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The OFFICIAL Pikmin 2 Topic.


Junior Member
ge-man said:
But even without finishing this game, I have to say that EAD has shown why their designers are above the crowd. All the elements fit together like a jigsaw puzzle--from the randomly arranged dungeons to the characteristics of pikmin, there is a endless amount of ways to approach the game.

On top of the gameplay, the game has a truly unforgettable art style. The mix of the cute, the wierd, the violent, and the distrubing is truly something to praise. Bosses in particular are worth noting (the boss of the Submerged Castle dungeon really threw me for a loop. It was a truly ominus threat).

EAD has got their grove back if Pikmin 2 is anything to go by. If this much attention to detail is being applied to the next Zelda, I have no doubt that the game will exceed even the best expectations.

Great part for me. If you lose on one level of a dungeon, it'll be slightly different next time. Nice touch to keep the difficulty up.


A mechanical spider.... with a MACHINE GUN?
That thing just massacred my squad and was probably laughing at me while doing so.
The fish/artillery creature didn't help either.
We are not amused.


explodet said:
A mechanical spider.... with a MACHINE GUN?
That thing just massacred my squad and was probably laughing at me while doing so.
The fish/artillery creature didn't help either.
We are not amused.

Wait until you see the last boss.


AniHawk said:
Hell, wait until the final cave.

Blah. Don't remind me. I have to go back to that hell. I thought the game would've ended when you rescued Louie, but nooooooooo.


Sucks at viral marketing
Which cave is harder? Dream Den or Hole of Heroes

Thinking Hole of Heroes was the last cave, I just spent spent 3 hours in Dream Den and found Loui at the end.

What do you need to do to finish this game? I have one last hole to do and the weight in Wistful Wild to get. Where's the best place to find purple pikmin?
Just reached 10,000 pokos the other day. But of course, I am heading back with the President, to explore the new level. I already did once but I plan on more in the future, when I get the time. Such a great game.


JJConrad said:
Which cave is harder? Dream Den or Hole of Heroes
What do you need to do to finish this game? I have one last hole to do and the weight in Wistful Wild to get. Where's the best place to find purple pikmin?

They're both evenly matched I think--the challenges come from a different emphasis.

As for purple pikmin, head back to valley of repose and go down the subterreanean complex dungeon.
Go down to level eight with one pikmin. There are three purple pikmin flowers and two of those candypop flowers that give you nine pikmin for one. Leave when you do that, and return and repeat the same day.


ge-man said:
They're both evenly matched I think--the challenges come from a different emphasis.

As for purple pikmin, head back to valley of repose and go down the subterreanean complex dungeon.
Go down to level eight with one pikmin. There are three purple pikmin flowers and two of those candypop flowers that give you nine pikmin for one. Leave when you do that, and return and repeat the same day.

Screw that. Just go down with 15 Reds or Blues, whichever more you have, and throw them in.

Deku Tree

AniHawk said:
I had to return there
because of the damned machine boss in the water. Came back with mostly blue Pikmin.

I had to do that too.
But first I tried in vain to coax that guy away from his nest... I don't see what they expect you to do if you don't have a ton of blue pikmin at that point.

Deku Tree

Prospero said:
I just got to Wistful Wild a couple of days ago. Above ground is fine, but everything in the caves is kicking my ass.

I love the difficulty level, it's almost perfect.

After all the bad press Nintendo got for 'not caring about top quality graphics' and saying things like 'gamers want easy games' its nice to see Pikmin 2 prove that Nintendo is not married to either of those philosophies.


Deku Tree said:
I love the difficulty level, it's almost perfect.

After all the bad press Nintendo got for 'not caring about top quality graphics' and saying things like 'gamers want easy games' its nice to see Pikmin 2 prove that Nintendo is not married to either of those philosophies.

If Zelda turns out to be as hard and challenging as Pikmin 2 I'll name my first born child Shiggy.


Chrono said:
If Zelda turns out to be as hard and challenging as Pikmin 2 I'll name my first born child Shiggy.

Zelda will be the best game on the GC ever in the history of the world if Pikmin 2 is any indication.


Deku Tree said:
I love the difficulty level, it's almost perfect.

My only complaint about the difficulty in the Wistful Wild caves is that it seems to derive more from throwing a whole pile of enemies into the levels, rather than any ingenuity inherent in the level designs themselves. I guess that's the tradeoff for having randomly generated levels, though.

I think my favorite area of the game so far has been the aboveground section of Perplexing Pool. The design there was absolute genius--practically every single treasure required lateral thinking if you wanted to obtain it.


