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The Official Prototype Thread

pixel monkey said:
Quite the opposite, in fact. Some of us absolutely adored the Green Goliath's masterpiece. That's why it hurts all the more to see Radical drop the ball so dramatically in their sandbox super powered follow-up.

And you know they dropped the ball how?


AltogetherAndrews said:
It all depends on what you're looking for, doesn't it? If you're satisfied with wanton mayhem by way of playing a poorly dressed, angry dude tearing everything up, then this sounds pretty awesome. I was for some reason expecting a somewhat different direction, and for it to lean a little less blatantly on things from Hulk UD.
I never got around to playing Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, so this should be a welcome change for me.
Coin Return said:
Gamepro has posted their review, giving Prototype a 4.5 out of 5.

PROS: Incredible sense of power and possibility; beautiful and moody; tons of stuff to do; satisfying story.

CONS: Not much difference between different enemy types; some irritatingly drawn-out missions; some sudden jumps in difficulty.

So, are these sites just saying fuck it to the embargo, or is there some kind of "score above" embargo? Good for them if it's the former.

mysticstylez said:
And you know they dropped the ball how?

You haven't visited any Prototype threads in a while, have you?


AgentOtaku said:
Well reviews seems to going alright so far

I'm still holding out for tomorrow. This might be something like the Assassins Cred deal with the good reviews coming out up front.
Xater said:
I'm still holding out for tomorrow. This might be something like the Assassins Cred deal with the good reviews coming out up front.

This is like, a CERTAINTY.
I found out about the embargo, Activision lets out only the positive reviews to come out till tomorrow.

The game is not that bad though, really, and if you liked Ultimate Destruction, you will probably like this as well.


Kittonwy said:
How come they put a review embargo until Wednesday? I'm trying to decide between this and Red Faction.

RED FACTION! Play the demo - it's a good fucking game!

I'm going to pick it up after I finish up Killzone 2 and inFamous.
Annoying Old Party Man said:
This is like, a CERTAINTY.
I found out about the embargo, Activision lets out only the positive reviews to come out till tomorrow.

That's fucked up as hell. It'd have been nice if the conspiracy-senses were off this time, but it appears as if they were spot on.





Coin Return said:
Gamepro has posted their review, giving Prototype a 4.5 out of 5.

PROS: Incredible sense of power and possibility; beautiful and moody; tons of stuff to do; satisfying story.

CONS: Not much difference between different enemy types; some irritatingly drawn-out missions; some sudden jumps in difficulty.
Well that's one credible review right there which is not negative. Looks like some of you were worried over nothing.

Annoying Old Party Man said:
This is like, a CERTAINTY.
I found out about the embargo, Activision lets out only the positive reviews to come out till tomorrow.
What the fuck? That's not how an embargo works...


AgentOtaku said:
Wish this design was an unlockable =(
Yeah, still is not that different. If anything the original game seems to look more colorful..the final one, more redish", so maybe they just wanted a look to it with the rest of the game.

backflip10019 said:
Well that's one credible review right there which is not negative. Looks like some of you were worried over nothing.
But Activision is only letting the positive reviews!! The game sucks! Radical disappoints!!!!!!
backflip10019 said:
What the fuck? That's not how an embargo works...

That is most certainly how some embargoes work, including this one if one was to believe Annoying Old Party Man.

fernoca said:
But Activision is only letting the positive reviews!! The game sucks! Radical disappoints!!!!!!

Are you saying that the dude is lying about this?
Why are some of you getting so worked up, so upset and defensive if some GAF members think Prototype failed to live up to the hype, and is a piss poor game?

If you enjoy the title, then what the hell do you care? Play it and have fun with it.
Xater said:
I'm still holding out for tomorrow. This might be something like the Assassins Cred deal with the good reviews coming out up front.

There's an embargo and so far the only scores that trickle out are above 80%. I'd say the score limiter is pretty much a guarantee.

Nice to see that Activision's attempt to obfuscate has been successful with some people here.


I don't think its so much that there are tons of people here hating on the game, its that we have the same small group of them being overtly vocal about it. We get it, quit drilling it into every thread possible.
mjc said:
I don't think its so much that there are tons of people here hating on the game, its that we have the same small group of them being overtly vocal about it. We get it, quit drilling it into every thread possible.

