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The OFFICIAL Pikmin 2 Topic.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Wellington said:
GOTY is soon to arrive, already here for a lucky few.



Sitting at 89.8% at Game Rankings! Stupid freaking NTSC UK giving a 70%. UKers. Firebomb them. Now.

So who has it?

did you just take GOTY away from Rachet and Clank 3?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
siamesedreamer said:
Do I need to have played part one to fully enjoy this?


but you should anyway. there will be no going back to 1 after playing 2, so play 1 first. It doesn't take long.
huzkee said:
I think this game wins the award for most organic looking game ever. The surroundings and characters are so photorealistic it's spooky.

Wait until you see one of the CG cutscenes later in the game. Simply beautiful, fingers crossed that Pikmin Revolution looks like it.


I can't hold out any longer. I'm gonna buy this game today or tomorrow. If the TRU deal comes up, I'll just get PSO Plus or Day of Reckoning.

Fuck you, Nintendo. Fuck you and your games I want to play.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I have no desire to buy Pikmin 2 or play my Japanese version. Ai yai yai.

well thats just silly.

*continues to live and wait in PAL misery*


Man I just got FUCKED out of 10 yellow pikmin and I am pissed. They had just shown up in the game, and you get five. I knocked down a tree with a five-er pellet, and took let them take it back. I left them there for the rest of the day, knowing that pikmin near their onion are safe. Apparently NOT! Fucking shit, lost them to the sunset, and had to start the next day with just ONE Pikmin. That was bullshit. Especially considering that FIVE of them were still in the ground. Ugh.
So far I've been doing a pretty good job of killing off entire colors of Pikmin as I find them. The white ones just had a meeting with an electric fence that resulted in massive layoffs. Next up is yellow I suppose... that water is mighty tempting...


Combat control seems a lot easier in this one.

Everything just flows so much smoother, I've only lost 3 Pikmin.

All 3 were lost to that goddamn Bird in the White Pikmin dungeon, I sucked at fighting those in the Forest of Hope in the original as well. :(

Also, Purple Pikmin rock. I love them to death, although I rarely use them in fear of some freak accident/new enemy with weird patterns wiping them all out and screwing me.
I'm picking this up tomorrow...Can't wait! Damn family vacation! Got me all backed up...Anyway, I'll let you know what I think tomorrow.


It's going on the Christmas List...man, with all of these GameCube games I want this fall (It's now 6) I hope the DS launch lineup really sucks and I will be able to not buy it.


Memles said:
It's going on the Christmas List...man, with all of these GameCube games I want this fall (It's now 6) I hope the DS launch lineup really sucks and I will be able to not buy it.

Think of it this way: as more games pile up on your wish list for this generation, you'll be able to hold out on the next one and skip early adaption to finish off the great games of this generation. By the time you're done probably ALL 3 consoles are out and the most-wanted lists for each console are filled up with quality titles. :p


Chrono said:
Think of it this way: as more games pile up on your wish list for this generation, you'll be able to hold out on the next one and skip early adaption to finish off the great games of this generation. By the time you're done probably ALL 3 consoles are out and the most-wanted lists for each console are filled up with quality titles. :p

I'll be poor then too. ;) I still haven't finished BG&E, PoP (Rentals) and don't have a Mario Party title...here's hoping for BC in Rev.


Anyone know what the point of sleeping is?? My guess is that it replenishes your health, but I usually have full health, so I can't tell if anything else happens.
catfish said:
PAL cubes don't do progressive scan is I think what hes getting at.

Although apparently freeloader somehow enables it. (that is to say a freeloader disk let's you use the hold down b method to get the progressive scan on a PAL cube, from a US disk)

Well i think that no PAL gc game has the pro-scan option, so i think i would need a us version or jap one and the component cables, but i dont know if the pal cube does indeed work in pro-scan......maybe with the freeloader like you said?


rareside said:
Anyone know what the point of sleeping is?? My guess is that it replenishes your health, but I usually have full health, so I can't tell if anything else happens.
It automatically takes one of your leaders back to the ship... that can be useful if you want to do some exploring with your current crew while your other guy is going back to the ship, then get reinforcements once he's back.


Sucks at viral marketing
In the first game, sleeping was just a little neat extra. Once the Pikmin got Olimario back to their onion, it would try to suck him up, followed by a little fireworks show. It's cool that they've turned that into something useful. Do you still get fireworks?


impirius said:
It automatically takes one of your leaders back to the ship... that can be useful if you want to do some exploring with your current crew while your other guy is going back to the ship, then get reinforcements once he's back.

