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The OFFICIAL Pikmin 2 Topic.

GDJustin said:
Pretty certain it has to be a purple one.

Doesn't have to be purple. You just have to toss a Pikmin directly on top of it to flip it over. I only go after those beetles with yellow Pikmin, no purples.


Junior Member
Semjaza Azazel said:
Doesn't have to be purple. You just have to toss a Pikmin directly on top of it to flip it over. I only go after those beetles with yellow Pikmin, no purples.

Hmm, good find. I could have sworn I threw a few yellows at him before resorting to the purple guys. I must have missed. Either way, I'm guessing the only way to die is to get your Pikmin caught in the crossfire of the electricity.


Sucks at viral marketing
You can use any color, but any non-yellow pikmin be can electricuted if they zap.

Does any one know how to effectively kill those
armor-cannon-fishy-things (maybe I should probably look up their name)? The best I could come up with is to park Olimario, alone, and just outside of its range and then have my other guy send the pikmin in and gang rape it from the rear. That statigery just feels so very, very wrong.


JJConrad said:
You can use any color, but any non-yellow pikmin be can electricuted if they zap.

Does any one know how to effectively kill those
armor-cannon-fishy-things (maybe I should probably look up their name)? The best I could come up with is to park Olimario, alone, and just outside of its range and then have my other guy send the pikmin in and gang rape it from the rear. That statigery just feels so very, very wrong.

It's what I do. Make sure to carry it back to the ship, since I think it comes back to life after a while.


skinnyrattler said:
Hmm, good find. I could have sworn I threw a few yellows at him before resorting to the purple guys. I must have missed. Either way, I'm guessing the only way to die is to get your Pikmin caught in the crossfire of the electricity.
Yeah, they don't attack you otherwise. Yellow Pikmin cannot be killed by them.

By the way, if you ever wonder how to attack a new enemy, think of its species. The enemy you guys are talking about is a beetle. Like any other beetle, it can only be killed by hitting the shell and flipping it over.
JJConrad said:
Does any one know how to effectively kill those
armor-cannon-fishy-things (maybe I should probably look up their name)? The best I could come up with is to park Olimario, alone, and just outside of its range and then have my other guy send the pikmin in and gang rape it from the rear. That statigery just feels so very, very wrong.
I've only killed one. What I did was take 20 Purples and lots of Reds and throw them as high onto it as I could. It was dead before it could shake them off, I think.


Sucks at viral marketing
What about the flying jellyfish? They don't do anything... not that I can tell... so I just keep tossing pikmin until they die. I'm afraid that they may be like the little asian mafia guy on The Simpson's; eventually they'll do something and I'll get my butt kicked.
Just tried out the Challenge Mode for the first time, and it's cooler than I thought it would be! I didn't know Challenge Mode supported 2-players either! Another pleasant surprise! Right now, I'm kind of at a dead lock in the single-player...Trying to clear Awakening Wood, before I go back to Replexing Pool...I have almost 9,000 pokos recovered. For any GCH fans, you'll see my review soon.


JJConrad said:
What about the flying jellyfish? They don't do anything... not that I can tell... so I just keep tossing pikmin until they die. I'm afraid that they may be like the little asian mafia guy on The Simpson's; eventually they'll do something and I'll get my butt kicked.

They suck in your Pikmin. If they're in there too long, they die.


Heh heh, one of my favorite strategies is with bosses which eat Pikmin, I just send a platoon of white Pikmin out there for a suicide mission to let them die.

I have like... 89 of them left, so I have plenty in reserves. :D


swoon said:
what cave did you use to stock up on whites?

You get 20 per cave in the second cave of Valley of Repose.

You also get 15 purples there per visit. You can visit more than once in a day.


I spent probably about 20 hours since getting the game and I'm about Pikmin'd out for now. In fact, the last cave I completely skipped all treasures and went to the final boss. What a dick. Seriously killed most of my Pikmin.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Chrono said:
They also revert your flower/bud pikmin to leaf pikmin. ;__;

Any intense pikmin battle will cause advanced pikmin to revert back to their leaf state.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Any way to customize the "2 Player Battle" mode???

I really don't like the random cherry stuff. Seems too "mariokart-ish". Too arcadey.

Do other 2-player modes open up later in the game? I'd like to try a 2-player mode with a little bit more predictability, making it more of a game of stragey. As it is, it seems alot like a flat out battle royale. Good for a party game, but not for two serious "Pikmin-freaks" who want to show off thier management skills.


Gahiggidy said:
Any way to customize the "2 Player Battle" mode???

I really don't like the random cherry stuff. Seems too "mariokart-ish". Too arcadey.

Do other 2-player modes open up later in the game? I'd like to try a 2-player mode with a little bit more predictability, making it more of a game of stragey. As it is, it seems alot like a flat out battle royale. Good for a party game, but not for two serious "Pikmin-freaks" who want to show off thier management skills.