Knows the Score
Deku Tree said:
I had to do that too.
But first I tried in vain to coax that guy away from his nest... I don't see what they expect you to do if you don't have a ton of blue pikmin at that point.

got him to move out of his nest and across the water, but a kamikaze squad of purples and reds that weren't quite out of harms way decided to take care of him when I wasn't looking


8bit said:
got him to move out of his nest and across the water, but a kamikaze squad of purples and reds that weren't quite out of harms way decided to take care of him when I wasn't looking

I hate kamikaze Pikmin.


Sucks at viral marketing
I just finished the game today. Killed 473 pikmin over 41 days in 31+ hours... berry-smoking, hippie pikmin began protesting, carrying signs comparing Loui to Hitler and chanting "NO WAR FOR POKOS!!"

Hole of Heroes wasn't nearly as difficult as Dream Den... and the boss was a cakewalk in comparison. After reading the thread, I entered the den with
50 blue
pikmin, but only needed about 20 of them. Having extras just made it harder. For all of the giant spider-things (non final boss), its easier to fight with
a small group of doped-up pikmin... its easier to dodge their feet and run away from the machine gun fire.

I've got everything, except the yellow candypops in my piklopedia. Does anyone know where to find those? I don't remember ever seeing one.

Deku Tree

JJConrad said:
I've got everything, except the yellow candypops in my piklopedia. Does anyone know where to find those? I don't remember ever seeing one.

Not sure where to find them exactly. But you should be able to figure it out by looking at the treasure meters on the bottom of the screen where you decide which area you want to land in.


Sucks at viral marketing
I've found all of the Treasure Hoard. The yellow candypops are in the Piklopedia; #48 to be exact. To my knowledge, creatures in the piklopedia are not listed, in any way, on the landing area screen.


A bit late to the party, but I'm going to pick up Pikmin 2 soon, I can get the Japanese version for about $15 less than the US version. Given that I can't read Japanese (can only read the Kanji bits) would anyone think it's worth $15 to play Pikimin 2 in English?

Deku Tree

JJConrad said:
I've found all of the Treasure Hoard. The yellow candypops are in the Piklopedia; #48 to be exact. To my knowledge, creatures in the piklopedia are not listed, in any way, on the landing area screen.

I'm sorry, I was confused. I don't have them either, but did you check around gluttons kitchen? I might do that... it's the all yellow cave so it seems logical that they'd have em.


Timbuktu said:
A bit late to the party, but I'm going to pick up Pikmin 2 soon, I can get the Japanese version for about $15 less than the US version. Given that I can't read Japanese (can only read the Kanji bits) would anyone think it's worth $15 to play Pikimin 2 in English?

I think it's worth it. You lose a bit of what makes it better than the original... I'd just hold out for the European version since it comes out in a month (if you are European), or just get the US version instead. I found it worth it for $50.


Just beat the fucking mechanized machine gunning spider, my God. Well, it put me over the 10K poko mark as well.

893 pikmin born
165 pikmin lost
18 days spent
Time: 10:29

I could play a LOT better. I ended up losing a lot of pikmin to stupid mistakes near the end... like throwing them at an aerial enemy and having them fly off the edge of a level. :|

I'll finish up and get everything, and then go through again. What a great game. It'll be tough to choose between this and four swords for console GOTY.


Wellington said:
Just beat the fucking mechanized machine gunning spider, my God. Well, it put me over the 10K poko mark as well.

893 pikmin born
165 pikmin lost
18 days spent
Time: 10:29

I could play a LOT better. I ended up losing a lot of pikmin to stupid mistakes near the end... like throwing them at an aerial enemy and having them fly off the edge of a level. :|

I'll finish up and get everything, and then go through again. What a great game. It'll be tough to choose between this and four swords for console GOTY.

Jonnyram's had very high praise for Paper Mario 2, and don't forget about Up Your Arsenal with its OL play either. :D
This may contain spoilers...And sense I don't know how to change the background color to black, I'll do this the old fashioned way...


Do you actually find Louie again? What happens to the President's position as your partner, when you do, if indeed you do...


ToyMachine228 said:
This may contain spoilers...And sense I don't know how to change the background color to black, I'll do this the old fashioned way...


Do you actually find Louie again? What happens to the President's position as your partner, when you do, if indeed you do...

["spoiler"] [/"spoiler"] Without the quotation marks.

You do find Louie again, and President stays your partner


Hole of Heroes made me repeatedly say aloud, "You have got to be kidding me."