I'm just seriously hating on Activision right now...like full on ranting and waving my arms over my head, fist-shaking stuff.

So yeah...no excuse.

Anyway, I'll leave the thread to you lads that are enjoying the game.


pixel monkey said:
Why are some of you getting so worked up, so upset and defensive if some GAF members think Prototype failed to live up to the hype, and is a piss poor game?

If you enjoy the title, then what the hell do you care? Play it and have fun with it.

I think the issue is the people saying it's a bad game haven't PLAYED the game. All the early reviews are positive, the people that got the game early seem to have positive things to say about the game, yet people are still saying the game is shit and they "dropped the ball".

And pixel monkey, we know you don't like the game, you have made that clear in every post.

I'm not trying to defend the game or anything, honestly I'm waiting for the Giantbomb review before I make my choice to buy or rent.


aka surume
mjc said:
I don't think its so much that there are tons of people here hating on the game, its that we have the same small group of them being overtly vocal about it. We get it, quit drilling it into every thread possible.


bigdaddygamebot said:
I'm just seriously hating on Activision right now...like full on ranting and waving my arms over my head, fist-shaking stuff.

So yeah...no excuse.

Anyway, I'll leave the thread to you lads that are enjoying the game.

Thanks for the quality discussion. What are you, fourteen years old?

Coin Return

Loose Slot
Gamestop is giving me vague, wishy-washy answers on when the game will actually be available...hopefully I'll have it around 7 EST.
Shinjitsu said:
I think the issue is the people saying it's a bad game haven't PLAYED the game. All the early reviews are positive, the people that got the game early seem to have positive things to say about the game, yet people are still saying the game is shit and they "dropped the ball".

And pixel monkey, we know you don't like the game, you have made that clear in every post.

I'm not trying to defend the game or anything, honestly I'm waiting for the Giantbomb review before I make my choice to buy or rent.

And quite a few of the ones who are supporting the game have equally little hands-on experience with it, yet somehow see it reasonable to scream over the opinions of the former group, as well as employ plenty of selective reading when talking about the many positive impressions from GAFers. Add some ridiculously exaggerated commentary about hate and shit, and it's almost like an official thread in here! Go figure.

Now, I for one would like to know what's what about this embargo. AOPM says one thing, backflip says another.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Are you saying that the dude is lying about this?
Nope..I'm saying that some people are getting overly paranoid about the possible not-so positive reviews...even people that were not going to buy the game anyway, just rent it..

And even Annoying said that "the game is not bad" yet, "OMG the game sucks!!"
AltogetherAndrews said:
Now, I for one would like to know what's what about this embargo. AOPM says one thing, backflip says another.
Well, I guess the only thing left for us to do is wait and see. I want the game to be good as I've been looking forward to it for a long time but who knows? This whole embargo mess has got my head all confused.


fernoca said:
Nope..I'm saying that some people are getting overly paranoid about the possible not-so positive reviews...even people that were not going to buy the game anyway, just rent it..

And even Annoying said that "the game is not bad" yet, "OMG the game sucks!!"

we just want a demo!! :p and its cool seeing impressions and reviews, they do have an effect on whether people will buy the game. Keep em coming (negative and positive!)

How's the draw in distance? What about textures? People mentioned its worse than infamous but you move a lot faster. How accurate did they make NYC (a big deal for some of us who live here and would like to play in a full scale manhattan)?


AltogetherAndrews said:
Oh yeah, about that... does the RAGE and subsequent mayhem feel justified?

The main character asks himself what's going on exactly twice.

Then he murders around 250 people while doing crazy shit he never really knew he could do, without questioning it.

To answer your question; no.
fernoca said:
Nope..I'm saying that some people are getting overly paranoid about the possible not-so positive reviews...even people that were not going to buy the game anyway, just rent it..

And even Annoying said that "the game is not bad" yet, "OMG the game sucks!!"

First of all, who has said "OMG the game sucks?" There's a lot of talk about this and hate, yet looking at the actual posts made, it doesn't seem to be a very common attitude.