Don't let them pick up cherries.

Easy as that.

Can anyone give me some pointers on the final boss? I keep chucking Pikmin at him and he keeps making them die.
I seriously think I'm down to like 3 White Pikmin left in total...Gotta head back to the first cave with White Pikmin, and stock up.


Hero said:
I spent probably about 20 hours since getting the game and I'm about Pikmin'd out for now.

Funny--when I was playing this morning (I've got 60% of the debt erased, and I just finished making my way through an eight- or nine-level cave), I thought, "20 hours is about long enough for a game like this."
I must say Pikmin 2 has some of the most intense boss fights ever. I just finished another, and wow, from 40 pikmin, to 15. I now only have 4 white pikmin, and 4 purple. I really need to stock pile more. Any tips on how to do it fast. Also, if you escape a cave from the start menu, do the pikmin follow you, or do I have to pass the final floor every time just for some purple and white pikmin?

Excellent game anyways, I love the overworlds.
The bosses (and some of the normal enemies, like those balloon bomb bastards) have really worked over my team; I'm at 450 casualties in 30 days.

Gorgie: If you escape from the cave like that, your pikmin party escapes with you, exactly as it is formatted. So you can make purple/white guys and then just get the hell out of dodge without passing the final floor. The only thing you lose is any treasure you caught that time around.
I just took a day to stock up on White...I suggest going into old caves, like White Flower Garden...You can only get 15 White Pikmin from White Flower Garden, but I can almost garantee, you won't lose any Pikmin by heading back down there.

Anyway, I've got over 9,000 pokos right now...Working on 17 hours I think...And I'm slowly starting to work on Challenge Mode. I love how the Challenge Mode gives you that sense of urgency that you have to hurry up. The time limit in the original Pikmin gave me that, and now Pikmin 2's Challenge Mode gives it to me, but allows me to work at my own pace in single-player. Awesome game design by EAD.

Such a refreshing game. Right now, I'm taking a few in-game days just to get my Pikmin stock back up...I went from almost 600 down to about 300, going through a bunch of caves, and doing other misc stuff. Loving every bit of it.


No, Pikmin 2 isn't too long now. I mean, to get the 10,000 poko debt, it'd probably take about 10-15 hours I'd say, depending on if you played the first one and know some of the tricks, and if you spend some time building up your pikmin army or gathering berries for spray. I tried to avoid this as much as I could and I erased the debt in about 10 hours.

Then I went to the other caves and conquered them, I only have about 3 or 4 caves left to complete. I'll finish them eventually, it's just that I burnt myself on Pikmin lately (A week before Pikmin 2 came out I prepared myself by doing Pikmin 1 over). It's just frustrating for me to go through a cavern level and lose half my army to a stupid mistake and redo that level over.

Also, slight spoilers:

I think it's funny that once you save Louie from the Titan Spider (forget his real name) that in the Piklopedia you can press the Y button and Louie will tell you how to prepare that creature/plant for a food item. Some of them are funny, although eating bugs is just sick.

Definitely one of the best games this year.


I picked this up yesterday. Great game.
I just recovered the second globe and beat the snake/bird hybrid boss. A third area is now open. How many areas are there?
Hero said:
No, Pikmin 2 isn't too long now. I mean, to get the 10,000 poko debt, it'd probably take about 10-15 hours I'd say, depending on if you played the first one and know some of the tricks, and if you spend some time building up your pikmin army or gathering berries for spray. I tried to avoid this as much as I could and I erased the debt in about 10 hours.

It took me about six hours, personally. However, once you get the debt, the game keeps going anyway with new areas... I can't complain lol.


Semjaza Azazel said:
It took me about six hours, personally. However, once you get the debt, the game keeps going anyway with new areas... I can't complain lol.

For a while I was being really cautious and trying to go for a zero pikmin death, and I succeeded for a couple of days. Like I would clear out an entire area's walls and bridges and what not and end the day and then go back the next and collect treasure. Then one day I got really ambitious and tried something after a whole lot of progress and some stupid enemy just wouldn't die and killed some pikmin and I said screw it.

Here's hoping Captain Olimar + Pikmin can make it in SSB3.


Finally beat the single player mode:

2050 Pikmin births
1290 Pikmin deaths
53 Days
Final play time: 30:27

Definitely one of the most surprisingly fun games of the year. Not only was it lengthy (I played through 15 hours in Pikmin), but it was great to come back to. It's funny that this is probably the only collectathon (which really the game boils down to in the end) since Super Mario 64 which makes you feel like you're not playing a collectathon (at least I never felt that way. Never crossed my mind until recently).

