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The Official Prototype Thread


AltogetherAndrews said:
Right, but I was thinking more about the actual physical appearance. Can I play the game as, say, a soldier and still use all of the abilities of Alex? I guess what I'm looking for is using other shapes as default skins, is that possible?

Yes you still have all of Alex's abilities when using a disguise. Sorry for the confusion lol.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Right, but I was thinking more about the actual physical appearance. Can I play the game as, say, a soldier and still use all of the abilities of Alex? I guess what I'm looking for is using other shapes as default skins, is that possible?

when you consume somebody you have the option to switch to their disguise until you consume another person. You really can't use different "disguises" from the people you consume for very long. It only recognizes the last person you have consumed and your default character (maybe you can hold more as you get farther in the game, but I doubt it).


AltogetherAndrews said:
Right, but I was thinking more about the actual physical appearance. Can I play the game as, say, a soldier and still use all of the abilities of Alex? I guess what I'm looking for is using other shapes as default skins, is that possible?
Didn't someone say you can keep the disguise for as long as you want? Or until you reach a certain threat level with your actions. I'm not sure if you can use all the crazy abilities in those forms though.

Edit: Yeah thought so. Late as well.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Right, but I was thinking more about the actual physical appearance. Can I play the game as, say, a soldier and still use all of the abilities of Alex? I guess what I'm looking for is using other shapes as default skins, is that possible?

There was a youtube video I saw of Alex as a soldier running up walls like crazy, picking up cars.

Here it is, it loads a lot so im sorry.

Well I just passed the 5 hour mark.
The game has grown on me, it's non stop action.
The panic and violence is among the crowd is awesome.

I predict 7's across the board.

Now i need to finish the game till tomorrow night for my review x_x


non-sanctioned troll
You still have the ability to run up walls, glide, pick things up, and jump extremely high. However, you can NOT use your claws, shield, or other offensive powers. As soon as you pick one, it transforms you back to Alex.


squatingyeti said:
You still have the ability to run up walls, glide, pick things up, and jump extremely high. However, you can NOT use your claws, shield, or other offensive powers. As soon as you pick one, it transforms you back to Alex.

And your disguise still stays on when you're running up walls and flying around the city? You figure this would make the group who's disguise you're imitating quite a bit suspicious.


JRW said:
Yes you still have all of Alex's abilities when using a disguise. Sorry for the confusion lol.
I believe you shift back to alex when you use powers (like claws or shield), but things like throwing, hitting with fists and running up buildings/flying you can do in disguise. Disguise doesn't have much use outside of missions, but i found it just fun in general to look like people on the street. Looking like a street hooker and doing the stuff alex does is pretty awesome :lol .


AltogetherAndrews said:
Alright, sounds good.

As mentioned above you CANT use your claws and other powers while using a disguise (it auto switches back to Alex if you try to) I normally dont stay in other forms long enough to of noticed this but I just confirmed it myself before posting this. Doh!


Managed to snag the game early. My impressions so far.

Definitely not the prettiest game on the market but alot of the times your running up buildings or jumping at good speeds so its not all that noticeable. The amount of people on screen at a time is pretty nice to see (especially when you see them all running away screaming).

At times there can be alot of action going on at once. For instance a building might be blowing up, panicking drivers and civilians, dozens of foot soldiers shooting at you, helicopters and tanks firing rockets and the occasional monster. At these times the game seems to hold up pretty well. there is the odd slowdown here and there but its not common and doesn't last long enough to drag you out of the experience.

I remember an interview with the developers from last year where they said they could pull off areas that looked like a scene out of I Am Legend. At the time I didn't believe I would see anything like that at all, but to my surprise they more or less nailed it. I was running around a heavily infected part of the city. All of a sudden I noticed the streets below me. Some buildings were on fire, smoke was coming from a few directions. This gave the sky an eerie flame look which which changed the lighting of the city area. The roads had deserted cars placed in a believable way while around them dozens of bodies were lying in the streets. It actually put a chill up my spine.

The gameplay itself is alot of fun. The running, jumping, fighting feels very nice and the animation is pretty well done. There are a couple of problems with the camera now and again. Like one moment your running up a building and all of a sudden it does a 180 causing you to fall. Thankfully it doesn't happen too many times so its nothing serious to worry about. The soldiers put up a good fight. At first its just assault rifles they fire at you which you easily laugh off. Progress a little further and they get more serious with missile and grenade launchers. Not to mention one soldier can call in 2 choppers which are really hard to shake at first. You get about 3 seconds to stop him from calling them in. The monsters are pretty average. You have your everyday slow zombie, to more agile and sometimes carrying weapons, tentacles that come out of the ground (real pain when your in a tank) and big bear like things called hunters which almost always cause you problems.

