :(

Edit: I recognize that this was done because it would unbalance the game otherwise, but still..
I think this game wins the award for most organic looking game ever. The surroundings and characters are so photorealistic it's spooky.

Also, here's another angle I don't think has been discussed: I'm only on day 3 so no spoilers (if there are any) but obviously the Pikmin Planet is Earth but is it in the future? I don't think any humans make appearences but all the junk left around is human made. Are the Pikmin the new dominant species left in the world?

Is this Nintendo's version of a post-cataclysmic world? Or is the Pikmin world the result of a time/space disruption where two different dimension collide resulting in the clashing of components from two different realities? Does Nintendo know more than it's letting on? Is Shiggy a new-age prophet for the masses? the beginning of a new religion perhaps??? So many deep provoquing questions...

Good game btw :D
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