Thanks! .. I knew it took you back to the ship, but I didn't know if it did anything else. That makes sense.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
JJConrad said:
In the first game, sleeping was just a little neat extra. Once the Pikmin got Olimario back to their onion, it would try to suck him up, followed by a little fireworks show. It's cool that they've turned that into something useful. Do you still get fireworks?


I was unaware of this! How do you make him sleep? Just leave it?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
how well does the 2 guy system work?

has this contributed to many lost pikmin because of being unable to keep track of them?
also whats the difficulty like? Is it going to be murder to get the pink flowers?


catfish said:

I was unaware of this! How do you make him sleep? Just leave it?

By pressing X after you get the glove... err, they call it the five-man sleeping bag. Up on the digital pad releases the bitter-berry spray. o_O

I just bought this. I really, really like it.. I started playing it this afternoon and just stopped now at 10 pm. Great game, and I've only put 10 days into it. I really like the cave system and the old nostalgic items you can get. And the Piklopedia is FUN! I love throwing Pikpik carrots at monsters; some of their reactions are just funny.


catfish said:
how well does the 2 guy system work?

I found it pretty useful.

For example, I would send Olimar with some Pikmin while leaving Louie back at the Onions, and Olimar would find an item. The Pikmin gather the item to the Onion, then Louie simply grabs them and searches for another item in another location. Or in the underground areas, I would send Olimar/Louie alone to scour the place, then send the other person with Pikmin to salvage any items or kill any enemies.


I just got the game today and...HOLY MAMMA!!

this game rocks.

Everytime I lose a pikmin I feel a little sad inside.
The graphics and the enviroments are astounding.

:goes back to playing:


It gave me a headache. :(

I'm only on day 2 so maybe that's why. I still have not encountered any good puzzles or enemies. I'll get back to it later...


I just got in the 3rd cave of the second level, and man.. I started with 100 Pikmin; I'm down to 27 now. 4th level.. hoping to high hell I survive. Some enemies are annoying!


(more a nerd than a geek)

The FIRST time I lost a huge chunk of Pikmin, I was upset. Second dungeon, spin spin spin... you guys know what I'm talking about.

Now, thanks to Nintendo having creative, intelligent, but still SNEAKY dungeon arrangement... I found myself on the bottom of a 7 floor dungeon with 100 different followers... so I begin attacking what I think is the preamble to the boss....

Let's just say that I had 20 Pikmin left after the boss.... goodbye, 30 purples... goodbye, nifty new leaf backs....

Yes, I like the game, but it IS driving me slightly insane.


What is this doing back here... ;p

Man I am upset that I lost 30 pikmin so far. The 10 yellow guys I had no control over and should have been safe, and 20 in battle. 9 to the bird serpent and 11 to that crazy flaming bug guy. Ugh. :(

The game is absolutely amazing. I do miss the 30 day limit though, right now I am just lounging around taking my time with everything. There is no difficulty. I am sure if I really tried I could easily go through without losing a single pikmin. Spend a whole day scouting each area with Olimar/Louie, kill the smaller enemies, find the quickest easiest paths, then on another day come back and tear shit up with my blood red army.



I got my my whole squad terminated in the second cave
when that worm fucker rolled over them! I went it with olimar and purple pickmin and then sent in loui kamikazi-style with the red ones. >__< Second time I got it but I lost a good 20 purples. I did not save though. I'm going in next time with only 5-6 purple pickmin-- this way I have enough to cling to his head and when he shakes them off I can call all of them back.

I'm on day 5 and still at the very beginning of the game. I'm weaksauce. :(

Am I the only one who thinks the days are too short? IMO I would like it better if days were 50% longer.

Oh and can you guys share any tips on pikmin? I freakin' suck and having so many pickmin does not really push me to care for them so much. For example how do you use the loui/olimar leaders? are they always seperate?

Deku Tree

I'm loving the caves and the boss battles.

Yeah sometimes alot of your Pikmin get terminated, but you can always grow more and there is not time limit to worry about.


Oh and can you guys share any tips on pikmin? I freakin' suck and having so many pickmin does not really push me to care for them so much.
Well, always be careful. Be conscious of the best ways to either quickly or strategically defeat enemies. Such as throwing Purple Pikmin onto the back of those large bugs while they're sleeping. If you quickly throw enough of them on, the enemy will die before it even has a chance to respond.

You'll have a lot of Reds pretty quickly and can always replenish them with little trouble. They are better at attacking than Blue/Yellow/White Pikmin and are practically expendable. Purple Pikmin, however, you must treat like GOLD. They are ten times more powerful than Reds, but only just as resilient. So use them carefully. You could probably defeat entire dungeons with just 10 Purples if you're considerate enough of timing and placement.