The main missions don't break any new ground. You have the go here, protect this, collect this, follow this type for the majority. They are alot of fun to do most of the time though some go on alot longer than they should (for example you need to protect a building from oncoming infected for 4 minutes. Should you fail you have to do that part over again).

The side missions are a good diversion and a good way to save up for the skills you want to unlock. There's about 7-8 different types from consuming selected peoples memory in the time limit, a push back style mission where you team up with infected, gliding where you have to land in the middle of the target, checkpoint race and a few others.

All in all this is a really fun game. One of those ones that put a smile on your face when you pull off a cool trick or dismember a pack of soldiers. I would roughly say that the main campaign lasts around 10-12 hours but there is plenty of diversions after that to keep you entertained. Definitely worth a look in :D
Zeliard said:
And your disguise still stays on when you're running up walls and flying around the city? You figure this would make the group who's disguise you're imitating quite a bit suspicious.

yeah, it stays on while you're running up the walls.....not sure about flying....

the thing about being noticed is that you seem to be about 10x more likely to be noticed during missions than just roaming around the city in-between missions.
Zeliard said:
And your disguise still stays on when you're running up walls and flying around the city? You figure this would make the group who's disguise you're imitating quite a bit suspicious.

This seems related:

Truant said:
The stealth mechanic doesn't feel as tacked on as I initially thought, even if you can get away with a large number of strangely suspicious, and often ridiculous, stunts while dressed up as a soldier to access some off-limits area.


Aye. I can forgive a lapse in logic like that if it's done in the name of making the gameplay more convenient, as seems the case here.
Zeliard said:
And your disguise still stays on when you're running up walls and flying around the city? You figure this would make the group who's disguise you're imitating quite a bit suspicious.

Even when you're not disguised running up and flying around doesn't draw all that much attention unless you run head first into a swarm of military men. I like the game overall though. Super action packed adrenaline rush.


sullytao said:
Managed to snag the game early. My impressions so far.

Definitely not the prettiest game on the market but alot of the times your running up buildings or jumping at good speeds so its not all that noticeable. The amount of people on screen at a time is pretty nice to see (especially when you see them all running away screaming).

At times there can be alot of action going on at once. For instance a building might be blowing up, panicking drivers and civilians, dozens of foot soldiers shooting at you, helicopters and tanks firing rockets and the occasional monster. At these times the game seems to hold up pretty well. there is the odd slowdown here and there but its not common and doesn't last long enough to drag you out of the experience.

I remember an interview with the developers from last year where they said they could pull off areas that looked like a scene out of I Am Legend. At the time I didn't believe I would see anything like that at all, but to my surprise they more or less nailed it. I was running around a heavily infected part of the city. All of a sudden I noticed the streets below me. Some buildings were on fire, smoke was coming from a few directions. This gave the sky an eerie flame look which which changed the lighting of the city area. The roads had deserted cars placed in a believable way while around them dozens of bodies were lying in the streets. It actually put a chill up my spine.

The gameplay itself is alot of fun. The running, jumping, fighting feels very nice and the animation is pretty well done. There are a couple of problems with the camera now and again. Like one moment your running up a building and all of a sudden it does a 180 causing you to fall. Thankfully it doesn't happen too many times so its nothing serious to worry about. The soldiers put up a good fight. At first its just assault rifles they fire at you which you easily laugh off. Progress a little further and they get more serious with missile and grenade launchers. Not to mention one soldier can call in 2 choppers which are really hard to shake at first. You get about 3 seconds to stop him from calling them in. The monsters are pretty average. You have your everyday slow zombie, to more agile and sometimes carrying weapons, tentacles that come out of the ground (real pain when your in a tank) and big bear like things called hunters which almost always cause you problems.

The main missions don't break any new ground. You have the go here, protect this, collect this, follow this type for the majority. They are alot of fun to do most of the time though some go on alot longer than they should (for example you need to protect a building from oncoming infected for 4 minutes. Should you fail you have to do that part over again).

The side missions are a good diversion and a good way to save up for the skills you want to unlock. There's about 7-8 different types from consuming selected peoples memory in the time limit, a push back style mission where you team up with infected, gliding where you have to land in the middle of the target, checkpoint race and a few others.