Even though I'm a Nintendo fan, and I liked the first one, I didn't see this coming. I played it at E3 for just a bit and was mildly amused (hell, there was no one playing the Pikmin 2 kiosks the most of the time I saw), and I didn't believe in the hype until the game hit US shores and then I knew I had to get it. Reminds me of how Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando came out of nowhere for me last year despite loving the original.

I loved the CG sequences. The music was good too. I liked the title screen music, the Captain Olimar theme (the music that plays while he blasts off in his ship in both endings), and the credits music.

And so Louie was the bad guy for the final boss? That's kinda dark for a game like this- your partner you've worked with for hours is trying to kill you and your Pikmin.


AniHawk said:
2050 Pikmin births
1290 Pikmin deaths
Final play time: 30:27

It'll be interesting to see what my stats are, but I know I won't have a fraction of that. I think I've lost 400 Pikmin so far and I'm almost done. Dunno how many I've born. Maybe a 1000.


The worst cave I was in, I lost 101 Pikmin.

I think it was the second to last in Wistful Wild. I had some Bulbmin which made up for it. I had 28 going into the final floor, so I had them take out some jellyfish thinking those were the bosses. Stupid me. The Mega Dweevil thing came crashing down and smashed about half of the current party (down to about 8- I kept Purple Pikmin and a couple reds and yellows back where it was safe), and I was still fighting a large jellyfish and a small one. The stupid boss and jellyfish worked me down to THREE Pikmin: One white, one purple, one yellow. I was able to kill it, but just barely.

A cool thing I liked about the boss though was that it decayed as its heath decreased..

I'm not very good at managing my Pikmin, and unless I use the white ones as sacrifices, I only care about keeping stock for Purple and White.


AniHawk said:
And so Louie was the bad guy for the final boss? That's kinda dark for a game like this- your partner you've worked with for hours is trying to kill you and your Pikmin.

I thought that spoiler was just talking about a tough enemy or interesting puzzle so I read it... DOH!!! Are you serious? Tell me more!

And yes it is kinda creepy for a pikmin game... O__o



What do you have to do to finish the game? Get every treasure? Because I went and got Louie but I haven't gotten all the treasures yet. I have two more caves to do.

And yeah, I was quite surprised reading Olimar's comments about the final boss. I was like 'No way. WTF?' Louie is the cause of the PikPik carrots being eaten and ultimately the deaths of hundreds of Pikmin. That bastard.

In the second area, to the north of the landing site there's this feather-ball (I forget its name) thing above this water area with a square weight block beneath it. How am I supposed to get that treasure?

Now that I think about it, the other spring area had four of those blocks that I didn't understand what I had to do with them.


I'm almost done with the game myself. I have two more dungeons to go with a little over 24 hours put into the game. If my writing assignment doesn't take all of Sunday to finish I'll try to rap it up tommorrow.

But even without finishing this game, I have to say that EAD has shown why their designers are above the crowd. All the elements fit together like a jigsaw puzzle--from the randomly arranged dungeons to the characteristics of pikmin, there is a endless amount of ways to approach the game.

On top of the gameplay, the game has a truly unforgettable art style. The mix of the cute, the wierd, the violent, and the distrubing is truly something to praise. Bosses in particular are worth noting (the boss of the Submerged Castle dungeon really threw me for a loop. It was a truly ominus threat).

EAD has got their grove back if Pikmin 2 is anything to go by. If this much attention to detail is being applied to the next Zelda, I have no doubt that the game will exceed even the best expectations.


ge-man said:
I'm almost done with the game myself. I have two more dungeons to go with a little over 24 hours put into the game. If my writing assignment doesn't take all of Sunday to finish I'll try to rap it up tommorrow.

But even without finishing this game, I have to say that EAD has shown why their designers are above the crowd. All the elements fit together like a jigsaw puzzle--from the randomly arranged dungeons to the characteristics of pikmin, there is a endless amount of ways to approach the game.

On top of the gameplay, the game has a truly unforgettable art style. The mix of the cute, the wierd, the violent, and the distrubing is truly something to praise. Bosses in particular are worth noting (the boss of the Submerged Castle dungeon really threw me for a loop. It was a truly ominus threat).

EAD has got their grove back if Pikmin 2 is anything to go by. If this much attention to detail is being applied to the next Zelda, I have no doubt that the game will exceed even the best expectations.

Played the 2 players mode for the first time tonight, damn it was fun! I wasn't expecting much out of it until I actually played it. In the end we just kept on having cherry battles. :p


ge-man said:
I'm almost done with the game myself. I have two more dungeons to go with a little over 24 hours put into the game. If my writing assignment doesn't take all of Sunday to finish I'll try to rap it up tommorrow.

But even without finishing this game, I have to say that EAD has shown why their designers are above the crowd. All the elements fit together like a jigsaw puzzle--from the randomly arranged dungeons to the characteristics of pikmin, there is a endless amount of ways to approach the game.