Time for Dream Den: maybe I can finish it off this weekend.

Deku Tree

Prospero said:
Hole of Heroes made me repeatedly say aloud, "You have got to be kidding me."

Time for Dream Den: maybe I can finish it off this weekend.

I found Dream Den significantly harder than Hole of Heroes.


Finally beat it last night. Got every treasure, whoo.

Den of Dreams was just annoying. Particularly the one water level where you start out on a tree stump, and the bomb-balloon guy is walking around. So many times I was wittling away at the other enemies with blue pikmin, because he was in the corner, then i turn around and all my pikmin's souls are raising in the air.

Excellent game though. We'll see if PM2 or MP2 can be better.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I've gotten more more than half the debt back, but so far there doesn't seem to be much point in having the two spacemen. Only a few simple puzzles have actually required to use the two guys. I also wish the idle guy could have a bit more A.I. Say, assign simple commands like, "Harvest any flower pikmin"... "Carry back all dead creatures/pellets"... "Return all free Pikmin to the onions" As it is they just stand there wiht thier thumbs in thier ass.

Also, I miss the "Soap" theme that played during the area slection screen of Pikmin 1. Why'd they take it out? Did Billy Crystal threaten to sue?


Gahiggidy said:
I've gotten more more than half the debt back, but so far there doesn't seem to be much point in having the two spacemen. Only a few simple puzzles have actually required to use the two guys. I also wish the idle guy could have a bit more A.I. Say, assign simple commands like, "Harvest any flower pikmin"... "Carry back all dead creatures/pellets"... "Return all free Pikmin to the onions" As it is they just stand there wiht thier thumbs in thier ass.

Also, I miss the "Soap" theme that played during the area slection screen of Pikmin 1. Why'd they take it out? Did Billy Crystal threaten to sue?

Well, the two spacemen are for multi-tasking. Like for example, when the Pikmin carry a treasure back to the ship, instead of walking all the way back there myself, I leave one there already or use the sleep bag so the Pikmin carry him back, and while that's going on I forge ahead and clear other obstacles.

But yeah, advanced AI would have been nice. Maybe in Pikmin 3?


Sucks at viral marketing
Hero said:
Finally beat it last night. Got every treasure, whoo.

Den of Dreams was just annoying. Particularly the one water level where you start out on a tree stump, and the bomb-balloon guy is walking around. So many times I was wittling away at the other enemies with blue pikmin, because he was in the corner, then i turn around and all my pikmin's souls are raising in the air.

Excellent game though. We'll see if PM2 or MP2 can be better.
I hated that level. That cannon jackass would not leave me alone, nor would he follow any bait away from the group. How do they expect you to lead an army of non-blue pikmin across that stage? I cheated and
reset the game (B+X+Start) until the level randomize in my favor, with the geyser next to the start point and that jerk far away... it only takes a few seconds to get back into the game and the game restarts you at the beginning of each cave sublevel.

The two spacemen really only just help speed the game up. First, they reduce backtracking. Second, when you split the group or leave the pikmin behind to scout the stage or to find strays and not worry about the rest of the group getting themselves killed. Later in the game, you'll come across a couple of obstacles that will require the use of both spacemen, but for the most part there's very little that couldn't be done with just one leader.

One of our AI ideas is adressed late in the game, too.


I haven't passed it fully yet.

But I did want to say that the
watery dude with the steamroller stones
is some scary shit.


That boss surprised the fuck outta me. I tried to attack it normally, and it killed half of my Pikmin I'd taken down there. I managed to beat the cave with just one play through, but still.


Sucks at viral marketing
Chibbi Brady said:
That's the one thing I'm missing as well, and I've been over every inch of the game. Maybe it's just not in there.
I've now found it (thanks Deku Tree). There is a yellow candypop in
the 3rd or 4th level of the Glutton's Kitchen.


After using a couple of exploits here and there to get past some of the more troublesome levels of the Dream Den, I reached
the final boss, which completely slaughtered me in a number of imaginative ways, each with its own musical accompaniment.
Ouch. "Absolute brutality" isn't a phrase I usually associate with Nintendo, but I guess that's changed.

This game really does have some of the best bosses I've seen in ages. They're humorously designed, but at the same time, they're disturbingly grotesque in a literally perverse way.
That giant breadbug in the Hole of Heroes, that shits those little white bugs that kill Pikmin in one hit--ugh. Revolting.
The kind of thing you'd expect from Clive Barker.
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