Secondly, about people being "paranoid" about a game if there's an embargo on reviews with lesser scores, blame Activision for this. People weren't supposed to be concerned about the lack of a demo because, hey, they take time to make, and of course people shouldn't be concerned with review embargoes because, hey, that's standard procedure.


JdFoX187 said:
I've been reading the impressions and watching videos and I still can't see what's so bad about it. The videos look insanely fun. Unless I'm just completely missing something or the controls are horrid, this looks like a must-purchase for me. I'm playing through inFAMOUS right now and it's fun as well, but I'm looking to just raise some serious hell in a world.
And can you ever in this game. The shit you can pull of in this game still amazed me hours after playing. I did not play infamous, so i won't compare it to that, but i'm having an absolute blast playing prototype, just pure genuine fun. And honestly, i am having a harder and harder time finding that in games these days, don't know if its me or the games, maybe a little of both ;).
icechai said:
we just want a demo!! :p and its cool seeing impressions and reviews, they do have an effect on whether people will buy the game. Keep em coming (negative and positive!)

How's the draw in distance? What about textures? People mentioned its worse than infamous but you move a lot faster. How accurate did they make NYC (a big deal for some of us who live here and would like to play in a full scale manhattan)?

Draw in seemed okay, textures are pretty abysmal (graphically the game is sub-standard in 2009) and NYC is about as accurate as it was in Spider-man 3.

In fact, the game looks very much like Spidey 3 without the QTEs, with Venom-eque appendage powers, Hulk Smash ability and with Alex running up buildings instead of wallcrawling them.

Imagine a re-skinned Spider-man 3, with some darker themes and you're just about there.



I'm here for Prototype, so more Prototype things!

Body Surfing Unlock Code:
Select “Extras” from the Main Menu and go to “Cheats”
Enter: Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up, Up, Down

You get the ability later in the game, but in case anyone wants to use since the very beginning use it, it doesn't affect Achievements or game progress.


pixel monkey said:
NYC is about as accurate as it was in Spider-man 3.

In fact, the game looks very much like Spidey 3 without the QTEs, with Venom-eque appendage powers, Hulk Smash ability and with Alex running up buildings instead of wallcrawling them.

Imagine a re-skinned Spider-man 3, with some darker themes and you're just about there.

never played that one (first gen gfx was a bit hard on the eyes back then compared to other options), GTA has a mini NYC, is it like that one? :p


Do we have any actual hands-on GAF reports on this one? Besides pixel going off for 6 pages about how shit the game is after watching it played for an hour. Real impressions please.
I really hope this is good and I picked it up today, but I'm still knee-deep into Red Faction so I'll wait until the reviews come out to open it up.

One interesting note from local Gamestop guys is that it is selling at a much, much faster pace than Red Faction or inFamous sold. Activision sure knows how to market something into a hit.
DrBo42 said:
Do we have any actual hands-on GAF reports on this one? Besides pixel going off for 6 pages about how shit the game is after watching it played for an hour. Real impressions please.

Have you tried reading this thread?


DrBo42 said:
Do we have any actual hands-on GAF reports on this one? Besides pixel going off for 6 pages about how shit the game is after watching it played for an hour. Real impressions please.

Go to the previous page.

Also, I am not hating on the game. I am concerned. Before Infamous was out I wa smore excited for Prototype. Now with the review politics and stuff it got me worried. If the review tomorrow turn out good I get it.

I don't really believe in GAF impressions. I got burned too many times but maybe it's jst the Nintendo nuts that have bad taste.


Prototype isn't bad I'm having fun with it, feels a lot like playing the Hulk games (of course) but I'm afraid Imfamous is the better game here. From what Ive played (about 3 hours) I'm guessing IGN / Gamespot will give it low or mid 8's ,Which isnt a bad thing.
DrBo42 said:
Do we have any actual hands-on GAF reports on this one? Besides pixel going off for 6 pages about how shit the game is after watching it played for an hour. Real impressions please.

We can agree to disagree, but my impressions are just that...MY impressions. If you don't like them, or don't agree with the other negative views that are beginning to trickle in...then just run along and pick up your copy of Activision's latest treat, little one.
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