On top of the gameplay, the game has a truly unforgettable art style. The mix of the cute, the wierd, the violent, and the distrubing is truly something to praise. Bosses in particular are worth noting (the boss of the Submerged Castle dungeon really threw me for a loop. It was a truly ominus threat).

EAD has got their grove back if Pikmin 2 is anything to go by. If this much attention to detail is being applied to the next Zelda, I have no doubt that the game will exceed even the best expectations.

Very well said.

Chrono said:
I thought that spoiler was just talking about a tough enemy or interesting puzzle so I read it... DOH!!! Are you serious? Tell me more!

And yes it is kinda creepy for a pikmin game... O__o

Just... wait until you get there. It's not a definite thing, but it looks like it might be very possible. Just read Olimar's comments on
Louie, which the ship calls "King of Bugs..."

Hero said:
In the second area, to the north of the landing site there's this feather-ball (I forget its name) thing above this water area with a square weight block beneath it. How am I supposed to get that treasure?

Now that I think about it, the other spring area had four of those blocks that I didn't understand what I had to do with them.

Yeah, you have to get all the treasure in the game.

To get the object you're talking about, first make sure you have all blue pikmin. You want to clear any frogs or any of those sort out of the way as well since they'll be a nuissance if you don't first. Don't worry about building any bridges yet. Go with your Blue Pikmin, President, and Olimar to the stone weights. I think you need 71 since the weight of the block you need is 35 (it's probably way less). Anyway, just make sure Olimar is on the block next to the wall with his Pikmin after splitting them into two groups effectively. All you need to do is put enough Blue Pikmin on the weight in the middle of the water to make the one Olimar is on to move up. After that, all you need to do is throw your Pikmin onto the ledge, and they'll carry it down.


Spoilers for AFTER the end of the game:

In challenge mode, you can unlock a secret FMV sequence called "Louie's Dark Secret" if you get perfects (not letting a single Pikmin die) on every challenge. I tried it tonight and cleared 13 before I quit.


Louie is the cause of the PikPik carrots being eaten

WHAT THE HELL!? I didn't even see this the first time I quoted you.

That must be "Louie's Dark Secret" then. Thanks, you saved me a bunch of work.

Pikmin and even moreso, Pikmin 2 are kinda dark games, but you take it for granted.

About Pikmin 2, Louie is the cause for the bankruptcy of Hocotate Freight. He lies, saying it was a "Space Bunny." Luckily Olimar returns just in time to have his ship sold, but learns that Earth has tons of treasure on it. Olimar and Louie repay the debt, but Louie stays behind so Olimar would have to come back for him (making this all up now, obviously). Olimar and the President use the Pikmin to get filthy rich, resulting in many needless deaths. When they find Louie's whereabouts, he tries to kill them and the Pikmin since his attempt to destroy Hocotate Freight failed earlier. Damn.
I think I'll have to invest in the US version as well. Have being playing the import since April but I've missed out on all of the story, sounds pretty dark. Never would have guessed that at all, still it was well worth importing.

Only one more pink in the challenge mode and I'm done, fighting some of the bosses without loosing a single pikmin can be quite challenging.

Ranger X

Nooooo, i'm like already breaking my budget this holiday with the likes of 10 games and that Pikmin2 i wasn't aware i would like it that much!!! Now i want to buy it arrrrrgh!


AniHawk said:
WHAT THE HELL!? I didn't even see this the first time I quoted you.

That must be "Louie's Dark Secret" then. Thanks, you saved me a bunch of work.

Pikmin and even moreso, Pikmin 2 are kinda dark games, but you take it for granted.

About Pikmin 2, Louie is the cause for the bankruptcy of Hocotate Freight. He lies, saying it was a "Space Bunny." Luckily Olimar returns just in time to have his ship sold, but learns that Earth has tons of treasure on it. Olimar and Louie repay the debt, but Louie stays behind so Olimar would have to come back for him (making this all up now, obviously). Olimar and the President use the Pikmin to get filthy rich, resulting in many needless deaths. When they find Louie's whereabouts, he tries to kill them and the Pikmin since his attempt to destroy Hocotate Freight failed earlier. Damn.

Ah, sorry, forgot that it was a secret ending. I think you might be looking a tad too much into the why Louie stayed behind thing. I personally thought he did because he enjoyed eating bugs and stuff, and he used the Titan Dweevil to kill off anything he wanted for a tasty treat. He is a bastard though. I wonder what Pikmin 3 will be like. Revolution launch title?


Hero said:
Ah, sorry, forgot that it was a secret ending.

No problem. I didn't want to go through the challenge mode losing 0 Pikmin (really).

I think you might be looking a tad too much into the why Louie stayed behind thing.

I know. I was just being silly.

I wonder what Pikmin 3 will be like. Revolution launch title?

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