Learn to distribute and sort your Pikmin. If you haven't been following the tips throughout the beginning of the game, read your manual.

For example how do you use the loui/olimar leaders? are they always seperate?
.... read the manual.


Socreges said:
.... read the manual.

eh.. that's not what I meant. I know how to use them. I was just curious if you guys ALWAYS keep them seperate or only when it's obvious that you need to do two jobs at the same time. I just thought the first approach might be faster. That's it. -__-

Thanks for the tips. :)


Yeah, well. My 3 changed into 73. :( I've been making so many slip ups lately. I guess I thought I was hot shit clearing these dungeons people were losing 90 Pikmin in with ease.

Then I just made accident after accident. Mostly ignorant stuff. Getting ambushed when toiling 100 Pikmin to a dungeon is not fun. Much like when one of those Daisy monsters I swore wasn't there before popped up on me.

My swift reaction? To minor retreat by swinging my multi-colored army into a fucking lake.

Quick impressions so far:

It's a much more enjoyable game than the first. The worlds are so much more clever, and everything feels much more fleshed out and realized. The newer relaxed feel really shows around the stages as well.

The ammount of content is also way, way better. Much more to do, so much more monster varitey, and great side features like the Treasure Hoard and the Piklopedia.

The dungeons are solid and a clever distraction, and with the guilt trip the game now laying on you way more than before for lost Pikmin can make for some grueling floor hopping.

Combat and general control/Pikmin AI has been really hiked. You fight, at least in my experience a LOT more than the original Pikmin. And it just flows so much easier. The groups stay tighter, you can toss them faster, they return more competently, and the d-pad color swap REALLY helps.

On top of that, just the little AI touches, like having them automaticly return with items they've siezed, and getting stuck less really help. Although, a 100 Pikmin swarm still needs some heavier tweaking. Although character swapping them into groups helps, it simply doesn't do enough.

The game is still way too easy. But, more difficult than the atypical Nintendo game, including the original Pikmin (to be honest, the day meter in Pikmin did crap, you were never rushed and it was easy to complete the game in the late teens/early twenties even on your first playthrough) by a fair count.

Also, while there are a handful of neat two person puzzles so far. Louie really feels like a tepid addition. It stream lines some things, but he's not too nessicary IMO. Should've given Olimar and Louie both solid special properties, and did much heavier split team puzzles. Maybe they'll pop up, but it's been absurdly light so far.

They should really put a lid on the Pikmin production. I seriously think it'd go a long way towards smart playstles if you had to handle R/B/Y's as well as you did P/W's.

Speaking of Purples and Whites, while I scoffed at the features they had as new Pikmin, they've been pretty invaluable and clever in new puzzles situations. Limiting them was by far for the best though, as a total army of purples would be devistation to the mild difficulty Pikmin has.

Anyhow, I really enjoy it so far. If you made me give an early ranking, I'd probably slap an 8.5 on it, whereas having played through the original Pikmin twice, I'd give it a 7-.7.5

Deku Tree

I always keep Olimar and Louie separate... Louie stays by the ship and pulls out spouting Pikmin and Olimar goes out into the field. Or Louie stays by the cave entrance and waits for Pikmin to bring things back there and Olimar treads forward.

Otherwise I send them both out into the field with a flock of Pikmin to do different tasks simultaneously.


For some reason.. I never bought Pikmin 1, It looks like a very nice game with the typical Nintendo atmosphere & it looks very innovative...
Pikmin 2 is coming out but I was wondering what the differences are between Pikmin 2 and Pikmin?
I don't know that much about Pikmin nor Pikmin 2 so don't blame me.. the only difference I think to know are:

no time-limit
multiplay mode
two (?) new pikmins

there are probably more and I'd like to know them... post them please.
One more thing.. like I allready said.. I'm interested in Pikmin 1 or 2 because it looks very fresh and innovative but would it be the purchase worth to buy them both? Or should I just buy the best version? (probably pikmin 2?)


I don't even bother producing more Pikmin, I have about 150 of the three main colors. And even with my carelessness lately, I'm not finding myself ever lacking.

Everytime an enemy drops, I just let it rot. I wish you could pull in a little change with them like you could in the dungeons. Maybe you can if you just let Purple/Whites take them to the ship?

With the relaxed pace Pikmin has typically had, I've never tried to multi-task. Sometimes I have Louie manage a group to pick berrries (I have ten vials of both spicy and bitter juice saved up, at the moment), in the past it's simply lead to unnessicary Pikmin deaths.