All in all this is a really fun game. One of those ones that put a smile on your face when you pull off a cool trick or dismember a pack of soldiers. I would roughly say that the main campaign lasts around 10-12 hours but there is plenty of diversions after that to keep you entertained. Definitely worth a look in :D

Hmmm.... you put this back on the radar to pick up tomorrow with store credit. I never got to play Hulk UD, so I'm thinking this may actually be pretty good for me as a new impression. The official reviews in the 8 range are helping as well.
vandalvideo said:
Even when you're not disguised running up and flying around doesn't draw all that much attention unless you run head first into a swarm of military men. I like the game overall though. Super action packed adrenaline rush.

Your disguise always stays on, no matter what you do. It only changes if you choose a particular power, like when you equip a claws attack.

Nobody seems to notice when you are in disguise. You can run on walls, smash things, consume people. You can even stand in front of military men and run amok, and they will only stand around and pretend that they heard something and they scan the area. They only take action if you insist for a long time. Once, I grabbed a truck right outside a military base and threw it on two soldiers, and they started shouting "friendlies god damn it, friendlies":lol
AltogetherAndrews said:

I installed right away (playing on 360 so I can't speak for PS3 version)

The loading times are pretty small. Loads in-between the cut-scenes that start the missions and the mini-events you do and that's about it. Pretty pleased with the loading overall....


G-Fex said:
Damnit sully now you're making me want it again. So is it out everywhere friday or tommorow?
Shipped today in the US, so most stores will have it Tomorrow.
Releases on Europe this Friday.
Just grabbed a copy...can't wait to give it a go. Between this, Red Faction: Guerrilla and inFAMOUS, I feel like a really spoiled open world game fan.
Brad Shoemaker on Prototype (Giant Bombcast):
- Review embargo up for a few more days
- Game is basically Hulk Ultimate Destruction ('a lot more but kinda that')
- Premise is same as Infamous, gameplay very different
- You can fuck up helicopters (10 minute tangent on this)
- Sounded a little down on the game. We'll see though!


If this game has no online at all I'll end up picking it up for my 360. I have gold now but I won't in a couple of months. I'm just assuming, but the 360 version is superior right?


DevelopmentArrested said:
Brad Shoemaker on Prototype (Giant Bombcast):
- Review embargo up for a few more days
- Game is basically Hulk Ultimate Destruction
- Story is different from Infamous
- You can fuck up helicopters (10 minute tangent on this)
- Sounded a little down on the game. We'll see though!



DevelopmentArrested said:
Brad Shoemaker on Prototype (Giant Bombcast):
- Review embargo up for a few more days
- Game is basically Hulk Ultimate Destruction
- Story is different from Infamous
- You can fuck up helicopters (10 minute tangent on this)
- Sounded a little down on the game. We'll see though!

pfft forget it i don't trust those dudes.


McLovin said:
If this game has no online at all I'll end up picking it up for my 360. I have gold now but I won't in a couple of months. I'm just assuming, but the 360 version is superior right?

I'm pretty sure this game is singleplayer.


Gamestop manager called me today told me it'd be in tomorrow. Definitely hyped, can't wait to play some after work tomorrow.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Eh, we've been through this. Review embargo, and it allegedly involves a certain score level.

Wha? Care to elaborate, You mean they're not allowed to review it yet?
This can't sound good for the game at all.


IGN's Prototype review of the Xbox 360 version will go live at 9:00 AM Pacific on Wednesday, June 10, which is when the embargo set by Activision lifts. We were not sent copies of the PS3 or PC versions by the publisher, so those reviews will follow as soon as possible. Stay tuned for our verdict.

Is it normally a bad thing when a big game site isn't sent review copies?
JRW said:
Wha? Care to elaborate, You mean they're not allowed to review it yet?

I don't know the details of the embargo, but from the sounds of it, some reviews are blocked until tomorrow, depending on review score. Not sure if that's true, but we'll know soon enough.

Coin Return

Loose Slot
Just got home with the 360 version, thankfully my Gamestop got their shipment an hour before closing. Hope to post some impressions later!


Tom Penny said:
Well unofficial reviews are 9 9 9 9.8 so far.

I have 360s version I was just curious why there wasn't any reviews up yet. After playing it more today I'd say its 8.5 - 9.0 quality myself. Very addictive gameplay.


AltogetherAndrews said:
There's a third possibility there. But we'll see in a little over 12 hours.
I have a feeling something terrible is on the horizon.

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