Is there a better/different ending or whatnot for finishing with a lower day count? Or Pikmin death count? Or is it simply a high-score kinda deal?

I'll be playing through it again, I'm too guilty over the mistakes I've made, but not quite pathetic enough to hit the reset button. :p But that'd be a nice feature that, if isn't present, should be considered for Pikmin 3.

Deku Tree

Gamedude said:
One more thing.. like I allready said.. I'm interested in Pikmin 1 or 2 because it looks very fresh and innovative but would it be the purchase worth to buy them both? Or should I just buy the best version? (probably pikmin 2?)

Buy Pikmin 2 first. The story of Pikmin 1 is no more than the summary in the opening scene of Pikmin 2. The gameplay of Pikmin 2 is very much improved (other people have posted their reviews earlier in this topic). If you love Pikmin 2 and your looking for more, then buy the first Pikmin.


Gamedude said:
One more thing.. like I allready said.. I'm interested in Pikmin 1 or 2 because it looks very fresh and innovative but would it be the purchase worth to buy them both? Or should I just buy the best version? (probably pikmin 2?)

If you have the time, yeah pikmin one is a good game and get both. And by time I mean no other games on your list to play for a while. I'd recommended to just get pikmin 2-- it fixed everything wrong with pikmin one (just the time limit :p) and has some cool additions.


Gamedude said:
For some reason.. I never bought Pikmin 1, It looks like a very nice game with the typical Nintendo atmosphere & it looks very innovative...
Pikmin 2 is coming out but I was wondering what the differences are between Pikmin 2 and Pikmin?
I don't know that much about Pikmin nor Pikmin 2 so don't blame me.. the only difference I think to know are:

no time-limit
multiplay mode
two (?) new pikmins

there are probably more and I'd like to know them... post them please.
One more thing.. like I allready said.. I'm interested in Pikmin 1 or 2 because it looks very fresh and innovative but would it be the purchase worth to buy them both? Or should I just buy the best version? (probably pikmin 2?)

I haven't played Pikmin 2, but Pikmin has a bit of strategy involved if you want to get off the planet with all your parts. In Pikmin, you had to defeat enemies, find ship parts, plant new Pikmin, build bridges, etc, and all within the time limit. You can replay days to perfect your skills and find the best strategy for that day. In Pikmin 2, for me, no time limit means you can pretty much get tons of Pikmin and go at your own leisure. From the sound of it, both games are different enough that you should be able to enjoy both, but play Pikmin first if you do.


Pikmin's challenge for me came from trying to finish the game in as few days as possible. There was never a question if I could do it in 30, but I still aimed low and beat it the first time in 23 or something. I guess I did it for no one but myself and it was fun. Like I said before, I'm doing the same in Pikmin 2. I don't stress out if I don't accomplish something during a particular day, but I still try and plot out activities as efficiently as possible.


Announcer: Can AniHawk resist buying Pikmin 2 before the possible TRU deal? The beautiful, shiny Pikmin 2! The jolly, candylike Pikmin 2! Will he hold out, CAN he hold out?
AniHawk: NO I CAN'T!


I got Pikmin 2 today and just got done playing for an hour. Took a little bit to get the hang of it all again, but so far so good. I love this game already. I especially like how I don't feel rushed to do as much as possible each day since there is no day-limit anymore. I can take my time :D

I captured some movies of very early parts in the game for those still holding out....

The scenes are very pretty. Even in this small, ultra compressed movie you can tell how lush the game is.
pretty (2mb)

I'm already liking this new aspect of Pikmin 2. You can use louie to do seperate tasks making it easier to work and micro-manage. Here's a very simple example of it early in the game:
teamwork (6mb)

And since there's no time limit, I'm free to torture Pikmin >:-D
do you like water? (3mb)


Yeah, the visuals are a lot more improved than I was led to believe. So many more little details. The intro landings are pretty incredible looking stuff

Also, I forgot to mention: Louie + Olimar sissy beat downs on small creatures = fun. Dual punch action!


Tenguman said:
Oh, I'm about to go to a friends house for a few hours of Pikmin 2 Battle :D I'll give my impressions of that later.

I battled with my brother in some places. It was FUN, that's what I can say! :D Though I thought it was kind of bad in the Labyrinth level, because those Pill Bugs steal the marbles and you can't do anything after that! Me and my brother were strategically killing eachother for 20 minutes and I couldn't seem to do any damage to his character. So we had to quit.

But really fun. I just love how the opponent's pikmin run after you for some reason.. it's funny.
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